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Go to Options, then Controls, then where it says '[mouse steer]' (the third clickable button from the top) click! It should change to a keyboard setting. You can learn more about it here.
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz :Tell him to stop what? having two names with one account?

And god knows haha, he is a heshe

Yeah. It's just a little annoying, and it's not going to make feelings towards him/her/heshe any better...or your life any easier. And it might be interesting to find out how he does it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz :i didnt see equinox's post till now. Yeah it seem she doesnt have two accounts, its just two different names linked to one account, no clue how he did it

It'd be appreciated if you could stop him doing it, or you'll be bound to get loads of people contacting you about multiple accounts...and people like me doing asking you to stop him doing whatever he is doing regardless of whether he has 2 profiles or not.

Also, she or he?
S3 licensed
Quote from Timdpr :I'll move my post across:

I've decided to give it a go. And I know the car is slow, but I had to get a Scirocco somehow!

Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI DSG '09

| Bhp: 273 | Kg: 1137 | Watts: 0 | Drive: FWD | Class 2 |

Peformance update.

I might have a go at doing something to the visuals soon. Or pay someone to do 'em for me Though I think I'll just do what I did with the Hyundai, a nice simple edit - I'm not one for bodykits etc.
S3 licensed
Congratulations drivers! Great stuff. And well done CoRe, I'm glad you won as your drivers seem very friendly and have occasionally been helping Clockwork with sets/tips etc. Next step is getting good enough to join

I'd have loved NDR to have won though!
S3 licensed
Welcome xtraction! Big grin
S3 licensed
Uh - oh, I'm starting to like these things! A (what should have been a) 5 minute edit (but it actually took quite a while) on my family's car, a Hyundai Coupe:



It wasn't much, and the bonnet (sorry, hood ) doesn't actually look that great but I enjoyed it. A bit more practice, and we'll see what happens. I had a go at replacing the hubcaps (sorry, rims ) but found I like the stock ones better. At least I can do it!

5 smileys in 4 sentences.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
I liked the 'proper' tracks personally (as in the non-autox tracks). And I'd agree with a fixed format through all rounds, but frankly I don't really mind what it is (although on second thoughts heats would probably be best.)

I wasn't great last year, so I didn't have as many battles etc as I might have liked, but I really liked it because I enjoyed the cars.
S3 licensed
I'll move my post across:

I've decided to give it a go. And I know the car is slow, but I had to get a Scirocco somehow!

Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI DSG '09

| Bhp: 243 | Kg: 1197 | Watts: 0 | Drive: FWD | Class 2 |
Last edited by Timdpr, . Reason : Kg update
S3 licensed
Quote from Timdpr :Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI DSG '09

| Bhp: 243 | Kg: 1202 | Watts: 0 | Drive: FWD | Class 2 |

If it's not too late, please note the BHP change. And now I'll move to the other thread
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Please remove the hotlink to Darcy's site. Link to the thread instead.

Bleh, sorry, mind slipped. Uhh...for Mattzel's HQ cap of the last 6 laps, look here: ... 7&t=3977&start=25 You will need to register if you have not done so already.

God that was stupid! :sorry: Cheers for reminding me amp88 and his brilliant assorted videos thread!
S3 licensed
Wallpaper attatched, I'm using it now as my little tribute to the mighty Billy Mays. Like speed1, I feel worse about Billy Mays than any of the others who have died recently. I genuinely feel really sad. It's slightly worrying actually, I thik there's something wrong with me!

I hope his gravestone says "HI! BILLY MAYS HERE!"
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Does anyone maybe know where could i find those last laps of this amazing DTM race for download?
I'd like to have this in some kind of archive.

It doesn't have to be HD or some huge quality, youtube quality is enough

Thank you

Here's the last lap (credits to TBK Light's planetef1).
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
I've decided to give it a go. And I know the car is slow, but I had to get one somehow!

Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI DSG '09

| Bhp: 243 | Kg: 1202 | Watts: 0 | Drive: FWD | Class 2 |

I'm predicting 5th (possibly 4th if I'm lucky ) if you'd be so kind as to give it a race birthday boy? You don't have to.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed

You might want to remove the 'Car Choice (XFG or XRG)' line and the 'XFG' in the example.
S3 licensed
Quote from IamKoyote :The Teams for tomorrow as follows:


Can't wait! #04, team 1 (obviously the best team ) for me. Which cars are we using then? I'd prefer the RB4, mainly because I have a set and it should be a bit easier, but I'm okay with the XRT.

And sorry for missing the earlier stuff, stress tests or whatever.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Mojo1987 :We discuss internal about your offense against the admins, maybe this have some consequences and maybe it's for you not needed to race again in this "shit league with shit admins".

You can post your oppinion, but without offense against other peoples they use their leisure to provide you good races. I'am very angry about this!

You do provide good races, definately. You put in serious amounts of effort, and for that I'm very grateful. I just don't think the adminning is quite right. Well okay, I think it's pretty bad. I haven't given you anything, and you have given me a lot, so you have the right to do anything you want with your series. Thank you for allowing us to post our opinions (although you deleted the posts rather than moved them), and I hope you can understand why I called you what I did. I have retracted it because I now know you didn't do what I thought you did! If you had let Mante race I would be very annoyed, and I was. Thank you for not letting him race!

Okay, that didn't make much sense. Basically:

Please take into account that I called you shit for something I was led to believe you had done when you hadn't. If someone told you I had, say, smashed up your computer, you probably would have said I was shit! But believe me, I haven't.

And anyway, Timo called you shit too!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :He's probably even more confused now as I tried to explain it to him in Spanish...

Made me laugh

And yeah, the guy that just took the penalty should read the rules about pitting - better late than never! :P

As for the stream, it is perfect. No lag. Absolutely none. My internet connection isn't great and I'm running my laptop on a power-saving setting with loads of stuff open. And I am having absolutely no problems, it is really smooth and quite a nice quality.

Quote from G!NhO :Where is clockwork members?

All gone. Everyone seems to have been caught up in someone else's incedent. 2 in the first crash, then 1 in Chadwick and Diaz's incedent. Actually I might be wrong, but something like that.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed

admins are s***.... ???? *reported*

Ah, good. Still, I wouldn't say GTAL has the best admins ever, considering the pretty consistent problems we've been having. Not quite shit but not particularly good. I can't say they haven't done a lot of work though, and it is a very hard job. I'll consider driving again.
S3 licensed
Wow, we've got embedding in LFSForum now!
S3 licensed
GMT is the same time as UTC. They are using UTC time.
S3 licensed
God these admins are shit. Well I'm not driving in GTAL again.

EDIT: Retracted!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Times now:

UTC = 16:02

GMT = 16:02

BST = 17:02

CET = 18:02

S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Stream offline?

There's currently ~40 mins to wait, so yeah.
Last edited by Timdpr, . Reason : Can't count :P
S3 licensed
I had a couple of crap runs and then I had no time (irl) for a third. Frown I felt I had an okay chance of getting in Shrug

Anyway, the very best of luck to you three! I shouldn't jinx us, but I think we could do pretty well. Smile I'll be watching you...or hopefully racing with you if 8 people drop out