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Quote from dekojester :It's just disappointing that we only have 2 "Rookie Class" drivers here.


Mm, at least we're quite close in terms of pace...except I was a bit faster this time and we didn't see any of each other! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Still, I had pressure - I couldn't make a mistake.
At least the cars were fun to drive. And a win is always nice, even if it is in a race of two! And it sounds quite nice to say that I finished second in an LX4 against LX6s . Let's hope some more people turn up for next round, I'm sure they will.

Cheers guys!

Oh, P.S...Notice anything odd at the start? Mabye the fact that I was last on the grid, behind the 2 safety cars? Woops!

P.P.S. What was with the lag SC? And FAIL, it went too fast agin...
S3 licensed
Oh lol, I see! Well,

Quote from NDR Sporting Code :b. For closed-roof cars (tintops), the car number shall be clearly marked on the
doors, and on the roof of the car, to be visible from facing the left side of the car.
c. For open cockpit cars (formula cars), the car number shall be placed on the nose
section, oriented so as to be viewed facing the car straight on; and the numbers
shall be on both rear wing endplates.
d. For open cockpit cars without wings (MRT), the numbers that would normally be
on the endplates shall be placed on the sidepods.

I dunno tbh. I was going to say it fell under d. but I don't think it does. It isn't a tintop (though that's probably the nearest definition), it ain't a formula car and d. doesn't work because 'open cockpit' means 'formula car' it seems. Admins?
S3 licensed
Awesome. Just awesome. I was, and am, very glad to have played a part in this masterpiece! Problem is, as the filming was so long ago, I can't remember which cars I am

Filming took ages, and we had a few problems with certain people...I won't name names...but it has all been more than worth it. Brilliant job on the editing, the sound effects were great, and it was so well put together.

As for some of the suggestions, well...they're perfectly legitimate, but filming will have to be a lot more professional if there's a next time! The organisers did nothing wrong, I just can't help but feel some people had the wrong attitude in filming...refusing to do what Start etc said, playing around with start point bugs on the drag strip (okay that was funny, but it meant some shoots took 9 hours! And that meant people got bored etc, leading to more problems...:shrug Back to my point...some of these great suggestions would probably be very hard to impement, if people don't play ball!

But I don't want to sound negative, it all seems to have worked out brilliantly! There are a few inevitable flaws, fair enough with the criticism, but I feel the makers have done pretty much the best job they could - and my, is it a magnificent one! Thank you! If there's a Collateral Collision 2, and I can help in any way (acting or otherwise) I'll be glad to help!
S3 licensed
Quote from Szymonek :Where should we put number plates?

Halfway through the spare wheel.

Do you mean what should we put on them?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Have fun guys, wish I was coming but ah well.
S3 licensed
He still drove it pretty fast through Paris But the sound...'enhances' it a bit.

Anyway, the sound doesn't ruin it for me either. Okay I'd probably prefer the original, but it still sounds good IMO. Mabye because I'm not concentrating on the sound, I don't really notice the faults. And besides, the point of the film is Ari driving, and where he is driving (i.e. very fast, VERY close to the edge ), not the sound.
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :The 2nd bit is what i mean, in that as you say, stress to be the final determination of what happens.

That wouldn't be 100% realistic, as anything can break at any time for whatever reason, but totally random would be a little OTT i think.

Yeah, this may be a simulation, and we may want it to be as realistic as possible, but it isn't real life. Because of the races people do in LFS, and because of the mindset they approach these races with, totally random would be a little OTT. Though having said that, I wouldn't mind too much, but I'm sure a lot of people would.
S3 licensed
Quote from buedi :Errmm... what I see here is still "nice to watch"... but what did they do to the Pikes Peak? When I watched some races in the 80s there was no paved road. And what the hell is the Co doing in that Ford Cockpit? I thought climbing the Pikes Peak is a "Man (not men) and Machine thing"?

+1000, I was pretty dissappointed by the movie actually. I thought 'that's not very dramatic, it doesn't look very fast, what's wrong? And why is there a co-driver? Oh crap they've paved it!'

As soon as they got to the gravel sections it looked really good. Pah! The way the movie was done was great though, and brilliant quality. But nowhere near Climb Dance, mostly because of what was being filmed.
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Jakg! You can now buy alcohol, cigarettes, fireworks, certain movies , lighter fuel, solvents, crossbows, knives and much more...oh god, look out world!

Have fun! Try not to get too pissed in posession of all the things above, or if you do, please video it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :Also, what if a team has 5 engines left and only 3 races to go?

Then they have ****ed up their strategy
S3 licensed
Quote from tio nocho :yes chase cam view .... but if i´m right in older versions of lfs this Rear mirror exists ? no ?

So if can´t put mirror in this view.................. FAILLLL

hehehehe So tanks people and again (sry about bad english )

Chase cam ain't for driving with! So why would you need mirrors?

EDIT: Woah, he made the same thread over 2 years ago in improvement suggestions
S3 licensed
Is Wenault! Wong spelling make me wery wery angwy!

I would say something constructive to stop this from being purely spam [EDIT: oh crap, oops], but I really don't want to get involved this silly argument. Whilst I'd prefer it if drivers didn't 'give up', in the current situation it is very sensible for any driver to do what Lewis did, and I'm sure any driver would! Why this is a reason for Hamilton-bashing I don't know, because he did what a good driver should do in that situation! As I said, it is annoying, but it isn't like Lewis is the only one who would do that.

Hell, even Gilles Villeneuve would probably have tried to save his car for the next race!
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz :Done

S3 licensed ... sful-asian-f1-driver.html

Yep, I think it's Sato. 40 points from 68 starts. Satoru Nakajima had 16 points from 79 starts.
S3 licensed
I agree with el pibe. If you want to stop us racing in the next race of any kind if we finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd, I'm fine with that. But update the rules so that it says that! ... /index.php?showtopic=2671

Quote :2. If you have finished 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the previous race from that class, you are not allowed to enter the next race of the same kind (e,g if you entered a drag you can't enter the next drag race) in that class with the same car.

S3 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :Drag and drop the links into your address bar... that way it works.

That'll be it, I clicked on them then refreshed them.

Pity I won't have internetz this weekend, but as StableX said the videos after are great. I love Pikes Peak too!
S3 licensed
No prob. For some reason I'm very google savvy.
S3 licensed ... n_expanded_sebring_field/
Quote :The last NASCAR driver to win at Sebring was Terry Labonte in 1984 in the GT class.

Here is a highlights video of the race.

And I believe he won in the GTO class in the 1984 24h of Daytona (with Billy Hagan and Gene Felton) in this very car: ... 6/10/24_hours_of_day.html
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Works here
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :A fantasic point, and well made.

Basically, in an accident, bits fall off cars. Sometimes people are just unlucky. Like Henry.

+1. It seems obvious now

And I agree, it really is luck that determines what bits fall of a car, where they go and if anything else is there when they arrive.

In a youtube video of the accident someone who works with F2 cars said that if there is a shearing force the wheel comes off really easily, the tether being practically useless. The video was 'Removed by the user' unfortunately, so I suppose this doesn't sound very reliable! I'm sure there is some more info on this somewhere though.
S3 licensed