Awesome. Just awesome. I was, and am, very glad to have played a part in this masterpiece! Problem is, as the filming was so long ago, I can't remember which cars I am
Filming took ages, and we had a few problems with certain people...I won't name names...but it has all been more than worth it. Brilliant job on the editing, the sound effects were great, and it was so well put together.
As for some of the suggestions, well...they're perfectly legitimate, but filming will have to be a lot more professional if there's a next time! The organisers did nothing wrong, I just can't help but feel some people had the wrong attitude in filming...refusing to do what Start etc said, playing around with start point bugs on the drag strip (okay that was funny, but it meant some shoots took 9 hours! And that meant people got bored etc, leading to more problems...:shrug

Back to my point...some of these great suggestions would probably be very hard to impement, if people don't play ball!
But I don't want to sound negative, it all seems to have worked out brilliantly! There are a few inevitable flaws, fair enough with the criticism, but I feel the makers have done pretty much the best job they could - and my, is it a magnificent one! Thank you!

If there's a Collateral Collision 2, and I can help in any way (acting or otherwise) I'll be glad to help!