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Same as my monitor!
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Having a problem, can anyone help? Vista sp1.
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I don't play fruit machines, but a few years ago I went to Scotland (great place ) and as I had some time to waste, I had a go on one of those coin-pushing things. It was in some spa place, and wasn't as flashy as the one in the link! It was only me there, and, armed with 20 2p coins, set about shoving them down those slots. There must have been something wrong, because I won almost every time. Whole chunks of 2p coins fell down, and as the machine was multi-faced (like the one in the link) there were loads to win! I cleared all the overhanging coins on the 6 or so sides before I left, and came back the next day to do the same again!

It seems a bit silly, I only won 2p coins, but I was young and there were a lot of them! There must have been about 20 quid's worth, like BBO@BSR I needed a bag to carry them. Plus this was no software fault, either the machine was weighted wrong etc, or I was very, very lucky!
S3 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :

That's been done as an XRR skin! Whenever I drive an XRR, I use that skin
S3 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :Now, its ok, i was just blind and not seeing that you already had the number of the beast

I thought you wanted 666, not my number, 616

Quote :Professor David Parker, Professor of New Testament Textual Criticism and Paleography at the University of Birmingham, thinks that 616, although less memorable than 666, is the original. Dr. Ellen Aitken said: “Scholars have argued for a long time over this, and it now seems that 616 was the original number of the beast. It's probably about 100 years before any other version."[18]

The wink is a link!
S3 licensed
Downloading now, looks pretty good!
S3 licensed

EDIT: Played around with it a bit (just installed it) and it takes a little while to master on a laptop! I do quite like it, though
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from SidiousX :Has nothing on this....

I read about that in autosport a few months ago, and immediately went on youtube and watched that shows the safety of NASCAR!
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :

That completely went over my head till I watched it twice.

Anyone seen compare the meerkat? Simples.

Lol, if only it wasn't an advert for the site it's parodying...parodieng...for the site it is a parody of
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Hahaha, only reason we watch American racing - The crashes

Hey, that's not right, there's some good...well, it's and all that...tactics...oh, alright, we watch it for the crashes!
S3 licensed
I saw this advert for earlier today. Spot the subliminal advertising for LFS, and possibly a hint as to what will be contained in the next patch...powerboats?
S3 licensed
LFS may not be the best driving simulator out there (though there's a good chance it is physics-wise) but it is definately the best bang-for-your-buck racing sim! £24 is an absolute bargain, it's almost worth iRacing prices (~$200 a year! ) and is the same quality. Some people will tell you it's better, (I haven't tried both) it's a matter of opinion.

Glad to see you're going to get EDIT: got!! s2! See ya on the track!

These will help:
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
You don't know how many people's lives I have ruined with that!

Sorry if I've upset you, it's hard to tell over the interwebz.
S3 licensed
Yaay! Good luck NDR guys, if this is as good as your leagues I'll be visiting often!
S3 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :I want to change my number to 666

(Ill update my original post right now)

If you want the number of the beast, you fail, I have it!
S3 licensed
British teenagers are obese? Naah, they're pregnant!
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Not yet. But it will do soon if LFS doesn't do something drastic quite soon.

iRacing is too expensive to compete atm.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Jesus christ what is it with the UK and teen parents? I mean, seriously, why is it that nowhere else in the civilized world teen pregnancies are as high as they are in the UK? British parents must be doing something wrong ... ence_of_teenage_pregnancy

I know it's wikipedia, and I know the stats are from 2002, but it isn't quite as bad as the media makes out (a lot like stabbings!)
S3 licensed
Quote from chrize1 :well, what about something like "auto-connect" when someone leaves the server?

Very good idea!
S3 licensed
Can't make it, sorry guys.

Have I been to all required practice sessions? Or rather, was I credited with coming to session 5?
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :I edited. Happy?

:doh: I mean delete your second post and put the information in it in the first! It clutters up the forum, and looks as if you're just trying to up your post count and enlarge your e-penis. Everyone can see you doing this, though, which means your e-penis just shrivels!

I don't mean to come across as nasty, it's meant to be freindly reminder. Sorry for a useless post, but hopefully this will stop a lot more.

EDIT: Thank you for editing the post I quoted, rather than making a new post! I can't force people to stop cracking LFS...(I'm not implying that you have, it's merely a comparison!)

EDIT 2: Apology accepted! Thank you!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
I don't think it's worth it tbh, unless it really will take 5 minutes to implement. If a server is full, usually it'll only be full for a few seconds before someone leaves.
S3 licensed
I'm 13

If you don't see me in lfs as often from now on, it's because I'm...erm...having a few 'family' issues.

Joke! I started masturbating when he shagged that slut...

Quote :Dennis, who works for a vehicle recovery firm, described Alfie as “a typical 13-year-old boy”.
He said: “He loves computer games, boxing and Manchester United.” Dennis, who has fathered nine kids, told how he was “gobsmacked” when he discovered Alfie was to be a dad, too.

Ah, there's your problem. Manchester.

Grip, EDIT! Also, the parents seem like they care quite a lot about the baby, and everyone seems really relaxed about the whole thing. Wierd.

Quote :Chantelle and Maisie were released from hospital yesterday. They are living with Penny, Chantelle’s jobless dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a rented council house in Eastbourne. The family live on benefits. Alfie, who lives on an estate across town with mum Nicola, 43, spends most of his time at the Steadmans’ house.

Yikes! Now I don't know the exact details, but I'm 99% sure the girl is the idiot here, not the boy. I don't think you can really pin the blame on him, he just didn't know what having a baby meant. What I want to know is why the girl didn't get an abortion! Life ruined.
S3 licensed
Quote from yeager :Stunt Island...

Spent WAY too many hours making a movie in this game. I wish I could get it working on a modern machine.

Just downloaded this for the above emulator, and it's pretty good!