I don't play fruit machines, but a few years ago I went to Scotland (great place

) and as I had some time to waste, I had a go on one of those
coin-pushing things. It was in some spa place, and wasn't as flashy as the one in the link! It was only me there, and, armed with 20 2p coins, set about shoving them down those slots. There must have been something wrong, because I won almost every time. Whole chunks of 2p coins fell down, and as the machine was multi-faced (like the one in the link) there were loads to win! I cleared all the overhanging coins on the 6 or so sides before I left, and came back the next day to do the same again!
It seems a bit silly, I only won 2p coins, but I was young and there were a
lot of them! There must have been about 20 quid's worth, like BBO@BSR I needed a bag to carry them. Plus this was no software fault, either the machine was weighted wrong etc, or I was very, very lucky!