Cold - Please don't stay dry and cold, Brawns won't do very well, Red Bulls will win easily, probably making for a boring race. I don't mind people beating Button if it's interesting (and he still wins the title :razz. Okay the Red Bulls might fight but I don't like Webber, it's not like Button and Vettel fighting, as I like them both (even if I prefer Button).
If Button doesn't win, which is likely, then I'm hoping Trulli or Vettel will. I'm not too fussed about Barrichello, I don't like Webber and Nakajima just...won't. Tyres could be interesting like 5haz said, mabye with luck Button can win again.
A few kids from my school have been tested for swine flu, but no positive results yet. A school very near me, and one I almost went to, Ripon Grammar, has just reopened after someone caught swine flu and the school had to close for a few days.
Look at when that vid was uploaded, then take a look at my join date! (11th December 2007)
Okay, that's not quite right, I had found LFS a while before I found the STCC videos, so I didn't find LFS through that, but it did persuade me to buy an S2 license, and I went on to the forums when I did! So thank you Becky!
I can't say for certain that I'll watch the live stuff (though I will certainly try) but I will watch the downloadable stuff. Definately.
I was in a bit of a bad mood. I shouldn't really have criticised you like I did without knowing what was said on vent. With the above, that was part of my point, the admins (well...Jack) said that you weren't allowed to race. But I dunno what was said on vent, that was stupid of me. However your insult
was a little unfair, since I posted this:
Since Jack did say you couldn't race as soon as you joined, I wouldn't have taken any vent agreement as definate though.
I don't think that's contradicting myself, I can't remember the convo with Timo presumably because I wasn't particularly interested. I remembered what you said during the race because it was distracting, I could link it with things I did in the race and it annoyed me! I didn't say you screamed (though I suggested you were a little closer to screaming than you were) but you were a little heated. And what you said seemed childish, or at least the way you said it. I suppose alot of it is down to personal opinion, but what is wrong with posting that? I can't be bothered to go into details here - what you said etc. I can see why you argued, but frankly they are the admins, the officials and pretty unlikely to change their opinion (in the race at least). On vent during the race while you knew you had problems with your mic being too loud just wasn't the place to argue.
Oops! I meant politeness!
I couldn't be bothered because they weren't enough for a penalty imo. And as I had the replay playing, I thought I may as well take a look at some of the racing up front. It only took a couple of minutes, and I was enjoyng watching it!
Saying 'you' is a bit silly considering I was agreeing with someone! I was just stating my opinion, fair enough if you disagree or are right, but as most admins seem to agree also I thought it was worth saying.
It's good that you stil tried, I realise that you care but I just thought you were too late. Having said that, missing what you did because you were playing COD4 makes you look a little...err...relaxed about the championship.
I'll keep out of this now, you and the admins can have the arguments. Let's not fall out over this, that would be stupid. I will say it seems partially the fault of the admins for disagreeing with each other or something, but I don't have enough evidence, or at least evidence I can trust. Either way, I take the side of the admins that agree with the exclusion.
I shouldn't have got into this! Sorry if I'm not making sense btw, I'm tired today.
If anything you should be excluded for all the crap on vent.
Did Timo say that on the server? If you think he did, check the replay. The first thing said on the server, very soon after you joined, was Jack stating: "bambo you can't join once the race has started" The rules above state it is admin's discresion, and Jack decided you couldn't join. Having said that, I can't remember what (if anything) was said on vent before bambo joined the server.
One reason I'm writing this post is because of how annoying you were on vent. You may not quite have screamed, but you certainly were very heated, something you can tell regardless of volume! Politeless? No. Annoying and childish? Yes. Distracting? Very.
BTW, 22:36, 28:50 and 30:18 in the replay look a bit iffy considering bambo was lapped at the time, but meh.
And I agree with CSF's last post, joining 3 laps into the race is something you wouldn't expect someone to be allowed to do!
Look, I don't want to make an enemy, I don't recall having any previous problems with you but I just don't like this.
Well I only started practicing an hour before the race, so I didn't have that much time to get used to the setup etc. It was me that cost me the race really, I didn't practice any long runs and I completely underestimated the tyres! I kinda gave up conserving them towards the end, they couldn't really get any worse and I was thrashing them (too much) to try and stay ahead of you...I don't usually drive that badly, I promise!
Anyway, this means I've got a fight on my hands! May the best man win.
BTW, ballast comes from the overall championship...but yep, I've still got more ballast than you
Please discuss Round 5, with the STDs at FE Rallyx Reverse
Replays and results will be posted by deko shortly.
LFSBC Standings: Timdpr - 1st, 104 points. Szymonek - 2nd, 103 points. I would probably have won in my class if it wasn't for the damn SC! Well done Hypothraxer for the win, well done Szymonek for the class win, and thanks for the battle, though it wasn't much of one considering my tyres (see attachments) Oh, and yes my LFS does look like that and yes I do get those frame rates.
Also, 1000th post! Celebrate!
EDIT: Oh god, how did I forget to thank David for his set? I'd have been nowhere without it.
I'm going on sat/sun. Anyone else going? And where will you be roughly if you are? (In case someone actually wants to meet me )
Rain forecast for sunday. Oh no, please don't be like last year! *Shudders* Thank god for those large plastic cattle feed bags that were in the car for some reason, we didn't get as wet as we should have! I might take a few this year, should be able to make a tidy profit from selling 'em. Actually, the forecast has been updated to possible light rain, so it looks like it might be okay. Though I wouldn't mind heavy rain for the Porsches, I'd rather be saturated than sit through seriously boring dry race like usual.
Can't wait! Croft is a good track, mabye not as good as some, but I've been there for the BTCC for the past 5/6 years, had the luck to drive round it in a race-spec mini thing and I love the place!
I'm afraid I'm probably gonna have to pull out of this one. Although I could take my laptop to Croft and pootle around at the back with KB controls, I'll be sure to pick up a lot of points! I'm annoyed can't make a race while leading my class championship.