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S3 licensed
I'm claiming that.

I'll post a more blatant pic if nobody's getting this.
S3 licensed
Quote from 5tag :Edit 2:

Realm wars?

EDIT: Hah! Timing! Hope I haven't messed things up...
S3 licensed
The hills are dusted once more, but nothing is laying further down. Heavy snow, but only in short bursts, it seems.
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :F-15 Strike Eagle II?

Think you got it.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :OMG AT NUMBER 6 on the second video!

While 0.0099 is pretty impressive, the margin between 2nd and 3rd was 0.0001! If Bryan Herta had farted he would have got 2nd. (Please don't go into the physics of that. It would happen. Okay?)
S3 licensed
Quote from [DUcK] :for sure.

You're definitely a racing driver, for sure.
S3 licensed
For the Alfa nuts...check the attachment.
S3 licensed
Preview-ised these so there's more chance people will view the awesomeness. Click on 'em to view.

Some brilliant Porsche action on the old Hockenheimring. This is the definition of racing - why oh why did they get rid of the forest section, and why oh why do we have these crappy tarmac runoffs?

Some brilliant old rally footage. Needs no introduction:

I don't think I even chose the best bits. Enjoy!
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I know I'm maybe not the nicest of people but I will never laugh at others misfortune.

If you didn't like porn either, you wouldn't last a second in Germany!
S3 licensed
Sweet 'em you're no quack Ducky! Can't wait to see where you get...I've said it before, but I can't see how you won't go far. Good luck for 2010!

Oh, and an obligatory 'Mint bredz!' I would converse further, but I don't know how to speak Australian just humbly hm hm hm hm. That jibberwizzi escapes my pickupgie, I'm afraid.
S3 licensed

Thoroughly recommended. Don't try to emulate it, though.
S3 licensed
No longer welcome

Woah, more drama! Just when the thread was getting back on topic.

Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) : Shadowww
No longer welcome

Yes yes yes yes! I don't particularly care why he's banned, I'm just glad that he is.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Me and the missus just went to see Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll. Not sure how interesting it would be for non- Dury fans, but I loved it. Andy Serkis is amazing.

Ah! I've got to go and see that, cheers for reminding me.
S3 licensed
Sorry to bring it up again but this little animation should tell you all you need to know about JPEGs. It gets a little loud though, just to warn you.
S3 licensed
It was so long ago I can't remember which cars I was driving!
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Weee! I like all of them

Currently using the second one

You might want to use the version in the attatchment, it fixes that goddamn front right tyre and the red stuff around it...don't know how I missed that!
S3 licensed
I love that track in GPL...I've seen quite a few saloon car clips of it but that was by far the best. Amazing, thank you!

BTW, the camera angles helped to emphasise speed in that race (or rather, show the speed more truthfully.) Wake up F1.
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Haha, those are cool!

Do you have the first one in 1680x1050? :P You re-sized it

Glad you like 'em.

About the resizing: I'm afraid the brushes were a little low res, and somehow I managed to lose the fullsize one...I think it actually looks better just resized like the one I attached (it loses a lot of clarity, but it also means you don't have the jagged edges).

If I get a day off school today I'll redo it and try and make it properly 1680*1050. Pray for snow, please!

EDIT: Finished. I've done a stupid amount of things with it, pick your favourite!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from J03130 :Stop posting pics of yourself people have lost interest in you.

They were posted 5 days ago...people haven't talked about him for 4 days...shh, people were forgetting him!
S3 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :They look the same to me. No difference.

Look at his head and the nose of the car in particular (where there is black). See here for info about JPEG artefacts. Look at the car in the distance.

Sorry for derailing this thread. I'll stop!
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :High res one, anyone?

Just playing around with some brushes and things. They're not perfect, but I hope you like them.

Well, when I say 'just', I mean 'just a few hours' since I'm such a noob.
S3 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :It's called "not turning on AntiAliasing", Shadowww.

Here's a picture I saved as a JPEG in Photoshop:

Here's a picture I saved as a JPEG in Paint:

You see, Paint just murdered Graham Hill. That's what he means Danny.
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Moar snow here!

Same, been going at a moderate level for quite a few hours.
S3 licensed