While 0.0099 is pretty impressive, the margin between 2nd and 3rd was 0.0001! If Bryan Herta had farted he would have got 2nd. (Please don't go into the physics of that. It would happen. Okay?)
Preview-ised these so there's more chance people will view the awesomeness. Click on 'em to view.
Some brilliant Porsche action on the old Hockenheimring. This is the definition of racing - why oh why did they get rid of the forest section, and why oh why do we have these crappy tarmac runoffs?
Some brilliant old rally footage. Needs no introduction:
Sweet stuff...show 'em you're no quack Ducky! Can't wait to see where you get...I've said it before, but I can't see how you won't go far. Good luck for 2010!
Oh, and an obligatory 'Mint bredz!' I would converse further, but I don't know how to speak Australian just humbly hm hm hm hm. That jibberwizzi escapes my pickupgie, I'm afraid.
You might want to use the version in the attatchment, it fixes that goddamn front right tyre and the red stuff around it...don't know how I missed that!
About the resizing: I'm afraid the brushes were a little low res, and somehow I managed to lose the fullsize one...I think it actually looks better just resized like the one I attached (it loses a lot of clarity, but it also means you don't have the jagged edges).
If I get a day off school today I'll redo it and try and make it properly 1680*1050. Pray for snow, please!
EDIT: Finished. I've done a stupid amount of things with it, pick your favourite!
Look at his head and the nose of the car in particular (where there is black). See here for info about JPEG artefacts. Look at the car in the distance.