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Sounds great, I'll try to try it out tomorrow
S3 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Tim that's not completey true. Due to more than half of the team going on vacation when Williams joined, he eventually felt that he wasn't going anywhere with us. So we have a chat and he wanted to try out srlt but still remain in clockwork if he wasn't accepted.

I apologize if this is a problem forbyou srlt as I figured he would have told u he was still with us.

As for clockwork, there should be posts about this in our forums

Hmm, okay. It would have been nice if you had made the chat public. Have you seen the thread on ** forums? Bunder was talking to Dan and found that it was mentioned that Williams was on the SRLT dev team. He 'asked oldnavy and he confirmed'. When he got into the full team I couldn't help but make a post. You can surely see why I thought what I thought when there was absolutely no information!

Hey, no hard feelings, especially not to SRLT (as you did nothing wrong! Good luck in the IGCT tonight!) But Sean, don't do that again, I'm afraid nothing annoys me more than someone jumping teams without informing anyone...I know you talked to Liz about the dev team, but you didn't say anything to SRLT and didn't say anything when you got into the full team.

PMD's right, I should stop the kiddy drama. The lack of respect just got on my wick.
S3 licensed
Let's have another argument!

Well done Sean 'xtraction' Williams for getting into the full team! Pity I didn't get to see you race when you were in Clockwork Motorsports, before you joined the SRLT dev team...oh wait, you were still in Clockwork when you joined!

We've got no problems with you joining SRLT, but it's not very nice when you join a team, say you'll help out with things, don't do anything and then bugger off to another team without telling us!

Good luck Dan!
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :
E : Happy birthday to Paul Chapman too !

Oops, how'd I miss that? Happy birthday!
S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :this is actually turning out pretty good... got 8 people so far, excluding myself and anyone on clockwork (i think they're all on vacation)... could use a few more if anyone is interested...

thanks to those who have "signed up", so to speak.

Told you to post it! 16 or so people so far!
S3 licensed
Happy birthday buck77! Have fun Dan!

*Braces for incoming puncuation*
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :You're not trolling. There's trolling, then there's taking crappy pictures off the internet like an idiot.

You might be doing the latter.

No no, I'm doing both, I put it there to wind you up (Even though I agree with you this time! You don't need to have an argument with Shadowww though.)

To keep on topic:
S3 licensed
Ze trolling worked!
S3 licensed
Quote from carey :(no ones looked at my peni$ in ages).

S3 licensed
Having looked at it again (I couldn't resist watching it a second time!) the black screen went on for a bit too long...however, I don't know what you could have replaced it with, as morpha said.

Also, I did notice some of the later camera angles did get a little unimaginitive. But I still give it a 9/10!
S3 licensed
I have never seen a thread more deserving of 5*
S3 licensed
I think the black screen at 1:15 worked really well, the break gave (for me at least) the whole movie a wonderful 'feel' to it, you got the atmosphere, and the songs, spot on. It could possibly have done with a bit of smoothing/better camera angles, but don't all vids? Actually, I dont know myself how you could have improved the angles much, to me they were just about perfect.

But I suppose that's it, 'to me' the video was incredible, 'to me' the angles were really's opinion, what you personally like. And personally, I loved that, the songs and atmosphere were amazing.

S3 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :his demolition company is only just up the road from me

You should go up there and smash some things up! Oh no, wait...
S3 licensed
Add me, rather than having just me adminning! That wouldn't turn out well
S3 licensed
Of course we want better helmets! If it was that easy, we'd have them already.
S3 licensed
On cruise servers you have to find out what the 2 different 'categories' of rules are. Some mean you will get chased (speeding, hitting police cars, robbing banks...), which is part of the fun, and breaking these is part of the game. But some are 'proper' rules, and will mean you get warned/kicked/banned etc. (Drifting, driving on the wrong side of the road, hitting other road users, swearing...) But some of these do not matter during a chase (driving on the wrong side of the road, drifting, hitting other road users...).

Quote from garph :Guy come on. You race in a race server, you cruise in a cruise server and you drift in a drift server.

You obviously don't drift in a racing server, you'll get in the way and cause problems, you can hang the rear out when using some cars but thats not full blown drifting round every turn.

If you have to ask then you are going to get banned from loads of places.


But on that last point, at least he has asked, and now hopefully knows not to do it now!
S3 licensed

It's every man's dream to have a penis so large that he must hire a small boy to carry it.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Ah, I see
S3 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Just go and crash into J@tko 591 times at the end of the race. That cheers up anyone.

I would if I could connect to the server! :doh:
S3 licensed
Someone cheer me up, I don't want to cry over a ****ing online championship...I sound so ****ing emo, I'm hardly ever like this, plus I sound like some 12yo chav swearing constantly
S3 licensed
****, Szymonek is out.

I'm so depressed right now. This meant so much to me, and I lose it because of 2 ****ing missed races.
S3 licensed
I was looking forward to this, plus I thought there was a chance I could beat Szymonek and retake 1st in the championship. So I brought my G25 to my grandparents' house (where I'm staying for a week).

I brought my G25 300 miles, and when I get there I find out their connecton isn't good enough for me to race. Both FAIL and OWNED, I'd say

Good luck Szymonek, I hope you win so I can tell myself I wouldn't have beaten you anyway! Well done for winning the championship...yep, it's already settled. You've been a great opponent. I'll still get me place in the NDR hall of fame, just in second! Have fun all
S3 licensed