It's probably just practice, I'm afraid. I don't mean to depress you, but I think I was faster with my Trust 90 degree advanced vibration feedback wheel.

However, I'm having a hell of a lot more fun with the G25. I don't use the H-shifter and clutch in LFS*, but I do use it in GPL etc and while it isn't that realistic it is, again, great fun.
*Well actually, that's not right, I do use it in a weird way. I have the clutch enabled and working, but the auto clutch enabled too.

In road cars, I use the clutch to shift up but not down + brake, cuz I'm lazy and in LFS I have problems processing everything as well. (I don't know why I can do it in GPL.) Well, I can use the clutch fine whilst braking, but I'm faster without it and as I take LFS more seriously, that's what I do. I should get training really! Though as I can't race online at the mo, there's not really much incentive.