Don't take Squid personally There's a nice guy hiding under that purple, ink squirting rubbery shell, really there is.
Yeah, it wasn't the best movie, not your best movie certainly, but it wasn't bad. In fact, it was good! But nothing special, nothing different. A lot of the camera angles were boooring!
But I don't want to sound like a video critic! I liked it, and I'll forgive the 1m 25s blackness because not only was it a masterpiece I'm sure it tricked a few people into watching it all
Are you a keyboard, mouse or crappy low lock 'vibration' wheel user wanting an awesome 900 degree lock advanced vibration PC/PS2/PS3 steering wheel? Look no further!
That's right, I upgraded to a G25 some time ago and I'm selling my DFP. Ebay link will be posted this evening. Everything it came with when I bought it new is there!
Very cheap starting price - 19.99
No postage to UK! :Eyecrazy:
Very little use, no faults - it is still in pretty much perfect condition.
It would be very nice if you could pick it up yourself but I'm willing to send it to just about anywhere in the UK. I can send it internationally for a bit extra (I don't have that option on Ebay but I'm sure we can work something out if you contact me.) Preferred payment is Paypal but I can do personal cheque.
May I ask why you were trolling then? That was essentially a successful troll, you had me 'tricked'. But as you do seem to want to be an actual member of this community, not annonymous or wanting everyone to hate you, I ask why you did it. You came off way, way worse in that. You seem like an absolute prick, if you didn't already.
You do not focus on both keyboard and message field. But that does not mean you cannot see the other one like you cannot see something behind you. If you look at the screen you can still see the black of the keyboard, but you can't make out the letters on that keyboard as they are blurry.
He admired her eyes, but she couldn't help anyone else reading her code 15 minutes later. After, I am going to pause the marketplace we are doing. We will work and slide down. He slid into your text from now, she thought, Your text to pass the comment ends here. I find the same code.
Sarah was going to game programming. Something out of functions, to write long, she'd been with David. The bed shook underneath them. "And you will analyze data and then break down what each part does!" he said, Sarah writhing against him. Sarah still felt it. You write a need for snooping. Programming is the smirk on his face. He pulled out. Others will work, as it will get this output. He held her breasts. She walked on top of the code! The comments explain when you are going to the right place. This website has a slash after.
It's not just humor, of course - the first 6 chapters of My Immortal and Act 1 of Shakespeare's The Tempest:
I stepped from the boy's throat. It had the glow of the Satanic color of night. The boy was talented. He could do was hang up. Militant. That is what is inhuman, not me. The idea finally sprang into my mind. I laugh at you. I will call you a hypocrite. You have experienced the terrible pain. All at different levels. I know that all you people have contemplated suicide at least once. I did contemplate and try. I realized that I am their savior. I keep children from experiencing the torments of adolescence and adulthood. Call me insane. Now I just float here, in the window began to relax eternally.. Soon enough, the police found the man was watching TV. Some old horror classics were on. The man was bewildered to the point of delirium. I hugged the boy as soon as the victim was approaching. Some old, drunken man was walking down the gutter from the back to make major repairs and we had to have that room. Not by choice believe me. The idea finally sprang into my house in a few seconds that seemed centuries, his body tensed. He scratched at me. He tried to get out. It is eternal punishment for taking away the most important thing God gave humans. I only with I could say when John lifted the phone was, "Willy-" "Grandpa," I heard a scream in her neighbor's house and I guess she never left her house and the newly cut lawn. His headless body was self-imposed. I loaded a pistol, and put it to my soul. I had plenty of friends. Ones that cared for me, not only my money. I had a tail. The tail was a lashing terror and pain deliverer. The figure on the couch, not moving. He felt that if he did, the thing he was done with him mumbling. A neighbor of the rush. My teeth were observable as a toddler. The moon was unusually bright and the bully would be killed as he was scared of, whatever it was, would come to and find him. True terror. His eyes were glued to the hay mow and staircase. Billy's neck exploded with blood vessels vomited their liquid. "Compliments of The Artist," the figure said as it walked away. They said I was holding nothing. I rubbed my eyes, and retreated in shock and bewilderment. I went back into his skin, squirting blood in spatters. Yellow liquid suddenly erupted from the ravages of another day of pain. It was driving me insane. Now I just float here, in the air and was adjusting to the bed, I heard a shell hit the screen and dripped down. Rogue stopped squirming and had no pulse. His chest showed no movement. He was rambling on, mumbling nonsense. What could I do? My brain! His body! He screamed with all our feelings there. More tears than giggles.
Good stuff. The bold is the gold, but read it all and pretend that it makes sense
Markov chains can be used to generate text, often with hilarious results. For example, here's the first part of a corporate transcript:
Now run thought a Markov chain generator:
Odd, but fairly boring, right? Let's try that same piece, but let's combine it with, I don't know... some erotic fiction!
Oddly appealing...
How about the description of LFS found on, combined with even more erotic fiction?
Best one I've made so far!
You can make your own! Don't just go down the erotic route like me, the possibilities are endless. I find the best way to do this is to get 2 big chunks of unrelated text, paste them into the box then generate 100 words.
Have fun, and post your best results here. Oh, and yes, I did steal a lot of this from another forum. Hopefully everyone will be okay with the rude language.
Once upon the dirges of yore Meant in croaking `Nevermore.' `Be that one gently you came tapping, as a bird said, `art sure I pondered the weak and radiant maiden with the pallid bust and followed faster.
Happy birthday to our resident Commodore Cup driving alien Scott '[DUcK]' Andrews! Who else could get a 7th/4th/6th on their first time in a new car, on a circuit they've never been on before, after just 2 years of professional karting (he jumped from karts to the V8 supercar feeder series) and 10hp down on power compared to the top guys? (Yeah, he only had ~340hp.)