Agreed, a very good film, but the ending was badly done IMO. (Swimming pool scene.) If you want me to go into detail I'll have to watch the end again to make any sense, and I can't be bothered. But I could think of many better ways to do it.
Took me 2 years to watch this! (New year's eve-new year's day. ) Best film I've seen in a long time, possibly my favourite film. Something about it tickled me up just right. Utterly, astoundingly beautiful, dark and horrific. Please, please watch it.
When referring to events and things, definitely 'twenty-ten'. Otherwise, I still find it more comfortable to say 'two thousand and ten', as that's what I've been doing for the previous decade. Give it a little while and I'll probably be using 'twenty-ten', 'twenty-eleven' and so on.
Decided to have a go. It's not very good! Lacking inspiration, I just wanted to create something after getting back to LFS and installing Lynce's stuff for the first time.
My first LFS video. I managed to **** up the quality a bit somewhere, not that it was a lot better with my laptop! (Oh, everything was as far as it would go, with Lynce's Revolution pack...still crap.) I'd like to say this was just a quickie but it took a hell of a long time what with learning everything! I ought to persevere and keep going with videos.
Just got back from a one week skiing holiday in Austria, laughing at all you English pussies!
Well okay, -30C is bloody cold! And the 29h bus journey back dragged a little...coming up to Calais along motorways with no visibility and snow completely covering the tarmac was a little hairy. And not being able to get back home in our car was annoying.
Those were the only bad points, I'm being silly, I loved it!
The Live For Speed Championship Automobile Racing Teams Light Winter Series Two Thousand and Ten Round Four - Golden One Hundred and Twenty Five at Fern Bay Gold (FE3), Jamaica didn't go to well. But look on the bright side, lessons have been learnt, everyone and everything can only continue to get better.
Okay, I'm only posting this so I can say the full race title.
Ah yes, recommended here as well. It's hard to go wrong with Hitchcock.
I purchased a video of Psycho, and at the end guess what I found?
Probably best if you've already seen the film, even though it is a trailer. Had me in stitches!
I'm away from like tomorrow 'till a few hours before the race, so may I have the honour of being the first impatient dick shouting 'I WANT A PASSWORD I WANT A PASSWORD'?