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S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :it's free right? It does sound interesting .

Completely! There will be certain features in the future that you may have to pay for, by becoming a 'supporter' but it isn't implemented now. You will be able to earn supporter status by paying, referrals (free!), and you may earn it by playing before it is implemented, so start now!
S3 licensed
If you want a browser racing one, this is very good! Dunno if it's quite what you're looking for, but meh. It's not a flash/java etc thing if you know what I mean, it's text-based, but I enjoy it! It's a bit like batracer, but it feels more fast-paced. Races are coming in a couple of months, only competitive practice sessions now, but it's great that way, as it's still fast paced and competitive, but doesn't take up that much time.
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :well see in the actual race


By the looks of things, you're not going to be taking part in the race, or the qualification. Or any further practice sessions.
S3 licensed
Very Frankie Boyle, brilliant!


Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: "Watson, look up at the stars and tell me, what do you see?"

Watson replied: "I see millions and millions of stars."

Holmes said: "And what do you deduce from that?"

Watson replied: "Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like earth out there. And if there are a few planets like earth out there, there might also be life."

And Holmes said: "Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent."

Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :That driving was on purpose
Raced like that with many drivers, tho in my front was same kind of action, especially top 3 drivers. 10 m before Green, they put the Max brake on just when i start to accelerate

On purpose? I agree with your comment about the leading drivers, but that gives you the right to brake check me and weave wildly in the middle of a safety car period on the back straight(s) at the very back of the pack how?

I'm going to watch the replay before discussing further.
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :you mean about when we 2 were last?

Yes! That's it! I was going to report you! Sorry, but from what I can remember your driving was horrendous.
S3 licensed
Just to let you know, I've finalised a few TBAs in the Clockwork Motorsports entry, but the lineup still isn't final!
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :you mean when i was doing "fishies" to warm up my tyres, or when i stopped
and got speed back up?

I was adressing that comment to Lizard, sorry. Though what number were you, I think I remember thinking 'I have to say something to EliteAti about his driving under the SC'
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :it was a bit different from my angle of view

And mine, you were a bit wreckless warming up your tyres! We both had problems then! Just embarrasing to have my worst, most fail-infested race with my team leader!
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :

Speaking of which, when we went side by side (I'm car 8) in T1, did we make contact, or did you just spin?

What lap? I don't have the replay, and I can't remember which incedent it was.
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF : Hi.

One of the crashes after the SC was not my fault, it was CSF's for making me laugh uncontrollably!
S3 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :Whatya mean?

He wasn't there, he didn't see your horrible, horrible faliures!

EDIT: Ah, you understood, hence your edit. I don't understand what you mean now,
Quote from Stefani24 :Why shouldnt it be?

J@tko's not trying to stop any info coming out?
S3 licensed
Racing with a damaged car is bloody hard, but not as hard as slowly following the safety car with a bunch of pricks...

I felt a lot safer going 3 wide in t3 (that was fun!) than I did at the very rear of the pack (after I shifted up too early in the pitlane - whoops!). It wasn't safe at the front under restarts either, a lot of the time the leader pulled away then braked.

I made a few mistakes racing (racing with a damaged car is no excuse really) so sorry to anyone I hit, I know I was involved in starting at least 3 incedents, but whose fault they were I don't know. I really can't remember much of what I did, not enough for saying anything to be a good idea.

I hope the banhammer is used freely! I saw a lot of small things, things that don't seem to be worth a report, if you think it's worth it Deko I'll make a list! There were also a lot of large things...

Can I make a request that chat rules are tightened up on vent? I was told that I should connect, but it got really seemed to have changed your minds about it (admins) because in a previous session we were told to keep it down, rather than have it as a place for open discussion. If you want to keep it like that fine, just don't tell people they should go in there!

Ugh, why the **** am I writing this...I'll watch the replay, sleep on it and mabye say some more things. I'm thinking about pulling out, I'll sleep on that too!

Anyway, I had a couple (literally) of nice laps, thank you. It takes alot to admin things like that, I appreciate the large amount of time spent adminning. Again, sorry anyone I directly or indirectly hit...

Highlight of the race?

(on vent)

Deko: I smell banhammer...
Someone: I smell TURD!

(or something like that...)


Sueycide, you were also hit by people coming up on you! Sorry. (Vagely suggestive? :razz

Lizard, you're giving everyone that set! Well two people I know of, and both will probably be banned...hmm...

Ugh that race was embarrasing, the worst league ect race I've ever done. Don't even know where I finished!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
I've uploaded a horribly crap hotlap, so I should now have met all requirements!
S3 licensed
I'll try to get there!
S3 licensed
Quote from DragonCommando :Even the G25 does this, and so does the DFGT. Its a dead spot at the end of the lock range, and theres no way to make it go away.

Whats happening is that the FFB is trying to spin the wheel but also trying to stop it from going out of range so it simply stops at the end.

It's not as noticable on newer logitech wheels, but on the DFP it was pretty bad.

Annoying that there's no solution, but it's nice to know that I can't fix it instead of thinking 'can I fix it?' Thank you for the info, much appreciated!

EDIT: OH MY ****ING GOD! 616 POSTS! I'm never going to post again, I'm keeping it at that total.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Alright, my (if deko permits the number change) and my teammate (Tim's) skins

Cheers Liz, was just about to do that!

EDIT: Oh, right, different skin...kk!
S3 licensed
You should listen to the uncensored version of Gay Bar! (Not what you think it is, don't worry. :razz
S3 licensed
I have this problem, it happens whatever lock you put it on, I haven't found a solution, but it doesn't hinder me while racing. Although if I'm banger racing ect, where your car gets damaged alot and you are thumped hard, spinning you, this can be VERY annoying.

I'm afraid my DFP might get damaged while doing this, it doesn't just 'stick' at full lock, it thrashes around, going BANG BANG BANG into the 'wall' you find at full lock. I would love a solution!

Sorry if I don't make great sense, I'm typing this in a hurry!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from jakesta :wats the easiest drift car to learn with can u send setup thx

i have licence but i forgot my pass :S getting it back soon

*Sniff* *Sniff* I smell a smoky the account you're posting with the same as the one you bought S2 for? You're not allowed multiple accounts unless they are all S2. You get an instant email if you use this link:

Anyway, the most used drift car (I think) is the XRT, so that might be a good one to start off with to get used to it early...the RB4 is much easier to drift, but it isn't really drifting. The tecniques and possibly setups influence the difficulty level more, surely?
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :So you learnt playing the song 'Gay Bar'?

Mabye. What are you implying? It's a good song! So is Barbie Girl! (Parody to stay on topic!) And Dancing Queen! (Parody? Erm...) I just found this song as well!

Joke! Lol, talk about stereotypical! :P
S3 licensed
Just learnt to play the song, looking around the videos! ... NR7qg&feature=related
S3 licensed
Quote from brt900 :i cant find it anywhere

Quote from Timdpr :

Lol, I just uninstalled the demo so I should know! ... g/street_legal_racing.htm is where I got the demo from, you can buy it there too, but I don't know how safe it is. It does look safe, though.

EDIT: :doh: G!nho, you tricked me! Unless you're right...

Lol, I just posted that so you should know! ... g/street_legal_racing.htm is where I got the demo from, you can buy it there too, but I don't know how safe it is. It does look safe, though.

EDIT: :doh: G!nho, you tricked me! I should have learnt from the first time...
S3 licensed
Genius! Pure genius!