Met Mario at Laguna Seca in the paddock once... nice man, and invited my family into his team lounge area where we got to crash their party and eat all their food .
Sold a pit scooter to one of his crew too. Now if only I could get a testdrive in one of their cars
The game is more fun on a Xbox 360, I played it for a bit at a friend's house and it was pretty entertaining. Tracks are very well made, especially Pikes Peak and dirt truck/buggy tracks that you race on.
I was going through the game pretty quickly though on the hardest level of opponents. Was still a challenge with them close behind by a few seconds or more, but still was very easy. It was entertaining though, that is all I liked about it.... because each race is different with various types of cars and classes... it's not the same kind of cars each time. I have a hunch that the game would feel like crap on PC with a steering wheel. The game is just far too fast paced for a wheel, you'd need to use a quick gamepad like in a console.
Exactly, those logos are nothing more than just fictional logos created by the designer. Remember, the rules state that if the designer uses a logo on the skin, it must be cleared by them so they don't have any issues with it being in the game. (If someone worked for Coca-Cola and got it approved, I am sure it would be ok). But these are fictional logos, and Cell looks great. Because it's a shame people have used the old crummy logo pack... most LFS logos our outdated and don't look modern at all.
Bourdais will be the man to choose for next year I think... CCWS don't have traction control... he should easily get into grips next year when F1 takes off TC.
I never liked Speed or Liuzzi. Speed is too cocky of a driver to even be in an F1 car.
Same here, I just didn't get any vibes from his skins unfortunately... they don't look like designs that fit the LX... maybe best fit for other cars
Cell skin is nice yes. With the limited space on the LX, it looks nice. Most of the skins that accentuate the nose either with a vertical stripe of some sort wrapped around or any alternate coloring really brings out the look of the LX car.
There are too many skins that have tribal designs and stuff. I did also like this skin though, but one side is a little warped:
As you can see, I really like Diablo Defs work . These designs look good on the LX cars imo. Quicksilvers is a good work of simplicity, and looks great for the LX car (a classic look). I am sure everyone from this list will have a winning skin .
If you aren't worried about position in Turn 1, than brake well before everyone else does, but not hard so that you shunt other drivers behind you.
Take any line, ideally the outside if cars infront of you are not tangled up. While braking HOLD YOUR LINE I might add, unless you need to dodge an accident. Be alert as to what is on your sides. Never try to hold a middle-line under braking while entering the turn, it just spells disaster.... too dangerous to manage.
Inside line in turn 1 is not always the safest, the outside usually has a much better success rate simply because it is more open and less cramped. Chances of getting hit by a banzai/kamikazeeeee turn 1 nutter is lower on the outside... but if you do get hit it will push you even wider. If you are on the inside you can slip away if you keep it tight on the apex, but usually there a small spins and pileups on the inside that could ultimately lose you ground fast.
I emailed the report. It's too late now surely, well beyond 25 races. I did not expect the report system to be in the game while online, so I'll remember to use it if something like this ever happens again.
Errr no, now that I left the server, I cannot submit my own replay that I saved, only the ones on the server (I don't know which one it is). I need to have this sorted out via PM or Email I guess
8 races total - 5. Eden Young England || 0wins | 1podium | 0fastest laps | 319points
22 races total - 6. David Seward California, USA || 16wins | 1podium | 13fastestlaps | 287points
And somehow he has more points than me or other drivers who have raced easily twice the amount???? Something seems a bit odd about that... Only wondering how does one get that high in points with only 8 races under his belt, and only 1 podium as his best finish.... righttttttt
Yeah I tried that in the $prefs menu today, but results still pop-up. I didn't have any big lag spikes like yesterday thankfully, but it was probably because there weren't as many people online tonight.
Wondering if this is an 'ok' place to make a request but...
If someone joins the race mid-race, and gets the fastest lap, is it really fair that they be rewarded to start in the front of the grid on the next race? Personally I think it would be better if all the actual race finishers and their laptimes would be used to sort the grid. Rather than take a random mid-race joinee and put them near the front of the grid. It would only seem fitting since they just joined the racing, and doing a fastest lap while in the middle of a race shouldn't just grant them a front row seat. Should start in the back with mid-race join order.
Had a good scrap with several drivers in a race and we all got very close times. After the race was over, another driver had the fastest lap, but he was a mid-race joinee. On the restart he was in front of us all, and was rather aggressive. Kinda of surprises you to see a position given for someone that got the time while not even in the previous official race.
I am actually thinking the same thing believe it or not... however, points seem to be evenly distributed in this system...
I've only played a total of 2 days now, and about 20 +/- races, and won a good portion of those too. However, in the time that I briefly visit, I can really only gain about 100-150 pts a day. If I kept playing all day I could surely earn more, but that is how it works. The top 5 have already played really well in the single seaters, and look at Becky at the #1 spot... because she has done easily over 100+ races!!! I don't even think wins matter much for points the more I look at it, it just helps to have accumulated points in any of the races you enter, and you can keep moving up the ladder, pretty easy. And if I remember correctly, I never saw Becky in the single seater chart yesterday, but then today I noticed she had 500+ points @ #1 spot. That is A LOT to gain in one day... so there is a perfect example.
The more you retire and quit a race, of course you are going to fall back in earning points. I think the idea is for everyone to finish a race, win or lose... because that doesn't matter much apparently. Which I am ok with.
My 2nd day is now over and 287 points is not so bad to have so far. Plenty other players will get way more points than me if they race twice the amount I normally do. So I think it is a fair tradeoff for everyone to be honest.
Looks like a lot of premade vector shapes slapped onto the side, and that's it. Is that all your work? Because I've seen those shapes before.... as something that you buy online....
Well now this is starting to get kinda frustrating while online. UKCT Dan was telling me that there is some connection issues that occur when buttons are being sent or something... and it causes a huge lag spike for certain players. Which is pretty bad considering LFS his very flakey when a player is lagging out and other players get kicked from it. I've lost several lead-lap races from disconnects (3 count now), and many other disconnects in between. It is not my connection, I am 100% positive of that. If what Dan says is true, I'd really like to see that fixed... it is kind of spoiling my momentum (and fun) for my first night .
There is no option for California, USA on the site
Anyways, I haven't driven LFS for several months now... I have had a long break period from anything related to LFS, and upon starting LFS up this evening, I decided to give this whole system a go while I come back racing again. So far I am really impressed with what you have done, and it is a big step up from any other systems you've had in the past (obviously). Impressions of everyone's driving is rather good... mixed... but still very nice. There is a good combination of fast drivers and slow drivers, and the slow ones are about 90% of the time yielding to blue flags which is also a big plus. Not often do you see such well mannered drivers online, especially under blue flags. There is the occasional accident, but no harm from what I can see. Veiti and I were having a fast race in the single seaters, until he was taken out by some traffic sliding out of control. A shame, but it's not the end of the world.
Fact is, I like what I've experience so far, and should come back and visit soon. Just a shame I lost my grid position because of a silly disconnect when someone lagged out on the server (a lot of other connections were dropped). That meant a lot of people could not rejoin the server in time for the race restart. Which leaves me with only one suggestion. PLEASE make the break times between races a little longer. A heated 15+ lap race in the single-seaters could use a bit longer break and time to chat. It just seems awful quick when another race is about to restart.
I've only tried the FOX so far, will try others another day/night.
The real car is a much deeper yellow. Don't be fooled by pale old photos, the yellow was actually pretty vivid on the real car. Perhaps you wanted it to suit your own preference, so don't mind me
Lets get in a few more votes in this please.... and leave a comment if you can.
Remember, the idea for the 2-class racing is to have winners/podiums in two categories, rather than it being dominated by just one... Also to try something new for the next season, instead of having an excessive amount of one-class cars for endurance racing. If people simply vote one-class racing because they are afraid of slow traffic, that isn't a valid argument since such encounters are easily avoidable.
The goal is at least to have another class in the mix, just like a real series. One-class racing is way too common in shorter races (which most of you are used to), and very uncommon in long endurance races.
Faster to use sequential of course . Unfortuneately
If LFS had an advantage of using a manual clutch, then I would use the manual gated shifting... but LFS doesn't really, so I always stick to using the paddles because it is best to keep your hands on the wheel at all times. The shifter is just for entertainment if you want to give it a try in a roadcar or something.