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S2 licensed
It looks really good.

But I don't see the difference other then nuking Michelin and changing a bit of parts and driver helmets.

They did do one thing wrong though, the color of the camera on the top for both of the cars are orange Kubica's should be yellow-green
S2 licensed
And if you search for Kyoto Ring on Google Maps you get a real satellite image of the track!!!! :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:
S2 licensed
Ok, well this car kinda caught my attention, dunno if many people know what it is I feel like showing a bit more of the car, cuz I don't want to stump everyone for dayssss
S2 licensed
LOL, I was on some COMPLETELY random website and found it:

The Anteros XTM Roadster
S2 licensed
lol I haven't got a clue, but you know, I have seen this car before somewhere.... And I ahve a feeling it isn't made by some big name, because it looks kind of custom or something...
S2 licensed
Then why are you guys censoring it?

If BBT believes there is fuel sold at Blackwood, then I guess there really is clutch damage!! :doh: LFS doesn't have ANY fuel sponsors, just oil (Castrol and Redexx). If you somehow believe ATL is a racing fuel provider, do some research. Or moreso, read the billboards on BL better.
S2 licensed
Then "what KIND of racing fuel" do we buy at Blackwood? There is no answer.

ATL doesn't make fuel, they make fuel cells.
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane ::Kick_Can_

I'm not participating.

But ATL doesn't make fuel!!!! Nor do they 'sell' fuel at Blackwood :rolleyes:. They manufacture fuel cells and parts for fuel systems.

Just advising BBT to either fix the question, or remove it alltogether. I guess it would be virtual imaginary fuel that we purchase with non-existent money?
Last edited by Tweaker, . Reason : stop editing my posts
S2 licensed
Something I found: ... portal&_schema=PORTAL

They have some simulator company make something specially for them?

XPI Simulation Ltd

Surely they are still partners with them, or some simulation company.
S2 licensed
Hmmm I figured this might help to solve Xaidon's mystery. Pieces of the puzzle!!

I think it is a ummm.... I have no clue!
S2 licensed
This has been already made for the RB4 wayyy back in S1/2004 actually... here is a screenshot (well render) --- sorry don't have the skin

You did a great job though pdanev, much nicer for S2 of course. Kinda puny number plate
S2 licensed
Is that exactly a quote of what Ron Dennis said?

Because I know that they run a 'simulator' of race situations and strategies that isn't a simulator like this, but just a simulation of statistical information to help for their strategies. Something the engineers and managers use in preparation for the race.
S2 licensed
The DFP has too much resistance when it starts to rotate for opposite lock when sliding/drifting. Like you said, you have to spin it yourself, and it doesn't spin fast enough to help you correct the car. It is a problem with the DFP really, because it doesn't want to return to center quick enough.

If you really want to drift or slide with the most control, you are better off just using a low-lock setting on the DFP of around 270 or so. It is the only way to be completely in control with LFS... and using a full lock of 720 is just for kicks/fun. Until we can get a wheel that applies more reverse motor when moving towards opposite lock, then it will be much easier to correct slides.

The G25 is only slightly faster, but still not fast enough. I don't know of any other wheel that is full rotation and will reverse spin faster then those two wheels . You can still get good with what you have, but there is a much higher risk of making a mistake because of the sluggish motors.
S2 licensed
Can you guys just use your MSN or something?

Or is this just another one of those teams "Ok I will set it up" and weeks later "Our team is dead, we've created a new one".

S2 licensed
The biggest mistake is that they believe virtual motorsports will somehow conquer over real motorsports coverage... yet that is the dullest thing you could watch on TV as it lacks all kinds of reallife situations, and even personalities of the drivers... and so on. They have some kind of mindset that real fast racing drivers will use their iRacing platform in online tournaments instead because it is cheaper and safer... yet it completely goes against the true feel of DRIVING a car.

Maybe in a few decades from now when petrol cars are banned from the face of the earth and racing becomes really lame with electric cars or whatever we might have by then... But honestly, making motorsports virtual as a substitute for the actual racing series that take place, gimme a break. They explain all this and their envisions of the 'future' somewhere on their site. They definitely have high hopes for that aspect of the platform.

For now, I think it should be kept to a practice platform, and a good competitive racer for just simulation fans -- they will be the ones involved the most. If I was a racecar driver and wanted to practice the track a bit more, and if they had a good representation of the track on their platform, sure I'd see that as a very valuable tool. I guess it helps if you have limited practice time, change or weather, etc. But nothing beats driving on the track in a real car.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :
Quote from Gabkicks :this thread is making my patchfever worse.

You should try some kind of ointment on that.

The only prescription is more cowbell
S2 licensed
Quote from atledreier :I'll have a go. I have got my FF to a point where I'm comfortable with it. I still need to fight it a bit when in a slide, but it's a lot better than stock.
I've never driven a C6 though, so I don't really have a reference...

I found that in any ISI sim, you always have to reverse the force feedback to get it feeling right (like LFS). If you are using their 'normal' FF settings, the wheel will jerk towards the apex when in a slide, and get all loose in the wrong direction/feel when you have oversteer. It feels much better if you've got the FF reversed... there should be an option for that. -100% FF in old ISI sims too .
S2 licensed
(IF) Being priced a bit high has its good and bad points. They are marketing the game also for hardcore simulation enthusiasts, and those of which would really be the primary ones interested to buy the product (or just have the money). Look at LFS's userbase... you have a lot of noobs, and a real select few of diehard fans that are really serious about realism by getting tons of displays, building a cockpit, etc. I imagine that most people that WILL buy this game will be some pretty good drivers as well as ones that want another new game made by some 'legends' of sim developers.

The only downside to a possible hefty price would be of course that it cuts off the amount of sales through multiple people, leaving a large sum of quick-to-buy-and-under-$50-please customers to be hesitant about the purchase. Though I guess they figured out some kind of proportion of Serious Sim-Enthusiasts versus Any Given Simulation Player. Though, that probably isn't why the price is so high... they need to pay the bills, employees, and all that extra stuff. I guess they have a profitable business in the works, money should be flowing in since they have the whole 'for professionals' stance on their game... and big buyers like real racing teams come in handy I bet.

I like old Papyrus simulations, still some of my favorite. But they always lacked something extra visually. A real simulation definitely looks all plain and simple for the scenery, but it definitely needs to look like you are really in the proper location while racing. From the recent pictures it looks slightly better, but nothing spectacular compared to their past sims. It should all be in the physics I guess, which is always a nice focus of theirs.
S2 licensed
I really wish I could change my drivers at the moment... but I have to wait a few GP's from the looks of it. My chassis and engine choices seem to be ok... but my driver choices need changing baddddd!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :but I suspect that

As does everyone else.... Just acting like they know

Quote from SamH :he might actually BE on a 56K modem

Exactly my point :doh: *shame*
S2 licensed
Quote from Don :but how could there be anything wrong with it? you can adjust how much will each texture become big when you decrease fov?

It isn't the size of the background, it is how high it is and how the perspective of the objects are wrong in the picture. There was a thread discussing this, and that image in SO isn't exactly correct when you look at the perspective and high the horizon is. Next time you take a picture Don, don't point the camera up in the sky, that is what fools you. Make it half sky and half track, and you'll see. If you try to put the horizon in the middle, the camera is actually not level.

What Eric might be doing... well I'd beg to get something new from him. The last thing he did was the BF1 which still needs to be finished. Before that it was about another year in between when we had something else?

Going to be a long wait if we don't get anything by Patch X. Summer break is coming up for mostly everyone here in school.... so if Eric has a box full of surprises, it will be great to enjoy those things by then. If nothing else changes in say... 4 months from now, I'll lose even more hope for S2's progress when it comes to Eric's job .
S2 licensed
Errr yeah... but I think it should be understood. Maybe pdanev didn't have enough vertical room
S2 licensed
Quote from pdanev :I wanted to make this for the XRR, but teazR already beat me to it.
I still like the original car a lot, so I made it for the FXR, turned out quite ok I think.

FXR Sonax

Looks like you resized the side logos then rotated? Because the side decals are all warped and skewed if you did it that way.... unless it is supposed to be like that? .
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
Does resemble a Mazda, but for some reason I belive it is a soon-to-be Alfa Romeo model.

Probably the new BMW M3
S2 licensed
Doesn't have to have a V8... but I guess the name "LX8" is the only reason... damn LFS naming :doh: Would rather call it an LXR.

The LX could easily be made into a faster performance car with loads of power (motorcycle engine) and low weight. Slap on some slicks, a rollcage and better suspension and you'd be good to go. Would be a popular car imo... because it has roadcar characteristics with formula car precision.
Last edited by Tweaker, .