But it sucks because the bonus question is almost always changed at the last minute by the site admin, and a lot of people get totally screwed over from it. Happened to me on the last bonus question.... I get the notification email almost the moment the question is put on the site, give my answer, and then I find it changed a day or two later. Really smart site admin if you ask me
This isn't the only time he's had to reword it. But as far as I know, his English might not be the best, so I guess you have to deal with it
All I would do before races would be to drink plenty of water, stretch and then relax muscles, take a pre-piss, and get comfortable overall. If it is a hot day or you know you are bound to get all sweaty, make sure you have a fan blowing on you .
Most importantly, the meal before needs to be something safe... as in... doesn't make you fart or feel like crap. Usually I'd have just a simple sandwich or something that is easy to digest and nourishing. But still, water is the only thing I can stress more. Doing a lot of races where I had to get up super early in order to race you guys across the pond... I sometimes would just get right out of bed, not eat anything (which is the best), drink a bottle of water, and warmup about 30 minutes before the actual race. Sometimes I'd even be drinking water whenever I found the opportunity during a race (in pits or long straights).
You don't have to eat something to win a big race.
If you think posts like those are slowing down development.... you really need to get your head out of your arse.....
It should only take around 5-10 minutes to skim through the posts and spot the bug posts. He already knows he is going to get countless irrelevant posts in the Test Patch forum, and I have yet to see "I am going to throw a hissy fit because I cannot develop the game with you guys posting like this"..... :rolleyes:
If it gets really bad, sure the Mods need to do their thing and clean it up, but do any of them have the patience for this bloody forum anymore???
No? Doesn't matter who I play with, and I know what a good team is and a bad team.
Almost always attacking teams win, and defending teams just lose horribly... at least a majority of the time. Uber is incredibly annoying and easy to conquer areas with, and it just puts the defending team in a bad position each time. They've had to try and balance it 2 or 3 times now?
I play on Q and other servers where there are lots of good players, and there is no 'coordinated' strategy or superior strategy. It is just rushing with uber, rushing with scouts, etc. Like I said, repetitive, and hardly the best teamwork in an FPS.
Still too many people that lonewolf and do their own thing, which turns me off a bit from playing the game. When there are those few cases of teamplay, it is just way too easy to win, or just way too repetitive.
Best teamplay is PR mod for BF2 ... can't get any better than squad organization and crazy tactics required to win. TF2 is just a Q3 style shoot'em up chaos teamplay. Still fun, but team-based? Not really, unfortunately.
I randomly tuned to it earlier this evening, had no idea it was happening this weekend :doh: ... even though I was browsing Peugeot's site and it was plastering tons of "LE MANS LE MANS" banners everywhere
So far it looks like a cool race for LMP1, and LMP2 is pretty obvious with an expected win (IMO) from the Porsche RS Spyder that pretty much dominates over here in ALMS. I'll have to wake up to the results I guess.
Some early era drivers have strange results such as "NC" (Not Classified) or "DNQ" (Did Not Qualify)... do those count as participation in the Grand Prix?
I goto ALMS every year, always the best racing to see there lately. Though I missed seeing Champ Car which was fastest of all (CART of late 90's), which will now come back in 2009 (didn't show up that race weekend, only Atlantics raced -- all due to the IRL merger, lame).
I am north of it, on the peninsula in Redwood City, about an hour and a half away.
And nice pics. There was a girl I dated that owned a beautifully restored 2002.
Was thinking exactly the same thing. Exhaust out the side isn't right either.
And I think a real racing version of the RAC would need better cooling/intakes to the engine instead... and more outlets on the rear bumper. Hardtop version with a roof mouth would make more sense, and look cooler .
It says on Flickr what lenses some shots were using. I wish I had a slightly longer range than 300mm (which was the best I had), most good photographers are using something far bigger than that. However not all shots are completely sharp, Flickr adds a bit of sharpening to the re-sampled sizes. But yeah, I did have to do a lot of pre-focussing on bits I wanted photos of, otherwise it would've focused too fore/aft of the subject and the photo would've looked bad. The D70 is good with auto-focusing at a fast pace though.
Laguna Seca is a hard place to take photos, there are big runoff areas and some high fences in most places, so you are somewhat far from the cars for the good angles as a normal spectator. Photo/media passes are hard to get I imagine, and they have the best locations to shoot.
I am more of a macro and landscape kind of photographer, so this was my first real attempt at racing photos with a decent camera. And I like your macro shots Strobe
If you're curious where I took some of the photos around the track, Flickr has a neat 'map' feature you can click on the lower right, I plotted all the spots I took the pics
Made the BF1 have 580 bhp (older GP2) by giving it an 11% intake restriction, and +88kg weight added to equal the 688kg weight (with driver). Turned traction control off, and tweaked the setup a little bit and the car is pretty much driveable, and lots of fun.
All you'd need to sort out is a bit of tire issues, and change the grooved tire texture to solid slicks and you almost have a GP2 car right there. Only other difference visually would be the engine cowl gills on the bodywork, and the sharpness of the nose really.
Perhaps a crazy idea for a league? I would try, but LFS is dying on its' last drops with all these old cars, old generic racing, and handicap-modded grids to try and make something "new"... it just doesn't seem like it is worth the time. But making GP2 skins does .