De la Rosa could be their only choice I think. He has previous GP experience, and has been testing for them for quite a while. Though, I've heard he will continue to be their test driver.....
Yeah I know you haven't , but it is quite annoying to see people using these common vector packs that for one... aren't "free"... and secondly, like you said... not designing at all.
Ooops, I meant to say critics that call themselves artists.
(bold and underlined for you)
We are left with what Eric can come up with, that is what we have to live with, and based on that notion he is just about the only 'holy' developer we can rely on for our tracks. I think the S2 tracks are his worst works to date, and S1 tracks still the only worthwhile tracks to race on.
Still doesn't mean he can't make something nice that feels "real". Either way, any track he makes is added value to LFS, even if it sucks... because LFS needs more tracks --- BAD. Just as long as it isn't a new config
You're awfully misinterpreting this anyways. Have you ever seen this "Wangan" expressway?
Tell me something, would you REALLY want that in LFS? Gimme a break. Last I want to hear is something about tracks being too "linear" or some god awful attempt to review a fictional track. And lastly be spiked by some snobby "you said 'real' " policeman.
Any talented track designer can make what he pleases, it doesn't have to be "real"... especially in Live for Speed's case. I understand people really want to drive around on a "real" track in LFS (hell I'd like Laguna Seca), but I find a lot more pleasure in driving a track that nobody else knows... one that a designer takes the time in making, and creating something new for everyone. It feels very rewarding to be driving on a quality fictional track. I'd do anything to have ANY kind of track in LFS, but note.... TRACK.
This subject has gone through enough discussion from "sim scholars" (especially those who are ignorant "artists" slash critics who think they can do better and believe extremely planar GPL recreations suffice), that it just gets put down every time you try and fight it. Eric has said himself that he'd prefer leaving it to his own imagination, as it would take a lot of time and money to make a "real" location accurate.
I could come up with plenty of new and fictional track ideas, but the last thing I'd think of making is a bloody expressway to race on . That is all my point really is.
The biggest reason is that Eric could spend more time on making fictional tracks, than trying to model a stupid street? Yes I'd like more tracks in LFS (it's actually the one thing that LFS needs badly atm), but I certainly do NOT want a street course such as this. Shows the least bit of creativity IMO.
I am having similar problems here. For me I have noticed it depends on how many people are on the server... so if the server has like 15 or more people online, my chances of disconnects are greater. A server filled fully will have me disconnected in about 2 minutes or so. Pretty unstable. (Not good, especially since I admin the large endurance races for MoE, and now can't do it anymore)
I have not changed any settings or anything either, and all other games don't have these problems either. Very frustrating, and I don't know what to try. I wish I could have some really indepth debugging or something, so I can watch what is happening via my router or any other kind of activity.
I'd like to think it is the latest X version of LFS, because earlier versions were never like this, but not many people have this issue as far as I can see, and I may be a bit irrational thinking LFS is to blame. However, I do believe that LFS is very poor in handling disconnects or people with a tiny bit of packet loss --- It isn't very good in keeping people connected.
Wouldn't want to make fun of his poor english, but he sure is cool "Because Bruce Willis is suck!!!!"
However, I think this is fake somehow. Because I hear his friends or someone in the background giggling, and it looks like this guy is trying not to laugh. (at the end)
Hmmm that sucks. Scawen must've made the texture tile now... because it used to be able to be edited fully to make a nice custom grille. Damn this 'optimization', damn it to hell!!!
No point to use a PNG format anyways, Scawen decided to convert anything to DDS with its compression, so you really don't gain from having some other kind of format.... we'll always have crappy DDS from now on it seems (unfortuneately ).
Only reason LFSW still accepts JPG is for ease of transfer and storage. Filesize can be much lower. LFSW wont magically upgrade to super high filesize skins guys :doh:... Victor has sad these things cost money...
I fun track sure, but a true challenge is memorizing 50-100 or more corners on these kinds of tracks..... Or in Targa's case, 900 corners (1 lap = 44 miles)?
I'd rather have hopes for Pescara or Targa Florio back.... or something similar. Those are the only tracks that could compare or at least dominate Nordschleife's superiority.
Hmmm Lewis did say he was coming over here to the states after the season was over, so this might be one reason why. Wish I was working at EA (only 15 mins away), I'd probably get to go seem him .
Hell if he did smile on the front cover, they'd need to photoshop the gap in his front teeth!!!
It isn't easy here either really, we have the same declaration thing, and pay a ridiculous annual fee for anything custom. And it takes a LONG time until you get the plate.
There is a HUGE master list of the unaccepted/unacceptable plates on a government site somewhere... forget.