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S2 licensed
Quote from speedway :i'd even go for as gp reverse, simply to reduce the possibility of a pile up in last chicane

I agree. Reverse would be better indeed. Better camera angles if you go in the reverse direction too.
S2 licensed
Not quite sure what you question is, but if you want to preview skins in the CMX Viewer, yes you place them in the data/skins directory. That is the only way.

Then you go and choose the car model first and then the skin in the viewer and you should see it just fine. Make sure you use the reload button if you update the skinfile often and export it with your graphics app.

If you want to preview the skins in the game, just create a new skin profile for the car you skinned, and it should ask you what skin you want for that profile. And tada... it should show in the garage, and out on the track when you exit the garage.

Perhaps you are not exporting to the correct format, and or not exporting with the correct name. The proper skinnames are as like so:

Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Kdovi :I wouldn't mind for doing it on FE black, but your choice seems to be much better

I wouldn't mind either track (FE Black or AS GP), but I think AS GP is a much better solution for this comparison.

Fern Bay is way too tight, and if all of the 19 cars are in the last sector, it would be impossible for anyone to pass. Also this is why you see these speed comparisons with only 3 or 4 cars... never 19.

Aston GP may be wide and less interesting in terms of a car pushing it really hard through a bumpy track.... but it has the added bonus of nice wide open areas with lots of speed. If all the cars were coming up on each other in the last sector, imagine the backstraight and the last chicane... that has plenty of room for a bunch of cars. And if the BF1 wins, it looks a bit more like AS GP is its 'home track' because of all the BMW adverts .
S2 licensed
Re-download the file from a different location. File could be corrupted.
S2 licensed
Premiere will also set you back $800 USD....

Oh wait wallets don't matter on teh internets...... :doh:
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Here it is: ... ebooks/amilo_pa_2510.html

BTW I managed to install all the drivers except the VGA...So I'm looking for a driver for ATI Radeon Xpress 1200 (for XP)

If you still have XP, best thing to do is never to get any video drivers from the manufacturer anymore.

Install 3rd party drivers that are perfectly stable, and have updated drivers from ATI. Usually the latest driver might not always work, so try older ones until you get desired results.

When I had my laptop, I always installed Omega Drivers. They support a lot of laptop chipsets. Link:
S2 licensed
Decent system, keep XP, what I did. I did not want Vista hampering performance of my new/fast system in any way... XP feels a bit more 'raw'.

Vista isn't worth it still. I am waiting on their big service pack due in 2008, then I'll consider installing it.

EDIT: I may even be as so inclined to wait for Window "7", which is a long ways away of course.
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
Quote from lococost :2 things spring to mind:
Using standard skins will make everything blend, why not stick to our own skins and have some individuality?

What makes you think default skins 'blend'? We aren't talking plain colors here I hope....

Though, team skins I've seen lately are just plain terrible, that is for sure.


But so what, I just realized that Fern Bay Black is probably not such a good choice, having 19 cars on the last sector of the track makes it all VERY hard to pass, I suspect an accident every time to be honest. You also would not have a lot of time to keep a camera on one particular car. Fern Bay will just look wildly ridiculous through the chicanes... though yes it does give a faster feel when in-car.

Technically the longest and widest track is Aston Grand Prix, with a 4:05 laptime for the UF1, and a 2:05 laptime for the BF1. Putting that into perspective, that is more of a 'speed' and grip comparison. Having the BF1 wait 2+ mins in the video, and then to have it catch up to every other car on the last few turns? THAT is amazing . Gives a lot more room for the BF1 to try and haul azz past the cars on the straightaway.

Would make for like a nice long 6-7 minute video.
S2 licensed
Quote from Enitsed :3 little skins I made.
Already upload and free to use.
Have fun ... drive fair

Haven't I seen you around here before? Nice skins for first post

BMW one is nice, but I don't like fake grille.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I take it we're excluding Dick Cheney from the "hunters" generalisation.

Not at all a smart hunter you see . But I am referring to people that know how-to use a gun safely (especially around oneself or a group of people), and don't just go whipping one out to take off a lug nut.

Cheney was hunting quail too... a pretty pointless bird to shoot at. Fast, small, and all you do is spray and pray in hopes you kill one.... and I bet Cheney did exactly that. Old Man Kansas sure did get a good one in the face
S2 licensed
Hahah, this sounds like the sort of thing we have in far too many movies here... when people blow away locks with their guns. The fact that he used a shotgun at point blank range, goes to show he really did not know what he was doing, and should not own a gun.

There are smart gun owners in America (namely officers & hunters), and then there are these guys :doh:
S2 licensed
Wouldn't qualifying be easier to track the times everyone gets?

If you just simply have people start with the gap/difference from everyone's laptimes, it doesn't take into account their startline acceleration ability. So a lot of the slower roadcars will easily lose several more seconds on that alone. Perhaps as a test before we do any of this, figure out how much time (from 0 mph) it takes for the cars to get to T1 from the startline.

LX6 would've been my 2nd choice, nice Dave
S2 licensed
Username: Tweaker
Realname(if possible): George Bush
Car: FO8
Why that car: Because I want to show the BF1 who's boss

EDIT: One suggestion would be that we all use LFS default skins, so quite possibly it looks a bit more 'official'.

EDIT2: Do we have to do it so soon? Your signup list isnt even full, and I think this will take way more time to figure out the handicap-gap times before we even do a practice.
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
That wouldn't look good on any car in LFS in my opinion.
S2 licensed
If you like Crazy Town, all my suggestions are pretty much out the window :doh:
S2 licensed
I can recommend rFactor for many reasons, but the game takes some big hits in some very important departments.

Good points are that you have lots of cars and tracks to try, so you almost always will never get bored of playing around on them. There are some fairly nice mods out, and they keep getting better.

Quote from ajp71 :If you're wanting to race online I'd say forget it, pick up racing has low availability and generally low standards compared to LFS.

Couldn't agree more.

The big cons about rFactor is its online play. It is a very big step away from the norm if you are used to fast-paced racing sessions that keep the racing active every 10 minutes or so (like in LFS). Races take FOREVER in rFactor because of their session based system that every server uses. Have to go through qualifying, sometimes servers set them for 60 minutes...... and nobody votes to goto the next session as usual. Then it is warmup for a shortwhile, then you finally get to the damned RACE! Until you finally realize that people can't start a race worth a damn, and crash you after all that work. Not to mention that in order to restart the race, someone needs to DNF (Esc) out of the race and vote for a restart... usually doesn't always work. That is another big annoyance, where if you hit Esc you are out of the race instantly. Hell, even before all these session, some servers even enable a long free practice. So going through the entire process just to get to a damn race is very tiresome and annoying. I don't think any other rFactor players here could disagree to that, because it is very true. You could do about 6 or 8 races in LFS for the time it takes to do one race in rFactor.

Another thing to mention is that a lot of people royally SUCK online in rFactor. I don't know how to explain it... do people just not know the track and/or car? But after seeing people so many times online in some servers, they still don't learn, and are still slow. The FIRST night I played rFactor online officially, people were asking for my setup and I was kicking their arses. Pretty sad if you ask me. Occasionally I have seen a few fast people that are competitive at my level, but that is very very rare. There are also more wreckers and immature drivers online in rFactor in my opinion. People slamming you in the pits, blocking you and hitting you off the track if they get angry. Again, very sad. It is my understanding that you can only get a better experience through leagues online, as the competition is a bit better and more well mannered. But I honestly don't have time for any league bullshit, so all in all, rFactor really blew it for me in the online department.

If people want to know how rFactor's netcode is online, I'd say it is alright though. Probably easily comparable to LFS's netcode, if not better. But honestly, who cares about the netcode, when there is not door-to-door racing when I play online... it is either they aren't near you at all because they suck so bad... or they are actually hitting your doors by crashing you like noobs.

So in summary, Multiplayer is a big disappointment for me in rFactor. And not very many servers are filled... because there are so many different mods to use... and you'll likely only find one or two servers that have the mod you wish to play.... and some not filled very high. About the only thing rFactor is good for is Singleplayer when you are really bored, and you want to have a go driving around a track or something . It definitely fills that void.

Am I upset that I bought the game? Yes and no. It at least gives me something else to play around with, rather than sticking to just one racing simulator like LFS. And in no way is this mini-review biased because of LFS.... I judge the multiplayer on ease of use based on so many other multiplayer games I play... and this is by far the worst, and biggest waste of time.

And BTW, rFactor is really easy to learn, no matter what mod. First night on standard installed car and track, I was already within 1 second of the world record.

I am actually considering looking at RACE07 instead, but not sure about how the multiplayer is there
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed

I'd like to see this, along with the information bar below/above the resized image with a zoom or plus icon in it or something.

Seen this mod in several other forums and it works out quite nice.

However, the only problem I see it having is for images people might want to post in their thread for a presentation of sorts. Example being, a race for a league, where people like to post title images for the event. I guess as long as the dimensions of such images are within bounds, and still possible of posting in full size... say... 500x200, then it'd be ok. Perhaps if the mod could be hacked for moderators and league moderators... so they don't have any limits in their respective sections? Because this mod is global, and that is annoying.

I just dislike those screenshots in skin threads and the like, being 800x600+ and all. I've always attached my preview images or used Imageshack's thumbnail code, I don't know why people have to go and use IMG tags.
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
If Honda doesn't get anywhere next season, Brawn will be just like Pat Symonds talking about how Renault needs to improve for the next race.... and the next race........ and the next race.

I hope Brawn gets the job done.
S2 licensed
Correction. Button said Hamilton is not good enough at growing facial hair.

**For a man trying very hard in the modelling business with Honda, he is good enough.
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :couldn't you just run an AI race with 32 people, then save the replay and watch it

You can only add 20 AI or have a 20 car grid in singleplayer.
S2 licensed
Vykos, lets get a betting system on your tournaments
S2 licensed
Quote from adin :FINNISHED F1 1998 Sauber - a replica of this formula 1 car

The real car had a bit more vibrant blue and green(?) on it. Your is kind of a pale blue with purple hue? But it looks nice anyways
S2 licensed
I'd like to see examples of it in LFS... like on a brick wall or something?
S2 licensed
Not quite sure I understand....

Is it something that makes textures appear to have bump mapping? If so, I think LFS could use that a little bit, to give textures some depth.

Or is it something you can do to actually make bump mapping in LFS?
S2 licensed
Myself saying "stupid street" has nothing to do with so called ricer bashing you expect from this forum. And being specific, I was calling the street stupid actually, not "stupid street racing with ricers zomg and nos!!!" as you seem to read it.

No matter what, I honestly think it is just plain stupid to have a street/highway to race on, simple as that, is that any more clear? Underlining the word track would surely have got that point through your thick skull, but apparently it never worked.... even after you so knowingly imitated me.

Scania posts a lot of tracks he hopes to drive on in LFS... some suggested are cool (I've replied to a few I liked), and some would just put LFS in the wrong direction in my opinion... like this one.
Last edited by Tweaker, .