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S2 licensed
Exactly, those logos are nothing more than just fictional logos created by the designer. Remember, the rules state that if the designer uses a logo on the skin, it must be cleared by them so they don't have any issues with it being in the game. (If someone worked for Coca-Cola and got it approved, I am sure it would be ok). But these are fictional logos, and Cell looks great. Because it's a shame people have used the old crummy logo pack... most LFS logos our outdated and don't look modern at all.
S2 licensed
Hmmm if they get any deeper into this, I am sure they are just digging a deeper hole for themselves...
S2 licensed
Bourdais will be the man to choose for next year I think... CCWS don't have traction control... he should easily get into grips next year when F1 takes off TC.

I never liked Speed or Liuzzi. Speed is too cocky of a driver to even be in an F1 car.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I actually didn't find any of TeazR's to be special enough, but each to their own I guess, I can't really comment after the pile of crap I submitted lol

Same here, I just didn't get any vibes from his skins unfortunately... they don't look like designs that fit the LX... maybe best fit for other cars

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Justin is my favourite, and most people I speak to love that cell skin. I rekon he could win it, oh and thanks for the vote tweaker! That sums me up perfectly...simple!

Cell skin is nice yes. With the limited space on the LX, it looks nice. Most of the skins that accentuate the nose either with a vertical stripe of some sort wrapped around or any alternate coloring really brings out the look of the LX car.

There are too many skins that have tribal designs and stuff. I did also like this skin though, but one side is a little warped:

343938 bytes
7 Jul 2007, 13:53
S2 licensed
I really like several skins here, and have submitted my votes for these 6 skins:

Diablo Def
408544 bytes
11 Jul 2007, 13:10

ATC Quicksilver
292856 bytes
12 Jul 2007, 17:20

Diablo Def
360362 bytes
15 Jul 2007, 22:45

Diablo Def

370205 bytes
22 Jul 2007, 21:54

Vilante 11

380432 bytes
26 Jul 2007, 06:22


360243 bytes
28 Jul 2007, 23:12

As you can see, I really like Diablo Defs work . These designs look good on the LX cars imo. Quicksilvers is a good work of simplicity, and looks great for the LX car (a classic look). I am sure everyone from this list will have a winning skin .
S2 licensed
If you aren't worried about position in Turn 1, than brake well before everyone else does, but not hard so that you shunt other drivers behind you.

Take any line, ideally the outside if cars infront of you are not tangled up. While braking HOLD YOUR LINE I might add, unless you need to dodge an accident. Be alert as to what is on your sides. Never try to hold a middle-line under braking while entering the turn, it just spells disaster.... too dangerous to manage.

Inside line in turn 1 is not always the safest, the outside usually has a much better success rate simply because it is more open and less cramped. Chances of getting hit by a banzai/kamikazeeeee turn 1 nutter is lower on the outside... but if you do get hit it will push you even wider. If you are on the inside you can slip away if you keep it tight on the apex, but usually there a small spins and pileups on the inside that could ultimately lose you ground fast.
S2 licensed
I've always wanted to goto New Zealand, beautiful place. Except, those volcanos are ticking timebombs so I hear......
S2 licensed
Grats Jason, you are a true auto-x'er (in LFS, and in reallife, hehe)
S2 licensed
Looks like a lot of premade vector shapes slapped onto the side, and that's it. Is that all your work? Because I've seen those shapes before.... as something that you buy online....
S2 licensed
The real car is a much deeper yellow. Don't be fooled by pale old photos, the yellow was actually pretty vivid on the real car. Perhaps you wanted it to suit your own preference, so don't mind me
S2 licensed
Faster to use sequential of course . Unfortuneately

If LFS had an advantage of using a manual clutch, then I would use the manual gated shifting... but LFS doesn't really, so I always stick to using the paddles because it is best to keep your hands on the wheel at all times. The shifter is just for entertainment if you want to give it a try in a roadcar or something.

S2 licensed
That is in NO way safer at all. Pretty insane to think you need to add walls there to slow them down. People goto pass there a lot entering the corner. If people can't take that corner, than it is their own stupid mistakes. That corner is rather easy actually.... you don't need to stuff it up with a silly chicane.

Let people learn the course properly, rather than try to make a new one to learn all over again... which just causes more accidents anyways. If you have complaints of people being total naabs on these so-called "licensed" servers.... think about the kind of mentality people have when they have this 'uber license to drive' on that server. That pretty much explains it... Because nobody in those servers are who they say they are... nor do they ever learn.
Last edited by Tweaker, .
S2 licensed
It works like this. If there is a larger grid, the WAIT time while on the grid is longer (to allow everyone to get situated), but the randomness of the green lights dropping is always the same... no matter the grid size.

When you are waiting on the grid and the red lights have not even come on, that is the wait time I speak of (longer/shorter depending on how many people are playing). But as soon as the lights turn red and go 1, 2, 3....... the green light comes on at random, and is not dependant on the grid size.
S2 licensed
FZ50 will kick the RAC's arse..... boring.
S2 licensed
I see a few of my skins on there. You should at least mention who the author is on your site, so you don't get any angry complaints.

I am fine with anyone using my skins or whatever (Really don't care)... but just be sure to give an author credit .

EDIT: You have some old S1 FXO skins in the XFG gallery
S2 licensed
I use:

-270 degree rotation in Windows settings and in LFS
-50% FF in Windows, and in LFS
-Centering spring disabled at 0%
-Combined pedals UNCHECKED/OFF

That's about it. Everything else you've set is fine (like wheel turn compensation). Can get World Record pace with those G25 settings. Just keep practicing.... because I suspect it is just hard for you to adjust from originally using a joystick, to using a wheel. It takes time, but Wheel is always fastest.

Have fun!
S2 licensed
I think even with DirectX 9, LFS could probably BENEFIT from having that engine, regardless if it wasnt using any of the DX9 features that DX8 doesn't have. Personally I think LFS would have an FPS increase for users with DX9 cards (and I am sure the majority of us have those). For how simple and bland LFS looks, FPS sure isn't very 'good' compared to the pimped out DX9/DX10 games using proper hardware. Hell even on autocross, systems that play DX9 games at very high FPS suffer in DX8 LFS Auto-x. I just don't understand why it has to be this way.

Perhaps it is a very crude graphics engine that doesn't make use of any DX9 powered cards... feels more 'raw' than anything else. I am sure LFS could run so much smoother if it was optimized and could be run under DX9. Sadly, I don't think we'll ever see that happening, and it will always be behind in this department. I think Scawen has the most experience with DX8 games, since that is the engine he is most familiar with even with his other previous games. Not sure if he has looked at DX9+ at all, but I hope he has... and hope it is easy to pick up on when the time comes.

Using the whole "dds" stuff under DX8 just doesn't feel like there is any gain from it. I think Scawen really needs to utilize such features for textures when there is actually a better renderer in place of DX8.... else it just doesn't feel like it helps.

I mean, newest games have all these crasy AA, AF, blurring, reflections, lighting, etc... and they still can run fine with the proper hardware. Yet LFS has very rudimentary graphics and can be hurt in some occassions... like with smoke and LOD issues. And LFS is still very low detail out of the box. Not just its textures, but also the car models and other objects are very low poly.

S2 licensed
Bought a system and I run a 640mb 8800 GTS, and it runs great. Runs a lot of the latest games on maximum settings, and I love it . I'd definitely be able to pull a bit more FPS from games if I had even crazier hardware, but the 8800 GTS is just fine. Though, because your other hardware specs are not very similar to mine (cpu, memory, etc), I'd assume a GTX would compensate for that... so you'd be alright.
S2 licensed
I think there should be a larger amount of skidmarks of course.... but first you need to realize that the skidmarks are way too extreme!!! Read this thread I've posted a long time ago... basically explaining that they are too sensitive. It shouldn't be this way. LFS tracks after a public race look very bad with skidmarks everywhere, even in normal racing conditions, the skidmarks just appear everywhere. They should either be VERY VERY feint, or not show at all, only just show in extreme grip loss situations.

Skidmarks too sensitive
S2 licensed
If you want your skin "private", don't upload it to LFSW, simple as that. If you only want a few trusted people to see it, give it to them personally.

Problem solved.

Skin protection has been discussed in depth before, there is just no secure way of doing it and while keeping the system as simple as it already is. In the end it will all be a waste of time to code... Arguing over someone using your private skin online???? Come on, it can't get any lamer than that, it's just a skin.
BMW M3 Simulator (Waste?)
S2 licensed
lol I saw this on Engadget just now...

Looks like GTR or something? Pretty expensive, but still cool... I guess Can you spot all the really sad points of the video and the entire presentation? lol
S2 licensed
I'll happily make this skin, just wait till Friday or the weekend
S2 licensed
Those are definitely graphics card issues. Try cleaning out your drivers and using new ones, and/or make sure it isn't getting too hot. Newest drivers doesn't always mean 'better'. ATI usually will have issues with their drivers like this a lot.

Nothing more to say, because usually the easiest fix is a driver change
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :I take my words back.

You'll notice a difference on your bank account status as you realize you wasted a big load of cash on something as silly as quad-core processors if your income doesn't depend on it.

I agree.

You already have a decent system buddy, no need to get a quad core. Wait for something else in the future.
S2 licensed
It should be removed until it is further developed. Because it removes a lot of flexibility for other things. (Not referring to other views for the player)