Absolutely disgusted by this game, in only SOME areas.
First, I'll say what I like. I think the graphics and effects are fine, still looks ok, but obviously GTR-ish... I thought it was gonna look a weee bit better. I have everything maxed out, full res, etc... game isn't all that great, but still looks decent. Menus are fairly ok and easy to use, sounds are about 4/5 stars I'd say.
The bad things are the real spoilers for the game.... Multiplayer netcode and online gameplay IS SHIT. I still fully disagree with the whole 'session' system that ISI invented... yes it may be real, but 1 race will take forever. (Quick online racing - One of the beautiful things of LFS that no other game can compare to).
Racing online in the poor netcode is just atrocious. People banging into you, having no feedback through the wheel, and just jello bouncing off each other. It's terrible, and those are with GOOD pings.
Again, the session voting system is shit shit shit.
Chatting is a pain, there are limited multiplayer options and features. Server settings can ruin the gameplay a whole lot.
And the worst part about this entire game is that it is available via STEAM. I vowed to never touch Steam for a long while, until this game. Went ahead and reinstalled it all, and just played the game. Sure enough, I already see tons of keyboard drivers with the names "L337 Sauce" noobing it up on the track and "kansei-drifter" using a FWD Seat Leon car and trying to drift it.... asking this question: "you can't drift in this game???" Finally, there are hardly any track rules or flag rules, and people cut the track, as well as go backwards on the track and start wrecking. Terrible terrible terrible. I already know of one wrecker that joins the servers, his name is "clino". He keeps cycling through the servers back and forth and just wrecking races.
It's quite crap to be honest, and it can only get worse once more CS kiddies get their hands on it. To be honest, I don't think Simbin could give a flying fluck about their userbase, and know that marketing towards a huge community of L337 players will get them more money. A win win for them, but a big loss when this game is approached by a 'simulation community'.
The game is hardly a simulation, it is way too easy to drive... way too easy. It's just something else to play, and not a serious racing game at all.
So far I've hit the low 1:35's at Brands. Laptimes for real WTCC are 1:34's and 1:33... though my setup cannot get me anywhere near those times.
Having my dog come running into my room all excited and hitting my feet causing me to crash ---- then being told it was an excuse for losing by some noobs. Happens to me A LOT.
Nice, but the music is so depressing, as if Norbi died recently or something :doh: Dunno why you couldn't put in some of the onboard footage of his. I have tons of onboard footage that he gives me... I am sure they are spread all over the Hungarian forums too.
Incredibly lame knock-off of the FD machine. It just wobbles, and has hardly any large degree of motion. That, and the attempt to make the thing look trendy with an overused white theme and posh smirk on the guy's face, what more could you ask for when wasting your money on this product?
I run 1600 x 1200, and I'd still rather see fewer userbars and text in signatures....
I don't think resolution is at fault here, it is just like AndroidXP stated already; the fact that the signatures on this forum cause an unwanted break in the "line of reading".
Before I get started with what? Why would I even waste my time shoving anything in your direction. Why do you always have to be so offended, holy hell... I thought sarcasm in England was commonplace. :doh:
Yes you have your user specific userbar, but you have all these other ones that people 'can' use, why not make a userbar that generates exactly what they have into one image? (eg, CTRA logo + license level + national level + etc) Then again, that wouldn't seem practical and hard-to-fit, but there ought to be some way of making it cleaner. Sam just goes on a roll with those userbars... I don't see how it is allowed to have so many, he is moderator I guess.
Other leagues only give out one to use, and yes they can make more if they please I bet... but they have some common sense in knowing that too many is just overkill, yes?
I think the new Nordschliefe for rFactor is the best version I've seen to date for a PC simulation...
So it may have a few kinks slightly off, but it is really damn close to what I've seen in videos. The video Niels has linked up there should be a good enough example of the track itself... but I do agree that the laptimes simulations get versus reallife, that can never be a fair comparison. As for the track itself, again, I think it is one of the best out there at the moment, and it most definitely keeps my time away from LFS-boredom. Finally rFactor gives me something else to do when it comes to choosing a driving simulation for the night.
Else long signatures are just cluttering up this fking forum with nonsense more than it already is. You might also remember that the signatures allowed a huge amount of lines a while ago, until Victor changed the setting because people abused their signatures with tons of ridiculous lines. The only reason that you want more lines is because CTRA cannot seem to get their act together with making ONE userbar for a specific person and you cannot fit all of them in your signature... instead they insist on making hundreds of other unnecessary versions that people are free to use to plaster all over the place. If you have too many userbars, put them together all in one big image, and host the image yourself.
**Note: The kids always approve these ideas to support the growth of their e-penis, wise men don't approve.
First off, Jakg I don't know what you are on, but taking off a heatsink and re-applying thermal paste is perfectly normal and 'ok'. All those 'bubbles' from the first pics are the grease from the first time he took it off.
Besides, even if it is a laptop, that is fine too. I normally replaced the grease on my old laptop every 3 months, and it would give me a 10-15C decrease in max temperature each time while gaming. But whatever he is doing with this heatsink... mehhhhh.
If done right, a smart person would take off the paste on both the heatsink and cpu contacts and make sure no residue is left over. Then reapply a small portion in the very middle and re-mount the heatsink. You only need a little bit, and the grease will spread when you re-mount the heatsink, AND the grease will spread when heat dissipates after a week or two of normal use. I am sure we all learned how glue spreads underneath paper when we were kids, yes? :doh:
To be honest, I would go through the steps of applying the new grease, and then run the computer at normal specs. Then once temps seem to be fairly good, try overclocking, or whatever it is that gets you soiled....
If the PC continues to get hot, don't consider a new heatsink, consider looking at your fan/case solution, and see if it is even getting ample cooling overall.
2560x1600 is NOT max resolution in dual view, that is max resolution for just one screen. There are screens that go up to that resolution (30" /w dual-dvi plugs (note: this does not mean dual display, it simply means you need two dvi plugs for one screen)).
LFS should support any resolution that your card (and screen) allows on one or more screens.
The resolution you should be allowed with one display is 1680x1050. With two screens you should be allowed 3360x1050. So you are fine the way you are right now, and that is the highest you can go. I don't see why you have trouble with 3360x1050, it should work just fine... maybe you have not set it up properly.
Basically the first auctioneer screwed up his first auction and only won $300. The winner of the 1st bid took the same bottle and spruced up the auction and won $503,000.00. Big difference.
But yeah, the winning bidder of $503,000..... "v00d004sc0re"... looks suspicious, lol.
Well see, at first I thought this site was a corporate site. But after reading that your intent is for a web design site.... nothing fits that criteria with the current design or color choice imo. I chose darker colors with the idea that this was a corporate site (hence the name 'partners').
If you don't want to throw more money at designers, tell them to stop looking at templates for ideas.
Tried the mod for a couple days and I must say I really do like it. Graphics wise it is excellent, and I am impressed that you managed to make the HUD on the dash too.... nice nice.
As for physics... it just feels too easy for me. It should lose traction A LOT easier when you punch the throttle and throw the car around, but the thing just grips so well... no matter what tires I use.
It sure is fun on the 2007 Nord track, that is for sure :up: Nice job I say.
Lightest is the best, but after looking at what your site represents.... you need a more professional look, and one with darker colors -- So I chose the darkest theme.
The light theme would be better off if you were a site selling toys. Though, you said the site is for web design???? Neither of the colors fit that criteria then.
I really want to see some onboard footage of Dixon. I have a feeling that you'd see his hands move the steering wheel himself, all while looking at Dario's car coming towards him. But only video can prove this.... I just wonder what it looked like from Dixon's point of view.
Only thing I do notice is that Dixon was never really doing a full 180, he was still sideways before he changed directions.... so coming back into the wall is very possible. Maybe he was trying to do some flip-around stunt move lol.
Yeah a good driver would've just stopped with his car facing the other direction.... NOT turn the wheels to block the path of another car. He definitely turned the wheels to create that crash.
Thx for the video btw, I saw some article about this, but couldn't find a video of it last night.
I highly disagree. You'd be surprised just how clean and universal proper CSS code is if you do it correctly. Hell, if I code my own sites I am nothing perfect, but there is A LOT one should know about CSS before saying it is crap. The only thing that really creates barriers with what you try and design, is the kind of site you are trying to make... and knowing what is or isn't possible. An example being when designers want to make a specific block area and use way too many float and block variables... it gets really messy. Just a new generation of old school html-style coding so to speak.