My well thought trough rules wishlist:
1) Drive Trough for crossing pit line on exit.
2) Drive Trough for passing under yellow.
3) Drive Trough for hitting from behind. *
4) Time Penalty for constant cutting.
5) Time Penalty for ignoring blue flag. **
* There would of course have to be some realy clever coding involved in this, but I've seen it in other games. If repeted enough times (say three times or five times) the Drive Trough turns into a disqualfication (kick from server?).
** The blue flag should have two modes. One static and one waved (as in real life). Static blue flag is only telling there is a faster vehicle behind. Waved blue flag is telling you have X number of "nodes" to find a place to leave room.
These are things that would make any league admins life a little easier