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S2 licensed
Very nice - thanks for the Xmas present, Scavier
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :
Stone Brewing is, in my experience, the best brewer in this country right now. Not just Ruination, but Arrogant Bastard. Oaked Arrogant Bastard. Double Bastard. Oaked Double Bastard....

Arrogant Bastard is my all-time favorite meal !
I have to jump through hoops to obtain it in the midwest, but it is well worth the effort and cost.

A very close second to Stone Brewing's throne would be Three Floyds out of Munster, Indiana. "Alpha King" is an unbelievable IPA - a very close second
to Arrogant Bastard. They actually make several good brews, but probably are hard to find on the east coast.

There are some nice IPA's brewed in Wisconsin, but they can't touch
Arrogant Bastard or Alpha King.

I do enjoy a fine Stout from time to time. O'Hara's Celtic Stout is very nice,
as is Rouge Shakesphere Stout, if you can find it.
S2 licensed
Quote from lerts :here state of technique:
and the most amazing for two times ive been closed to enlightenment:

I've been closed to enlightenment my entire life
S2 licensed
Great idea.
S2 licensed
You are right about the lack of quality options, and it's natural
to get tired of a game, no matter how good it is.

It always helps to take time away when that happens.
I was messing with GTR2 - using the 'NAP Mod' about 3 months ago.
It was definatly an improvement over the standard game, but
I didn't do any online racing with it.

Also the Lotus Elise patch is a lot of fun. Probably the most enjoyable of all the cars - mods or otherwise - just remember it took a lot of work to get it functioning within the game.

I will say that after trying various mods - it's stunning how incomplete and undocumented many of them are. I'm glad
LFS is mod free, tbh.

(I'm not suggesting that GTR2 is any great work, or looking to debate the mods/no mods issue - but spanks asked)
S2 licensed
Quote from ste_ :X on LSD is really cool because I sat on the grid staring at the lights on my dashboard for three hours... by then the acid had warn off and in actual fact i had been looking at a shoe really really closely.

If it wore off in 3 hours, I'm afraid you were sold some inferior imitation. Probably something the Chinese manufactured.

Did is say RSD on it ?
S2 licensed
Yes, throw them out.
New physics, new lap times.
S2 licensed
Great job ! Very pleased with the end result. It was fun to watch the progress through the various test patches.

Have a merry christmas and enjoy your time off.
S2 licensed
I'm doing auto d/l for each new test patch, and I've converted my file names and locations.

When the 'official patch' comes out, will the installation be the same over a 'test patch' version of the game as it would for installation over the game with pre test patch files ?

Will I have to move files and rename them again ?
S2 licensed
The shifting just takes some practice. You might feel differently in a week.
S2 licensed
I don't have crashes, but the game minimizes for no apparent reason. Been happening every 5 to 10 minutes since the patch.

Can't provide any specific information, other than it didn't happen before the X30 patch ( all the way back to S1 ).

Not related to windows update, either.
If I get any hard crashes, I'll report it, but I wonder if anyone else has these 'soft' crashes ?
S2 licensed

I don't have an issue with FPS. However, I've had numerous instances where the game minimizes and leaves me on the desktop.
I can maximize the game again, but I can't explain why this happens so frequently ( every 5 - 10 minutes).

I thought it might be the Windows Auto Updater, but I disabled it and still have the problem.

Using XP with a modern computer and video card - been playing LFS since S1 and have never had this issue before.

I will try disabling any other resident programs tonight.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen : You probably just need to change your gear ratios a bit. Setups from pre-X30 aren't really valid any more. .

Why do all the obvious bits get glossed over so frequently ?
S2 licensed
Many people aren't willing to continue using free software if it doesn't come with everything they want ?

How will LFS survive ?
S2 licensed
It's not necessarily a matter of real life tracks that's missing.
Any kind of additional variety is sorely needed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y : I think whoever is in charge of the web page should update THAT at least once a month. Put things in it like birth dates wedding/birth/death announcements or new licensed member announcements - something like that. Maybe something like a monthly contest? something that shows the page viewer that we are an alive and thriving community.

There you go again, confounding the reader with logical and
non-aggressive suggestions.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Just by looking at the title, you knew it would be bad. Be responsible for your actions, instead of complaining.

Sorry, man. I actually never complained about the topic, or the thread.
I'm genetically wired to click on anything with the word 'crash' in it.
Last edited by Flycantbird, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :No one asked you to click, watch, and then comment.

No one told me not to. At least until the ninth post.
More proactive thought-policing would help.
S2 licensed
Quote from XVII :
" Who the crap cares about honor in a racing game...."

Probably not people with stats such as:

Travelled distance: 0 Mi
Fuel burnt: 0 Ltr
Last race information: (date n/a)
Position: 0th out of 0, doing 0 laps
Time / best lap: 0:00.000 / 0:00.000 (0)
Track and car:
S2 licensed
More tracks is a great idea. Modding is not such a great idea.
It doesn't matter as it won't happen before S3 is complete, according to the Dev's ( if then ).

An Offical track release of say 3 very different tracks would generate a lot of renewed enthusiasm.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :He's asking for better corners that actually do provide passing opportunities rather than funnels that cause accidents and don't require any real finesse.

Chicanes provide great passing opportunities. After you nail one, there's 3 or 4 people trying to regain control.

The South City Classic, and Fern Bay chicanes seem like exercises in slowing cars down for no apparent reason, but the rest seem pretty well placed to make things interesting, imho.
S2 licensed
Why not remove all human interaction from the game.
Just pay you license fee and get a bot named after you.

Then, you've lots more time for more important things, and don't have to waste time on trivial issues ( skills and such).

And you have a built-in excuse for poor performance - "It wasn't me actually driving".
S2 licensed
LFS Forum and LFS Online - it's hard to imagine the two are even related to each other at times.
S2 licensed
Quote from z3r0c00l :Technically, cooler, later in the day/cloudier races can be far more intersting, as the cooler air is denser so you get a more responsive, and ever so slighter more powerful engine (especially noticable in the turbocharged cars).

Combine this with a cooler track temperature, and concequently, slightly less grippy tires, although harder to overheat (read, more agressive without cooking your rubber) and you have a slightly better race all round.

I'm looking forward to this kind of weather effects - changing track temp / grip, lighting varying through a race, etc - far more than rain.

I actually like the cloudy lighting settings available now, but as it has no effect on the physics, I don't mind that people don't tend to use it.

The various servers have the option to set the lighting and wind as they see fit. I think it's more up to them to use them, rather than having the dev's force some kind weather scheme on the game - at least at this time.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dalek0220 :Lets enjoy what we have.
But, I can't wait for S3!

Thanks Scawen, and thanks to all the moderators.

It's good to see the dev's getting some appreciation for their efforts, instead of the grief which sometimes seems to follow updates.

I'm sure the moderators had their hands full during the past month.

Great job and much appreciation.