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S2 licensed

That's what I really want to see in LFS
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :LFS is like a bad gf for me atm
Im there shes there and occasionally we play each other. But thats it :P

That's called a wife, mate :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Luttsy :sometimes when i first drive it, the first time i toucht the brake it appiles full strength braking and locks up, could fix the problem maybe?

After you calibrate your inputs in options (wheel, x/y axis, etc) you need to lock them to prevent this.
It's not an issue with the car or even the game...or an issue at all. It's about calibrating the pedal travel.

As a general rule in every sim: Before you take off from the start lights, press and release the throttle and brake pedals fully for the calibration to be correct.
I do a lock to lock wheel spin as well, just in case.

Hope that helps
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Were these 100K miles driven at race speeds looking through a 45 degree FOV? :expressio

It's LA so...first gear and hard on the brake :P
S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :
That sounds about right for the FF for me as well except i run 105 in lfs and 110 in the drivers

You like a rough workout, don't you
My table, along with the wall, would come undone if I ever went anywhere close to that FF strenght.
S2 licensed
Keep in mind that not all wheels are built the same...even if they are the same model.

I have access to 2 DFP's and a G25 and they all differ quite a bit. The difference between the G25 and DFP was expected, but not the one between the DFP's.

My personal wheel is a DFP and I generally set profiler to 55 and ingame 15-25 depending on the car. (Awful setting, I know...but it works)
Anything more in profiler and it's an on/off feeling, regardless of what's set in LFS (unless it's too low and essentially off) Anything over 30 in-game and I literally can't control the wheelforces.

The other DFP is perfect at 100 profiler and about 10-20 ingame, depending on car/setup. Same model produced within a year of each other.

The g25 on the other hand is perfect at 100 profiler and 25-40 in LFS and feels really week bellow the 25 mark.

What I'm trying to say is there is no golden rule.
Use what works for you and your wheel and use others suggestions only as a guide rather then rule.
If it allows you to control the car as well as you wish to, and feels realistic enough to you, it's good.

BTW, does anyone wish for a larger wheel?
I've always had the need/desire for a fairly larger wheel that would compare to my track car wheel size but never found it's existence. (I don't use wheels too small...personal preference I guess. I use a 355 or 365, depending on track, conditions, mood?)

Maybe it's time to modify my DFP.
S2 licensed
That car with all wheel drive, dirt tyres and some nice NEW larger dirt only tracks would keep my occupied for another year or so at least.

One can hope :P

And yes, the image was chose the best of the bunch in a competition. Old news
S2 licensed
The more specialized and accurate LFS gets, the more challenging racing will be which in turn will turn off quite a few people from LFS.

However, I think of it as a benefit.
Currently it's fairly hard to have a clean race on a semi full server due to LFS's easy pick up and race nature.
Once we reach the point where general understanding of vehicle and mechanical dynamics is required to race longer then 5 laps, the population on the servers will be better drivers and more enjoyable races for many of us, IMO.

Or it could just mean that all servers will be running sub 5 lap races they do now.
It's certainly a good point to raise.
As we've seen in the past, none of the people playing LFS for the Simulation part complained about fuel, clutch, tyres, etc.(except when things feel wrong of course). We have no problems with neither of those and look forward to much more realistic additions.

The crowd that spends their time with LFS here on the forum moaning about all and everything will simply have more fuel for moaning and eventually will go away...or so one can hope.

Can't really see a bad outcome except less income for the Devs.
S2 licensed
LX6 and FZ5 on anything.
LX6 and FZ5 are amazing in one respect to me; you don't have to be good with them to have an insane amount of fun on any track yet they are such different cars handling wise.

I equally enjoy the heaviness of the FZ5 as I do the lightweight+power+twitchiness of the LX6. Everything else feels a bit detached to me, with the obvious exception of the XRG...but thats engraved from "back in the day" demo days as well as CTRA.
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :yes its like school meat.
they say its scirocco but its really spam

Bloody hell, I'm quoting that mate!
S2 licensed
As long as it's not a day after the Duke Nukem Forever release, we should be okay :P
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :
If they release more tracks and cars now, what the hell they would offer for S3? Cookies?

Cookies sound good right about now. :P

But seriously, if content expansion in terms of tracks is reserved for S3+, the future really doesn't look bright for us.
Maybe it's just me but if I had to choose between cars or tracks, it's an easy choice for me. Tracks any time of the day.

Hell, if I had to choose between further physics upgrades/engine upgrades and tracks, my choice would be the same.
S2 licensed
While Scavier has every right to do whatever they wish to do with LFS whenever they wish to do so, it does deflate the amount of dedication from long time LFS'ers. Whether that is a concern to Scavier is only known to Scavier, obviously.
Fact is, they don't owe us anything. We got what we payed for and thats that. Many of us DO however wish for visible development to continue as we love LFS as our own baby and "need" it to stay alive and continue.....the competition is still pure other options but LFS in terms of sims.

As many know, LFS is very moddable and it's fairly easy to do so. But out of respect to Scavier, we have followed their rules and no tools have been released....yet.
That will change quickly if LFS development remains in limbo for much longer.
Once you unleash that lion, it's all downhill from there.

In that case, devs are left with 2 active options; embrace mods or code like hell to stop it (and that never works...people just love to hack things open they have been told they can't).
If it's the later, LFS development will boil down to exploit patches with no time for anything else...and that would be a shame.

Guess we'll see in the next few months.
S2 licensed
I vote for the one car we Scavier has clear and full access to
S2 licensed
I'm starting to think that LFS needs to be renamed to Live for bitch or Bitch for speed; something along those lines.

As Tristan said, and it's something I've argued for a long time:
It doesn't matter what the car is or how it handles, it's about how rewarding it is in an online race.

Historically in LFS, the slower the car, the closer the races. Close races mean loads of fun to me and a vast majority of people.
Frankly, I'm sick and tired of GTR and SS "hotlappers" on pub servers.
I miss the early days of MRT madness, LX6 insanity and UF1 bumper to bumper 20+ lap races.

That's what made me fall in love with LFS in the first place.
S2 licensed
I cant seem to figure out if this is related to LFS or nVidia drivers but here it goes.
With the new patches, I'm unable to remove flickering and aliasing no matter what I try; forced through driver, LFS, various combinations of both, neither etc.
There is a visable difference between settings, however the result is still close to unplayable.
My hardware:
GPU-nvidia 8800GT
4Gb Ram

System is running XP pro and all hardware has been tested for hardware errors and is in optimal condition.

I'll revert to older drivers tonight but I'm not experiencing issues with other games in DX8 or DX9 whatsoever. I'm actually experiencing better rendering and higher FPS in Crysis, Cod4 as well as other titles.

Anyone else having issues with AA and AF?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I think ABS is the biggest LFS boo-boo to date. I'm not for a bunch of people who, frankly, can't drive, being able to brake the same as me, if not under MORE control because some anti-skid thing is working for them. Some of us spent along time learning how to drive on the limit, only to find some fellow racer can do just as good as us on his/her first day. I hope you include some sort of server-side force option (i.e ABS can be ON or MUST BE OFF), or that (even better in my eyes) you limit ABS to keyboard and mouse users only.

Apart from my rant, I'm happy to report this Z4 test patch is working smooth with no problems that I've noticed

As LFS is a SIM (simulated real life vehicle physics, racing, etc) and ABS is part of real life, it's quite logical for ABS to be included.
LFS is NOT a personal e-dick extender and as such should not be limited to hotlappers who perfected the track.

LFS is all about close racing, at least to a vast majority of people. If someone who just started racing has the ability to give me the closest race of a lifetime, so be it. I welcome it with open arms, regardless whether ABS helped them. We all have the same tools at our disposal.

Leagues should have the ability to force ABS off for logical reasons, however it would be a shame if the majority of servers forced it off.
And if added features make LFS more inviting to a wider crowd of "gamers" by making it more accessible, how could one possibly dislike that?

It's not about who finishes first. It's about the ride IMO.
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :25% of 400ps is exactly the same as 100% of 100ps. I don't see what this argument is about. I mean, 2.5% of 4000ps is 100ps, but so what? Yay, we all can perform basic math. Yay.

The argument is about efficiency. How one achieves said power, how many killojoule from gasoline are efficiency used and what's wasted on heat, sound energy and friction, etc.

A Veyron is a very good example of how shitty and inefficient todays engines are. And that's a "good" engine.

Full power, it uses more then 6.4 liters of fuel per minute (1.7 US Gallon).
One liter of petrol yields 34000000 joules of energy when burnt.
Do your math and convert that to kilowatts and you realize how much energy is used to make a "puny" 1000+ hp in a car.

A coal-fired power station is hundredfold more efficient in terms of energy consumption vs energy output in terms of kW and they are certainly not considered to be the leaders is efficient energy conversion (though it's gotten a lot better in the last 12-15 years)

But that's a bit off topic now :P
S2 licensed
Drift, why do you find the need to judge, hackle and generally annoy anyone that comes you way?

Seriously mate, rethink your general comments.

@ SCORacer,
Welcome mate
S2 licensed
While I get the point of this poll, I believe it's the wrong way of looking at it.
Night and rain need to be part of the same Dynamic weather package for it to be worthy of a sim.

I'm for either 24h weather with changing conditions or leave it as is.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :The graphics are too, but many are fooled by the bling-bling overlays their ridiculous bloom shader produces...

As I said, it was my opinion and I know there are people like you who will disagree.

As for me, I've turned off blur and lowered particle effects so there is no noticable bloom except where their should be (reflections on metal, glass, etc...very minimal though)

It still looks very crisp and detailed. Lighting is to die for and cockpits are quite good as well.

Realistic physics are non existent but the damage model is close to perfect; at least on the visual side. Force feedback effects (note effects, not forces), canned or not, are quite a nice change of pace, too.
After all, GRID is not a Sim, it's a game...just like NFS or Midnight club or what have you. But it's looks and presentation will make it more money in a year than LFS will in it's whole, unnecessarily stretched out life.

LFS is very good at everything that's finished within it....but that really isn't much. And while all of us here love LFS in one way or another, some of us see faults that others refuse to notice...very obvious ones.

Ignorance might be bliss but more often then not, one ends up looking like a fan-boyish idiot (general statement and not pointed at BBman or anyone else in particular)

But hey, at least all of us seem to agree on Fatality being a nimrod
S2 licensed
Damn that guy is a nimrod.
I'm an avid FPS gamer and enjoy it quite a bit but I need to take a break if it's going to do THAT to my brain!

Failtality indeed
"Uhhmm, I met Dale last yeah, ya know and ummmm, ya know...really cool guy" .....?
No one asked him whether he knew "Dale". She pointed out to him that he uses sim to train....ugh...nimrod!
S2 licensed
Some godly creature needs to combine GRID with LFS.

Opinions vary, but to me it looks and sounds very pleasant. Too bad it drives worse than GT4.
Now where is my magic wand......
S2 licensed
I have the same issue if I get on in the evenings in my time zone (eastern)
However, weekend mornings are quite full.
Gotta race when Europe races
S2 licensed
I agree that sound in LFS is a bit linear on most cars however, that can be tweaked with the sound editor in order to improve on that. I do agree that sound needs a bit more development to peek into the "real" stage of LFS.

Try playing with "idle boost" in the sound editor.
This will allow you to greatly change the tone of the car between low and high engine speeds (might still not be enough though)