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S3 licensed
Hi i have not been on lfs for some time, due the lack of racing, well its not like it was back in 2006 i had some good races and some good laughs, i still class lfs as 1 of the best racing sims ive ever tryed, any way i hope generall lee and others are up for some funn races, im waiting on a new power supplie for my dfp, so when it comes ill be back on a track. god bless all lfs old skool boys
S3 licensed
Quote from :Obsolete? Nah... This is a DFGT;

You are talking about dfp though, which is a different wheel. Why people nowadays cannot be clear about their problems?

nice 1 you diamondThumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from troy :

Thanks for that, but it still is not the right software , i suppose they are becoming obsolete
S3 licensed
Hi in need of some help,ive just installed windows 7 64bit, my problem is my old software will only work on 32bit, wingman website has gone and im lost to what i can do next, please help there must be a 64bit dfp drivers about, please help.Shrug
rergards jj
S3 licensed
hi were has team inferno setup grid gone????
S3 licensed
I thought the price was abit expensive, but looking at the graphics it looks pretty amazing,but how are the physics?

Quote from Tango :it still looks pretty bloody brill ingame !


S3 licensed
I run a triple core and 2 gig of ram , 512 geforce graphics card and I don't have any problems with new west hill, seems to me people are more interested in watching there frame rates than actually racing around the track. Oh I did notice the grass was green whilst doing 160 mph.Did I Say That?
S3 licensed
Amazing track great work devs Omg omg omg
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from jjones :Activity on this forum is dropping, today 7 members and 58 quests, the lowest ive ever seen it, come on Devs get these updates sorted!!

Thanks for your advice. I was actually just sitting around watching TV hoping the code would write itself. It's very useful to have people like you advising me how to do my job, so thanks for that! Smile

Scawen i was not telling u how to do ur job,i was mearly saying that activity seems to have dropped,im sorry if i came across that way, I will delete that post,Frown
S3 licensed
ur just swisting what scawen said. it was not said in that content
S3 licensed
I no this is of topic but Lfs has atracted players that are still here from 2003, myself 2006,I beleive the game will generate more customers when new content is available which will be be very very soon.New patch works fine here, good work scawen.
S3 licensed
There are options to see what servers come up in list. Like empty servers private,there are loads of demo servers. Not a lot of activity on LFS these days,let's hope the updates get here before LFS is totally abandoned. Myself I love LFS and I only race against the clock,all old skool boys have gone,such a shame. Enjoy LFS.
Laters jj
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Scawen, is there any chance of getting a high-res overhead of the new westhill prior to release? It'd be nice to be able to see the new layout, as well as the various sideroads.

+1 Have been thinking the same,be nice to see full new config overhead.Please Scawen
Last edited by Flame CZE, .
S3 licensed
Thanks Scawen nice work,i tried 3d on my tv very nice works and looks very nice,i can't wait til I get the oculus rift DK2, what ive seen its well worth buying.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Have you installed the whole patch, including the shaders folder?

Hi ill reinstall it,have not got round to it yet. cheers
just got a new geforce 8500gt so i doubt it if i have any problems.
S3 licensed
Hi after downloading latest patch a problem has occurred with the car skins, was ok before,im not using 3D just normal mode.Ive attached 3 screen shots from ingame.First picture just to show im using 0.6F8
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :More interested in the progress report rather than the patch - will appreciate the work done more when I get my hands on a Rift

Yes me and you both mate, If i had the cash id get 1 tomorrow, but ill have to wish for now
S3 licensed
Quote from Karlokarlo :Why are you on the forums then?

They are very childish immature idiots they cant be adults bickering in that way, plus this thread is to ask for a surprise patch for easter,i cant see that happening some how, i can tell u that when the patch does come out u will be surprised the mean time :dnfnoob: and :feedtroll its very ugly.
S3 licensed
Quote from Alric :What I don't understand is: how did Scawen create some of the best (if not the best) tyre physics so far years ago in what must of been a fairly short amount of time but yet cannot seem to get to a point where they are better in most situations than the first time after years of coding and experimenting. I know it must be the most difficult thing to code but with time you gain experience and so he must be able to release something that is better than the old physics but not 100% perfect.

Once this has been done then if the enthusiasm is still there all the fun stuff can happen, like adding new features and content.

I do believe this will happen but probably not this year.

The way the tyres move now especially in slo-mo replays is still beyond anything else available. Let's hope Scawen makes some good progress soon and can get to a state that can be released to the public.

good post. Respect, some members need to read this and try to understand the work thats involved and appreciate what you have now as its a very good sim. S3 will be here.When????????? So enjoy what u have till it comes.
S3 licensed
its getting boring now people wishing for S3 tomorrow,go play with some easter bunny's :static:
S3 licensed
good to see core racing is still going strong
S3 licensed
how are downforce loads produced if the wind is turned of? :hidesbehi
S3 licensed
Quote from shimon-ifraimov :someone races mrt here and know what servers i can join ? sever,im on there from time to time, but ther isnt much activity there atm.
Last edited by jjones, .
S3 licensed
Quote from fabiocca :Hey guys I'm writting you this because it has been years since I play LFS and still i can't get faster on BlackWood, I get like 0:01sec faster every month what am I doing wrong ?
Look here :

Why dont you buy s2, there are lots of servers with fast guys on them, of which u could watch and maybe learn from and race with, just practice and learn the racing lines, here take a look at this, it may help you.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It'll never cease to amaze me the children who seem to think that Scawen (et all) are slaves to us because we purchased a software licence.

+1 I totally agree, it baffles me to. !