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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well...

Microsoft teams does it well. It'll auto edit the quote to the first few words and three ...
The reader can them click the quote (like you mentioned) to navigate to the original post.
S3 licensed
Team Losi Mini-B (1:18 electric 2 wheel drive buggy): for winter indoor carpet racing ... don't buy it, it's terrible, I hate this thing. I bought it very recently to replace my 15 year old Team Associated RC18R for use in our club's 1/18th open class ... I am seriously considering digging the RC18R back out of retirement.

Team Losi P22 4.0 (1:10 electric 2 wheel drive buggy): for summer outdoor dirt racing ... this thing is awesome and super reliable. I race it weekly but also just take it to a quarry near by and beat the crap out of with my friends just for fun. I have never broken it, it just keeps going and asks for more.

CRC XTi-WC (1:12 electric pancar): It's a kit designed specifically for carpet racing ... does what it says on the tin, however the build was a nuisance because the general fit, finish and dimensional quality of the parts was questionable and all the screws that came with the kit were trash.

...yes, all my RC cars are painted in the AAR paint scheme
Last edited by jmeade, .
OK, I think I've done what you asked more directly and without changing page layouts.

I was able to allow the filename to be saved correctly, using the Skin ID but leaving the car name displayed as it was before.

I see long names aren't too much of a problem as it uses '...' and shortens them if necessary, not messing up the screen layout.

Maybe that's OK for now?
Can you launch your LFS car...
S3 licensed
... in a civil manner, as if you drove your mom in law to the hairdresser?

I've had this sim for years but only tried this recently (with the XR GT), and I get moving, but the rpm drop instantly and it probably wouldn't be a smooth ride at all. Big grin

"Your hubby drives like a bully, honey."

Will try some of the other cars now. Maybe even without throttle?
Last edited by Bandit77, .
S3 licensed
Fern Bay is supposed to be on hold (unfortunately), but Eric was expecting to share some snapshots of Kyoto few months ago ... @Eric : you are welcome LFS
S3 licensed
Quote from RacerAsh3 :Fact of the matter is, if the LFS developers wish to enforce their ToS/EULA (or whatever they like to call it), perhaps the onus should be on them to implement mechanisms to enforce those terms (i.e don’t share accounts etc).

What? You as player agree with the terms and conditions
It's up to you to follow them, or don't play.
If you break the rules, there could be consequences:

Quote :Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, towards the developers or members of the community, may result in temporary or permanent suspension of the user's Live for Speed license.

You sound a bit like "ok, it's forbidden by law to kill someone, but look, nobody enforced it, *bang* *bang* I shot him!" ... Shrug makes no sense to me.
S3 licensed
Few things about the demo example ...

Layouts and the config file need to be amended slightly, as LFS doesn't recognise the names without a track abbreviation, so;

static.lyt should be LA1_static.lyt
dynamic.lyt should be LA1_dynamic.lyt.

Layouts need to be kept in same folder as the files in the example file (eg ../Layout Streamer) as they won't be seen if the layouts are put in the usual ../data/layouts folder.

I tried the layouts, but they were so tight and complicated, that I gave up trying to find out how the dynamic part of the layout would work. I would suggest a much simpler layout as an example - even a simple oval would do.

I was going to try amending one of my old layouts, but didn't have time today. Maybe later.

But other than that, overall, I appreciate the concept of this.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Before commenting, maybe you should read back a few pages, and you will start to understand there is a link to rental accounts.

Repeat: It appears that the rental accounts are a tool for illegal account pirates (called 'owners') who rent out their accounts to gain TC money which they then sell for real money. This is a criminal activity enabled by TC money transfers. That is a fact, not an opinion. Even if you don't like it, it's still a fact. Don't fall into the modern human thing of denying things just because you don't like that they are true.

I told you in my comment already what the "link" is. Poor people who can't afford their license rent an account, pay rent (TC Cash) and with the excess they made they can eventually buy their NEW OWN license by selling their TC Cash to people like me. Eventually, a brand new paid license for you instead of no new licences cause some people can't afford it.

If you still don't get this and only see negative aspects of the abiliy of buying/selling/sending TC Cash I don't really feel like explaining anything further makes sense to a person who apparently can't imagine why people would even spend real money in something virtual.

Also it surprised me how you stopped my quote after "in fact", while actually "in fact, (...)" starts an addition with another point I made and I did not use it to say the first part of my sentence is a fact. Now this probably comes down to me not being a native english speaker, but I'm pretty sure you now realize what I was saying.
S3 licensed
Limit fps to 50 (50 is smooth ok) , Turn off antialiasing and mirrors ... mirrors are a big fps hit. With these settings i can play with my old laptop ok (i5 2520m - intel HD 3000).
S3 licensed
Well, I use PSPad ...

Never got bored of using it. But it's only been a dozen years or so.
S3 licensed
sure it will delayed again the Great Release with night&day for car racers ...
Prefecture XNS
S3 licensed
Hi everyone,

I'm embarking on my journey with my first ground-up mod. I made a couple cars in Automation and I really enjoyed playing the export in BeamNG. Now, I'm getting my sea legs with LFS editor (learning fast!) and work has begun on building the mod.

The PREFECTURE XNS has a similar body to the real life, early 90's Honda/Acura NSX.

The XNS however doesn't mimic the powertrains, instead to come offered in at least variants
(This info is subject to change):
  • High-performance 1.5L Inline 4 motorbike engine
  • 2.5L Inline 6 Motorbike engine
  • 3.0L Flatplane V8 (two of the 1.5 I4's combined)
The XNS is a natural-born handler and is sturdy and vibrant in the corners. The V8 variant packs a hearty punch. All engines rev quite high Smile

-> According to the Car Exporter EULA, which I was able to ONLY locate from within Automation game, states 'any graphical and car data assets that are exported from Automation to' [which was the pathway I followed] ... 'are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareALike 4.0 International Licence'.

For a copy of the relevant EULA, here it is:

-> There was a licensing error brought to my attention regarding the engine sounds. This error has been corrected, and these mods will be using LFS assets for its engine sounds.

Camshaft Software created the base model. From there, it was modified by me extensively for the use-case of this project. All other materials utilized were either LFS assets, Automation textures, or original creations by me.
Non-Commercial: This is a non-commercial product, and will not be used for any monetary gain or motivation. The purpose of the project is for educative, and entertainment purposes.
Share-Alike: In accordance with the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license terms, the same exact license must, and does, apply to this product. Any terms of use regarding this product shall be in accordance with the mentioned license, and is provided with NO WARRANTY, OF ANY KIND, as well as no additional restrictions.
For a direct link to this license, please go here:


Model: The work done by me on the model was very significant
-> dozens of hours finding issues and fixing them, and trying to polish up what I could.
-> I made the popup headlights and the cutout for it from full scratch.
-> Exhaust tip model made from full scratch.
-> Added nice pillar textures
-> Door mirrors:
--> Tried to use the Automation mirror but gave up lol. It was just a very messy model. Redid it from scratch, I think I only kept the mirror face from their model.

Textures: mixture of LFS built-ins, original work, and a few Automation textures. The Automation textures used are for the rear light bar, just took a small snip from the game and worked it into a texture. Took the "P" manufacturer logo and using it as the logo for the brand in LFS.

Driveline: Suspension, engine, setup, from scratch.

Sound: Recorded a micro-snippet (to match what works with LFS' audio engine) of the engine in Automation at 5500RPM. Learned a method on how to EQ the audio, and made a good .ENG for it. The sound is reasonable, not perfect, but it has a throaty chonk to it that, trying to recreate a strong VVL system the Automation engine has. Small engine needs to work hard to pull, so it's gonna make some noise.

-> Reused some LFS assets such as gear lever and RB4 steering wheel. RB4 steering wheel modded to have leather face texture, and added a prop onto it.
-> Gauge cluster: created from a scratch along with base backing alpha. Modeling went through a few iterations, major cleanup work unit occurred on it. Figured out how to mirror it.
-->> All clocks are on triangles to allow later individual ability to re-map the cluster lights to other images. Meme variants? Smile
-> Rear lightbar: Taken from Automation model. Heavily cleaned up and organized. Light design changed to be cleaner and easier to see, better to look at.
-> Interior: Modeled from full scratch. Started with the dash using a side img of the Automation dash, from there I just let it flow.
--> Reused XRG-Turbo textures in a several places. Reusing common elements such as leathers and carpets.

All work on the mod is being done by me and any mentioned collaborators. I am recording the process and will put together a timelapse video once the mod is ready for public review.

Considering the licensing provided by Camshaft Software, going along with my transformative work (and the work on its own), and no intent to use this for commercial purposes (just doing it for fun), Automation's content is allowed to be Shared and Adapted.[/indent]

Biomeri - for being very kind and spending time to share their knowledge with me. Thank you so much dude Cool

This section is a running changelog, additions will be added by edit here:

- First real day of work. Spent lot of time getting the model out of Automation and learning LFS editor more.
- Created and applied a base texture to the exterior of the model. Also did window textures and did plastic pillar texture for around the doors and windshield
- Body allows changing color
- Frame slightly modified but no real work done yet.

- Removed leftover mesh (using >1000 triangles) inside the car on the floor and a shelf in the back. Cleaned the whole inside area for the interior later.
- Spent a good amount of time doing granular edits to the model, going around it and trying to remove any triangles that are unneeded or causing issues.
- The portion of the model with the rear lightbar was stuck behind the rear panel it was mounted on.
-> The lightbar was a nasty model.
-> Went through this a lot and removed so many triangles.
-> The lightbar was recessed behind the mesh of the rear of the car. Manually extruded the lightbar back a bit.
-> Created textures from Automation for rear light bar. Came out really nice I think!
- Made rear lightbar it's own subobject. Cleaned this submodel up lots, there were so many unnecessary triangles.
- I cut over ~2500 triangles from the model today. It's looking much tidier now, this is important prep work for the interior and sub objects to be added.

Media from today, see here

24-Jan through 26-Jan
- Extensive work underway on modeling.
-> In general, meticulous cleanup on the model has occurred.
-> Main exterior components finished.
--> Created model for pop up headlight.
--> Created mesh cutouts for pop up headlights.
--> Added mesh cutouts for air entry.
--> Modeled and placed side lights for front and blinker object.
--> Animated Prefecture "P" logo on the rear lightbar to illuminate when ignition on Smile

Work is beginning on the interior and starting from scratch.

Aiming for basic model based on a blueprint I'm using taken from a side image of the dash seen from Automation. More intricate details can be added iteratively later on.

The modeling on the exterior was a lot of time but it shows it was worth it. The model looks quite even to me and many bad triangles have been removed creating a nice and smooth looking model.

Media found here Smile

26-Jan thru 28-Jan
- Work is in progress to establish the interior. For now, reusing LFS assets for seats and steering wheel.
- Dash modeled from scratch in LFS editor.
- A starter dash clocks texture and map is in place. Some edits to do and need to fix mirroring when side switches.
-> Clock textures mapped to individual triangles on the dash.


31-Jan thru 03-Feb
- Large push of work every day in this stretch.
-> Model is DONE enough for now. Following initial release, a work unit will be to significantly cut a large number of triangles out. The model can be greatly simplified for the use-case of LFS.
-> Added in some extra touches like an airbag decal, Prefecture logo on steering wheel.
-> Modified RB4 steering wheel (slightly), changed face texture over to leather, and added Prefecture logo on it.
-> 3rd (omg it really is) redo on the dash.
-> Took FZ5 rim and made some changes, moved to thinner spokes more reminiscent of what the Automation rim looks like.
-> Chased down so many more remaining bad or double triangles. Holy crap this model had so many.
-> Polished the interior up a bit. Need to add some remaining detail items such as vents and a stereo headunit, both can be made as basic models. Might leave this for after initial release.
-> Discovered purpose of the Groups tab Smile -- fixed groups to be logical, they were rather out of whack.
-> I pulled the XFG default engine sound into Audacity, studied it, and got to learning how to make a good sounding custom engine sound. I think I have a formula figured out, I want to keep practicing it and can perhaps write a Wiki post on how to do it. It's not that bad, making sure you match a set length, set some EQ in the right areas, and make it not too loud.
--> Anyway, with all that, I recorded a snip of the engine from Audacity, trial-and-errored my way into learning what to do with it, and the Prefecture now has a unique WAV and a nicely tuned .ENG.
-> Engine and driveline is in place and default setup feels good.

Last thing to do I think is do a basic model wrapper around the steering wheel.
This completes the model for now.

Following that, it's time to copy and paste it all, and make the V8 and V8-T models. Minimal changes to the model other than a couple decal additions, should be simple. Will make custom sounds for these in the same manner.

It's been a dream to get this over into LFS finally, and now that I think I'm over much of the learning curve with the editor, I am very excited to dig in here and bring you one heck of a fun mod Smile


Last edited by TheStigUSA, .
[FIXED]Could not export my animation on the game
S3 licensed

I have this error. I've started an animation from FO8, but when i try to export the mod i have differents error ... I can't upload any formule animation.
S3 licensed
I forgot to put a message here, better late than never Tongue

Thanks to everyone for this 4h race! Whether for the drivers, the organisation (DLV, Nanex, Dekojester (tracker + admin help), KingOfIce (for the amazing tool GUM Live Tool, which is doing all the display on the stream), Kriss (server+lapper hostage) Julien (simracingmanagement)...)

Safe to say it was a successfull event.

We'll more than probably aim to come back in 2025 Smile
Last edited by Kova., .
S3 licensed
First - learn english to properly understand what's written and how it's meant.
Second - I would still not go that far to promote street racing on actual traffic as unmature minds may try that in real life which might end with bunch of [...] coming at you head on with high speeds.
Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : please do not use that word
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
Who are "climate deniers"? Do they deny the existence of climate? And where are they? Uh...are they in the same room with you? And that includes even if you mean climate change deniers. Because I haven't seen them posting in this thread.

You publish their literature and support the same thesis. Be honest for once.
I know my English is bad. Here, there is only one word missing and you have understood the meaning. This attack is ... weak. Big grin

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
Well this at least looks like a meaningful discussion, although I certainly don't expect any objectivity from you. Because you obviously don't need to analyze any new information, you have one goal, you need to prove that "World Climate Declaration completely stupid".

But like I said, I'm not interested in defending someone else's words. So I'll just go through your thesis.

The “World Climate Declaration” is a hoax known and already deciphered by all serious journalists and scientists on this planet. You are the only one who discovers things here.
Unlike you, I do not pose far-fetched theses opposed to scientific realities. I inform myself and I only relay information verified and attested by competent scientists.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
That's interesting, and how many climate scientists are there, if there are so few can you list them all?

Professional journalists from major media who have investigated this subject include less than 1% of scientists competent in climatology among the signatories. I posted links about this.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
And who said that? You made up a thesis and you debunked it yourself. It happens again and again. Classic example of a straw man arument.
I said:

Scientists and professionals. And this is written in the declaration itself.
You make up a thesis for your opponents, and break it down yourself, I understand that you find it more convenient to do this than to argue with the actual theses of your interlocutors. But does it bring you pleasure instead of having a real discussion with your interlocutor and his theses?

My baker is a professional. His opinion on global warming is not authoritative. This is the same as for the 99% of signatories to the “World Climate Declaration”.
If this statement were honest it would be written: "signed by ordinary people including 1% of climate scientists paid by fossil fuel producers, John F. Clauser & Ivan Giaever Nobel Prize in geophysics (nothing to do with climate sciences) and a few counterfeiters.
FYI, in 2015, 36 Nobel Prize winners called for urgent action against climate change.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
What is sophism? And how to distinguish it from argument? A sophism is a fallacious reasoning, an incorrect argument based on a deliberate, conscious violation of the rules of logic. If it is a sophism, then demonstrate what rules of logic this sophism violates. That's what I did with the Scawen analogy. I didn't just demonstrate the rule it violates, but I showed in detail how it violates it. Are you capable of this?

I did it. Read the posts instead of stupidly covering them with your empty prose.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
I do not exclude that this declaration is a counter-propaganda to the climate change propaganda. I am not you to consider all sources that I like automythically true and those that I don't like false. I don't know that, and I don't have the time and desire to check these leaked documents, because they could also be fake and like I said, I'm not that interested in this topic. But it is interesting that neither you nor the western media are doing the same about the hot topic of global warming. You're just assuming it's all true, and all I'm doing is encouraging you to think critically about any source and question it.

And it’s interesting how you selectively decided to break down the theses of the declaration... So do you agree with the others? What about the bias and politicization of this topic. And articles on this topic that I wrote about?

No one here needs a lesson in critical thinking from you. Your superiority complex, totally unjustified, blinds you to your abilities and those of others. No one blindly believes nonsense here except SamH and you.
In this debate, there is on the one hand a scientific reality of global warming (which you partly deny) and its political consequences which are open to criticism. On the other hand, there is the propaganda of the polluters that you promote. These two things are not equal and cannot be considered as the same value.
No one here will tell you that the political decisions taken in the face of the climate challenge are good. But that's not the point.

You publish this lamentable disinformation out of provocation and because it flatters your ego. You say it yourself. You see there “the confirmation of your words by the scientific world”! You also publish this misinformation because this type of deception comes from the same biases and relies on the same methodology that you consistently use. Panglossian reasoning + Reversal of the burden of proof + Ignoratio elenchi. This has been said to you before by different people, in different ways and on different topics. This particularity that you share with SamH makes your relationship fascinating (to be observed by a psychiatrist), but unfortunately also makes any communication with you completely useless. Except (I've already said it) to avoid this forum being identified as an antechamber of climate CHANGE denial or anti-abortion extremism.
You know that your interlocutors will become discouraged. This gives you the illusion of being right. Since that’s what interests you, you manage to be satisfied with it. So, everything is perfect for you. But contrary to what you think, things aren't true just because no one has the patience to explain to you why you're wrong. And no one is obligated to do it.

I don't care what you write and I don't want stopping you from speaking. I just ask that you have enough respect for this forum to clarify things when you relay stupid propaganda.

I have already said what I had to say about the political cause of global warming. The politicization of this subject is only the consequence. The theses that you support are those of the far right, on this subject and others. Nothing else.

Smile Please note that none of this is a personal attack. Your words describe you. Take responsibility for yourself.

Happy end of the year.Wave
S3 licensed
Hi all !
this is my mod, I worked on it for 10 hours... only the visual changes... I want to specify, I took the mod from Slayer4712 !
Find his mod here !

This mod is inspired by the BMW E46 ... with a few more changes than the normal one

It has a 3.5 L Bi-Turbocharged engine with 671 HP and 960 Nm

Some visual changes as it were
the two turbines in the headlights

Double carbon exhaust

Recaro interior and a custom steering wheel


Fans in the trunk

Splitters for better aerodynamics

I hope you like my mod, I'm waiting for reviews!!!!

Much love!
S3 licensed
Online at :
Just a Ride
JaR 2.184 Bootstrap Loader 1.03
Reading Track 0 1 2 3 4

Jar Manager System for the LFS Bitching Simulator
Version 2.184
Copyright 2021, Vitas Research Inc.

Checking Memory... Ok
Loading System Components...

! Warning ! Not enough memory for system components.

> add more memory
Please insert brain into brainslot
Brain memory found ! 3 bytes added.

> load system
Loading System Components... Ok
Loading drivers...
mouse.drv... Ok
keyboard.drv... Ok
display.drv... Ok
Ai 12.drv... Ok
vroom.drv... Ok
ban.drv... Ok

> checkmsg
Checking messages.... 1 new message found

> badadmin.exe
BadAdmin V23 Pro V2.3
Copyright 2012 turbofanfan

>> list /banreason #LERAUG
Reading banlog.txt

BanReason #2384

1 interfering with hotlapper
2 warned by admin
3 harassing admin
4 kicked by turbofan
5 warned ban by turbofan
6 discussing rules
7 banned 12h by turbofan

>> sendforum
Sending output to
S3 licensed
They're not "3D", just text labels/buttons made in lapper that use nodes/zones to trigger the buttons.

I did something a while ago with pace notes ...

8 years ago. Scary!
S3 licensed
If you went on a server that ran LFSLapper ("lapper") you might get something like ...

That's a Top table, so will only give you your best times for all laps completed, but there is a "pitboard" in lapper too, sometimes used which would be slightly better ...

S3 licensed
Ideas for S4:
- Snow
- Rally track
- Track editor (like vehicle editor not only objects)
- +15 official cars (GTR/MUSCLE CAR/KART updated/BIKE/...)
(mod is not always perfect)
- Weather (rain, fog, season?)
- Special software for server
- Possibility to change rims
- Make suit skinable

Just for a track editor, i buy it now Smile
S3 licensed
Please keep SHIFT-U edit.

When I'm making layouts, lots of times I'll drive track I've made, save the replay, then watch it to see if objects should be added/deleted/moved - especially marker boards, or edit a barrier type that should be different, do something behind the barrier, etc. Things that don't change track boundaries, so my vehicle can still follow same route without going OOS. Then I can make changes at a specific place, then replay, make further changes if required, and move on to another part of the layout ... wash, rinse, repeat.
S3 licensed
More detalized, grill, wing, bumpers ...
Downforce on bikes is mostly "no go" I think. It's a problem because it will push not only down into the ground but out of the corner too. Basically it should be zero or in some rare cases there could be a very small amount of "front wing" downforce.

Slashpca, I've had a look at your R6 and R1 now, they have huge downforce, something like 6 times greater than the drag, which is in the region of the downforce achieved by an F1 car, so that's not reasonable. Also, it's impossible for an undertray on a bike to produce downforce. The undertray is really just a large flat area, often enhanced by a rear diffuser. Doesn't really make sense on a bike.

Until recent years I would have thought downforce on bikes was near impossible, but now some race bikes have small winglets at the front which can help keep the front down at high speed. I'm not sure how much benefit they can bring for cornering grip, as I pointed out their force is "out" as well as "down"...
S3 licensed
I am still working this but am holding off from a few things in the hope (not expectation Smile) of some improvements to the LFS editor wheel and suspension definition systems in the next couple of months.

Meanwhile, there is plenty to be getting on with ...

One example is that I have decided to offer two configurations to give a some choice and variety on the grid. Hopefully these small differences together with some well chosen colour schemes will make the action seem more realistic:-


Yellow Ducted Aero Screen / Red Steering Wheel / White and Chrome Exhaust


More Conventional Screen / Black Steering Wheel / Dark Grey Exhaust