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S3 licensed
I did not try yet. I have seen the model picture and damn my Xsara ! how is it possible??? I had a 5 doors dark blue and 3 doors white same engine 90hp HDi. I have also tried the TDI gen 1 ànd passenger in the VTS or VTR...
What is an elk test? I did irl the young wild boar test 1500euros worth of repair, The truck tire test even worse (around 3k)...
I will give it a try soon.
S3 licensed
make wheels within the limits of what is permitted, nooo ... I will break the LFS editor and throw the wheels on 20k polygons ...
S3 licensed
Quote from nacim :That would make the banning a bit more robust maybe if only accounts that are only 6 months/1 year old are allowed to post on theses threads ? Uhmm

I would add a certain amount of posts to that as well.
Otherwise people will start creating accounts now (or maybe did so in the past) and can use them ofter 6 or 12 months.
Okay, setting a certain amount of posts can be bypassed as well by giving random reactions to crank up the numbers, but mods will catch that and if the percentage of 'non-reactions' is too high ...
S3 licensed
Quote from UniValvePlums :I wonder if any other racing drivers will sprout from the LFS seed?

bro ...
Valleri Bottas lfsw: vale
S3 licensed
Beautiful mod but rly bad that driving it with the steering wheel is really bad!

in the curves you have to slow down really a lot to be able to turn the car ... also by doing this the front tires wear out even if you do a complete turn of the map!
Last edited by LOXISLOXIS, .
S3 licensed
17.5mpg seems to be 13.5l/100km => with the amg cars I had (v8 aswell), it sounds impossible to reach this unless you are on highway driving at a constant speed for a longtime Big grin . In normal condition, 16l/100km was quite good by being very gentle. While on highway I could effectively reach 11.5.

Do not know this car model nor even the brand, but it looks nice and sexy ! The seats look very nice !

Have thought for me, I will have electric engines soon instead of the mighty NA v8 ... Shy
Good question but the answer is quite unknown at the moment.

In fact it's not really 10 times the workload, although there is certainly more workload. The current LFS does 'subupdates' within the physics updates. The main reason for that is the wheel object suspended between a strong spring pushing down (suspension) and another stiff spring pushing up, the physics needed a higher update rate to avoid instability in that and I think on some other areas too.

In the public version that subupdate rate is 20 times the overall physics rate. So there is a part of the car already updating at 2000 Hz. In the development version there are 10 subupdates so it's already running at 1000 Hz.

But the ray checks vs world objects (and other cars) only happen at the base physics rate, so that is only at 100 Hz. This part might be 10 times the workload, as you suggest. There is also an advantage in the existing version that the subupdates are done as a tight loop on an individual car so I assume this is good for cache access. I'm sure that expanding the tight subupdate loop into full physics frame loops will be less efficient for cache hits.



0.00 - Environment check for all cars
Physics update for car 1 (10 subupdates)
Physics update for car 2 (10 subupdates)
0.01 - Environment check for all cars
Physics update for car 1 (10 subupdates)
Physics update for car 2 (10 subupdates)
[0.02s elapsed]


0.000 - Environment check for all cars
Physics update for car 1 (1 subupdate)
Physics update for car 2 (1 subupdate)
0.001 - Environment check for all cars
Physics update for car 1 (1 subupdate)
Physics update for car 2 (1 subupdate)
[0.002s elapsed]

I really can't guess how much more work this would be. The environment checks may be 10 times, as you pointed out. I think some optimisations might help with this. The subupdates shouldn't cost any more calculations but presumably will be slowed by memory access as the 'subupdates' are no longer done on a tight loop for a single car.

I think the way forward is to go through the program, adjusting it where necessary so that I can test the two scenarios above with a simple program change (update frequency & number of subupdates). Then test the CPU usage for the physics loop and see how it compares. That sounds simple but as you may imagine, I haven't always put in a suitable multiplier when trying to work quickly to release updates. There is some code around like "do this for 100 updates" which I knew would take 1 second. But now such code needs to be changed to the equivalent of "do this for 1/update_time updates" etc. It shouldn't take too long to get for a first test just to see how the CPU usage is affected. Hopefully it's just a search for the word "turns" and look at each one to see if it needs a fix.

The word "turns" (not case sensitive) appears 671 times
The word "Turn" (case sensitive) appears 785 times

Unfortunately the word "turn" in lower case is part of the word "return" which appears 9687 times. Schwitz But don't worry, I should be able to devise reasonable strategies to find the relevant lines to check.
Last edited by Scawen, .
michal 1279
S3 licensed
Quote from versiu :U seem to be very closed to any development or opening this game to more people

That is a strange statement considering I'm indirectly responsible for existence of mods in LFS in first place. But I'm not here to brag about it...

Quote from versiu :Worrying about someone who can judge game basing on mod content is a bit silly

It is perfectly valid concern for a game where vast majority of content consists of mods.

Quote from versiu :Modders in RBR making stages for years now and it really good quality models and ain't riped from other games. Also in Assetto Corsa there's modding teams who scan road themselves, doing photos etc to make map.

Yep, that's why. Modders in RBR and AC are doing great job and put in massive effort. Meanwhile most modders in LFS take random model of their favourite car from sketchfab, load it in editor and export to LFS. Physics is wonky, lights don't work, shadow does not exist,... Feels like with the editor it is easy to make a mod, but hard to make a good mod.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see well made custom tracks in LFS, but what I'm trying to say is - LFS is not ready for community-made tracks. And even less so is the community itself. I've been told how hard to use the track editor is compared to the vehicle editor, we are not ready for it. At least not until LFS modders do the mods at the same quality level like RBR and AC modders do...
S3 licensed
post is for Victor too ^^
omg,there is years i delay to post this kind of post .. thanks Rob !

yes, we saw so beautiful night & day effect 2 years ago ... and it make us in a very long awaiting and dreaming about Enduros events simulating 12 hours in 2 or 3h like in AMS2 for example....
and no more news about this dream feature ...

we are races org and last year, there was a teaser about new South City with open roads actually closed and again, we are dreaming about possibilities.

and Mods arrived, that is cool ! and Tyre physics was also in work apparently, so Night & Day and SO seems to be delayed again (yes i read the self excitement with SO in the may2021 progress report)

please, just tell us a approximative date for an update release,even partially , it will be great , the awaiting is literally a torture for an event orga with many planned events.

why not many updates ? AMS2 works like that, improvements by improvements.
ok, you are the bosses, but we are also community who bring life to LFS.. please feed us Smile

please, give us a date .. we are turning mad Looking
S3 licensed
Making my way down town ...
S3 licensed
Biadonsky: "[...]If somebody want's some inspiration for the skin[...]"

Enjoy Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from fatalunfair :Lazy reads memory and that why it goes out of date with every update as far as I know.

ok, we understand ... but is there any possibilities to get these informations in an another ways ?

that is the question of kingofice finally
S3 licensed
i used the option "hidden" to release T46 mod before it is finished.
to permit selected users to improve setup or engine.
for me, it is unfair to release a buggued or unfinished mod with too hard handling. so i prefer hide, private access for few testers, collect informations from tests and release later.

unfortunaly, with that method, T46 was not listed by LFStech in his dedicated topic about mod.
so i will not re-use this method for the Nascar wich i work actually ...

but private access has a real interest to release well tested mod.
S3 licensed
Quote from lfsrm :The car general dimensions are fine (compared to other small hatchbacks), it's the car width around the windows/pillars area that are a bit too large, that's why I should've gave some more thickness to the interior panels and narrowed the whole top of the car when I started this project.

it's fascinating how interiors ergonomics expose all the flaws of exterior design !

I understand the comment from versiu : when you put the xf2 next to current LFS cars : it looks very huge Smile

Anyway, the changes done are very good Thumbs up , the car feels nicer, even if the base setup makes it quite brutal by losing the back (clutch pack lsd is increasing the thing). Anyway, as expected, it looks beautiful ... this and the RB4 2.0 are clearly beauties ! Can't wait to have the graphical updates on the tracks to admire these !!
Detect - a visual spotter from Gum Garage ( © KingOfIce app )
S3 licensed

Gum Garage is proud to present and offer "Detect" to the LFS community.
It is the first public release of a GumGarage Tools

"Detect" is a powerfull app conceived and coded by KingOfIce from GUM team.
enterely full insim, it is a very light cpu use and it works fine in VR.

This is a very immersive alerts system. you'll not see your car and others in a helico view ...
you will be alert for near opponents with arrows or triangles system like a spotter.
more the other car is near change the color of the alert indicator !
white : the opponent is approaching
yellow : the opponent is near
red : the opponent is very near ! take care about racing room !

yes, at GumGarage, we are looking for racing room seriously Smile

you can custom your degree of alerts in meters
you can move the display in any place of your screen
you can select beetween 4 display modes of alerts
- a tiny and discreet arrows/triangles
- a massive rectangle
- a dynamique alert mode to follow opponents
- a blip radar like to follow and give distance of the opponents

you can switch off frontview alerts
you can switch off the grey rectangle (used to custom position, and figure your car)

simple to install :
1.Launch LFS
2.type "/insim=29999" anywhere
3.Launch "Detect.exe"
Enjoy clean racing !!

config :
- Win11 : ok
- Win10 : ok
- Win8 : maybe
- Win7 : don't know

the accuracy of the alerts depends on the precise knowledge of the dimensions of the cars.
all official cars were measured by King but the mods had to be estimated. further development of more precise measures is foreseen

"Detect" is the property of KingOfIce.

link for Detect :


Gum Garage est fier de présenter et d’offrir "Détect" à la communauté LFS
Il s’agit de la première version publique d'un outil GumGarage

"Detect" est une application puissante conçue et codée par KingOfIce de l’équipe GUM.
totalement InSim , il est très léger en ressources et fonctionne très bien en VR.

C’est un système d’alertes très immersif. vous ne verrez pas votre voiture et les autres dans une vue hélico ... ; vous serez alerté de la proximité des concurrents avec des flèches ou un système de triangles comme un spotter.
la couleur de l’indicateur d’alerte change avec la distance des autres voitures !
blanc : l’adversaire s’approche
jaune : l’adversaire est proche
rouge : l’adversaire est très proche ! attention au racing room !

oui, au GumGarage, nous sommes tres soucieux du racing room

vous pouvez personnaliser votre degré d’alerte
vous pouvez déplacer l’affichage à n’importe quel endroit de votre écran
vous pouvez sélectionner entre 4 modes d’affichage des alertes
- des flèches/triangles minuscules et discrets
- un rectangle massif
- un mode d’alerte dynamique pour suivre les adversaires
- un radar de blip comme pour suivre et apprecier la distance des adversaires

vous pouvez désactiver les alertes devant vous
vous pouvez désactiver le rectangle gris (utilisé pour la position personnalisée, et symbolisant votre voiture)

simple à installer :
1. Lancer LFS
2. tapez "/insim=29999" n’importe où
3. Lancer"Detect.exe"
Profitez de courses propres !

Config :
- Win10 : ok
- Win8 : peut être
- Win7 : on ne sait pas

l’exactitude des alertes dépend de la connaissance précise des dimensions des voitures.
toutes les voitures officielles ont été mesurées par King mais les mods ont dû être estimés. Le développement de mesures plus précises est prévu.

"Détect" est la propriété de KingOfIce.

edit / Detect is now release as part of Detect & Monitor
more infos here :
Last edited by Tomfuel, .
S3 licensed
Mine looked like this:

I have unchecked the box 'Single Page Application' for the ClientID I had, restarted Lapper but it still crashes.
Then I deleted the ClientID I had and created a one without the 'Single Page Application' box ticked.
I've entered the new CliendID and ClientSecret into myinc.lpr , restarted Lapper , executed my code ... and it still crashes.
S3 licensed
yes, i tried this, Martin is the enginneer of the T28, and i kept our mp exchange about the T34 similar fix issue
but on T46, redline is already too high ...
S3 licensed
Been out of LFS for 2 months just enjoying what life has outside Sim Racing. Have to say I now see why people might not want to attend leagues in the long run - consistency and results...

If I was not capable of reaching points, and had a busy schedule, there would be little incentive for me to continue racing. At least, that's the train of thought I have. There are much more things out there to do.

I believe the way forward is reliable stewarding, regular broadcasts for PR, interesting combos (to circumvent the lack of tracks at the mo)... and a (consistent) set of ballast to bring the field closer together.

That being said, ballast is a hot topic on its own so we have to find other ways to retain the participant rate. Hope someone else shares my point or is able to shed an alternate perspective.

Also with that being said above, Layout Racing League is heading into its 4th season. The first races always had close to 30 racers, but we've been able to maintain close to 20-ish throughout the season. I'm hoping that stays the same this year... New tracks, Indy events and classic combos from Season 1 remain, I really hope LRL S4 can hold its own this year. Props to Jp and Jp2 for sticking with it Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from pantiainen :Everything looks so nice so far, thank you!

I was wondering, where does the buddy list in LFS Lazy go now? It has been the best tool for me to find races, when I see many of my buddies online on a server. Makes me join them just because I know them. So, probably adding this buddies online list would be a next move after this?

One thing to consider making racer base larger would be, in my opinion, letting all demo racers try S2 or S3 free for a dedicated period: let's say from Thursday to Monday at Eastern, or some other time. Yeah, there will be a lot of noobs on the track that time, but we can always password our league servers Smile

Well currently Lazy only works for LFS 0.7A (non test), so you cannot use LFS 0.7Bx and Lazy at the same time.
Lazy is great for a lot of different reason, but its development is currently semi halted. Some feature should either switch to alternatives (some are being developped) and some stuff I would love to have them straight in LFS.
What I really like from Lazy in no special order.
Buddy list, favorite server
Split predict live and spb (number one for me)
Gearbox calculator
Fuel real time, engine damage clutch heat in %...
S3 licensed
I agree on both sides. i have not followed of how UI of this will work in practice, but there should be some kind of "live bar" of what is currently happening in Community.

Hm... This would had been excellent since five to six years ago. Earlier than that didn't matter, because times were a bit different and people were more active. Then there was a drop-out with decreasing community, only core people stayed, while brand new people actually wanted to participate into something, regardless of serious or not.

And one of the major factor roles in LFS is there has been ( and still would be ) almost any kind of racing. From Destruction Derby to 24h race. From D1GP Drifting to Ultimate speed battles.

Heck, even some kind of minigames were then, although they were mainly public... but could had been used as proper public event... *sigh*... Sumo...ahhh...

Ok, so what my point is that this improvement for scheduled events... technically speaking it may not be needed to only limit there. But I guess that is whole another story.

EDIT: Yeah I went a bit too off, thinking out of the box... my bad.
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Alright then. Tell me how this ends.

Sorry for this anxiogenic message, but it will end very badly, without the shadow of a doubt. A third world war, the total collapse of Putin Russia and / or decades of crises, wars, famines and various shortages that will lead to a new world order even more authoritarian and more violent.

I specify that none of these scenarios suits me. But I do not see others. Putin has already been far too far. Even if he left Ukraine entirely (and he will not do it), the harm is made. And nothing will be able to improve as long as he runs Russia. We are already at a situation of no return. Nuclear war is no longer a taboo for any of the parties. Europe and the rest of the world buy weapons again ...

The only plan seems to be to wait for the Putin system to collapse from itself, from the inside. But Putin is not at his first war or his first mass crimes.

The worst option is to examine a new genocide at the gates of NATO and do nothing. The inaction of the West has strengthened Putin. As she had allowed Nazi Germany to prosper. NATO should have given a strong ultimatum at the beginning of the invasion. But the concept of nuclear deterrence dissuaded us (again) to save people.

The time has come to pay at the high price for all our mistakes. I fear it. I hope (if not what?) That this major crisis (which is not a simple problem between Russia and Ukraine, but the end of the current geopolitics) forces us to rethink a world capable of resisting tomorrow's challenges .

@ kahn62
I think it's better not to borrow more in Napoleon.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
I'd be interested in some more opinions about this. Is it best to show always in your local computer's time and not UTC?

It still feels to me like there's lot of extra text which may help first/second time reading through it, but will become clutter. My quick counter-idea (not proposal of design, would need to think about it much longer, but more like food for thought):

( [TTV] ) ([ event name ]) <- no round or part of text "Soccar Cup R10"
( event image ) ( Fri Mar 25 15:00 local 4h left ) <- click to UTC/local (but no button visual?)
( or ) ( LX6 / South City Town Course )
( event description ) ( by Race Green Events )
( (switch by click) ) ( Mar 25 11:00 1h left [sign up] ) <- the "[]" are button-visuals
( maybe switch all ) ( at MRC E-challenge [join] )

the "TTV" would be twitch/youtube/... icon hovering over image. And the extra description could maybe pop up over the image in bottom 2/3 of it, maybe on-hover.

Also these are "upcoming events", but maybe having one extra banner/switch somewhere for currently being streamed events, just icon of twitch/youtube/... with event name maybe. (with further backlog idea about being able to connnect to server as spectator through some replication on server side, not as current spectators taking up real slot, but making mass-spectating available through internal proxy-replicator, not putting extra load on event server).

The main point of this idea is to keep the info text as much to point as possible, ie. name of event, time, how much time is left to plan/sign for it, car/track. I assume that is the top-priority info to decide for people to join?

I think you get away with omitting most of the labels, it may be a bit confusing for first time users, but IMHO people will pick up over time what is what, and then it will be less clutter when just trying to figure out if there is something you want to join.
S3 licensed
For visibility, you need a real "challenge" with a prize to be won! (to be clear, I hate the physics of other games and I don't care about the graphics) we are all "adults" now, the younger ones fun with hospital bed/sandwich/rocket balloon/... I'm looking for realism and found it on lfs. Every player is looking for what they want, how many people are looking for realism? Steam might disappoint a bunch of "drivers"
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
The LFS demo on Steam is advertising for LFS. For it to work, the game must be more attractive with graphic update (we agree).

But the paid version of LFS has nothing to gain to be on Steam. Neither today nor tomorrow or ever.

Steam induces a consuming adictic and harmful that does a lot of harm, including to the online events (to return to the subject).
With Steam you decide to play. The game is unimportant. You have the choice. You can switch from one to another indefinitely (as long as Steam works ...).
Deciding to open LFS to play it, it's different. You are there only for LFS. You ned to find a race that motivates you to join a server. This is another story. The racers don't all want to play bowling with buses ...
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes, these graphs have not escaped my attention. The good bit is the right hand side on the licensed racers. It's a big increase over recent years, due to mods of course. And the new graphics and physics will be another good boost.

But I was really wondering if there was anything we could do, quite quickly, to boost participation, including this well organised and fun rallycross event you are running. Tyre physics and graphics update of course aren't an immediate solution.

1) allow full contact ramming
2) make an announcement on TC City Driving & RC Cruise, day, hour and minutes before the event, and during the event
3) make short races, where players have nothing to lose and can have fun
4) have weird funny configs (e.g. Burger race, bus race, 4 km drag on those "lamborginis")

... but make 4-5 races on the same car & layout, to let some people learn a bit and adjust setups.

That's what Piran Moto and GT4Tube do, and they assemble 20-30 racers.

Watch from 8:10:
Last edited by detail, .