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S3 licensed
New track to be released by Eric ... or new shadow system...

I may be wrong.
S3 licensed
The casual TV viewer has no clue anymore with tire tactics, fuel saving, DRS and MGU-K / MGU-H's ... I was watching three screens this evening (sky F1, onboard VER + team radio and internet info screen) but the general pack is just watching a normal broadcast and saying its " extremely boring" and concluding it is "bad for the sport". Such conclusion is logical because they are unable to grasp what is going on, on the background.

So I do not agree.. Keep it simple, stupid (KISS protocol, ax.25 :love: )
Last edited by, .
S3 licensed
Spent the day testing things out, and solving misc issues.

PC 2, would turn on all 4 monitors, then one would go off like it was unplugged, never figured out why. Spent a lot of time trying to fix it, reboots, different cables etc... I wound up just swapping the monitor with one from PC 1... and it worked. ...

Left it running while doing other things in trailer, and had the first BLACK SCREEN since scawen made a patch for it to recover. And it recovered from the black screens in about 30 seconds. Drivers would have crashed, but at least it would have been back up and running in the same race. The radeon watt program also crashed at the same time, but that did not recover Wink.

It was a hot day, so heat likely was an issue, watt man temp readings were 70 and 80.

Have a couple events lined up, but they are not for a few months.
S3 licensed
Wow guys nice way to create a toxic community. Do you really want to be like that? I'm all up for unbanning people who buy a license upgrade and giving them a second chance.

And MicroSpecV, saying "[...]community and isn't actually a bad person.[...]" is probably one of the worst things to say right here. The definition of "not a bad person" is way too broad and it feels as if you're saying that turbotron's friend is a bad person. Why is it that way? You're saying it's fair to unban Vano, he's not a bad person but you're resisting the unban of a person you don't know, as if he's a bad person.
S3 licensed
R21 not yet official ? shall we begin to speculate on more things coming with T release (or S ... ) than what is in R21 ? Ya right Petals
S3 licensed
Quote :speak, any of you guys can help me, downloaded lfs, all right, and when I open for the first time, gave black screen, Depending on make some gesture with your mouse or click on anything does to little noise, but does not appear anything. Help me

Tente testar o remendo R21, existem algumas correções para o erro de tela preta no patch

(Try test patch R21, there are some fixes for black screen error in the patch.)

PS Rony: I got the same with google translate, but only the second time. First time I got "hey hey ... hey hey nothing appears. help me". The whole text box full of 'hey'. I think the big g's having an off day Wink
S3 licensed
... This is pretty darn amazing...

I will be having lots of fun with this in the near future. The possibilities are literally endless since PHP is such a versatile language.
S3 licensed
Quote from matze54564 :Window while connecting - no idea why this option is needed , just use Win+T or Alt+Tab. And why is this option everytime after a update installed enabled? If it only need 5min to remove this, please do it. Suggestion for the new LFS: User-Settings are needed, optional in the windows default settings folders C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\


That (annoying) window thing comes from a time when people were using 3rd-party firewall software that would ask you to allow network access for lfs.exe. It could happen that that request didn't actually pop up correctly and thus block LFS from connecting to the master which resulted in people asking why the game was broken.

User-Settings are also a think that weren't really around when LFS was initially released in 2002. It's basicly how games worked back then and has the distinct advantage that you can just copy your LFS folder and save all data at once without having to dive deep into the user folder (and AppData isn't even visible per default) and back a 2nd (3rd, 4th ...) folder as well.
Both concepts have advantages and disadvantages.
S3 licensed
Thank you!
In my next video i'm going to make a comparison between FWD, RWD and AWD driving a LX6 (still will have to use a tweaker to make it happen).
Live for Speed could be one of the best car driving simulators and i believe this is going to happen sooner or later. Heart
In my opinion mods can only help ... i can not wait to see the day come when we will have a proper mod support.
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
It is possible indeed ... maybe the high pressure used make already the contact surface quite low Wink
S3 licensed
Because default cars are not very exciting (with exception of one or two). I'm inspired by real cars and the good physics of Live For Speed ... it has so much potential. Apart from that, any thoughts about the actual video? I've put some effort into it. Thank you.
S3 licensed
ah ... the chat in LFS world !! I miss it !!
S3 licensed
my 2c (I admit I did several tests to validate my points, but I am not an expert in Drag racing) :
* tires : putting the highest pressure on the front is good. I tend to have better result with the lowest pressure at the back, and not 1.7bar as you use. Using camber at 0° at the back is good, as it offers more contact for the driving wheels, but at the front it is not good to use 0° : you do not need grip there => prefer maximum negative camber available
* ride height : put the maximum ride height at the front => there is no penalty in the top end speed (I think...) and it will give more weight to the back (what you want on a RWD to start quickly). Having a high ride height at the back seems a bit better for grip than too low ... I tend to have good results with seeting it at the maximum
* rebound : use the lowest value for the front, not the maximum one => as for the ride height, it will help to transfer the weight to the back, giving more grip when starting
* damping : at the back, you may have some better results while not using the maximum value, it tends to limit a bit the traction, but anyway there is less to earn on this setting than the others I mention

For those who have some skills in drag racing, do not hesitate to test and provide your feedback on those points Wink , I find this interesting. That is bad we do not have a hotlap chart on this, but maybe having the physics at 1kHz is needed to have the ms taken into account in aim to differentiate the experts in gear change Big grin
S3 licensed
yup, that's the one I remember. Smile ... that DIY H-shifter... well... Big grin Fun.
S3 licensed
I am not sure what is the hold up to make this test patch an official release, but, let me take the opportunity to make a small but I think important request for racing (also cruising I guess).

There is this new command for putting the camera position onto the clipboard ( /cp ) ... Which is nice but what I came to think of it earlier today... In my opinion it is highly desirable to have some sort of same command but then to put the location of currently selected layout objects onto the clipboard.

Maybe you are aware of the webtool denis-takumi made (this one; from this LFS thread; ) ... This is/was a good idea to create LFS polygons but it has some drawbacks. One, its depended on something external, two its not that precise as I would like it to see and three its not easily maintainable for the end-user/polygon developer. LFS layouts can be saved and reused for easy future edits.

Now what I would like to see is some comma separated list of currently selected objects which include at least the AXO number (object identifier), the X and Y location. Maybe in JSON format like denis-takumi mentioned in his intro.. Or.. Oldskool Excel CSV format would also be workable.

This change would bring custom layout racing much easier back to reality because this sim needs a new form of race tracking, the old method of relying on modified .pth data doesn't work anymore. There are too many variations possible on new Westhill and Blackwood (luckily Smile )

One other thing... Has an undo move object function ever been considered? Like it remembers the previous location of the objects prior to move and this can be restored after an object or objects move with the help of a press on some undo button (or shortcut, like ctrl-Z in a lot of programs). It's just a minor "annoyance" but could be nice to address in the process of optimizing the layout editor Taped Shut
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S3 licensed
When doing it right I was able to reach 264km/h before braking at BL1 (btw I have sweated blood to reach 1.18 Big grin ) ...
GTR seem a few km/h slower ...
Did not try Aston, looks like too dangerous (let's not speak about Westhill Big grin )
For a next release, an LX8 with 400hp sounds a perfect car to add in S3 ^^ Thumbs up
/dream mode
S3 licensed
I welcome any improvements to InSim, thanks!

I implemented the use of new IS_CIM packet into LFSLazy. Its nice little addon.

Some other stuff I'd like to have included in InSim: F9/F10/F11/F12 menu state, speed unit kmph/mph, selected menu in pits final drive/brakes/..., that will be enough for now Tongue
S3 licensed
0.6T or 0.7 or 1.0 ...
I remember having read that S is not going to be used because of its "5" look-alike ...
Hm missed this thread until now ... all web traffic is proxied by Cloudflare now and we do not have any particular IP blocks. So I'm not sure what's going on there.
Demo licensed
We do not talk politics pleasant place game platform turkey. It's our last warning ... !!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from lucasazedo :something I think I could have in the next versions of lfs is this here that has in 0.5f2

Thumbs upRofl

At least for AI ...
For players ... it is a simulation in the end, so why not forcing the player to do it as it is quite simple and interesting to handle it properly Smile ...

NB : the LX8 is brilliant Big grin , I love the feeling of slight wheelspin over 130kmph Big grin Big grin
S3 licensed
LX8 GTR ... interesting, how about a let's say VWS?
Skinzinho exposed?
S3 licensed
Hello, I am here to expose Skinzinho, Negan, SKC, [real name], BRLok Owner, LFSPro Owner or LFS Official Reseller, whatever.

First of all, I was on a Live for Speed discord. Then Skinzinho joined on it. So I messaged him...
Then he left from this discord server.
Months after I joined on LFSPro discord and I was about to message "Negan" and guess what... The message that I sent to Skinzinho was there saying that Negan is Skinzinho.
Few screenshots bellow:

Me: You know right?
from time to time some using fake accounts to try to be undercover but actually ends up giving it all wrong
Or asking about MCI error ahahaha
Him: now the chubby is the everybody hates chris
It was so wrong that Scawen still called me to be a reseller ...
cry more

As you can see on the screenshot, he is offering SCS to come to LFSPRO, also, it's the same discord mention...

And today, a LFSPro admin just left the LFSPro team, and guess what...

Well, as you know I retired from the LFSPro team, and with that I received several threats from them, so I came to publish and warn to be careful with this, because he threatened me with a credit card as you see the post below, negan asked what people wanted to use my credit card to want to **** me, sorry he could not, but there is the warning for all to be careful with LFSPro, however much they bring fun for those who have no original, they bring harm, Also, anyone who doubts that he was the SKC, now doubts are answered.

Alternative link if this one is unavailable:

Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : removed real name
S3 licensed
In LFS a skin is the paint job (allowed), and altering the cars 3D model is a 'VOB mod' (not allowed)... I've seen a few people from other sims call altering the model 'skinning' rather than 'modding', so maybe that is the confusion?
S3 licensed
working perfectly on my own : win10, no vob mod ...