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Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Bug Report: AI in KY3R can't find pitstop properly in certain pitboxes, they seem to attempt stop between boxes. Also some of the vehicles still manages to get pitspeed penalty due accelerating too much., such as Formula US 93


I saw this before when AI cars were damaged but thought it was that they couldn't brake with the damage but ...

Just tried a few 2 lap races with compulsory pit stop and (with my WIP mod) the majority of the AI overshoot the pit box and get disqualified.

Happened at WE, FE, KY and BL (0.7D44) but was OK at RO (although there was some contact).

I tried the same (WE) race with FZR and it was fine so it leaves me wondering if there is something I can do - how do they "know" the length of the car?
S3 licensed
Right... As many have reached out to me on discord, asking when the next big update for more mods will be, just an fyi:

I am currently rewriting the entire thing, as I am now a much better programmer than i was 3 years ago, when i did the last complete rewrite (probably due to the fact that i have been studying computer science for the past 2 years). There is no point in making the current code better as that's a crappy architecture - and the project is much bigger now than i ever expected it to be....

Therefore, it'll be some time until you can expect a new big update, but that wait will be worth it. I promise Wink.

I am doing my best to give you all the functionality of the current version, just that it hopefully will work for all cars (and mods)...

If you have any feature suggestions, please feel free to reply to this thread. I have a list with everything i want to add/implement, and if i like the idea, maybe i'll add it to that list Wink.

Just to give a time frame: Expect an alpha version of the new thing around march next year (that's going to have maybe half the functions of the final thing). I am probably going to be able to do a lot in the winter break.

In the meantime, i hope you still have fun with the current version Wink.
Demo licensed
[quote="DANIEL-CRO;1946520"]Here is new version compatible with patch U.
Note that dashboard wont work with previous patches. My intention was to keep all current gauges compatible. I did most of work, still didn't test gauge divisions (eg speedod.png) and update info text about new resolutions.
All textures can be now two times larger, eg background.png can be 512x512 (old 256x256 still work).
While dashboard editor is open gauges will also be drawn in top left corner of screen. Idea that still sits on my mind for couple of years is to make drag n drop for indicators, gauges, ... but I got many other interesting hobbies now like taking extremely long road trips.

edit: please test this version and report any problems.

update link pls
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :Science IS a philosophy. Philosophy is a way of examining existence, pursuant to truth.

You are not eqipped to have this discussion. This is why we are at an impasse. You do not understand science or its purpose.


Universalis Encyclopedia:

Science and philosophy were for a long time inseparable. In Antiquity, philosophy represented the supreme science, that of “the first principles and the first causes”. Other sciences, and notably physics, received their foundations from her. This alliance was broken in the 17th century, with the appearance of the experimental method and the development of the positive sciences. Since that time, science and philosophy have continued to move away from each other.

This separation has not only dissociated what was once united, but has completely disrupted the very meaning of the scientific project. Abandoning the ideal of pure or disinterested knowledge, science has embarked on a vast enterprise of transformation, that is to say, domination of the world. It is getting closer and closer to technology, to the point that it is sometimes referred to today as techno-science. Modern science seems on the verge of realizing the Cartesian dream of making man “master and possessor of nature”. As such, it becomes the depository of all the hopes of humanity, which expects from it what philosophy has failed to offer it, that is to say its happiness or rather its material well-being. .

Having gradually invested all sectors of reality, this science, conquering and sure of itself, places philosophy in an uncomfortable situation. What domain does it have left, in fact, if everything knowable, matter as well as spirit, is distributed among the various scientific disciplines? Philosophy literally becomes irrelevant, and its existence dangerously compromised. Closer to opinion than to knowledge, it seems to be only a survival of the past, a residue doomed to disappear, absorbed by scientific progress. This is at least the opinion of positivists and scientists, who see in philosophy this “part of human knowledge which has not yet succeeded in taking on the characteristics and taking on the value of science”. Metaphysics thus constitutes, in Comte's eyes, a sort of "chronic illness naturally inherent to our mental and individual or collective evolution, between childhood and virility", meaning between the childhood of the theological spirit and the virility of positive mind.

On closer inspection, however, things are not that simple. It is not certain, after all, that, even in the age of triumphant technology, philosophy is in as bad a position as we have just said. It is undoubtedly an exaggeration, in fact, to consider that scientific advances, however remarkable they may be, ipso facto invalidate all philosophical thought. Far from marking its disappearance, the rise in power of the positive sciences, and particularly that of the natural sciences, could even give it new impetus by freeing it for its essential tasks. ““Philosophy”, writes Heidegger, is in the constant necessity of justifying its existence before the “sciences”. She thinks she can achieve this more surely by raising herself to the level of a science. But this effort is the abandonment of the essence of thought. Philosophy is pursued by the fear of losing consideration and validity if it is not science. We see this as a lack which is assimilated to non-scientificity” (Letter on Humanism). Philosophy has nothing to gain, in fact, from trying to compete with science. She can only deny herself by wanting to model herself after her. His approach is not comparable to his, because his ambition is different. She does not have to explore[...]
S3 licensed
Turns out, the more tire pressure AI vehicles has, the more careful they tend to drive. I wonder how bikes will affect.

EDIT: Unless something else got updated in the meantime. At least AI takes corner more carefully, due less grip?

EDIT: Ahh "Braking prediction includes a safety margin to avoid late braking"... At very first AI did drive off the AS4 Corkscrew, but after editing a setup, that did not happen. According to earlier posts, it makes sense.
Last edited by UnknownMaster21, .
LA1 Pau Arnos
S3 licensed
Another layout based on real circuit, although doing my layout by eye didn't quite match the real thing ...

S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Seems like there's never an easy day when working with the AI code. Schwitz

Trying not to over post here but I'm sure I speak for the vast majority when I say that your efforts on this are greatly appreciated.

Also it seems to me that when the new physics and graphics are released there will be a sudden focus on LFS and the first thing that reviewers and YouTube Vloggers will do is jump into an AI race so it will be a downer if they all crash on the first corner. However if it is a better experience it should have a positive affect on your bank balance Big grin.

On a practical note, it seems to be a downhill braking problem so could there be a compensation factor for the incline? Also, if a human driver locked a wheel they would release the pressure and reapply the brake whilst perhaps taking a wider line - could this be simulated?

Just some thoughts ...
Tuttu The Dog
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
And the overall length of track ...

LA1_Sharky Park
S3 licensed
For those that might like to see themselves driving round the outline ...

S3 licensed
---if you attach a video
it would be no use
video cap has its own fluency rate
but I think there are examples, I have about 10 videos and I think it is possible to recognize the fluency difference in them.
either 200 mb or 2 gb of examples to show
this is the last of them still live (blackwood lesson) (official avg license 1:33.13)

but they are recent, maybe the difference is not that big

but i think there are ones that look like they are not from the same driving simulator due to the fluency change
I will take a look at it, and upload 2 the most differential examples

---you are an extremely fast driver
Thipple Alien license online
Twin Tri Megalien license offline (official statistics)

(the difference in online and offline driving seems quite big for me)

---special attention to smallest details
I did so many things in lfs and operating system for best sport simulator on computer ...

---that similar phenomenon may exist even in the virtual world
it used to be some time ago
performance problems and hard variable-unstable framerate turned sport simulator in to clown world
every corner was from different driving simulator and with its own time flow rate
it is was not cool when flow of time changes three times in 1 corner
you can imagine it like if fps number changed to 40 70 110 in just one corner
also, linux graphic performance may be too sensitive

I would say time constant is now about constant.... Car seems to be driving in corners like they are all from the same universe.
but it is constant as if from different driving simulators every day Big grin

the new auto shift+f only works appropriately in a single offline race (which is good to have) or when there is nobody online on a server and race never restarts

---What you are proposing is a mind blow
pretty much imagine if you had to drive 1 corner in 20 fps another at 10 fps and next in 300 fps
would you consider that to be a sport simulator ?
it would be like time flows at different rate

(there are pretty important fps settings to prevent this)
S3 licensed
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S3 licensed
Brake Discs
S3 licensed
One of the distinctive features of this car, and prominent for the in-car view, is the inset brake discs. I wanted to replicate the vented design (even though the drivers apparently didn't like them!).

I couldn't use the LFS editor discs because the 49's disc are inset too much (circa. 130mm front and 190mm rear) so I needed a solution.

This was before Scawen made the "Hub" sub-object available but I am glad I didn't have that option otherwise I wouldn't have found this ...

I defined the disc faces as "Brake" sub-objects which do not rotate - this may seem counter-intuitive but it means that I could use an image of a real disc with all it's reflections and shadows which would have looked wrong rotating. The illusion of rotating is provided by the ventilation holes which I defined in the wheel "Spoke" definition. The result looks really good in action!!

As I further develop the car I intend to redraw the ventilation holes as "Hub" sub-objects and also create a disc _ALP to allow a metal overlay so that the discs reflect the environment.

Improvement Suggestion
- A bigger range of movement for the disc offset (even though I didn't use them)
S3 licensed
Quote from gu3st :I think it'll be a long time before we ever get realistic tracks with the track editor. Most mod tracks in other sims are just rips from other games which likely won't fly here.

I was just having a conversation with my Director of EMS about building a simulator for ambulance driving. I've had this idea for like ... 15 years ... where I would love to build my town and mod in my ambulances to use as a way to teach driving an emergency vehicle without the threat of putting a 175k - 1M dollar ambulance at risk.
S3 licensed
No, I don't think this is ideal weight distribution, no idea what would be better Big grin ... 50/50? Or more to the rear?

I've added the tachometer, now trying to make it less aggressive at revving at idle.
F67L - A certain classic F1 car
S3 licensed
After watching this video and then trying most of those games, physics were as unconvincing as I remembered (in different ways) so I thought LFS must be able to represent the car better.

It started with wrestling a coffin-shaped experiment around Blackwood, trying to get the right feeling. And then it snowballed ...

This is what it looks like so far.

I hope to use this thread as both a progress report and to contribute some improvement suggestions and their justifications. Hopefully at the end of it there will be a released car!
S3 licensed
Hi there Smile
This is my custom mod Yotota Oarer with a 4.5L V8 Turbocharged ... 702 bhp / 523 kW , 799 Nm and some visual modification ! Mod inspired by eunosna !
Official results
S3 licensed



Race statistics / RTFR .mpr folder / Event rating and other statistics (will be updated later this week)

This tuesday in RTSR (Rony's Tuesday's Slow Race)... Despite some assumptions,this wasn't even close to be slowest RTFR ever as with average speed of 86km/h yesterday's race was 12km/h faster than 86th RTFR,run with UF1 at Fern Bay's smaller rallycross track. In total there have been 5 RTFR races with slower average speed,unsurprisingly 3 of those were run with slowest LFS' standard car UF1,other 2 - with XRG and MRT each. Also this was the 2nd ever RTFR's visit on South City's Sprint 2 configuration,however the other race was run in other direction,so the series is still discovering new standard tracks. With quite little space around and low speeds,this was pretty much a crowded race where multiple cars were trying to go for same real estate spot,causing plenty of paint trading,still there were no noticable complaints between drivers.

R.Kardol got used to this car well,being the fastest in qualifying just shy of rumored track record (unfortunatelly no readable data with this mod in Airio) set in practice,scoring his 16th and Netherland's 20th pole position. He used his advantage of best starting position well to lead all 35 laps and score his 18th RTFR race win,rounding also in this stat his country's win count to 20. Additionally it was the dutchman's 78th top5 finish. If some struggled with this car,it was the best result ever for others - Doni finished 2nd yesterday,improving his personal best finishing position by 1,while during the race he set his 1st ever fastest lap of the race,additionally scoring also his 15th top5 finish. Arska was one of 3 drivers to finish in same position they started from - the finn took 3rd position in both qualifying and race,which is his 21st top5 finish. Fnatic finished 4th scoring his 4th top5 finish,Three Jump repeated his personal best finishing position 5th for the 2nd time,while improved his best qualifying result by 3 positions as he was 2nd best in the session.

Next week RGE will return to South City with a colorful cars field - the 7th round of RandomCar 2023 series will be run in the longest standard configuration. In 2 weeks time RTFR will start the 2nd scored season of this year with 1st round of 10,run with one of the slick tyre cars. But in 3 weeks time RTFR XL will visit the Layout Square for the 1st time ever - the combo for this race has been submitted and it will be a GT4 version of N.400S run in S1dusring. This combo will be set up for laptime testing soon in RTFR server!
All the tracks have been updated for the new graphics, but some more than others.

From memory, I'll post a few words and you can follow the links for more info. The ones that say "Mainly texture updates" are because the track was already at a high detail level, but needed textures updated for the new specular system (e.g. shine on roads, and many other objects too). Also there would be fixes for objects that did not cast shadows properly.

Blackwood - Mainly texture updates

South City - Major overhaul and expansion

Fern Bay - Minor update, mainly road textures and fixes for lighting (December 2022)

Autocross - Major overhaul

Kyoto - Major overhaul

Westhill - Mainly texture updates

Aston - Major overhaul

Rockingham - Mainly texture updates


Most recent South City images: (18 August 2022)
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Online at :
Just a Ride
and one week after release you'll get bored again because "it's always the same night and day cycle"... and make a new thread about when the next update because you get bored
hard times in perspective hum lol
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