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S3 licensed
I can confirm that both supersampling and AA work for me (I use a Rift), thanks. I must admit, the difference between 4x and 8x MSAA is very very subtle (it's great to have the ability to change the settings on track btw, and dynamically see the results!), only really seen on distant straight lines, like armco edges (my test case is Blackwood, which shows quite bad shimmering at the start line, as well as down the first long straight).

SS makes a big difference to image quality as expected. One small request, could you allow values over 200 perhaps? I run 250 (the maximum) in Richard Burns Rally, without an issue (I'm lucky enough to have a 2080Ti), and LFS is easily locked at 90fps, even with 200% SS and 8x MSAA. I'd like a maximum of 300% ... might not work very well, but easy not to use it in that case! (I appreciate it is very much diminishing returns here - but if I have the headroom, I might as well spend it on something.)

One other thought - are your shadows done in the MSAA pass? They seem to be the main culprits of the remaining distant shimmer issues. I know from experience though that this can be a very difficult problem to solve, depending on how your renderer is structured.
Last edited by AndyG, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...
CAR.lfs scripts are reliably run when user car is spawned or reset

I am testing this : it is correctly applying custom and driver setting (view parameter), but in the option the view remain selected (visually) on the previously selected option, even if you are seeing your view defined in the script ...
edit : After thinking to it, it is surely intentional
S3 licensed
Reply to - lucaf. Just imagine you have a restaurant. You have many regular customers and want to keep them. What happens when people come and interfere with your work, break chairs and annoy guests? Are we waiting for them to get tired?

Reply to - bishtop. I know this works well for most servers. The question is very complex. Why should I ask these 5-6 server owners in which I play for bans of anyone who destroys a race ...

I'm 100% sure that if you make a rating system these people will be thinking about destroying races and events again. They will know they can stay without LFS access for 1 week, for example.

Here you are right. What to do with new players? It's a very complicated question, but I'm sure there's some solution.

In my view, creating a nice game environment is just as important to the future of this good game as the graphics improvements we are expecting soon.
Drift ACE
S3 licensed
open a discord /website / envent post .. to share the password to access a private racing server ...
We need a solution
S3 licensed
Hello, I allow myself to open a new topic, although I know it's been commented before. These days I play mostly in Demo but the situation on licensed servers is similar. I know LFS is not responsible for what's going on in the public servers and that's why I open the thread.

I exclude the new players because they are still learning ... There is another group of people who deliberately enter the simulator to ruin anyway the few nice races we do. It is very difficult to ban them from the server but the next day they are here again, whether in another server or discipline. I'm not going to put replays, but I'll give the example of these two players, which I think we all know.

The first one is - username-juusiii, which only plays to ruin our races, most often hitting the T1.

The second is nickname pWn13, which uses speed and crash mods to beat, hitting everyone around it.
I can give more examples but the post would become infinite.

It does not matter that this is about Demo in this case, it is even worse, because Demo is a kind of presentation of this good simulator. In my opinion, it is not the decision and the everyday ban that we do difficult.
LFS MUST have a built-in rating system for each player and when he reaches the minimum, he may not be able to play on public servers for a given time. (or other limitation)
This rating system could be implemented in 2 ways.

The first and easiest way is to make a voting system on the site. Where any player could vote at the end of the day or race. This will make it very clear who is here to play honestly and who to ruin the games
The second way is the hard one. Write a code in the game itself. This code should track for direct violations such as breaking into the T1 or exiting the runway outline. Depending on the outcome, the rating will increase or decrease.

There are many ways and I think that this problem needs to be solved. Many people simply stop playing LFS because of this problem. Even me today just unplugged my wheel and I took it back into the box, but I said why? Why should I give up because of a group of people who do not know what LFS is?

Please solve the problem. I apologize for the bad English and the rough tone. I'm just very angry at the moment.

S3 licensed
maybe there is Linux aswell ...
S3 licensed
DX11 means you are no more compatible with WinXp for example ... I suppose Scawen to not be so interested Wink
S3 licensed
There are some commands (view, press,...) that won't work with <car>.lfs scripts because those scripts are being executed too soon after the car is spawned (or at the same time). I wanted to write a bug report about this years ago but completely forgot. Now you reminded me Big grin

There would have to be some sleep function in the script system, which would be really amazing (hi Scawen) or the execution of those car scripts would have to be delayed a little.

So I'm afraid you can't get this to work now. You could however execute those scripts manually by typing "//fz5" (or you could just copy paste the fz5.lfs file and name it for example custom_view, then F08.lfs to default_view and then just execute it by //default_view and //custom_view). You can bind that to a key or a key combo (Ctrl+F1, etc).

EDIT: Well, never mind, you can just bind the /view command. I was thinking too much Big grin
Last edited by LakynVonLegendaus, .
S3 licensed
if I remember correct the custom view for formulas was not showing the LEDs and data on the wheel ... only driver's one is doing it
Help with setting type of view via scripts
S3 licensed
Hello guys,

I am facing a small resistance regarding a workaround to a request I made :
my goal is to set according to the type of car selected the view to be either "driver" (formulas, mrt) or "custom" (hood for the remaining cars).

I am entering the following complex scripts Looking in the *.lfs files :
// This script is run when you select the FZ5

run road
ff 18
view custom

// This script is run when you select the FO8

run paddle
view driver
ff 21

I have tried also with /view but it is not working.
FFB strength is well taken into account ...

extract from the Commands.txt :
/view [fol/heli/cam/driver/custom] - select view

Any ideas why it is not working ?

edit : issue corrected with 0.6U2
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
Here is new version compatible with patch U.
Note that dashboard wont work with previous patches. My intention was to keep all current gauges compatible. I did most of work, still didn't test gauge divisions (eg speedod.png) and update info text about new resolutions.
All textures can be now two times larger, eg background.png can be 512x512 (old 256x256 still work).
While dashboard editor is open gauges will also be drawn in top left corner of screen. Idea that still sits on my mind for couple of years is to make drag n drop for indicators, gauges, ... but I got many other interesting hobbies now like taking extremely long road trips.

edit: please test this version and report any problems.
S3 licensed
Ok, so now I am a bit more interested on those famous scripts, and the bible is located under \docs\Commands.txt.
ff is indeed setting the strength and is working like a charm.
I am then seeing "/view [fol/heli/cam/driver/custom] - select view"
==> it is not working for me (while the command line is working Thumbs up ). I will try to get some helps in the correct subforum ...

edit : corrected by 0.6U2 Thumbs up
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well I didn't work on the AI driving skills in this version. But some people do like to race them, it is quite skillful to get round, working up through the field without them knocking you off the track. A bit like online racing. Big grin

Yes, the AI may not have changed ... .. but if you take
a mixing field of 5Level and 4Level AI's you can sometimes have a lot more interesting races. The whole thing is also a bit of luck .... because sometimes there is a worse "first corner war" than on the Internet Big grin

In any case, the AI Train is no longer recognizable after 1-2 laps. Great!

Sometimes it was really difficult to overtake them accident-free because they now started to overtake themselves and block the way. Rarely had such fun with the LFS AI!

A little fine update for me because I often use the AI.

(tested with XRT on Rockingham with various layouts.)

Thank you! Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :No, we are several months away from the graphics update.

I was sure ... Eric is 'Westyling' the remaining things Big grin Thumbs up

No problem with T6, runs fine.
S3 licensed
My root particion (where I have the OS kernel, desktop environment and all SW installed) has currently 19GB (I have lot of SW, various compilers, development libraries, all major versions of gcc, etc..). It's of course fully updated to latest versions of everything.

But that's without the Android development stuff, that's in my /home, and that alone takes about 30-40+GB... because why f*cking not, dear Google... argh. It's driving me insane, how people carelessly fill gigabytes of storage space, most often in completely ridiculous and easily avoidable way.

So, anyway, if you are not developer, full desktop linux installation with KDE5 and being up-to-date would eat probably about 8-12GB at most.

JFYI ... Smile
carl slow
S2 licensed
hi everyone a question?
because in multiplayer mode, I with my car I can not reach any of the participant but the cars are very fast, while I can see that my slow! because in any race go to the servers the cars of others are fast while mine are slower. they have special changes ... I do not understand why
thanks for the greetings answers
S3 licensed
Quote from tankslacno :Can't you already do that kind of thing randomizing by enabling randomized start order in game settings? At very least, if you restart race, those start positions will be randomized at the moment.

You are right, you just need to restart once ... I would have prefer to get it the first shoot, but it workarounds the thing a bit Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Good to hear some of you like the filtered view, it is quite interesting seeing a bit more how the car moves before the camera catches up.

indeed, it is very nice ! Feels better it seems ! LFS

One 'small' thing that could be nice : when you have a full list of AI (saved) is to randomize the positions : either in the menu or as a surprise when starting ... Ya right (and even reducing the number of AI in the saved list would be very nice)
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
No offense and I know it isn't the best advice, but if you have a storage device with a capacity that Windows update can fill up, I would call that an unusable computer. You should never have to install programs on an SD card, ever. Try reinstalling Windows, but if that doesn't help and the HDD/SDD is really "soldered", you should get a new(er) notebook / PC.

By the way, why did you remove your opening (first) post?... that made the thread meaningless and should be closed.
S3 licensed
One small thing while you are looking at AI : would it be possible ('easily') to implement again (I tend to believe it was the case earlier) throttle blip when downshifting ? It is rude to see them engaging gears 'dry', locking slightly the wheels while braking ...

edit : btw, my AI were having a strange 'S' line in Deene (Rockingham), that is fixed now Thumbs up
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
I have launched 32 AI to race, some were blocked in the sand and did not finish (no problem, usual Smile ), but the latest AI to cross the line has a "?" as position as shown on the screenshot attached ... what was wrong with it ? it seems it has parked in the pits like if it has ended the race ... I will look the replay but anyway, strange to not have a position.

edit : understood : this AI has finished the race but has completed less lap than some others blocked in the sand that did not cross the finish line Wink
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
Simply install a previous LFS package somewhere else, and upgrade it to 0.6R if it is not already 0.6R ...
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Great work! Perhaps car lights should be yellowish (incandescent light bulb), because I doubt XFG has a projectors in its headlights.

agree ! xenon on the GTi is not welcome even if it is changeable IRL, it would be better to have this sense of yellow in the light.
In the same idea, the car lights seems (I may be wrong) to spread the light symetrically, while IRL the one on the driver side is having a slightly shorter range to take into account the people you will cross on the opposite side of the road.
Let's suppose racecars are not subject to this ...
S3 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :Mark Hollis (Talk Talk) 1955-2019

God damnit Schwitz ... Another legend from the '80s is gone Frown
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :XRR has not have pop up lights for a while. Not many changes in recent years in LFS to miss this one eh hahaha

what a mess, mb, dunno how i missed that ... Big grin