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S3 licensed
Imagine the videos that can be made ... can't wait. Heart
S3 licensed
Let's begin "static" with just the light cycles/tire physics/tracks rebuilt ... Ya right

Quote from Matrixi :24 hour timelapse looks fantastic...

indeed, it is just : impressive Thumbs up
michal 1279
S3 licensed
Maybe (probably) it was already discussed somewhere before but with the possible coming of new tire physics and day-night cycle, could the on-track conditions in LFS become a little more dynamic?
Right now, everything is static (same air temperature, same wind intensity in the same direction,...) - could be there something as simple as having wind changing the direction and speed in set time intervals (some guys already did it via insim) and air temperatures raise and drop as the day passes (affecting tire temps)? Surely the car should behave differently in the day and in the night.
S3 licensed
I only have one old G25 but I also feel a little difference between 50 and 100.

It feels very easily defined to me. Especially the flat curbs are now better to feel. But even in the drift I had the feeling easier to find the balance. When you are in the drift and the vehicle is still rocking slightly ... I notice it most clearly.
For me .... that's a great patch.

Thx you again Scawen. Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from :Ye. there's a guy running . He sells license I paid him for the license. But now it's eq. 4 Pounds. He didn't return my money in last few months. So, where is my license? I had asked for S1. I pay in valuable cryptocurrency for a S2.

that sounds ... a fraud...
Demo licensed
I hear that the G27 H shifter at least works on G29, just not the extra buttons...

I also saw someone wiring the G25 H shifter to work on G27, just need to change a few cables, however I would really like is to know if that way would work on G29 too Frown...

About modding the H-shifter feeling I know about them for a long time since people have been doing it since the G25, but I don't really care that much to improve the feeling, just wished to make my G25 shifter to fully work on the G29 directly without being trough USB with expensive adapters.

Though the pots from my G25 shifter are already a bit bad for a damn long time and it skips gears some times or change to a different one, Logitech always use cheap garbage pots in it Frown.
S1 licensed
... its upsetting to see so many have forgotten the true about driving, like my real life humans like to phase me out on what i love the most in this life, hard driving, and just for the record, u sure as **** CAN learn how to drive in real on this, im 36 been playing since first demo day in 2002, it definately sharpened me a lot thru the years, yes in real, its all in how u treat it, controls are a major thing with feeling and throwing the wheel around to the feedback but,t he physics itself is very good. P.S perfection does not exist, and i myself love th graphics in this because of the simple fact pc gets mainly the driving physics to handle and not retarted pointless shiny shit.
Last edited by SHAGGY77777, .
Demo licensed
Hi again,

I have the G29 for a few days, but only tested yesterday for like 2 or 3 hours...

WHAT AN AWFUL wheel, FFB works much worse than G25, the software sucks, now it uses a generic all-in-one logitech crap of more than 300MB to install and brings crap for screens, keyboards, mouses (logitech is getting stupid, they could have made a wheel only software without the other garbageware that only uses more ram and space and more processes on my windows)...

Almost no settings at all for the wheel, nothing to test it like we used to have on G25\G27 (its read on windows devices just as a generic controller).

I'm using Logitech G25 pedals and the wheel only reads up to like ~75% of the pedal and the rest is always at 100% and can't calibrate it to use the full pedal, this is beyond bad, it only travel very little, now any slight brake it brakes a lot and just a bit more its already at full 100% braking power almost at half pedal...

And after like 1 hour of smooth Assetto Corsa with almost lifeless FFB and not even at 100%, now when turning to the left with or without power on the wheel its making a metallic whine sound (probably gonna send to the store to switch for other G29).

ps: From G25 the G29 feels quite cheap and lower quality FFS. Also does anyone know how to convert the G25 H shifter to work on G29???????????????????? (I don't want to buy Leo's adapter or anything via USB, I want to rewire the plug and solder it in a way that would work fine with G29 since G25 shifter at least allow to use it as semi-auto for handbrake or as H-shifter though the pots are already a bit bad, but maybe I can change them for others and glue them some way in place)...
Last edited by guily6669, .
S3 licensed
Quote from mosquitohater93 :... Please give us more grip.

no => in fact there is too much grip already for the tires.
This is one of the factor leading to heat up too much the tires because they accept too much load before sliding. Same that is leading aswell to have lots of difficulties to drive "quickly" without a locked differential : outside is having so much grip that the inside is leaving the ground ^^
Then there is of course the fact that tires are cooling down too slowly ...
Please Scawen, fix this Tongue
Demo licensed
Just ordered Logitech G29, finally it came to promotion again for 199.99€, I'm waiting for it to arrive somewhere next weak...

But it's just sad that Logitech is stupid and don't sell parts.

If Logitech would sell all parts at good prices, the wheel would be like 1000% more value specially all motors and pots which wear out faster which they could have already fixed by using other cheap technology like using light or even the older method of the G25 encoder wheel on the pedals with a big metal wheel and a lot of holes for more values, that would last an eternity since the small power good quality IR emitter lasts quite long...

They could have also used contact magnet buttons on the H shifter that would cost like cents and last long too...

EDIT: Sadly they don't sell extended 5 year warranty for accessories Frown...
Last edited by guily6669, .
S3 licensed
It's just a decade FFS ... got past me in two blinks of eye...
S3 licensed
Quote from JohnT2005 :I know This isn't about the forum, but do they plan on releasing the vw with the graphics update?

... with the physics update that may happen in the same release as the graphics update Wink
Racedepartment Interview
No longer welcome
The guys at Racedepartment are doing interesting interviews with the developers of some racing titles: Automobilista 2, Rfactor 2,... .

It will be great if they do one with the developers of our favorite sim.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Feels like a scam...

I don't think it's a scam... scamers are going for the money, this guy just wants S1 license (which he cannot resell easily, because of lack of demand and generally low price)... I think he just wants S1, so help him in advices on how to buy it.

On the other hand though... his statistics show that all he has driven online is todays 34 km, so.... Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from PeterN :I don't know what happened here, but the correct response would have been "yes, you can do it yourself by buying a license." (As in the LFS T&Cs)

He asked if someone could upload an XFG skin for him. I did it, 'cause why not... nothing illegal, an XFG skin. He wanted to have fun, so there you go.

His second post was, without thanking me or whatsoever, like "now I need this one to be uploaded"... I ignored him and when I came back, he already erased all his posts, leaving just mine to stand there... well, like that.

In conclusion: he should've been beaten much more by his parents.
S3 licensed
They forgot us Schwitz ... nvm LFS forever Heart
S3 licensed
I am more excited to wait for an LFS progress report (even when there is "no progress report") than the release of AC competizione Big grin
... even if it is a very nice simulation. Actually, I would need GT3 cars in LFS to make a fair comparison Omg omg omg
S3 licensed
Best times and drift scores after 50+ timed laps ...

Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
still tomorrow ... or it will be next month ... Ya right
S3 licensed
LOL, that will sounds like a "must-provide" list if some would find it Tongue
I hope Eric is well progressing with the placements of street lights among the tracks to brighten the night Cool, and I do really hope we see the tire physics coming with the graphic updates : it is THE thing that really matters to me Ya right ... Getting mad with locked diff Big Eye Big grin
S3 licensed
glad for them and for you if they decide to come here Thumbs up
I share your point on the lawyer, unless being a friend, it may be very very expensive, to not speak about the stress and time to spend following the thing ... If the people came here, back or fresh, by themselves, it is a lot better for you guys Smile
Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, this is the line that has made me ask this question....

Split1=XX.XX.XX:XX.XX.XX:... ( one or more split, less is first and so on )

That makes it look like you can add as many timings as you want.

S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...
I know people may say "if you don't release it quickly it will become irrelevant and obsolete" and so on but I don't really mind about those kind of opinions. We're trying to create a nice game that we are happy with, and I know a lot of people will be happy to have a go when it's ready.

I have no problem with this approach either, "but" ... just recently I did watch video from GDC about "Path of Exile" game, it's free-to-play "game as service", monetizing on skins/etc (I think they don't sell anything directly affecting gameplay, but I may be wrong, never tried the game).

They had some biz plans/etc... released the game, been running it for couple of years, and everything was "OK"-ish, hitting their initial goals, but not really growing... until...

They changed to fixed release-time schedule, having big-patch/small-patch every 6/4 months IIRC. The key point for you to take away from this is the "scheduled", the mere predictability of their actions bring big boost to all values, getting them back into growth.

It's similar with twitch/youtube streamers, one of the basic advice is "have a schedule and stick to it".

You can probably check yourself how much attention these scheduled LFS monthly progress reports take, if you manage to compare it with some unscheduled progress reports, I wouldn't be surprised if you would be able to pick up some trend in the numbers, although maybe it doesn't matter.

I understand this is extremely "anti" your current style of work; with hindsight, if you would even "promise" something like "big patch with physics in 3 years", it wouldn't help either and it would flop too. Then again putting at least some regularity into LFS life is maybe possible. The patch thing would be obviously very difficult to achieve (unless you would release even some unfinished "dev-test" builds at particular dates, just for the sake of releasing), but keeping like montly dev-blog reports, maybe helping to organize some "official" LFS racing event 2-4 times per year, etc.. would bring some benefits of this scheduled approach also to you.

(edit: link to the GDC video: )
S3 licensed
I was reading some older progress reports, and get reminded this sentence in November's one :
Quote from Scawen :...
On Eric's side, things are going well as you have seen in the progress reports. But it does take a while because of the level of detail. There are still two tracks to update after he finishes the one he is currently on. ...

Since we get :
- Autocross in December
- Westhill in January
- Kyoto Ring in April, but it is "not yet finished"

This means that by November, the remaining tracks were those 3 + South City and Fern Bay.

We can assume that Kyoto Ring was not the track to finish, unless it could have taken 5 months (why not in the end...) and it is "not yet finished" ... Kyoto would be part of the 2 tracks to finish in November.

=> Currently I would tend to suppose that there is still one track not finished (finish is maybe not appropriate, let's say operational) maximum Ya right while South City and Fern Bay still get secretly hidden Uhmm ... Get ready for next progress report ?
Last edited by Flotch, .
Drift ACE
S3 licensed
i wish lfs phisics was in gta5 with all these cool cars /mods and land ... maybe a collab with FiveM ? ummmmmmmm Smile