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What is the standard default keyboard sequence to put it in 1st... i thought I hit "C" and then "S"... but when i hit all the keys it stays in "N" all the time! I have even tried other cars... maybe my game is just messed up. I am not sure.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Oh oops, there was another page..

It seems the request is specifically for rallycross.. Hmm okay.

indeed, rallycross only (I think ...). Examples :

S3 licensed
Quote from :OK but Fern Bay already has this then.

hmmm... no ... ?
S3 licensed
isn't it just some keyboard/joystick/wheel issue sending random signals to computer? Big grin ... try disconnect all control devices and maybe try different keyboard. If this helps, and the devices are USB, you can try to plug them back one at time to see which one is producing it.
S3 licensed
Same here : no connection to the master server (my LFS 0.5F2 is already unlocked, but browsing online list is not possible).
Using win10, I have manually added LFS 0.5F2 to the list of "authorized" apps in the firewall, but same is occuring ...
Demo licensed
LFSW name:Pianomen
In-game name:Jereloco
Full team name:...
S3 licensed
Look at some Dover raceway videos, it fits the look and feel Fern Bay could have ... nicely Smile
examples :

S2 licensed
Quote from leightondrifting :I think its better to leave it as it is if they updated it like that lfs would be dead because u have gta,forza,assetto corsa for that stuffThumbs up

Assetto Corsa is open world?... are you sure about that?
S3 licensed
Very impressive lighting / shadow effects Thumbs up

South City also looks very impressive ... and with the many details you can see Eric's hard work too (but I didn't doubt it!). Thumbs up

If the windows of the cars were transparent, the models could run smoothly as new vehicles. Uhmm
S3 licensed
Quote from Allen2688 :So is the parking garage going to have a spiral ramp? because... you know Wink

I'm not sure ... but this couldn't be the top floor ....
S3 licensed
It just looks great. Na-na

The only thing I "don't like" is that the lights (for example the pits) don't just turn on (unsynchronized) but slowly dim. As if your own sun is rising there.

But hey ... these are really just peanuts.
S3 licensed
Thank you Degats Thumbs up
Mr Eric, this is beatiful ! As usual/expected, of course, but really : it is superb ! Ya right
Lighting and night ... it looks very natural ! Impressive job Mr Scawen !
Current cars engines : redline, types, etc ...
S3 licensed
I did not find a dedicated thread for this by using the search function, but I am sure the subject has been mentionned regularly.
The following points are disturbing me (even if we are speaking about fictional cars) :
* FXO has a flat 4 engine (1.9L). It is a FWD with a transverse engine. Its race counterpart is using 2.0L flat 4 engine mounted longitudinally. It is an AWD/4WD, sorry to never remember what term is appropriate Wink , and so :
- using the same kind of engine for a race car comparing to the production car with a different stroke (increasing or not the displacement) is common, so why not.
- changing from transverse to longitudinal sounds not so common ... even weird ... if it was the case, why keeping the engine at the front then ? Ya right
=> my point is that it would look more natural to have the FXR with the inherited shape of the FXO, but with a totally different engine (like a V6 or V8) to match the AWD/4WD thing while the production car is a FWD.
* FXR and XRR are sharing the exact same engine characteristics ... not so nice unless they would have the 'same' engine (what is not the case). They are aswell having a redline at 7500rpm ==> these kind of 'small' turbo engine in racing are usually getting a higher revs irl, no ? more than 8k would not look crazy. FZR redline sounds a bit low aswell : are Porsche racing cars with flat6 engine be limited to 8.5k ? I would have supposed they get higher
* Regarding TBO : 7500 rpm redline for those road cars look a bit high this time ... looks like reaching the score of a Ferrari F40 but with bigger cylinders : Uh-hu . 7000 rpm at the very max sounds more reasonnable ...
* Same kind of remarks for UF1, XFG and XRG : 500rpm less would feel more natural (respectively : 6500, 7500 and 6500rpm)

What are your thoughts gentlemen ? I know we are more than used to the current numbers since we ran LFS years ago, but getting closer to what is done in real life will give a better experience in the end Smile . Anyway, I am not an expert, so your thoughts and explanations are welcome Thumbs up
S3 licensed
I just did another corporate event, and had issues resulting in a request for a partial refund.

I had 2 cockpits down for a good portion of the event, due to the wheels not responding correctly.
This happened previously, and I thought I solved it, but obviously not.

Until I solve this issue, I am dead in the water, and will not be doing any events with my simulators.
I have already pulled all the wheels off of the cockpits, and brought them all inside, and currently trying to set them all up on tables so I can diagnose the issue.

I suspect a few possible causes. From an issues with LFS itself, to windows, to broken wheels, to bad usb cables.

When I first set things up, all wheels work fine, and it stays working fine, until I actually get people racing. Then 1 of the wheels on each machine just take a crap and stop working. Sometimes its the whole wheel, sometimes it is just the buttons. It seems like random button presses on the other machines is somehow disabling that one wheel. I restart all of the LFS instances, and set it up again, and it just happens again.

This event was the first time it happened on both machines, usual it is just the one with the host instance running, on the host instance itself. So it has so far always been the same wheel, which makes me think broken cables/wires/wheels but there is no sign that is the case.

Possible damage from being left in trailer over 2 winters?

As I type this, I am leaning to it being LFS itself that is causing this. As it also does other weird stuff that I assume is due to using lfs with multiple wheels on the same computer. Like the wheel on machine 3 will press buttons on machine 1 every now and then... or it will cause the ESC or BACKSPACE button to be pressed on the host screen, pushing the menu or virtual keyboard to pop up on the screen and go away randomly. NO BUTTONS are programed for ESC or BACKSPACE, and it happens when no one is near or touching the keyboard.

I do not really know when it started doing this, and it may just be coincidence, but I did not really notice this much, if at all, before installing the version I am currently using (0.6U6), and maybe a version or two before that... I skipped around a few versions, so don't know what last one was.

Also, at odd times, players will be kicked out randomly. It has even happened now, while I was standing there trying to get their car off the wall... or fix their upside down car. I grab the wheel, and poof they are spectated. I have even been running the game allowing wrong way driving, thinking that had something to do with it, but it does not.

Also, it is still a pain, to setup the multiple wheels and speakers, which I have to keep redoing, each time the wheels stop working. So... to resolve all of this, I may be forced to go with separate computers now, and even if I got the minimum spec machine, I am looking at more money than I am actually making ($6k to $12K USD), so it just does not seem like it is worth it to invest that much more, when I am not making enough. I am currently pondering 8 to 10 Asrock DeskMINI with Ryzen 3400G chips... but that will limit it to the APU graphics on the ryzen chip. I also do not have enough funds to do it ... sigh.
S3 licensed
1) change provider ... try mobile hotspot.. if work
2) more info need -- DSL, cable, wifi, mobile ,..
I see a problem with the Internet across Europe.
I'm at a hotel in Belgium now and it's terrible. ping 800 - 2000 ml ..
When I called home to Czech and cried, I can't play games.
I have been informed that there are complete outages.
// last 7 days is problem ..on czech is O2telecom and T-mobile ..
ISP: Proximus Pickx
City: Fleron
Region: Liège Province
Country: Belgium
1500ms/ping ... GOOOOOOD

once I had problems with DNS and UDP packets, some clever hacked a prefab router .. heeeh: D heh

something is moving .. i think PORTforwarding VS. DNS providers on EUROPE
S3 licensed
After a long absence from LFS (very long!) i'm just checking out this topic.

Night screenshots of BL ... fckin hell! WOW!

I'll force myself out of this for an equally long time, hoping i'll be surprised again.

Nice work devs.
S3 licensed
Yes, but that's like 1/3 or 1/2 of what it is in real race, the extra G forces in every corner are really taxing, it somehow accumulates and the body needs at least a day or two to recover. When I was still doing endurance running, I went for some public run races next day after karting race, and I was always about +30s per 1km slower than what was my regular performance at that time, without any particular reason, just the body was exhausted. But it's kinda funny, because I didn't feel like that. Just a bit sore from the seat here and there, but generally I felt like I should be able to run close to my regular performance, like +5s per km max, but however hard I tried, the +30s was real penalty (or more, if I tried too hard to push over it) for the previous day on track.

And to simulate that at home you need rig which costs ... a lot. Big grin
S3 licensed
with a pair of $2000 RTX needed ...
At this rate, it will be less expensive to buy a real supercar in the coming years than using a racing simulation Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :...
@michal 1279, FZ50: 235/40 R18 front, 295/30 R18 rear

weird : 911 gt3 996 phase 1 was 225/40/R18 and 285/30/R18 for 360hp (like FZ50), while the GT3 phase 2 was 235/40/R18 and 295/30/R18 with 381hp ... where are the missing 21hp ? Ya right
And by the way : why FZ50 ?
S3 licensed
Skawen, about the taillights. The most realistic option in my opinion is to make a HDR cubemap inside the rear light in the on mode, on the map of which the spot from the lamps will be clear, and make the glass transparent, multiply it by the color of the texture.
In other cases, the reflector will be chrome plated.
The only question is how to get HDR-cubecmap ...
S3 licensed
I do not remember at all about next one I am posting and asking, so, sorry in advance if someone done already before in some cases but...

I am assuming all the work has been done so far... and we do have some few aspects of water ( Blackwood and Fern Bay )... Water gets another update? Last time I remember was DirectX 9.0 update and water reflected sun.

Quote from Evolution_R :Please don't stop communicating. I think it is better and far more interesting to know what is being worked on, some of the problems and their solutions. Smile

I find it more appealing to have news out of nowhere after silent moments... or just moment. Tongue
S3 licensed
Quote from NumberTwo :...
In case you have an E60, buy an E46 Big grin

isn't e60 from 2005 ? (with the damned v10 ^^ )
5 series were E39 in 2003 iirc

edit : some research later, e60 has begun in august 2003 ... shame on me !
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
So, just to help you understand, here is a screenshot of how the dashboard looks right now. Take a look at that shot then tell me I am wasting my time spending a few minutes thinking about how the dashboard is lit (a minor task among the very big tasks I have been working on)...

Ya right
indeed an enhancement sounds welcome Big grin

For my 1989 Polo Fancy, if you switch on the lights, you have a manually adjustable green lighting ...
In the 2011 c-class, everything is automatic ... sounds adaptative but I am not really looking to it. I will pay attention this night, but I fear after 7pm French time it will be dark and by a lot, so no variation to observe.
edit : From memory in my wife's 308 from 2008, I do not think it is adpating : only a brightness level to set manually.
edit 2 : the GPS have a night mode aswell for vws in case it displays the gps... Wink

NB : what I observe : working on brightness adaptation in modern cars while no modern cars are currently available can mean only one thing ... Big grin
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :The only people who don't 'believe' in environmental destruction are those who don't watch any programs about wildlife, ignore all time lapse photographs of deforestation, and basically walk around with their eyes closed. ...

of course, I hope there is no-one still not understanding this Smile .

What is less obvious is the role of each one regarding what is called global warming, and the price fixed for each to be allowed to continue doing the shit.

For example, currently in France, cars are responsible (Wink ) of global warming, and so we must pay more and more after time ... but "more and more" is not deterrent of course, it is just a way to get some more taxes paid, and on the other side nothing is done regarding : trucks, boats, airplanes, factories (or not so much)... Aswell, nuclear plants are emitting almost zero CO2 (green energy award ? Big grin ).
Diesel engines are said for years and years (and still, even if some cities are planning to forbid them ... NB : side effect, my old VW polo 1.05L petrol from 1989 is to be forbidden soon in some French cities, but my Mercedes C63 with the 6.2L will be welcome for a long time to come !! ) to less pollute because of the weight of CO2 measured (to not even speak about VW and Renault cheating the thing Na-na ) to sell more model with this technology (French ...) and still keep an unbanlance of taxes making cars with diesel engines :
- almost as expensive as petrol ones, but more efficient, more performant, etc ...
- registration cost reduced
- less running cost for people who are using them a lot
- been ultra used in cities because a diesel engine doing idle is consumming less (no need to repeat, but less pollution, everyone knows that Uh-hu )

Reducing pollution all over the world is indeed a matter of the numerous people all around the Earth : clearly it is a problem. The way they want to live (lots of meats, lots of everything...), but "us", rich countries people, who are we to explain to China, India, etc ... how do they need to live for the benefits of us (all), while we have created this way of living, and enjoyed it regarding comfort, etc ... ?

But now, when us, rich countries people, are explaining that we must do less and less at our level : why not, but for instance France is less than 1% of the whole population on Earth ==> we can assume it will have a negligible impact on the world ==> governements will still use the taxes and continue their business instead of fixing anything because globally why :
- reducing consumption (less taxes ...)
- invest more and take the risk to loose some things
and in the end having our beloved neightbours on Earth doing the exact opposite because they do not care ? short term money is more attractive.

A side note, in our stupid way of living with lots of CO2 emitted, forrests are better than ever (the ones not yet destroyed Cool), and stopping suddenly the pollution emitted in the air would make the temperature to rise incredibely fast (probably short term, but anyway the consequences could be quite disturbing I let you imagine) Thumbs up ... I am not so optimistic Looking