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S3 licensed
same problem ... we manage races and it's very annoying to see drivers quit and reconnect .. i do not know what about consequence for the grid position for next race for example Schwitz.
to avoid that, is there a command line ingame (admin) to kill the dld process ?

when i type /help, i saw "debug" command but need instruction complement ... Looking
Last edited by Tomfuel, .
S3 licensed
Hot air temperature or altitude may give an advantage to na engines over turbo ones. So according to where your track is located, it may influence the overall performances of each car... Even if not by that much of course.
And of course having temperature to be managed everwhere is something interesting on the paper, but indeed may not be that nice in the end ...
S3 licensed
I remember few years ago when I discovered LFS while looking for nice games to play on linux. At first glance I thought it's just a typical bad browser game with ripoff name from NFS so I ignored it. Then a year ago I decided to try this game and ... wow, such a driving & racing experience I never feel at another racing games. A year later and now LFS is my most often played pc game. Definitely worth to play even on demo servers.
S3 licensed
Physics Engine doesn't need that many packets to keep in sync. So the real question is ... Why more if that's all you need?
[InSim] Submode identifiers for CIM_TRACK_SELECT
S3 licensed
To report guest's selected track (TRS_BL, TRS_SO, ...)

Maybe even track configurations so we can list layouts saved on server that would be cool Nod
S3 licensed
Quote from BerdyGaming :...considering LFS isn't a game known for it's system requirements.

not yet Omg omg omg
It disturbs me a lot when I play a little in LFS and see the GPU temperature almost as it was idle whn I quit ... while other games like ACC are bringing it to 80°c Big grin
S3 licensed
Looks like Eric has spent more than a year on SO ; still has some things to do on SO, on KY, ... and fully FE. I suppose that Scawen has some times to spend on multithreading.
S3 licensed
Quote from gu3st :His PC is just too weak.

The Quest with a Link cable is the same as using a normal Rift/Rift S headset. Lower FPS than the Rift (90) and Rift S (80) and a bit less detailed as it has to compress the video to send it over USB to the headset.

The Quest (Link) need a litle bit more CPU & GPU workload then Rift, because of the compress. And it has a very little delay against the Rift. the biggest "problem" is the 72Fps lock Shrug . But it is still immersive and fast.

But 2 days ago I finally made a jump and switched from fx8350 to Ryzen3600 and the FPS problems in LFS are finally history.

Only when I turn up the AC properly ..... it rattles on the other side and the graphics card can't keep up ...

..damned Big grin
S3 licensed
I would not expect Fern Bay shots before 3 months after Eric has begun to hardly work on it. In this progress report Scawen is saying he has not yet finished what he wants to do on South City Ya right ... so September / October at the earliest I would guess !
Night / Moonlight / tire physics is another subject Uhmm
S3 licensed
Cool video. Indeed the deformations are huge !

Anyway, driving an e55 with such dirty hands ... this is madness !
It reminds me my C55 I had in the time ... good memories Ya right
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :
and yes i dont think the atlantis-2 cable is fiber too.
idk what it is, but i cant imagine it being fibers atleast.

well.. it is.. . But 40 Gbit capacity is hilarious these days. Also an outdated WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology is being used I presume. going to be 72 Tbit/s ... Once the job finally is finished (if ever ggrr Wink )

this would be great;
Quote :EllaLink is a optical platform offering secure high capacity connectivity on a low latency transatlantic route (<60 ms round-trip delay time between Portugal and Brazil)

Last edited by, .
S3 licensed
..."but he decided to destroy a tyre with 2 laps to go and pit for a new one." please... I didn´t try to do that. Just had to drive as fast as possible every lap.... Unite was coming from behind.. UhmmYa right
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from lfsrm :I mean it's better if you have ten artists building assets at the same time than one, unless you are not constrained by deadlines, it doesn't have the same complex management as other area like core programming, which is a nightmare to coordinate.

I do agree about cars physics, it's generally a one person work if we only take into account the simracing genra, but it's totally possible to find persons who understand your work and know how to apply numbers ( well some actual physics devs started as modders ), I mean if you want to make a 200 cars racing sim you definitively don't want to work alone applying and testing data for all those cars.

"I mean it's better if you have ten artists building assets at the same time than one, unless you are not constrained by deadlines,..."
Deadlines. That's the key there. Well that and who the ten artists involved are Wink We're currently dealing with a project manager that seems to think they are exempt from deadlines.....
But I pretty much meant as in this particular game. One person. One track/car And every little everything involved in making of both..... Still leaning towards track though. Like with the track... you make turn one coming off a fairly long straight. You're gonna want to make that turn a decent radius. too tight and they waste half of the straight braking. too wide? well there are area limitations. That's along with knowing the limitations of rise on inclines and stuff like that. Then the car. All that goes into code in all the braking, roll over/understeer, downforce and so forth to be able to take that turn. Not to mention what goes into making all that look pretty, with determining the trees and wheels for either.
S3 licensed
indeed tracks looks like to take time to be well done Wink
Maybe Racer Y was including the physics part into the time taken into account when asking about the global time to spend on each (but as far as I understand how LFS seems to behave, the physics are not typical for each car, but something a bit more global ... but again, its only imo)

Hope Fern Bay is going well dear Eric Tongue
S3 licensed
I started as a little boy because I was looking for analog physics control - MOUSE -: D
Later, I bought a steering wheel. I dare say here that LFS is why I live when I fly in Germany at 200KM / h
(concentration, strength in hands, no sweat in the palms, heartbeat, and I see the future in milliseconds - when the asphalt is swaying and not the car Smile)
Today, I'm an old peasant, and a miracle has happened and I have a girlfriend: D ... in reality I already drive safely. I go to work across the road 2/266
Every tree here has a candle and a bouquet. I often remember my childhood friends.

Tomorrow I will be circling in LFS for joy.

Enjoy life.

/ sorry for the links and kinda english
Frame timing - 100Hz screen and still not smooth
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

so very recently I acquired a very decent screen, an ASUS VG27AQ, which supports a refresh rate of 100 Hz. This should be perfect for playing LFS, since 100 Hz should play very nicely with the physics core refresh rate, right? So smooth gameplay, here I come! Or so I thought.

Principially, the theory has been proven to be correct. The gameplay is crazy smooth. Now here comes the BUT. Sadly, every few seconds the view begins to stutter for a short period. Overall i'd say around 10% of gameplay is stuttering. I can't, for the life of me, get these stutters away. If you look at the timing indicator on the screenshot (see attachment), it seems that physics and graphics go out of sync? So in the end, there is one frame with two physics steps, followed by an "empty frame", which just results in the same image being generated again.

I tried every possible combination of vsync, gsync, full screen, windowed borderless, fullscreen exclusive (see you name it. Also every possible combination of LFS settings (buffered frames, frame cap, lowest settings, ...)

My computer is more than capable to run LFS at more than 500 FPS (@2560x1440), the CPU is sleeping at 13%, LFS resides on an SSD, I have only one screen active (Windows is too stupid to properly handle two screens with different refresh rates, even if one is 50 Hz and the other 100 Hz).

I still can't get the stutter away.

Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? It really keeps me from enjoying this magnificient sim at the moment.
S3 licensed
Top Times and Drift Scores after over 40 completed timed sessions ...

S3 licensed
Can concur.
There were numerous cases of this in the first round of the current OEC series, which uses pitstop time for Balance of Performance, where knowing correct pit timing automatically is helpful.

For example:

2020-07-12 22:38:16.651 UTC CSC: [excellent15] [^101 ^7R. Takahashi] STOP @ 01:05:12.550
2020-07-12 22:38:16.652 UTC Pitstop Started: [excellent15] [^101 ^7R. Takahashi] Work: 141474
2020-07-12 22:38:17.371 UTC Entered Pitlane: Fact 1 PLID 66 [excellent15] [^101 ^7R. Takahashi]
2020-07-12 22:38:35.742 UTC TOC: PLID 66; Connections: 8 [excellent15] [^101 ^7R. Takahashi] -> 18 [fastlt] [^101 ^7K. Takahashi]
2020-07-12 22:38:37.131 UTC CSC: [fastlt] [^101 ^7K. Takahashi] START @ 01:05:32.970
2020-07-12 22:38:37.132 UTC Pitstop Finished: [fastlt] [^101 ^7K. Takahashi] 00:02.050
2020-07-12 22:38:51.742 UTC Left Pitlane: PLID 66 [fastlt] [^101 ^7K. Takahashi]

(Ignore the absolute UTC timestamps, that's when the log was recorded, not when the race happened. Useful for relative times)

In this case, the pitstop time as reported in the PIF was 2.05s, whereas the actual time between IS_PIT and IS_PSF packets was 20.48s

There are numerous instances of this issue in the OEC replay:

There are a few other potential pitstop bugs in that replay, which I will report once I've properly made sense of them.
InSim: IS_PSF STime Inaccurate On TOC
S3 licensed
I have found what appears to be a bug in pit stop reporting, where a takeover is involved.

Here is some logging from my tracking app (irrelevant lines redacted):

^269 ^7T.J.Sarlin Started Pitstop @ 20:55:40.226
69 F.Sinchety^L took over from 69 T.J.Sarlin
^269 ^7F.Sinchety Finished Pitstop in 00:00:01.9300000 seconds at @ 20:56:06.818
11 G.Puc^Beta^L made a pit stop
^211 ^7G.Puc^Beta Started Pitstop @ 20:5722.076
11 R.Nagevicius^L took over from 11 G.Puc^Beta
^211 ^7R.Nagevicius Finished Pitstop in 00:00:02.6200000 seconds at @ 20:5748.667

It appears that the PSF packet reports the time since TOC as STime, not the entire pitstop time, as it does when there is not a TOC involved.

I can work around this with some extra programming, but this does not seem to be as designed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Pistolero 667 :As i'm a new racer, also need the educational LFS videos. No more links...

Look on YouTube ...

S3 licensed
Quote from MrJonttu :... you can tell me how I can improve ...

The main issue is that because you made the layout, and probably did good few laps trying it out, is that you know where the corners are and where they go. For everyone else, it's a case of guesswork and having good memory.

Use the turn and countdown marker boards. These type of boards are used in real tracks, where it's mainly professional race drivers using the tracks, so they're not some sort of 'cheat'.

Corners - very hard to make smooth turn corners. However, for outside of turn, there's no reason why you can't overlap fences, armco, barriers, etc, to get smoother turn ...

Your turn on left; mine on right.

And armco can be overlapped in a straight line. And if you use the Z function, nothing to stop you putting armco above other armco to get higher, and sometimes more realistic barrier.

Other than these (hopefully helpful) hints, the layout was fine Smile
S2 licensed
Demo-Version with Mouse and massive lags cause of poor CPU, upgrade to S2 and High-end PC with black Momo, testing lots of setup and finally first WR on hotlap in SouthCity (what a trip) ... more Hotlap-WR`s and joining Team DSR-Racing (sweet memories) .. doing my best all day and nights to stay competitive with growing crowd of youngsters ... lots of fun with whole package --- lost connection cause of circumstances ... miss that great times ... greetz out to all Veterans who still remember .. all the best from (DSR)Ehn!cO !!!
Last edited by EhnicO, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...
Eric has continued working on South City. ...

omg ! Big grin Eric, keep faith, you will nail it, we are sure Omg omg omg
(screenshots and the video of it are just ... breathtaking!)
Quote from Scawen :
We're getting there gradually. It's a lot of work on the programming side and the content side but we like the results!

Thumbs up
Good luck ! It seems really impressive ! LFS 2.0 on the way !
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
That sounds like the update is still years away... i really hope this is not the case. Big grin

"We have been working on graphics most of the time since early 2017", ... 2018, 2019, 2020... well, you have a point. Big grin
S3 licensed
"real driving simulator"...