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S3 licensed
To be honest, whatever code you are using, making and altering buttons should be the easiest thing to do, especially as if you're using someone else's code, as there will likely be button examples.

Look for something like ....

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Click this button!", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 30, 6, 108, 7, C.UniqueID, 2, true);

Even though I don't have a clue about the InSim protocol and code you are using, I can tell ...

background colour of button - ISB_DARK
likely placement of button and size and spacing of text within button - 5, 30, 6, 108, 7
text colour and message inside button - Click this button! (text will be white)

No idea if this is a button that only a specific person sees, or if everyone on the server sees at same time.
S3 licensed
According to Google translate, and guesswork, LFSLazy doesn't work - for him.

Using the search facility may have helped - he would at least have been able to find the right thread HERE.

But unless he knows some English - not likely as he's written his question in Turkish, not sure he's going to find his answer by reading through the posts.

So, to sort of answer his question ...

LFSLazy, başkaları için çalışıyor gibi görünüyor, böylece yanlış bir şey yapmış olursunuz - Türkiye'den InSim'i kullanan birilerini bulup onlardan isteyin (Translation: LFSLazy appears to work for others so you must be doing something wrong - find someone from Turkey who uses the InSim and ask them).

Or Google Translate each post?

And ...

İngilizce'yi yalnızca LFS Forumu'nda kullanmanız ve dürüst olmak gerekirse, yalnızca bir demo kullanıcısı olduğunuzdan, yardım yolunda çok fazla beklemeyin.
S3 licensed
Current weather at the location of the event, which is a 2.5 hour drive away (and back), has the hours before the event and after the event with 0% rain. During the hours of the event, it is 50%... and it is currently snowing in near by areas, and a large blob of snow is heading toward my home, and I do no want to drive trailer in snow...

I may be calling this one off as well.
Too far of a drive to have no one show up at their event, due to cold temps and rain.

I guess it is time to pull it all out of the trailer and bring it in the house.
S3 licensed
Quote from Smilez101 :... when Im online everyone is really twitchy and julty well mainly lagging...

Check the ping already in server listing? If it's under like 100ms and stable over several refreshes of list, it should be playable, but not true close racing.. under like 30ms is usually good enough for quite close action. Around 200-300ms you have already to compensate and guess where everything will be and not worth it.. Also the ping to server is one thing, and ping between players another, so even if you have good ping to server and some players, others may still lag to you.

I don't think there's particular network problem, or not obvious one, because if you would have like UDP blocked, you wouldn't see other players updating at all, till you would switch to TCP. You may still do that out of curiosity, it should make the lagging somewhat worse, but in case the UDP packets are very unreliably delivered to you, TCP may actually make it somewhat better.

You may want to check these to better diagnose which part of communication is lagging for you most and whether it's just everything slow on average (physically implicated by your distance, unless you move, there's not much to do about it, even light travels only so fast), or there's some additional problems with your PC/OS/ISP/...
S3 licensed
I don't know about the current Win10 upgrade rules. They said that if you pretend to have a handicap (like activate the visual assistance, magnifying glass, high contrast option) that you are still allowed to update but if this trick still applies I don't know.

//edit .. seems that you do not need to do any trick. Just use this tool;

(according to ... written May this year)
Last edited by, .
S3 licensed
It's well known that you have no life experience Wink ... Ever drinked a beer by the way?
S3 licensed


The Grand Finale! 8 ( 9 ) Racers fighting for the last piece of Round Wins! This time it went to Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ), who had amazing setup attached to his XR GT3 and simply forced to escape from the others, leading 76 laps! His rival, Jay from Finland, was left behind when about 1/3 of the race was done. Only finishing the race was the goal for him. Well done! He almost failed his start as he somehow managed to start from behind at grid, having to pass others to get back to the 2nd place as ordered. No penalties received for him however. ( If it was Standing grid... lucky for him there was not! )

2nd place goes indeed to Jay from Finland ( LFSW: jh89 ). 17 second gap is telling how good setup Gevin had.

Now, ladies and gentleman, The 3rd position finisher, The Season 1 champion. A master of going very fast! The German speedster, with incredible 19 Round Victories with 2 Grand Slams...



Willi a.k.a. The champ confirmed his victory of Season 1 by finishing the last round in 3rd position. He was not required to be fastest man at track despite he even set fastest lap at race. All he need to do, was to keep UM21 behind. So he did as UM21's RAC car had unexpected suspension damage, forcing him to pit and was eventually finished on 6th place. That means Willi wins Season 1 by 612 points, 8 more than UM21. More detailed info about it and generally flat out! series! season 1 will be given later at some point!

Well done and nice podium!

Some more fresh things: Arska ( LFSW: Arsk4 ) was finished 4th. Last time he actually finished a race was Round 37, so it was about time! All four mentioned racers selected XR GT3.

5th position goes to RedBot_ ( LFSW: redbot_ ) who took the final chance to get pole position. Had good draft with Gevin in qualify, but FXO GT3, as he selected, was simply not fast enough, leaving him to receive final place in Top 5. Not bad however!

6th place goes to UM21, who selected RaceAbout 06 car had suffered suspension damage. RAC is the one famous car and least wanted generally, but on short races, it's pace speed goes on par with XR GT3. However, there was strategy play going huge, as driving RAC alone in Flame's Banked, it consumes 1,3% fuel per lap, forcing to make refill the tank anyway, unless driven with some draft by other racers. That strategy play was going kinda well, but ended by required pitstop anyway.

7th place goes to [MRc] Michal ( LFSW: michal 1279 ), who had engine problem, which occurred on somewhere first laps, having only top speed 20km/h less than the others. That explains why 3 laps behind finished.

FSR System. ( LFSW: Kova. ) was retired from the race by connection problem and =36= J a t i ( LFSW: Jatimc ) was kicked from the server by his actions.

Here is some highlights, pics only:

Moment when race starts:

Despite being an expert on oval, his skills of reading/listening rules are not on his side. Ultimately kicked from the server.

First laps had some good battling:

Uh oh... Arska is having collision against "FSR boy"...

...he nearly ROLLED the car...!

...but luckily neither of them had to crash or retire at this point!

Situation @ Lap 16. UM21 and Willi have got the lead by bumpdrafting, but suddenly UM21 drops off.

Because fuel consumption, UM21 had to find some buddies to have some draft, so be did back down.

Even Willi was dropped off from the lead pack. These two guys will fight for the win!

Meanwhile, the "back pack" is broken down and Arska with UM21 escapes from the others, attempting to catch Willi.

RAC was slippery and dangerous car to make some bumpdraft due road tyres. Ultimately it was suspension which wont last more than 45 laps.

It was easy overtake. Michal had engine problems as mentioned. Drafting was out of question.


Longest race ever.
FZ50 GT3 and XF GTR were the cars which were not selected.
RedBot's first pole position.
The race was intense at first laps, but quickly went going separated, where everyone was going different speed and pace. This was quite unexpected, as races held in this layout have always been tight and even tigher!

Stats and points are updated!

Thank you for participating this last round. Next roun... oh yeah, there is no more anymore, hehe! I will give some more detailed info about everything included of these series! It will take some time, but as always, stay tuned!
200 recorded times
S3 licensed
After having to get new server host, and long absence, top times and drift scores after 200 recorded lap times ...

Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Edit: Image of times and scores went missing
S3 licensed
I feel this round will be tense and exciting! Let's see if RAC can do all 90 laps! ( DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT ... )
S3 licensed
Quote from Breizh :
here it is:

You see it happen? If yes, I wonder how.

Quote from Breizh :That is so the best icebreaker ever, should one meet Scavier in person.

Nah, nothing to do with team Scavier, more the persons discussing this.. I can not understand how people can talk for decades.. Not even years.. Decades.. About something which is not going to happen. Yes maybe at some point this dreaded tyre physics gets released in some sort of simplified form and yes there will be some track updates of fantasy tracks.. But.. That.. Will be about it. LFS is a hobby project, some hours are spend on it on a weekly basis.. Sometimes.. Sometimes some month(s) nothing happens at all.... It is no serious development cycle, so how in the world people can discuss week by week, year by year... Stuff like; "oh yes and this and this is going to happen", "and then this car and track"... Come on, can people get realistic for once in their life?!
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :I commend him on actually searching for info before opening a new thread titled "Plz xplan diffs!" and spamming another 4 posts because he didn't get an answer within 5 minutes... Cool

Forbin is right, the (detailed) explanations in this thread apply to whatever type of driving you like. Since two people even with the same goal will seldomly agree on one specific setting only you can find one that you like, but the wisdom contained in these posts should enable you to take your setup in the right direction rather than wildly guessing (and consequently giving up).

I read this topic years ago , but I was digging a bit deeper with the calculations for the best LSD settings for drifting and racing, but I didn't find the best explanation (formula) which would get me closer to the final result I want.

The Power/Coast doesn't really explained by the creaters of LFS that actually limits the engine power to the differential or it's the behavior of the diff. under those settings. How can you determinate the coast for example ? I didn't get those answers, because many people answered them but all in different way and the conclusion it's not the same at all ...

That's the reason I bumped this thread again. I didn't see the case to open a new thread , because probably there are people who are interested in it like me and ppl who know the answer.

I hope that I gave the aswer why after 10 years brought back to life this question.
S2 licensed
To all that constantly say "its a racing game"... There are sirens right... Police sirens!
so... please get real, this game has become more about cruising and drifting then racing, the only place with lots of race servers that are active is Demo ok.

So please keep all redundant reply's to a minimum...
S3 licensed
Quote from Huskii :I don't see why we NEED new physics ...

Because it's so far off from the real thing? I mean mostly the temperatures and wear and grip dynamics modified by those. The carcass movement is already quite good, doesn't feel that much off the real thing, but once you would try to play a bit with pressure and driving style to achieve certain temperature, the current physics doesn't resemble any vehicle + tire compound I know. (that said, I don't know too many, basically just karts with few different compounds, but judging from the feedback over years the big cars are quite off too).

If you don't race in real life, you can get probably easily used to the current LFS physics, as for a game it's OK. But once you will try to use your real life knowledge, it will break on too many occasions (of course one would not expect the simulation to be perfect - if it would be perfect, there are some people like F1 teams who would pay Scawen obscene amount of money for perfect one ... still if it breaks too early and too easily, it's a bit annoying).

Plus I'm personally looking forward for more surface simulation updates, like wet/dirty/temperature of surface, ideally combined with "live tract" evolving during the event (picking up rubber bits over time outside of racing line, getting sticky with rubber in the racing line, and getting "green" after rain).
Last edited by Ped7g, .
S3 licensed
AC dont have better physics than LFS , i talk about oficial content,without any external apps i mean. Real life drifters (professional and beginners) still using LFS because still more close to the real life,can feel grip level when drift(something i dont feel so much in AC) , learn new technics, etc..etc...
i know most of you guys are a racers and your opinion is about it, but in the end drifters(like me) use all potencial of the steering wheel, when you go straight, we go in side ways ,we feel every detail on diferent rotation of steering wheel and when it fail ( AC fail more).btw with some setups you can feel it really bad on LFS or AC,this come from drivers, virtual "mechanics"...
Actually AC are over LFS because have more content and physics are really close, nothing more.
[cancelled] Barley Juice Team Challenge 2017
S3 licensed
The Barley Juice Team Challenge 2017 is a five round long competition for teams. It is the spiritual successor of the Team Challenge by Zone30.

18.10.2017 18:00 UTC: XRT @ BL1 - 33 laps
01.11.2017 19:00 UTC: UFR @ WE1r - 28 laps
15.11.2017 19:00 UTC: LX4 @ SO6 - 38 laps
29.11.2017 19:00 UTC: FOX @ AS2 - 45 laps
13.12.2017 19:00 UTC: FXR @ FE3 - 38 laps

Time table:
xx:00 UTC - 15 minute qualifying session
xx:20 UTC - approx. 45 minute race

In every race a mandatory pitstop has to be served by every competitor.

Please, act according the Rules of Clean Racing. The organisers reserve the rights to punish competitors and/or teams after the event for violations of these basic rules.

The top three finishers of a team score points. The winner receives 40 points, the runner-up 39 points, while a fourtieth placed driver receives 1 point. To score points, at least 50% of the winner's race distance must be completed.

To sign up, reply to this post using the following form:

[b]<Team name>[/b]
- <In-game name>, <LFSWorld name>, <Nation>
- <In-game name>, <LFSWorld name>, <Nation>
- <In-game name>, <LFSWorld name>, <Nation>

Quote :Beispielteam
- Fahrer Eins, F4hr3rE1n5, Germany
- Conducteur deux, conducteur2, France
- Driver three, driv3r, New Zealand

Last edited by TFalke55, . Reason : I forgot the rules.
S3 licensed
In recent weeks I sort of expect new test patch to appear, but still nothing... and the worst part about it: it may easily take months before one will happen. ... hmm...
S3 licensed
There's no such thing as timezones - there is Zulu (UTC), and then a bunch of 'display options'... Wink
Master Server Issues?
Demo licensed
Tom Remillard: I'm capable of never complain

You elevated inside the ft within the a year ago. How did inside your skating? how to know what size skateboard to get

And have the factor is?

It had been really challenging acquainted with my figure. Falls hurt much more, and my style kinda altered. Initially it had been nearly impossible to find my center of balance. I had been a late bloomer.

Still known as Tom Grom?

Acquiring a few people, but it is beginning to fade. I do not mind in situation. It is simply a standing.

Together with acne situation in check.

Yup, because of Grosso. That may appear weird. He sent some Epicuren acne product which reduced the issue to out.

Wouldn't it are actually scaring away all of the ladies?

Yeah. It had been an e-casino game stopper.

The component that was P-Stone's reasoning for that acne?

" you have been standing alongside lots of turpentine."

Translation: "Tommy, you should get somewhat tetracycline."

Will there's a girlfriend?

All I am prone to feel are that, making use of this age, women just appear and vanish.

The traditional work? Ever endured one?

Knowledgeable about once. I labored at Vons, just like a supermarket bag boy. But at the moment I merely skate.

Possibly you've finish school?

Hugely. I'd no choice. Knowledgeable about sufficiently easier to possess something available to future after skateboarding. I'm wishing.

Do your mom and dad would love you to certainly certainly visit college?

My parents are pretty stoked precisely nice skating's visited me, for now. Lower the street they'd want me to visit if skating does not take part in, but furthermore for right now i am just cruising.

How'd you obtain into skateboarding?

My buddy knowledgeable about formerly share a board once i resided in Off-shore Beach.

We'd push in relation to this. Jason Rogers resided lower the street and hooked us tabs on decking each, and our parents bought us trucks and wheels. You need to got really there.

You elevated within the identical neighborhood as Peter Hewitt.

We'd lurk before his house doing kickflips and bothering him for stickers, shirts--everything we could escape him. I used to be only 8 or 9.

What methods has Peter trained you?

I would not say he's trained me any methods.

Possibly you've helped him learn any methods?

Yeah. His kickflips have become better. There's somewhat bet going: If he's transporting out a tre switch on flatground before he turns 40, then i must perform 540. Neither individuals are close.

Is wonderful for individuals who've connected with getting boards from Anti-Hero?

Pete's why we are transporting this out interview at the moment. I owe something to him and Doug "Pineapple" Saladino. Doug and my father are really close buddies greater than fifteen years. He acquainted with take me skating constantly.

First board?

A Tyrone Olson Arcade board, the main one Jason Rogers hooked me tabs on.

The component that was the initial video that got you psyched?

The Arcade video. Gumbo.

Your fullpipe loop which was within the Products inside the final Thrasher was gnarly. Considering doing the loop for some time

I have considered it many occasions best complete skateboards for beginners, but never imagined I'd make a move. I am like I acquired lucky.

It did not come easy. Needed about 25,30 tries. Thinking about transporting it again within the bigger pipe? Think you've Baldy?

Yeah, I'm unsure about Baldy. I hear it's seriously gnarly. Haven't had the understanding.

Was the loop the most effective trick you learned?

No. I learned layback slashes.

Favorite music to hear when you're available shredding?

What exactly is a typical day decide to suit your needs in Hillcrest?

Awaken 'round nine, get breakfast going, stretch, go skate either the roads, Bucky's backyard or Washington Street--return home, possess a brew along with a bip, fall asleep ... then you have to do everything again each day.

Name five techniques that you would be stoked to understand correctly.

Boneless ones, eggplants, kickflip back tails on ledges, backside 180 nosegrinds on ledges, and frontside crooked grinds on ledges.

Who're your easiest Hillcrest skaters?

Favorite '80s vert pro?

Favorite '90s street pro?

Where has skateboarding taken you date?

Europe a few occasions together with over, i can never complain. I have many userful stuff here these past couple of years. Do not take your travels like a right. Kill yourself them.

Where will be the places you have to visit?

Recently India remains sounding pretty rad. I do not see many individuals or journeys going there. Latin America--Ecuador may be rad. Individuals old Ron and Buddy videos ensure it's appear pretty timeless.

You've Dickies since the fresh clothes sponsor. How'd that can come about?

I acquired an e-mail from Atiba proclaiming that they are beginning up a skate program, and in addition they were asking me to skate by themselves account. I had been trippin' because I'd only met him once amount of formerly! Initially I had been reluctant, however put two and a pair of together. I acquired to him and mentioned, "Let us do that.In .

Cure is all about they?

Just Kevin Terpening and myself, at the moment.

Can you really order numerous stuff employing their catalog?

From neon jump suits to kitchen aprons, I acquired a box of each and every coming.

What is the craziest factor they've created?

Certainly the neon jump suits.

How about camping gear?

They've rain jackets and waterproof pants, while not or anything similar to this.

You've kinda taken Div Adams in your wing. What's it like sponsoring a government like him?

Reaching Div makes me appreciate everything I've. He's merely a board along with a change of garments, but he adopts within the smile on his face, skates as being a gladiator each day, and does not concern yourself with what lots of people concern yourself with. He's only trying to find the finest turn. You cannot daunt him!

I hear he's relocating for your home. Maybe creating shop inside the spare room.

We've Groundskeeper Willy within the compound now, and hubby isn't departing soon. what size of skateboard should i get

Plans while using the season?

Skateboarding! Reaching additionally to acquiring a brew or greater.

Any shout-outs?
Last edited by dangkhoa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :thank you for contributing Dave Wink

Eeehhhmm .. As usual I speedread your posts.. Not really getting what you try to say there other then "the whole world is evil, put on a tin hat". It's OK, you always will be wizardly special.
Quote from neonmateo :Haha you aren't wrong Razz Im not big fan of boats btw

Boats? Tito build a bridge in 1980? /me scratches head that I need to explain this to Croatians

Quote from PusicDrift :Better come to Zagreb Smile

Been there once to try to buy something via njuškalo. Older man tried to hack me (to stay in the spirit of this topic) for about 20 LFS S2 licenses worth of money once we where at the notary. In the end I didn't fall for the trap, old communist corrupt fk it was. * It was a former racing driver by the way! (I don't know exactly what it was but he had a bunch of racing trophies in his garage). Next day I had much more luck with someone from Rijeka which was extremely helpful and kind. Rijeka <3 ... Zagreb bah! Rijeka champions anyway Wink
Last edited by, .
Guys ! I'm sorry that I text without searching enought on the internet ... But I am trying to run a dk1 here and I need help :/ How and what do I need to get it running for lfs ! I'm Haze from Tofu Smile I want to go next stage drifting ! Sorry again , but I'm really starting to get nervous with this headset .
S3 licensed
Quote from Mikus1212 ::-/

turning that smile (and all followings) into positive pays only 6£ for you? If you short on money, I think you have earned that licence with your speed Wink ...
Lapper Syntax Highlighting for Code/Text Editors
S3 licensed
I make custom syntax highlight definitions for text editors.

When you write your .lpr addon, you need to add begin/end points, like php. At the very very top of your document, put "#LPR", at the very very end, put "##LPR". This will not alter your program in any way because # is just a comment in Lapper. When you do that, you should be greeted with lovely formatted colors.

To install:

  • Linux: put "lapper.lang" in /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs
  • Windows: Put "lapper.lang" in C:\Program Files\gedit\share\gtksourceview-3.0\language-specs\
  • Windows: Put "lapper.acp" and "lapper.stx" in the directory you installed EditPlus
  • Open your settings and go to syntax
  • Click "add" and navigate to the correct files for auto complete & highlighting
  • Click apply & ok
  • Save the file anywhere you like.
  • Start NotePad
  • Goto 'Language' Tab
  • Click on 'Define your language'
  • Click on the 'import' button
  • And goto the folder you saved the file and load it into NotePad++
  • Copy the lapper.ini in (Path where you installed PSPad)...\PSPad editor\Syntax . ( default is C:\Program Files\PSPad editor\Syntax )
  • Open PSPad and under Settings - Highlighters setting click on <not assigned> and select on the right side lapper and Apply

  • v1.2
  • Added "Event" and "EndEvent" definitions
  • v1.1
  • Added "Lang" and "EndLang" definitions
  • v1.0
  • Initial version.
  • v1.0
  • Initial version. Auto completion doesn't work right now
  • v1.0
  • Initial version. Credit to Bass-Driver for this syntax
  • v1.0
  • Initial version. Credit to Tim NL for this syntax
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Quote from :Scawen, A few versions back you made it easier for me to select different audio devices while running multiple instances of LFS on one PC.

In the future, could you take that a step further, and create separate audio devices in each LFS?
Each one could be programed the way we program the audio out device now.

One for the engine and track sounds as we have it now.
We would choose a windows device to send this out of, likely the main speakers with bass.

One for Music, Although I never use that.... some do.

One for voice communications (if this is ever added)
This could be sent to Headphones.

One for Vibrations... road bumps, car impacts, wheel shaking etc...
This would be sent to, and allow BETTER support for, a BUTT kicker device.
It could send ONLY bass sound from YOUR car, not the car next to it, and NOT the wind noise.
It could even include extra bumps from the curbs and wheels tire vibrations all sorts of stuff that could not be sent via the audio we would actually listen too, as it would sound horrible in the speakers. --- has any simulation software done this yet?

Yes I welcome this too. This stuff have Reiza studios with their game Automobilista. You can change complete sound of cars and noises ... but in this problem i see that complete game is really big because all sounds are in wav format( LFS have 180 MB and AMS 20 GB of space).
S3 licensed
Check that old thread page 3 and $ when it was in early project (it still is pending huge mods!)...
S3 licensed
big thx mate. it works great in vr my god.
i open the game treu the oculus program .

can i change the multysampling or how you call it ... ??
would be nice
still a big thx mate