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S3 licensed
Degats: yeah, I get per-car-by-designer setting to normalize the ffb strength to be as intended (IIRC LFS does calculate FFB from suspension/tyres/... and there is no power steering mechanism countering that? I'm not sure, but that would be my guess how it works. So I guess you can somewhat tune mod ffb by suspension tuning, but that may go against other intended design. But also some cars/karts are considerably more difficult to drive in real life, real cars are not consistent either Smile ).

My remark was for gu3st, as you can already adjust ffb on the fly with keys, so I'm confused what he's looking for.
S3 licensed
Online at :
Just a Ride
Quote from Gabey1 :There's been some ridiculous admin corruption happening on the JAR ingame server. Basically, a friend of the owner (turbofan), who's an admin has recently been banning people with no explanation, even came to banning another admin, and insulting two other admins. The server owner won't do anything about this since he's his friend or whatever, still trying to prove us 5-6 other admins wrong. We're not having it. Welcome to the new server. No BS. No admin corruption. Just freedom!

Coming soon, the Freedom Factory LFS server.

Demagogue : (

A demagogue (...) is a political leader in a democracy who gains popularity by arousing the common people against elites, especially through oratory that whips up the passions of crowds, appealing to emotion by scapegoating out-groups, exaggerating dangers to stoke fears, lying for emotional effect, or other rhetoric that tends to drown out reasoned deliberation and encourage fanatical popularity.Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so.

From there we can connect to populism (

(...)defines populism as an ideology which presents "the people" as a morally good force and contrasts them against "the elite", who are portrayed as corrupt and self-serving. (...)

@Slayer4712 U fall for a demagogic ad...

Check ur facts before spreading false narratives.
Those guys got angry because i banned one of their "friend" who felt above the rules, protected by a divine vip/clan member status.
Then they harass me for unfair ban. Talk me about corruption yes...

You can always dream, but the most common political system for uneducated ppl is clannism (wich connects to xenophobia). Kids dont build democracies.

This group of mutineers uses pervert practices and methods, u have a perfect example in the ad above, but u can add insults, defamation, coming on server to crash and spam their server ad, and even banning me as i didnt remove them from admin status.
Up to you if u think it's a good way to handle issues, I dont.

Springtime cleanup !
S3 licensed
...if the soccar cup is meant to be an advertisement ... oof

10 Years ago I played a LFS Soccer tournament organized by Last Lap Motorsports: the organization was shit but the game play was better
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Quote from Iginla :i'm with an unbiased opinion here, its not worth it and looking back, what a rip-off that S3 release was 8 years ago

I remind you that we are talking here about a difference of 6 euros between the S2 & the S3.Smile

What do you get for 6 euros with contemporary games? Even on Raceroom, an old free game of comparable graphic quality, with 6 euros you will have to choose between a car and a track. And you will need to have a powerful computer with a good connection and dedicate 40 GB to Steam (with all the problems of using this ... stuff)

What quality games can you play today with a 10+ year old computer without Steam?

I understand that over time LFS has discouraged a lot of people. The world of simracing has also evolved a lot since the first release of LFS. I do not deny the various problems of LFS. But even in its current state, with the mod system which is an undeniable revolution, the S3 is an excellent choice.

I may be wrong, and thank you for correcting me, what is there comparable to LFS in terms of qualities, possibilities, ergonomics, freedom of creation and use for such a low price with a lifetime license? Even (and above all !) 8 years later? Looking
S3 licensed
Quote from NumberTwo :

and its not only 1 kerb, you know that i guess, just playing a bit?
Quote :Many of the kerbs now use 3D objects

Let's suppose it will be improved ...
Anyway, I was doing some laps around oulton park in ACC, and found the kerbs more deadly.
Most of time I suppose kerbs are crossable from the inside wheel perspective (this explains the presence of sausages kerb added to limit the thing Big grin ), but regularly the outside wheel has to avoid the contact (even if anyway, the crazy jump you got in video is too much I agree).
S3 licensed
is it worth considering the possible repair of engine during a race that had suffer from overreving ? Changing the whole engine, why not ... but if you have to change tappets, spring for the valves, etc ... looks like complex and even more time consumming than doing an engine swap !
I would more expect to see like rik97 is saying an option on/off to repair it or not.
But anyway, from a gaming experience perspective, maybe a different approach is to be considered Tongue
S3 licensed
Big grin random would mean not related if I am correct ? while this patch gives :
Quote from Scawen :
A long requested feature to display maximum speed for each gear in setup screen.

And seeing the dyno curve in another tool ... well, it is another tool, the purpose is to see it in the "game" !

Of course if I totally agree with you that there are far more important topic for Scawen, but :
* he was on the gear ratio thing (and it is a great update to me even if it looks like a tiny little thing), so my "request" (let's be honest, it is not a request, just a suggestion) is just to have a display making the thing even more user friendly
* the power-torque curve is alreday coded, so maybe it may not a huge deal to implement
S3 licensed
engine damage is usefull .. yes we damage the engine during the first hour of an enduro and spent 3 hours to try finish the race ...

also, in the same spirit, what about the possibility to choose repair only "major damage" ? instead of minor +major like actually
S3 licensed
The car will be featured on Monday 9th for the last pachanga race (Chistmas fun open) at

The car is fun and hard to get fast! The cartoonish look and feel is priceless.
My two main issues currently are "lateral stability" and force feedback. I am ok for the car to roll but is a pain to have it stuck on the door (what I called wrongly lateral stability)... The force feedback is weird it feels backward I don´t know if it is torque steer (would say no) or front caster angle )it feels reverse. I currently run without FFB on.
MRc E-Challenge 2023 - Announcement
michal 1279
S3 licensed

Hello racers!

The planet Earth has made another orbit around the Sun, and once again, the Master Race car team is pleased to bring back to you an event, which brings an unique racing experience into LFS. Strongly inspired by the FIA Formula E championship, E-Challenge is an event, where the strategy and clever use of available resources will play a big factor on your way to victory.

The letter E in "Formula E" stands for "Electric" and thanks to the just recently released LFS mod system we can enjoy some electric racing fun as well. "Efficiency" however is still a vital part of the race strategy, as the amount of usable energy is limited and the finish line is quite far. Do you have what it takes to navigate the new 350 kW beast through the city streets?

We worked really hard to bring in something even better and more exciting than before, from more races, new car, new track replicas, new event format, to new tactical elements, enhanced weather system,... very few stones were left unturned as we tried our best to deliver an exceptional racing series.

Official rounds:
R1 - 15.1. - Mexico City E-Prix circuit replica (LA1)
R2 - 12.2. - Berlin E-Prix circuit replica (LA1)
R3 - 26.2. - Singapore Grand Prix circuit replica (LA1)
R4 - 12.3. - New York E-Prix circuit replica (LA1)
R5 - 26.3. - Adelaide Grand Prix circuit replica (LA1)

(Each layout to be released at least 7 days prior to the respective round)

Preliminary event schedule:
Prequalifying session (if necessary)
17:30 UTC / 18:30 CET Official free practice session (20 minutes)
18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET Official qualifying session 1 (10+2 minutes; 2 hotlaps)
18:15 UTC / 19:15 CET Official qualifying session 2 (cca 15 minutes; top 8 from qualifying 1 compete in head-to-head duels)
18:40 UTC / 19:40 CET Official race 1 start (cca 30 minutes*; standing start)
19:25 UTC / 20:25 CET Official race 2 start (cca 30 minutes*; standing start; grid order by race 1 finish, top 10 reversed)
20:00 UTC / 21:00 CET Estimated end of the event; interviews

* in case of Safety Car or Virtual Safety Car the race distance will be adjusted accordingly to ensure the energy lap target stays in reasonable bounds.

General rules and changes from previous season:
  • Success ballast dropped from qualifying
  • Two races per evening instead of one (R2 grid based on R1 finishing order + top 10 reversed)
  • Races are lap-based instead of time-based
  • SC and VSC active
  • No mandatory pitstop (unless forced by weather)
  • Recharging NOT ALLOWED (and will be disabled, so we don't even have to disqualify you from the event)
  • Dynamic weather active in ALL official sessions (slick tyres for dry, road tyres for wet conditions)
  • Three activations of the Attack Boost strip during each race
  • Each competitor can select one race, where he can use full 350 kW of power (instead of capped at 300 kW)
  • Points for top 20 finishers
Full set of rules and guides will follow soon, stay tuned!
Last edited by michal 1279, . Reason : Added the series trailer link
S3 licensed
unfortunaly, we noticed this very strange and violent bug-crash" twice in our final round with the mod "FAST GTR", a 5tons truck wich suddenly throw the air with a simple smooth door to door battle ...
it is annoying ... sure
S3 licensed
Live for Speed had one competitive advantage: It didn't have relevant cars, it didn't have relevant tracks, it didn't have relevant graphics
it had amazing net-code
The net-code was the only reason that anyone stuck around


@scawen : you have thrown away the only competitive advantage that your game had

9 Years ago we could bump, touch, rub, but still race

Nowadays if you get within a meter of a competitor, you throw a dice to see who gets thrown to the moon.

I can throw those dice in games with actually interesting cars and actually interesting tracks. I only stayed here because the net-code was good and I valued net-code over content ... but when you have shit content mixed with shit net-code..

Why should I stay?
S3 licensed
Quote from F1 mainiac :I will make sure you don't make it three in a row! =)

Bah ... peasant, you and what army?
Last edited by jmeade, . Reason : Kid is that army
S3 licensed
I haven't forgotten about this mod. Big grin

I'm preparing it for export ..., releasing it and then I'm gonna continue my journey in the 3D modeling world with another model.
michal 1279
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Electric vehicles are now technically ready. They are on average faster than ICE cars. They have a 2 or 3 times higher efficiency. Range is now comparable. The only thing is the scalability of production. Thats Why manufacturers are building more factories and increasing supplies.
Where do you see problems here? Shrug

I see problems in things you (maybe deliberately) didn't mention. And those you mentioned are skewed anyway.
Do I care about 'faster than ICE' when buying a family car? Not really, Noone does unless they are buying an actual racecar. Faster than ICE is not an argument to buy EV for 'normal people'.
2-3 times more efficient and comparable range - cool, what is the EV efficiency after 7 years of service at temps around 0°C (freezing point of water)? Not that impressive, right? Batteries don't like too cold or too hot environments.
I'm more interested in scalability of usefulness before diving into scalability of production Smile

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Yes, that's how it works. If you need a new car and you see that only electric cars are being sold, then you buy an electric car. I didn't think it needed to be explained. Big Eye

What argument is this? Omg omg omg
And if they ban EVs then you simply ride a horse, right? Big grin
I'd prefer to make my own selection instead of being told (and forced to) what they think is right.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :All you're doing here is making an analogy. An analogy can be used if you want to explain something to the interlocutor but not when you want to make a argument. I don't want to attack you, but I don't like analogies and I'll explain why. Analogy is not argument by default. So I don't even have to answer it. Because an analogy is a comparison of two things by one or more properties.
I, too, can compare electric cars with Ford's car revolution for example, when in 20 years America turned into a car country. So what it means? That electric cars same like ICE cars? (But at least this analogy was understandable because we are talking about cars here and there.) Or I can compare a finger and ass. These are 2 different things. They both have skin and have blood in it, and sweat cells for example. Does this mean that a finger and an ass are the same things? No. So what analogy means? Nothing. Anything can be explained by analogy simply by comparing one with the other. It has no argument.

Analogy can be a great argument if you understand the point why the analogy was used (which apparently didn't happen here). In this case, the analogy was used to prove, that setting hard deadlines without having secured the path (technological, infrastructural, social,...) usually does not lead to a success, at least not it that early highly optimistic timeframe. That's why NASA dind't get to Mars by 1980s and that's why I think the car market wil not be fully electric by 2030/2035 and if it does, it will be a disaster.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - that's why we use examples from past, so we don't fail the same way again Smile

But when we are at analogies, I will gladly borrow your Ford's car revolution turning America into a car country in 20 years. When that did happen, did someone ban horses by 1915 and execute remaining horses by 1920? (I'm exaggerating a bit, but maybe that will help you understand my 'argument'). Did the market transfer on its own once people found out the Ford is more practical mean of trasport than a horse? Or did the government force them to use it by 1915? Why can't we make the transition from ICE to EV the same way?

Make a good product and people will be happy to buy and use it, instead of forcing them to use it because you said so Smile

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :The analogy is also bad because it does not get me closer to understanding why you think that electric cars technological readiness not ready or something.

I'll recap some of my concerns:

- Range is not really that much comaparable, esp. with older car and when it's too cold/too hot. EV is a great small city car, but once you need to get across a country, it is a nightmare.
- Accumulators significantly degrade with time and charging cycles, further reducing the range and usefulness. By the time ICE is still perfectly fine, the EV is ready for scrapyard (because buying new EV is more viable than changing the battery in old one).
- Charging rate is not very impressive and the fast charging increases the battery degradation even more.
- EVs on fire are very difficult to be put out, they even tend to reignite hours or even days after.
- The electricity cost in Europe is not very friendly lately, and might get even worse with green agenda shutting down reliable nuclear power plants. This can make EVs very pricey in the future unless you have house with massive solar panels.
- More... (not into writing long essays atm)

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of EVs (after all I'm the only one in LFS community running a major EV championship) and the day EVs are actually viable I'll be happy to buy one, but that is still a bit too far and the 'mandatory' approach in transition from ICEs to EVs makes me kinda upset about the whole thing. Shrug
LA1 Bannockburn
S3 licensed
Another layout made for the Large Area ...

Drove LCT3000 Truck mod (by Cimanu) to show in video ...

S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :
You claimed that the model was yours when you put:

"Original work" means that you created the model.

Then you were asked if you can post progress pictures, so others can see if you really did create the model.
You posted one picture of the car in Blender, without text.
You probably wanted to show that this is how you created the model.
Problem: The model was actually downloaded, someone found out and posted screenshots of the meshes. So you lied twice. First by entering wrong copyright and second when being asked.

Irrelevant, maybe the GTA modder and you took the model from the same game.
Important is that you had wrongly put "original work" and that you had no permission to use that model.

In my opinion many mods that only give a link to a questionable filesharing site should not be approved. I do not vote on such mods because I have no way to check.
But how is that relevant to your situation?
Someone had found "your" exact model in a GTA mod.

That's exactly what I don't understand about my mods when it came to the forum and the system of mods ... You're the one who started mentioning my mods...
Okay, if you want to talk about my mods, go ahead, there is no such a license where the description "I made a mod that took a model and changed it" there is only "original work" to me what claims? Let's go back to Landline 34 there as the moderator pointed out most of it is indeed original but it is still rejected, don't you think it is questionable? That means if you put, for example, a mod from gta and my car is completely different models, and in form they will be different, so I pointed out everything correctly, but then why it rejected? Do not you think it is nonsense? I have long given up on taz 02 I am interested in the story with the Landline 34 and only with him, a bunch of questions about this mod, why I rejected it if I could redo the details that seemed questionable moderator? what the outrage?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :Did you read what was written about your mods?

You posted a mod as your own "original work" but it was actually downloaded from somewhere.
Another time you posted fake wip screenshots and again it was a ripped mod. Another time you gave wrong source for the model, maybe again to hide that it was a stolen model.

I am not sure if you have a problem with the english language or if you doing it on purpose.
Now remember that you are not the only one who does not understand licensing or decides to use a nice model from sketchfab despite that anyone can guess that it has been ripped.

Now you have this mod waiting for review:
but with your history and the fishy editor pictures, people do not believe you anymore. At the end you started posting in russian for some reason despite that you can write english.

And in general, it's silly not to believe that I did something myself... Turbofan had trouble going to my mods and see? I've made eight mods that are approved... And there are all made by my hands, by the way that's just the way back to the Landline, I have it rejected for a couple of details they say they were taken from the mod gta, but there is a mod where they take a conditional car and cling to it some parts from the mods of other games, is not the same? Except that they approve them... And when you write that the car is original you reject it, it's nonsense, even the moderator himself indicates the reason "a few details" that is, most of the car does not coincide with anything ... With such logic need to remove 90% of the mods
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :Did you read what was written about your mods?

You posted a mod as your own "original work" but it was actually downloaded from somewhere.
Another time you posted fake wip screenshots and again it was a ripped mod. Another time you gave wrong source for the model, maybe again to hide that it was a stolen model.

I am not sure if you have a problem with the english language or if you doing it on purpose.
Now remember that you are not the only one who does not understand licensing or decides to use a nice model from sketchfab despite that anyone can guess that it has been ripped.

Now you have this mod waiting for review:
but with your history and the fishy editor pictures, people do not believe you anymore. At the end you started posting in russian for some reason despite that you can write english.

by the way you write "decides to use a beautiful model from sketchfab, despite the fact that anyone can guess that it was stolen" but at the same time a bunch of mods approved which is stolen and nothing, so the moderator can not guess that it was stolen? Secondly you write that I "ceased to trust" typo because of the rejection mods taz 02 but you can not see the date? I first wrote under the mod landline, and then I rejected taz 02 ... and did not trust me only one turbofan because he has nothing to do as littering their messages on the forum, he is not even a moderator that would have something to demand from the creator of mods
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :Did you read what was written about your mods?

You posted a mod as your own "original work" but it was actually downloaded from somewhere.
Another time you posted fake wip screenshots and again it was a ripped mod. Another time you gave wrong source for the model, maybe again to hide that it was a stolen model.

I am not sure if you have a problem with the english language or if you doing it on purpose.
Now remember that you are not the only one who does not understand licensing or decides to use a nice model from sketchfab despite that anyone can guess that it has been ripped.

Now you have this mod waiting for review:
but with your history and the fishy editor pictures, people do not believe you anymore. At the end you started posting in russian for some reason despite that you can write english.

Now break down what you wrote, I do not know how to write in English, I use the translator, and secondly, you are blaming me for the mod TAZ 02, there I was given a ban for a month for what I told someone what a lie... I have nowhere claimed that the mod was mine, and secondly it says that I took it from the mod gta, I took it from another game, I do not see any problem, there are mods that are stolen and absolutely no change and they approve, and I have all my car at least some how changed or added some details, but I reject cars and give ban, it's funny ... why someone can provide links to cars from some sites and they approve them and my cars where I upload screenshots that I opened them and how I tuned / changed rejected? this is some kind of duplicity and dishonesty, are not you funny? Here I have now rejected a Landline 34 with the reason that it coincides with some parts of the mod gta, but what parts coincide there I myself sit to guess? And for the sake of these "a couple of details" to re-do the entire mod? Besides, I made it more than a month ago, how do I change it? Secondly, why is it rejected and not sent to the correction? Who will answer all these questions?
S3 licensed
Quote from johneysvk :... i'm just not sure i understand the functional aspect of the front intake+vent thing ...

Thanks for the comments ...

Most of these cars had a front-mounted oil cooler and the additional cooling helped reduce the size of the rear-mounted radiators. Some examples are this Matra that won the World Championship in 1974 or this Alfa Romeo that won it in '75 - both have mid-mounted water cooled 12-cylinder engines. Also this arrangement was still used on some F1 cars in period, for example this Shadow that was on the podium in Monaco in '74.

That was my thinking Smile
S3 licensed
need more informations ..
when, where (track), times ... etc
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :It is a custom system developed by Nanex and their team. I also like what they've done with the broadcasts.

absolutely not !

that is a GUM GARAGE tool ! it's a custom broadsystem developped and coded by KingOfIce with new special cameras like drone, opponent focus pursuit , start and finish sequence etc ...

look at the videos, you can see the GUM live Tool label on it.

ps : KingofIce as also developped "Detect&Monitor" : a full datas, parameters and a inboard radar spotter for LFS
Last edited by Tomfuel, .
S3 licensed
Quote from timdecnodder :Hybrid tires in LFS prevent me from using IRL engine specs, you burn your tires within a lap while having no grip

I see what you mean unfortunately ... 1 lap and a half, and the tires are more than red
Wessex R74SP - a mid 70's sports prototype
S3 licensed
Winter is approaching and I have decided to do a sequel car to my first effort ...

By the mid-70s slick tyres were available for sports prototypes. The chassis had evolved for a wider track and there is more downforce.

The R74's engine bore increases taking it to 3.0 litres and it revs higher and so is now producing 446bhp @ 10238rpm.

I've chosen to model the car form scratch to my own design in LFS Editor (I'm still too lazy to learn Blender!). Here are some early shots ...

I started by deleting most of the old car and creating "channel sections" over the wheels (all I have to do is fill the gap between them right?!).

With the splitter added and a basic dashboard shape.

Finished wheel design (probably).

Front nearly done. I'm happy with the way it is evolving!

Chassis development is mostly done - it is great to drive and lap times are only slightly slower than the Formula V8. I will keep at it and post again as I continue to get more of this thing out of my head and onto the screen.
