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New mod car Vid: RB4 GT T5
S3 licensed
I just tested the RB4 GT T5. I liked it so much that I want to share a video ... I love how it sounds.

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from VladM :there just arent enough servers or events to race on more combos than xrg/xfg on all tracks.

You should really check leagues section - there are plenty of events that do not feature just xrg/xfg,so you cannot complain about variability of cars available for racing in events. However occasionally you can complain about lack of space on grid,as sometimes event servers are full.

Regarding getting bored of same combos - there are different people with different tastes. Some want to race on 5-lap race with one car and they scream for a change,some like to extend their experience with the same car and goes for better and better laptime on same combo. And some have the ability to find new things out of LFS - for example the open configs,new Westhill and concrete objects updates provided the community with quite unlimited possibilities trackwise,user created cars now will multiply those options. And yet there will be people who will complain about lack of [insert your reason here]...
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Hi all Smile,
I bought an S3 a few days before the announcement of LFS mod support. I specify it because this announcement does not have much repercussions here. Maybe people who just bought an S3 specifically for modding could come up and say so here? It might be helpful. The future of LFS depends on it, since it is the new strategic development priority.

Personally, after playing almost anything that looks like a car simulation since Codemaster's Toca2, I stopped all simracing activity in 2013. For my return to the tracks, I decided to race exclusively on LFS. This is for a number of reasons unrelated to modding and its promises of novelty (although that interests me too).

I had known LFS since its first playable version. I got the S2 when it was released. This game amused us for a while with my son and his friends. But I had never really played it before. Today I have a hard time putting my hands anywhere other than the steering wheel of my FZ50 GTR ... This game is absolutely incredible. A game has never given me so much pleasure. In terms of graphics and physics, I don't know of a game that does so well with such low hardware requirements.

LFS has been improved. But LFS has not been revolutionized over time. The player that I am today is just very different from the one I was in the early 2000s. For example, today I would be unable to enjoy playing on a corner of the table in front of a screen of 15 ''. I would rather rip my left eye out with a fork dipped in vinegar than reinstall Steam on my computer. And I'm no longer willing to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade my gaming hardware, even if I can ...

The world of simracing has changed a lot since the 2000s. This gives LFS a new place. Today LFS is more than ever a game of the future.

So I was wondering if it would not be interesting to open a topic on the theme: What kind of simracer are you today, in 2021?

I leave it to the moderators and developers (and more generally to those who have more experience of this forum than me, Looking that is to say everyone in fact) the care of judging the interest of this subject.

Here, everyone has their say on everything, everywhere. This is the principle of the forums (I even saw some nice grandpas chatting alone in their corner Big grin). But beyond the primordial interest that this subject would have for anthropologists of the future, this would make it possible to synthesize the profiles and wishes of LFS runners. They could tell there why they like this game? How do they play it? What are their short-term expectations?

Time flies. Before you die (and while waiting for the complete game overhaul which will probably take a few more years since testing mod support will definitely be more time consuming than expected) I guess like me many of you would like to prioritize some minor improvements but very essential for new players to become interested in or come back to LFS.

Good race everyone and forgive me for my kindergarten EnglishShy.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I kind of think that the tyre physics system is the biggest unknown.

Eric has kept on at South City longer than any of us had ever imagined, because he kept getting new ideas and going for it. I'm guessing he could wrap it up fairly quickly if needed. In my mind Kyoto has the most unfinished parts, though I might be wrong about that.

Eric did leave Kyoto in the end stages when he moved on to South City. But the end stages of projects generally take quite a while. I'm speaking generally, not actually speaking for Eric or specifically about South City or Kyoto.

As I say I believe the tyre physics are still the least predictable. I need to get my teeth into that and see where we are at.

Everyone that has ever did refurbishment in a house know this : the structural work is usually quicker than the finishes Big grin (has someone here ever play with his kitchen Omg omg omg ). Kepp faith Eric !
@Scawen : Good luck getting back on business with tire physics then Petals . Hope it will go well !

Quote from VladM :vws was just a promotional piece that fell off. for reasons that only scawen knows, i doubt we'll ever see it.

We will get it in few months Tongue ! Tire physics is blocking it, but then, VWS, esp, powerful supercars, etc ... Heart No limit
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :... Actually, we may release Fern Bay without a major overhaul, just a few fixes for the shadows. But the other tracks have had a serious overhaul and most are near complete.
Yes, mods system is coming soon. Lighting system is at least some months away (no estimates).


So, still several months for Eric to spend on the remaining tracks without having to update yet Fern Bay ? wow, I thought the tracks else than FE were almost "finished" (I hope you see what I mean). I would have expected Eric to be able to switch from South City and Kyoto to something fresh (like FE or the 2 mystery tracks mentioned long time ago) Big grin

Of course, unless the lighting system is the reason for the time to spend on, and not the tracks (in matters of objects, design, etc...) not yet finished ... or maybe both are completly linked
S3 licensed
Ok, I will have to read up on everything in this thread here. As someone very active in another sim's modding scene for close to a decade now, it certainly reads like a great approach, especially the way mods need to be approved before they can be used online. My bunch could be ready rather soon. Apart from the tris count they fit your requirements rather well already. And ofc there's also the RaceAbout GTR resting on my HD for many years now.

Also can't state enough that you should not make it too easy, or else your servers will be flooded with 63485434843 Nissan Silvias ... ehm, "Nussian Sovokias", as in models ripped straight from Forza, Need For Speed and whatever games there are out there.
S3 licensed
Yes great Scawen!

... but now we can't sleep for a week. ^^
S3 licensed
the comic book serie "Michel Vaillant" by Jean Craton is one of my prefered.
the "vilains" in this serie are the infamous "Texas Driver's Club"
the emblematic pilot from the Texas was Bob Cramer.
as is possible, wear the N°13 on his car ...

this is the FZR
uploaded and free to use online
Last edited by Papator, .
S3 licensed
the comic book serie "Michel Vaillant" by Jean Craton is one of my prefered.
the "vilains" in this serie are the infamous "Texas Driver's Club"
the emblematic pilot from the Texas was Bob Cramer.
as is possible, wear the N°13 on his car ...

here, the XFR
uploaded and free to use online
Last edited by Papator, .
S3 licensed
the comic book serie "Michel Vaillant" by Jean Craton is one of my prefered.
the "vilains" in this serie are the infamous "Texas Driver's Club"
the emblematic pilot from the Texas was Bob Cramer.
as is possible, wear the N°13 on his car ...

here, the RAC
uploaded and free to wear online
Last edited by Papator, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :Nice you just linked macro wr lap Shrug

I see what you mean, but on this combo finding the first quickest guy using autoclutch is 58th, and the first "non-cheating" the thing by using a clutch and an H shifter (for those who may not know, on a car like this your are supposed to use a H shifter with a clutch pedal Looking ) is 76th ... anyway, let's suppose the lines are correct for the WR holder Omg omg omg , that was the real point I guess
S3 licensed
there is an autosave feature, and maybe enabled by default. Take a look in your mpr folder ...
S3 licensed
Last day of September ... Some autumn snapshots to share Eric ? Big grin
S3 licensed
Heart the comic book serie "Michel Vaillant" by Jean Craton is one of my prefered.
the "vilains" in this serie are the infamous "Texas Driver's Club"
the emblematic pilot from the Texas was Bob Cramer.
as is possible, wear the N°13 on his car ...
Big grin i detest the texas team ...
Tongue but i love their skins !

i made the complete serie of them whith my prefered number (82) and some stickers of my Team, but i am proud to show you, some ones whith the number 13.

here, XXR
uploaded and free to use online
FXR "Texas Drivers" de Bob Cramer
S3 licensed
Heart the comic book serie "Michel Vaillant" by Jean Craton is one of my prefered.
the "vilains" in this serie are the infamous "Texas Driver's Club"
the emblematic pilot from the Texas was Bob Cramer.
as is possible, wear the N°13 on his car ...
Big grin i detest the texas team ...
Tongue but i love their skins !

i made the complete serie of them whith my prefered number (82) and some stickers of my Team, but i am proud to show you, some ones whith the number 13.

here, FXR
uploaded and free to use online
Last edited by Papator, .
S3 licensed
I had the opportunity to drive a Lamborghini Huracàn at the Driving Center track of Castellet.
What a car ! Only 4 laps to discover the track and the car, but that was a really nice moment. Scawen and Eric : we need such kind of cars in LFS while they are still allowed to exist Big grin LFS

Noob inside : I was having finally the opportunity to drive a 4wd vehicle, and found particularly strange to not have any weird effect when turning in ... discovered after it was a rwd version of the Huracàn ... Wave Ya right

LFS Merchandise ?
S3 licensed
Is there official LFS merchandise ? Simple way for the developers to earn some more bucks ...
There is a post from years ago.
i mean id buy a hat, and shirt immediately.

Recently got back in the game because it works flawless in VR.
S3 licensed
We are all impatient, waiting for a next update ...
S3 licensed
Usually in game-biz it works best to build the hype before release (not sure exactly how much before, but we are talking weeks/months units, not years). What Scawen started with those track revamp posts for new gfx engine was perfect as building hype for next patch... if it would come out like a month or two after last post (and if those posts would continue in monthly/two period).

It turned out they were actually documenting real progress, and the reality is that the game did need few more years and patch-detours (first reports were like Aug 2018 IIRC .. it's September 2021 ... hyping next release over 3 years intentionally is a bit stretch, so I assume this was not intended Smile ).

So... if they are almost ready to launch test patch, it would make sense to start similar hype-build again, if they know there's still those remaining 20% of dev work (Which takes 80% of time) to do, then lack of news is ok too.

But from the recent posts it sounds like there will be some good news this year about something I can't even guess what it will be (I don't think the graphics patch is ready enough to make it this year, judging by these public posts/news ... so unless they are hiding it well and almost ready to release, I think the news will be about something else, maybe something about modding?).

But I'm looking forward for the hype-rebuild, but this time hopefully the release will come. (I like this project a lot)
S3 licensed
Ok it might be better but it might not solve the problem for other complex controllers, joystick (a friend reported me the same isssue on plugging Virpil joystick and pedals...)...
Steering Angle and clutch in FWD and 4x4 cars
S3 licensed
Front Wheel Drive cars in lfs (mostly xfg fxo uf1 ufr) have a really low clutch life, u can literally burn your clutch while sliding it sideways for a little time ... Maybe a more durability will be just perfect.

However the ONLY 4×4 car in lfs wich is the RB4, aside from having a bad clutch durability aswell , it has a very low steering angle..
Since its the only car that you can customize its drivetrain to be either 4WD,FWD or RWD it's really helpful that if it had more steering angle And a better clutch .
Focusing on RB4 here, as u literally can use to offroad, race and Drift.

Hopefully we see some improvement in near future ..¿
sorry if this was discussed before but did my best to find if it is.
S3 licensed
So, for a test, I've used a lot of the FOR - ENDFOR code within the script I'm using as the base for the XRT button.

Used this, as car of choice for drifting, so I've got more times for this, than other cars.

When I click the XRT button, I get ...

Sub that needs to be added to my script is attached.

I could use this code for each of the CAR buttons, just a case of copy and paste whole sub, then find and replace the car type.

Or maybe, likely harder for me, is some sort of IF function, as in something like ...

car = UF1 # this line likely won't work, but not sure what I could use (NOT cname, I'm sure)
UFI = $UF1

car = XRT

$UF1 = GetListTop( "UF1", FALSE,FALSE );
$XRT = GetListTop( "XRT", FALSE,FALSE );
Drift Top 2 (Drift Top with extra panels)
S3 licensed
Since getting new online server, I have been working on trying to get lapper to work mainly by the use of buttons (for everything!) rather than use CASE commands.

Using a mixture of the default drifttop code, stuff I learned from Bass-Driver and Yisc[NL], a lot of reverse engineering, and some stuff I made up myself, I made additional panels for the normal drifttop lapper add-on.

On one side, is a panel where you can choose drift scores for only specific cars, or even for a specified position in the list. On the other side, is a panel that shows any drift points spec'd driver may have scored driving in each of the available cars ...

I've included a button "Top Drifts" as a 'trigger' to open the 3 panels together, but if you know what you're doing, you can easily make your own. Or set up a CASE command? This button appears when you leave the track.

Each of the panels can be closed individually

Code Add-on attached. It's in .txt format, which will need to be changed to .lpr, etc. If you're a lapper user, you should know what to do. And if you're not, then mmmmm!

You'll need to disable the normal drifttop.lpr add-on, and/or change to drifttop2.lpr.

I haven't tested the panel on right (drivers own scores) over and above the scores you see. Some people are capable of getting over 10,000 points, but I've never even got close, so I don't know how the text will look if you have 5 figure score. Should be ok, as there is space; just might look a bit cramped.

Oh, and. The left panel has a button "All YOUR Drift Points". If you have the right panel open, then this button will appear to do nothing. But it's there in case you close the right panel, and want to open it up again.
S3 licensed
OK, after trying for a number of hours, I can give you the results of my testing (on V7.080) ...

Drift Scores:
DoMyDriftTop( XRT,FALSE,FALSE ); - This works
DoMyDriftTop( 19,FALSE,FALSE ); - This works

They're the only 2 commands I need for my drift buttons so no further tests on drifts.

Top Times:
Nothing I've tried works. Best I can do, is get an empty table ...

(and yes, I do have a UF1 time in my normal top list!)

So. I have a button set up ...

"car_UF1button",58,156,8,5,2,-1,16,"^2UF1",Click_UF1 );

Then a sub ...

Sub Click_UF1
$KeyFlags,$id )
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List
#    Where - UF1 = Storedvalue / DESC or ASC: Sort values descending or ascending /
#    FALSE = Display toplist ('TRUE' = go to your position) / Filter: 1 = start at position 1

Result: This does open table (ie "List of: UF1") but does not populate the table with details - nor does it produce an error in the log file

Sub Click_UF1
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does nothing, but does throw up a "Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #181 in function 'click_uf1' script aborted" error

Sub Click_UF1
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does nothing, but does throw up a "Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #188 in function 'click_uf1' script aborted" error

Sub Click_UF1
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does nothing, but does throw up a "Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #195 in function 'click_uf1' script aborted" error

Sub Click_UF1
$KeyFlags,$id )
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does open table (ie "List of: UF1") but does not populate the table with details - nor does it produce an error in the log file

Also tried same subs but changing DESC to ASC (decending to ascending), but same results.

Then I thought that maybe the problem might be that if the UF1 isn't top of the times, then it should be blank, so

Sub Click_UF1
$KeyFlags,$id )
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List
DoMyUserTopUF1,DESC,FALSE,"" );

Result: Empty list

Anyone advise on where I'm going wrong?