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S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :...instead of flowing almost 180° curve there are 2 rather flat turns now...
Well,you can't get everything I guess. Shrug

I am not sure it will be two flat turns. I would suppose more it is a curve ending in a K corner, so a braking zone not in straight line ...
S3 licensed
Quote from Draggo :Beacuse autoexec.lfs its a part of Live For Speed.

Go to C:\Users\Teemu\MNK\data\script and make new one. Copy, paste, rename existing one to autoexec.lfs, then open it with notepad and clear content, if there is any.

You can also add manually (to autoexec.lfs):
/insim 29999
/exec "C:\Your\Path\To\New\LFSLazy.exe"

I tried this already on Monday when I read your message but I write only now. I made new folder, named it to autoexec.lfs, put there same content there has been earlier (also those 2 lines starting with //) and it´s in right place (...\Teemu\MNK\data\script). Still same result when I tried Other -> Autostart -> Install : "Cannot open autoexec"
I think I made this properly, autoexec.lfs is small text file etc. ... Confused
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've checked and if I select Autocross X or Skid Pad X then there is nothing at the Drag Strip start, only the red tarmac.

>>> only the red tarmac. <<< ???

Please, more clarity ... As shown in the picture
S3 licensed
I would say S3 is lacking of 2 track environments and 8-10 cars to match previous relases contents. Without the graphical updates, it would have looked quite old compared to current sims ... and do not forget that LFS is also famous for its VR implementation, outdated graphics is not so pleasant when in VR I suppose. I do not think it is reaching the end for the moment : having the new lighting system that seems to smell night racing in the future, or how water on the track will be displayed at Rockingham in the coming patch, this gives the feeling that the best is to come.
Do not forget the damned tire physics update (which shall not embed wet physics ... for the moment) which is probably to come for real around this massive update Smile ! And this is the reason why the team was no more delivering new cars !
Keep faith ! The lights are green and engines warmed !
S3 licensed
Hopefully this will help. I don´t have that ...\autoexec.lfs part when I checked Uhmm
S3 licensed
This is OK for illegal warez groups and maybe some Chinese devs...

In civilized world you should have permission (license) of original author to use his work...

(hmm, sounds like China is not civilized, which is totally not true, they are civilized few thousand years longer than local tribes here in EU, but lack of IP respect is AFAIK broad-enough issue to use the generic "China" and blame all, sorry ... nah, since when am I worried about PC, I'm a**hole all the time, so I will keep it as I posted it)
Last edited by Ped7g, .
S3 licensed
What do you mean "you don't need to change graphics engines" ... the work done is actually like changing graphics engine (although it's evolution of the old one, and "only" shadow, shaders and pixel pipeline parts were rewritten, basic geometry transformations are same(?) and the pipeline is in principle very similar, still forward rendering (I guess, I haven't seen the sources and Scawen didn't write that much about it), so it's not like completely new paradigm (deferred renderer)).
S3 licensed
Quote from Big Daddy :I ´m not sure if I understood your sentence right

No, went a bit over your head...

If you take particular version of LFS, then it is old-school "we sell this game for 36 pounds, and it's all yours, go play...".

But if you consider it in larger time frame, then you got "LFS service" - continuously updated game content and executable, running master server (once it will die, you will be unable to unlock content after reinstall)... but only one time payment for license.

Which is exactly how those wet dreams of EA and similar CEOs look, except that pricing model, that one went completely wrong (from corporate point of view).

To add insult into injury, this pricing model is quite likely partly responsible for the current reception of LFS ("old, dead, should have had this and should add that...").

Because they can't let the game for $3.30 in some kind of sale, if it's the only money they will ever see for it, so they can't compete with price against current games (like some summer sale for iRental or AC1), yet as price for "total game" it's actually surprisingly low/cheap in current world (most of the full games are currently priced around $90 to $150 (usually starting at $60 + DLCs + deluxe-triple-turbo-diamond-redux packages, so if you want it "all", you will end even beyond $150 easily). And people tend to treat cheap things as obviously worse, than the more pricey ones (subconsciously).

Also the LFS case probably shows how SaaS gaming and corporates will die (*). Even if they will churn updates for their continuous games at much better pace and quantity than LFS devs, ultimately gamers will want some "new game" (even if those updates made that "old" one into technically new one every 6 months, they will after couple of years feel like it's "old", and they should rent some other game instead).

(* which I'm definitely looking forward to, the sooner, the merrier me)
Last edited by Ped7g, .
S3 licensed
Remember back in the day with your 640x480 monitor and then Syndicate came out and it ran at 800x600 and then diablo came along and that looked cool at 1024x768 and then Unreal Tournament looked, well, unreal at 1280x1024 ... now imagine going straight from 640x480 to 1280x1024 in one go ... that's what 1080p to 2160p is like.
S3 licensed
or Westhill, or both ...Ya right

but for next year, the speculation will be ... massive LFS : seeing the remaining tracks on which nothing has been spoiled Heart Heart

Anyway, we have some beatiful screnshots to wait with Thumbs up
Thanks for this Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Hmm... less sand around "eau rouge"... will result into more cuts on grass?
S3 licensed
WOW !!!

It is ... a complete new track, isn't it ? LFS

Awsome guys !! Thumbs up
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
> 3.rockinham free

You already have it, you don't have to pay for it next month or year.

Actually just recently when reading about something else (game development related), it occurred to me, that LFS dev team basically figured out the model of "software as service" very early, decade+ ago, they just messed up their pricing (from the point of view of corporate)... Now most of the game studios are trying to hop that train too, but under completely different conditions... I'm probably getting too old, as I sometimes think how lucky I was to live during the period of 8 bit computers and early computer games, because somehow it feels like the new things will never ever recreate experience like that.
S3 licensed
The Kinks...does have caption ...

Give it 20 secs. It's old ...Living on a Thin line.
HLVC ok while cutting the pits : Westhill karting national (WE5)
S3 licensed
A small issue with HLVC on karting national : the driver is not "out of bounds" if he starts the lap in the "pits". It allows to gain a non negligible speed advantage ...
Replay attached to show the thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :I'm thinking about it every hour! Big grin
Can't wait for the next graphics progress report!

I'm like Tom Hanks, lost in "Cast away" somewhere in nowhere.

I sleep in front of the garage gate of Blackwood Shrug .... like the Apple fans in front of the Apple stores. Sure is sure .... in the end there is a clearance sale and there are not enough updates for all ...Uhmm
S3 licensed
Oh well, reading inouva's posts ... is like a blast from the past.

Hilarious conversations even in Cargame servers.....
S3 licensed
Seeing what is currently developed for LFS, I do not understand why people are willing to have potential new moaners quickly. I understand the dev team willing to focus on what they want LFS to come before being requested to answer hundreds of people why there is not Spa included or whatever Big grin . I do not speak about people requesting refund directly to post bs on the product because the XF GTi is not a real car ^^ .
On a "money money" side, of course Steam will allow a better advertising and so will bring more people (Piboso (GP Bikes, etc ...) was talking about double of users after Steam) and more income, players ... But better to be ready facing newcomer requests as it is more people to handle in the end !
Currently, it is wise to assume that Scawen and Eric are dedicated to bring LFS to very high and nice level, ... and it takes time ! So let's suppose they will keep the classic way for some moments.
But in then end, it will remain their choice !
S3 licensed
Sorry, I have no idea how these things work (since 2006 I'm on linux, and my PC usage pattern is set up in a way to not need AV (in case of virus hit I will simply reinstall and restore data from backups/clouds), as it hurts performance of my text editor, which is my daily job ... it's a bit ridiculous, but it's like that, in 2018 I need gaming+ grade of HW (without GPU) to run text editor at somewhat reasonable speed, and even that last bit of not running AV makes huge difference (if you don't have a clue, that text editor is "Android Studio", fully fledged IDE written in Java, so it's slow as hell, I'm not kidding).
S3 licensed
Quote from Abone :Just a few Vob mods looks decent, except how is looks is waste of time using it. From my experience mods never feels like original Vob file, very mods in some points( in steering wheel) they feels with a extra dead zone, heavy, etc... I assume people cant feel it because they use a Drift set "without suspension", they doesnt feeling the car , so are used a massive ffb on steering wheel to "fix this issue". Others made soft set when using Vob mods and when they return to original Vob feels weird or they cant using soft sets from others because they using mods calling sh*t sets... I really like how looks some mods, but i cant use it, i keep with original Vob by this reason. I want cars from devs, not from users.

Yeah, I have to agree that the vast majority of VOBs are shit IMO, to be honest. Which is why I've mostly used one (pictured) for pretty much all of the times I've actively used a VOB mod. Never said I was one to completely overhaul the shape of the car. That would be sacrilegious and ruin my immersion, haha.

Regarding the different feeling for different VOBs, can anyone attest for him? I use 3 LFS instances: one for pictures, one for playing with VOB and one without the VOB (mostly for racing and servers such as TC Driving). I have never ever noticed a difference between the three in terms of maneuverability, so I'm quite surprised to read that; that said I use keyboard (stabilized, so I sort of get some virtual force feedback while steering [unlike mouse and keyboard unstabilized]). Maybe you're mistaking the tweaks (that some VOB mod packages often include) for the VOB itself. From experience and from what I understand VOBs only modify the appearance of the car.

Quote from asyed :Nothing against using VOB mods, it's just that they CAN cause a hassle and most people would rather devs working on new graphics/track rather than something like mod support.

Quote from Sobis :I do agree that it's not a priority at all now. I don't think it's a good time to bring this up, Scawen needs to finish with the graphical update and hopefully with the tyre physics as well. After that and after getting the highest priority plans from the "to do" list it would be a good idea to have a discussion about this. Right now it's quite pointless I think.

I know. I only brought that up because (I randomly thought of it and) it seemed that people were scared to do it even though I've encounter similar opinions to mine throughout the years. I was merely speculating as to how to address the issue if it's ever to be addressed.
My real question here is why exactly this is a rule, implying I'd like a developer answer (which might never come, haha).

Quote from ACCAkut :Licensing is one thing, but another you fail to mention is just that the Devs don't want people to buy the lowest license and then just enhance that version instead of upgrading to S1 or S3. It's business and makes total sense. VOB mods will still exist but not be in direct view of potential new customers.

As Neon said, you're off-topic. Rule 1.5 prohibits the showing of VOB mods on the forum. Not VOB mods themselves. Tweaks, skins and VOB modding are already there. They're implicitely allowed since there's currently no rules (nor ways to enforce those) for that*. The only harm there is is that potential customers could realize that they can cheat the system through screenshots on the forum of demo users showing VOB-modded XRGs into XRTs, for instance. In which case, again, the rule would need to be more specific. That's without mentionning the fact that this is basically piracy of a small portion of the game and showing of it; so pretty much an instant ban.

*Forum Rule 1.4 [...]Any mods which change the shape of a car model, or which allow online cheating or circumvent HLVC, will be rejected.[...]
That's the issue. They're not forbidden, they're rejected if they were to apply on the forum. Wording is of extreme importance when defining rules. Which is one of the reasons I'm calling for a reform of those.
Spoiler - click to revealNB: Please correct the grammar mistakes in the goddam rules, haha

Quote from MicroSpecV :So to reduce the chance of issues its just better to kerb it completely.

Extremism is never beneficial, no matter the subject. In this case, you would only create a larger pool of potential offenses to the rules by giving it a tentacular tendency. Add to that the fact that it limits what is compromised in the rule's permissions even if it isn't fundamentally wrong from a judicial standpoint. E.G., a VOB mod that adds a rollcage, bucket seats and swaps out the steering wheel while retaining everything else. Sounds more like basic visual customization than blasphemy to me.

My point here is to itemize the rules and potentially allow minor modifications while very strictly forbidding abusive modification. While one would tend to think this would only give a first line for people to cross in order to climb up the stairs into the realm of the forbidden; the - historically statistically proven - truth is that by giving people a certain amount of freedom while limiting it in a fair manner, they tend to understand better what rights they have and acknowledge the why and how of the rules that they obey. Afterall, doesn't your freedom stops where other's starts? That's why you accept not to run naked in the street even if it's your kink, because it's also other people's right not to have to see you running around naked in the street. As such, it's my right to customize a product that I have bought for personnal use. However, it also is the developer's right to monopolize the fixing of rules on a website, and as such they can forbid the showing of a modified copy of their game if they so desire.
But the catch is, as I've stated before, as a customer and member of the community, I am part of those that make Live For Speed alive. The rules are designed for people like me. So it's only natural that I have my say on it. That's what I meant when talking about strictness; which "completely kerbing" would only exacerbate.
Last edited by TwinySkyline, .
S3 licensed
my iiyama is quite good, at least it is the best screen I have to deal with, so I plan to keep it ! This just about the feature I was supposing I should have ... and that is not the case Frown
S3 licensed
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :...
According to last page in manual, I'm afraid it's same case with your monitor.

indeed ! Frown It is not written when you buy it Big grin
Quote from Forbin :Are you sure that is the correct monitor driver? The monitor model you list and the one in the screenshot are different.

Also, the user manual LakynVonLegendaus linked shows:

Supported max. resolution
VGA: 1920 x 1080 60Hz
DVI: 1920 x 1080 60Hz
HDMI: 1920 x 1080 60Hz

Yes, this is true. I corrected the drivers (I would have sweared I have looked for the correct model, but ended with a wrong one :S ... my bad, should have read after installing), but of course the result is the same.

Quote from Forbin :If you want to buy a monitor with a higher refresh rate, you have options:,240&sort=price&page=1

Check reviews here too:

I got mine for 160€ ... I do not plan to invest more Tongue , but thanks for the links !
Anyway I am quite satisfied with it, no problem, but I was just willing to see if there are some noticeable differences or not when using 75Hz ... and so I am quite disappointed to not be able to do it like I wish I could :/

Thank you guys Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :You make modeling a car sound simpler than what it really is. I've been a graphic artist for too long to not know that. You have to have a knack for doing what you're doing. It's not just a bunch of polygons with wheels coded to interact within a set of parameters. It's gotta look cool too.

Nah I'm aware of that, it was more like seeing the perspective of the LFS Devs. We know that they can do this, that they "threw out" a great bunch of cars in a relatively short time frame (S1 and S2 releases), and that they just decided against doing it after that. Threads like this emerge every few months, people post their hopes and dreams, but for no reason really. The Devs had cars and licenses handed to them on a silver plate but they were ignored. I absolutely respect Scawen for what he created, but at the same time he lost a lot of that from me for "recently" stating that LFS is still his 100% day job and passion.
I was one to defend Eric's work, but now that I went from not having ever opened a poly modelling tool to making these in four years I just can't, it's no magic to me anymore. I'm not bragging, I'm just one of many guys doing this due to a platform that welcomed this type of involvement with open arms instead of barricading against it.

... I think I drifted a little with this post... stupid nostalgia.
LFS Remote not showing Hosts
S3 licensed
Both the Windows standalone version and the version on LFS Statistics site, both showing blank screen after you click the LFS Remote image.

Managed to catch an error message ...

The mythical 75Hz ...
S3 licensed
Hello folks,
I would need some helps, as I guess I am becoming a bit old to catch everything ...
I will describe briefly my configuration, and I hope someone can explain me how is supposed to work the refresh rate at 75Hz on my damned screen.
So first of all, I have for my computer the following stuffs :
- win10 64b
- Geforce GTX 1070
- Monitor iiyama 25" ProLite XU2590HS-B1
I suppose the rest is useless to explain ... but I have nothing to hide if needed.

I remember having read max vertical frequency 75Hz for the monitor.

Suddenly (1 year and half after having bought it), I noticed that games I ran were only proposing me display modes with 60Hz ...

So ... where is this damned 75Hz ???

I then began to read on internet wtf was going one : hopefully I was not alone.

1- it seems we must install the screen, and not get the PnP one of Windows, done, but not sufficient.
2- it seems the use of a Display Port is mandatory : HDMI would not allow 75Hz to be available. I was doubtful, but anyway I bought a cable HDMI (screen is having only HDMI or VGA) to Display Port (8€) for ... the SAME RESULT ??

But by digging a little, I found Windows proposing me 75Hz, but with a "low" resolution (1440*900) ... what the hell is that ? is the graph board not able to handle the thing ? or the monitor ? should not the vendor explaining the max resolution for 75Hz if it is the case ?

If you have some ideas/explanations : you are welcome !