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S3 licensed
OK, after trying for a number of hours, I can give you the results of my testing (on V7.080) ...

Drift Scores:
DoMyDriftTop( XRT,FALSE,FALSE ); - This works
DoMyDriftTop( 19,FALSE,FALSE ); - This works

They're the only 2 commands I need for my drift buttons so no further tests on drifts.

Top Times:
Nothing I've tried works. Best I can do, is get an empty table ...

(and yes, I do have a UF1 time in my normal top list!)

So. I have a button set up ...

"car_UF1button",58,156,8,5,2,-1,16,"^2UF1",Click_UF1 );

Then a sub ...

Sub Click_UF1
$KeyFlags,$id )
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List
#    Where - UF1 = Storedvalue / DESC or ASC: Sort values descending or ascending /
#    FALSE = Display toplist ('TRUE' = go to your position) / Filter: 1 = start at position 1

Result: This does open table (ie "List of: UF1") but does not populate the table with details - nor does it produce an error in the log file

Sub Click_UF1
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does nothing, but does throw up a "Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #181 in function 'click_uf1' script aborted" error

Sub Click_UF1
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does nothing, but does throw up a "Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #188 in function 'click_uf1' script aborted" error

Sub Click_UF1
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does nothing, but does throw up a "Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #195 in function 'click_uf1' script aborted" error

Sub Click_UF1
$KeyFlags,$id )
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List

Result: This does open table (ie "List of: UF1") but does not populate the table with details - nor does it produce an error in the log file

Also tried same subs but changing DESC to ASC (decending to ascending), but same results.

Then I thought that maybe the problem might be that if the UF1 isn't top of the times, then it should be blank, so

Sub Click_UF1
$KeyFlags,$id )
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "SinanjuTop_*"); # close TOP List
DoMyUserTopUF1,DESC,FALSE,"" );

Result: Empty list

Anyone advise on where I'm going wrong?
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL :I made toptable a long time ago (2015) for you, which works in V7 of Lapper and could be good starting point to create what you want:

Yes, and I still use it ...

... although I changed it slightly (size and reversed car list).

I also used your code as base for doing a Drift Points table for the driver that clicks the "your Drift Points per Car type" button ...

Although I have an understanding of what arrays in lapper are doing, I don't really want to use them for something like the buttons that I'm trying to set up, although would be easy enough I suppose to copy/paste an array for every button and then change car type, etc.

But thanks for the response. Thumbs up

As you can see, I also changed your Pitboard code (a lot) as the only info I want, is what you see in the image. I had to remove a lot of code, but I sort of got it working - Last and Best sectors not always doing what I expect, but, heh ho Smile
S3 licensed
After physics and graphics, AI would be the biggest construction site for me personally.

I know it's called online racing ... but when you have as little time to drive and practice as I do ... you just want a "ToGo" gaming experience.

I've been driving through this game on my own for what feels like a decade. But for a few years now I've been seduced by the competition. Mainly because of the significantly better Ai
S3 licensed
- Upload Seat's skin like car or helmet
- Old formule like Lotus 33 5 F1
- UF1300
- Old ford escort like
- Muscle car
- Radical car
- Hillclimb
- Rally forest special like Sherwood in rbr
- Track editor
- Vob mod
- More objects in track editor like tree, spectator, rally pannel,...
- Falling tire rack like previous version
- Crasher "option" he can't touch other cars? Crashers ruins gameplay sometimes...
- Kartcross
- Recreate old golf gti if volkswagen is ok Smile
- Rain
- Jessica Alba too Smile
Problems With Speed
S3 licensed
again I come to ask for help from you on a question I've already talked about here about the speed limitation of the car do not know if and some malicious software that is causing this i talked about hakers but little is spoken or no one talks about it...or no one cares more for lfs already for some time I've been complaining about it if there is someone going through it put here or someone who passed and managed to change ... if you hear someone to help I'm happy because the devs make little case about it I always say has some software that so use to mecher in the physics of the gameShrug
Lewis Hamilton 1
S3 licensed
Quote from gemini 95 :Have you tried it works, because I don't think it will like that.

You have to add the ProhibitedCars line from my first message.

The BadCarType defines a message to be sent to user, if they use wrong restriction.
For GT3 you can set it like:
BadCarType=GT3 restriction is required.
BadCarType=+28% for FZ3, 34% for XR3, 32% for FX3

To Quote a Monegasque -- I AM STUPID ... I AM STUPID

Sooo yeahh .. you were right .. i had copied your line and under the car filters .. for some reason i thought it hadn't worked ( or didn't test fully ) so i continued to enter my text.
Suddenly it worked .. upon reading your message i went back and checked the file and ta da ... i am stupid .. i had both lines saved at the same time lmao..

thank for following up my post Face -> palm

thanks again !

AA/ Katherine Legge ( AIR ATTACK TEAM MEMBER )
BL4 Khartoom Khart Layout
S3 licensed
Another AutoX Layout on the BL4 car park area ...

Took some time for me to get some decent lap times due to me over-steering and over-correcting the MRT5 using keyboard.

You'll notice some "debris" on the track; that was me trying to make it a little bumpy. Barely noticeable when driving over it. But it can make you take your eyes off where you're going.
S3 licensed
Earlier, I did 3 timed laps while using lapper.

Recorded outcome and loaded video onto Youtube ...


When I completed the 3rd lap, I thought that was better than the time I posted earlier today, but I can now see that I was actually slower. Shrug
BL4 Dunat Speed Carpark Layout
S3 licensed
A layout for the Blackwood car park ...

Few hazards to watch out for near start of lap, and a tricky bit about 2 thirds way round.

My time should be easily beaten, as, driving with keyboard, I struggled getting round the tight turns, then bottled it in the last few corners. The corner after the long barrier "accident" is visually very deceptive and caught me out the few times I drove round, even when going at slow steady speed to work out where to put the checkpoints.

Have fun with this layout Thumbs up

Done some runs round track using LFSLapper, and I can confirm that the track is 1.25 miles / 2,010 meters long.

This is the my racing line round.
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Lap Distance added
S3 licensed
2:27!!! Cool

I done a lap on extended circuit, and got ...

I recorded the lap I did (see attached) as I wanted to see where I'd placed the checkpoints, and change them, as I prefer dividing the track into close on 4 equal sectors in time, rather than distance.

Noticed during replay that some of the red posts I used in the offroad section were hovering in mid-air. Remedied that. Hopefully I got them all.

Anyway, much impressed with your time, and I've deleted the old layout and replaced with slightly amended (track exactly same) layout.
S3 licensed
Have been busy on a AU1 track called Lepotuoli (YouTube). Finished the anticlockwise version, and was about to start on the clockwise version, when I thought I'd do something bit different.

Haven't properly named this track. Just gave it the name of the car I drove first full timed lap, along with the time I managed.

Full layout ...

Start and sector 1, along with confirmation of my time ...

Used same XFG set as I used for my AU1 ArmcoRoute layout.

For the pedantic amongst you, I could have called it BL2Y_XFG_2.41 and a half, or BL2Y_XFG_sub_2.42, but, as you can see, I didn't. Gives you something to aim for.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from sinanju :Never played the game, but looks like Need for Speed: Heat may have road expansion joints. At least, by the looks of a still frame I took from a YouTube video ....

However, I'm betting that's a graphical thing only. Not that it's not nice Smile

Although, it does looks more like a stihl saw cut. My experience of expansion joints are that the people that fill them in think their job is to roughly mark the area that was done, as most of the stuff is just spilt on the road rather than in the joint.

Regardless. If a programmer was thinking of adding realism to a track, I would think rain, oil, tyre 'marbles', racing line rubber and painted surfaces would be way more important than tarmac joints.

In case you're wondering; the yellow car lost control way before getting near any of the lines you see in the image.

I think there should be more attention paid to the road/track surface. Maybe not to an extreme degree. Like lay out the joints and leave them. Maybe not go as far as worry about heat buckling or flood damage. But yeah, those joints can have a pretty profound effect on a race. One car with a softer suspension set up and longer wheelbase can hit the spot just right and be ok where a car with a stiffer suspension set up won't as much. What would that be like after a 10-20 lap race?... Hopefully, this picture came through. See that line in the middle of the lane? That line opens and closes quite a bit. In places the surface on one side or the other becomes uneven. Now. How do you think that would effect things if you're road course turns left, but this line keeps going straight? Actually on this lane, there's like a chicane.
S3 licensed

**Season 4 Round 8** - *The results are in!*

A relatively low turnout worked to our advantage this week, with excellent racing and hard but good-natured fighting. Sometimes this is a little hard to see through the chaos of high-numbers and over-enthusiastic first-timers, but it is always there in the core and it was nice to see it naked Wink

Dlocky didn't have it all his own way this week - we went down to the last race, with the entire podium all spanning less points than are available for a win! Did we stop him?...

Yet more records for VM's **Dlocky** as he becomes the most successful driver in PiranMOTO Open DD history with a record 9th event win, a record 6th in a row, with 170 points and 5 wins. Congratulations!

2nd place goes to **Flying ET**, just 7 points behind with 163 and 3 wins - edging ever-closer to the inevitable win.

3rd place goes to PM's own **Jam 616**, a single point behind with 162 and 4 wins.

A special mention for MRc's **Matteoszop** who joined with 4 races left to go... and won 3 of them in a row!


In the season standings, there's no change in position with VM's **Dlocky** leading **Flying ET** by 18 points, who in turn leads RTT's **J De Cnodder** by 9 points.


*Join us this Friday at 19:00 UTC for the more!*
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
Nice to read this news Smile All S3 licensed wait big update Smile i saw Volkswagen flags ...
S3 licensed
The devs are brutal torturers.

I like the new lighting and the new sections of the route

... too much.😉
S3 licensed
If you take a modern civic Type R it is given for 12.56m ... slightly less than the FXO ...
With my "computation" (is it correct ?) I would find it having a steering angle of 25,45° (outside wheel).
I do not know the wheelbase of the FXO, but with HX7 measures, this would correspond to Wb = (Turning circle / 2) * sin(angle). In our case FXO is having 30°, so sin(30°) = 0.5 => Wb = (Turning circle / 4)
So, 3.22m ... seems too huge ...
If I take the computation proposed by detail in :
Quote from detail :...
In this Stackoverflow thread, a simple formula is proposed:

steering angle = atan(wheelbase / (turning circle radius - car width)) (I suppose it's track width.)

Quote :For the outer wheel don't subtract the width.

This means : steering angle of outer wheel = atan(wheelbase / (turning circle radius)
=> this results in lower values for my previous computations with sinus (but the measure for the 308 seems more in line with what I have seen...), and then the wheelbase of the FXO would be even greater ???
Houston we have a problem ...
S3 licensed
detail : is measuring the inner wheel giving the same result as the outside one ? If I understand correctly, with the ackerman effect, the inside wheel is having a greater angle than the one I would suppose to be to consider when speaking about the "steering angle".
I did a test with the Peugeot 308 (2.0 hdi) of my wife and was measuring ~25° (not very accurate I have to admit).
I did some computations for the cars I have under my hands with a basic formula on the Radius and the wheelbase : arcsin( R / wheelbase ) to give approximatively the outside wheel angle :

I found the turning circle over internet, not sure they are right, but driving speaking : indeed the 308 has the poorer turning circle compare to my two other cars
There is a slightly greater value for the rwd car as expected (I would have suppose even more ...), but the result for the 308 seems to correspond to what I am actually measuring.
S3 licensed
Seems like I was going at 100mph on this non driving game ...

HiRes Brake Discs
S2 licensed

I found The Revolution Pack Brake Discs from internet. Fixed both brake discs to right filename and fixed other one to 512x512px. I asked permission and i have permission to share these.

1. Unzip pack.
2. Copy "" and "" to .../data/dds folder.

Remember, its good to take backup from original brake discs.

Full credits and copyrights to © Lynce Digital Art C.B. - 2009 - Javier Ferreira.
S3 licensed
Quote from 42QUADRO42 :Ya şu baştaki harita onlinede falan fulden acılsa daha eylenceli daha cok kişi girer aynı yerde dönüp duruyoryuz

Or ...

What if that map at the beginning is online or something, and more people come in and we're spinning around in the same place?

Translation courtesy of

Not sure what this has to do with post subject though?
wheel steering degrees
S3 licensed
Hello everyone, I have come to request a request for the next update, I do not know if I will be the only one affected, but in case there is the option ... I have been a lfs player for 9 years and 90% of the time I play drift and since the game was updated to version 0.6v, I am having a lot of difficulties to play, since it is based on modifying the steering angle, (affecting the degrees of rotation of the steering wheel and the steering wheel controller from lock to lock). also I always play with 720º and now with the new, they modify the angle from 900º to 1080º. even if under the turning angle to 36º, which would be "by default" you can get to play, but quite annoying ..
The only option that this solves is to go down to a lower version, and I don't like it because there are no online servers I make a request to modify this ... a hug
(sorry for the late reply!)

Some people in the community are making a new Remote. They are busy with every day life, so it'll take some time.

The hotlap analyser is a bit of a pain atm. I have very little time to make a new JavaScript based one and I'm not sure what to do about it as such :/ Maybe I should remove the feature though ...

I'd like to migrate / refresh the most important LFS World pages to this website ( actually. Maybe after that I could look into a JS based analyser, if the community hasn't made one by then.
Valtteri Bottas in LFS
S3 licensed
Just browsing some LFS videos on youtube when i found this video about a current Formula One driver playing LFS back in the past.

It's Valtteri Bottas(lfsw: vale)

From a random teenager having fun playing LFS to driving for the best team in motorsport history. What a man!

Quote from Vale :Thanks all for congratulating me!

I played LFS for fun many years but unfortunately last 2 of my racing seasons has been so busy that I have not have time really to play.. but I'm sure I will play sometimes still in the future as LFS is a really fun game and you get really tight nice races online Smile

Have a nice races and maybe we see online some day!

Valtteri Bottas

Well if he even remember this game ...

I would like to see him online again, althought maybe for one race only or even just revisiting this forum.

Anyway good luck to him for his Formula One campaign.
S3 licensed
BUMP ... I still have the same issue.

I use mouse wheel for up/downshifts.
When I'm tryping to upshift in a sequential gearbox car it's a hit or miss but chances are that ignition cut works, but doesnt slip into next gear.

LFS 0.6V
S3 licensed
yes ... sad news...