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S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :only the palm trees iirc Smile

I edit my comment : just tested the LX8 version of LFS, and Fern Bay has evoluated a bit more than just the palm trees Wink ... clearly Smile
But seeing what Eric has done on Blackwood and Rockingham ... Fern Bay 2.0 will be great Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from lucaf :Great stuff. Can't wait shoots from South City <33333

try to imagine Fern Bay ...
S3 licensed
I´ve founded it out ...

Just by choosing "button" and NO axis...
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I think the sausage kerbs were added after our first visit to Rockingham and the laser scanning.

Ok, thanks.
Interesting video btw.
When it reaches the output of Gracelands corner, he says like "in uk rule we should not go into the green section" (after 21min20s)... It could be an hotlapping rule ... Ya right
Round 1 official results
S3 licensed

V8 Racing League spreadsheets

(browse for various championships and single round results)

[SR] sermilan - receives 10 seconds penalty added to his finish time for pit exit line violation.
RGˆDzidoris - receives 10 seconds penalty added to his finish time for pit exit line violation.

- - - - - - - - - -
It is the 3rd season in row when the VERL champion of 2016 A.Wiśniewski wins the 1st race of the season. But he diffinitelly had few challengers - his gap in qualifying wasn't dominating and 2 drivers set a faster lap during the race,while he had a relatively close follower during earlier stages of the race. Botsi finished 2nd by gaining 3 positions between start and finish,P.Butcher had to give up the leader chase due losing trust in his tyres and driving to pitlane for fresh ones,but still finished in 3rd position - same he qualified.

After 1st of 5 rounds we have a series leader who has led the points table in both previous years,but became champion only in one of them. Which means nothing is set to be taken yet - with 4 another rounds changes can happen,both big and small. In the Rookie of the Year standings there is very dominating leader - P.Butcher was the only league rookie who scored more than 1 point - 13.

In Teams Championship the lead of race winner's team is much bigger - Team Vires have scored 27 points,while TC-R just 13 and B2R - 12. Both need increase either points scorers quantity or quality,or both to still be able to challenge for championship. In Nations Cup defending 3-time champions Finland leads the table once again,4 points ahead of Poland and 10 points ahead of UK.

24 drivers started the season opener,2 less than last year,but hopefully the average number will stay close to this and more drivers still be motivated to keep on fighting for higher places. After 2 weeks break the next round brings VERL to very basics of LFS - Blackwood,where the most raced configuration - the 3.3km long GP Track - will be used.

- - - - -

After round 1 there is need to change couple of minor things in rules:

Currently the pit exit line rule does not spcificate what is allowed:
"Pit exit - [...]pit exit lines will have to be respected."
Those who race more often in Race Green Events races already know that driver may not cross the pit exit line with more than 2 wheels,this will be clarified so in the rules.

Seeing a very new driver to LFS in this league,there were concerns about possible incidents an inexperienced driver might bring. To avoid this,it has been decided to add qualifying barrier - to qualify for the race,every driver has to set a laptime within 112% of fastest qualifying time. That would be 7.2 seconds in 1 minute lap,which is enough to remove very slow drivers,who would be lapped every 6-8 laps. This barrier does not affect the rule where series top10 drivers can start without qualifying.
S3 licensed
time will tell, as for separating physics and graphics ...
But having a global delivery would be awsome ^^
Good luck guys !
NB : hope the rain is planned and implementable in the future Wink . As seeing how beautiful are the sun reflection on Blackwood's roads snapshots, I just dream of the same with rain ^^
S3 licensed
Quote from PeterN :Quit the game just to change car or track?
Quit the game just to change controller bindings?
Quit the game just to change graphics settings?

That's massively annoying when you're used to LFS.

yes, that is crazy ! Total fail on this aspect !
Graphics are quite nice (environment is very eye candy with plenty of mooving stuffs Smile that is pretty nice), but the road surface is looking ... not so great imo... Sounds are pretty nice to hear (like braking even it feels a bit not as natural as RL).
Handling ... I do not know. Some aspects are nice, some are still very disturbing (like you can loose the control of the car and spin it at 15kmph, if you go offroad the car is slowing down gently ...)
50-50 for me ...
S3 licensed
ACC may not be attractive at all : kind of redundant on AC on many aspects, and you know you will have to pay again and face most probably to bunches of DLC (if interested) ...
I think I will buy it ... but not so excited, just to see the graphics part and how the handling feels (one car/one track if I read correctly for now)
S3 licensed
pricing for ACC, the sooner the cheaper :
25€ if you buy it tomorrow
35€ if you wait until the 14th of November
45€ if you have waited until the 16th of January ...
Probably less then 25€ if you wait for more than one year Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from TynMahn :...
I'm just sad that the developers have seemed to loose interest in it...

They posted some great news on how the product will evoluate 2 weeks ago, stating they are working full time on this ... and you assume they have lost interest on it ? Ya right
I think it is a proof they are really into it ! Other features are of course a matter of time, but if you read Scawen's posts, he is definitely involved in doing further great things, but as said Hakseli90 : they are only 2 !!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Qurpiz :Just don't go silent for a year and a half now, please.

They plan to show other tracks in a few weeks, each track to update takes several weeks ... every unit is in weeks now, that is pleasant !! Be confident !!!
S3 licensed
Glad for you that you find a great way to understand LFS !
Note that understeer and oversteer are kind of headache most of the time. A concrete exemple : when your car understeers, it can introduce some unpredictible oversteer just right after (like an icy part of the road the front wheels are touching, making the car to not turn as expected, so you steer a bit more, then the front wheel leave the icy part, but the rear one touch it => guess what happens Wink ) ... but what you remind is the big oversteer in the end => while the good way would be fixing the understeer to avoid the massive oversteer, the first reaction is to increase the stiffness of the front ARB that may increase the understeer behaviour, and in the end introduces a massive oversteer that you are not fixing Big grin
This simply to say that setupping is sometimes not easy at all.

About accessing the websites, yes they are very optimized by someone knowing how to do the thing properly Smile .I am sure he will be pleased reading this Thumbs up

Enjoy LFS LFS !!!!
S3 licensed
Now I'm going to tell you the truth. Better mouse than 180 steering wheel or phone application. I've tried a lot of ways to ride, and for me that's the truth, a laser mouse ... when you get used to it, you'll be competitive with the best times. However, it does not matter what you are going to do, the most important thing is the training, hours after hours, until you reach your goals.
S3 licensed
Is this limited to a single light source? Could you for example add track lights for night races? Can the sun ... set?
S3 licensed
1. I think there's not much you can do now, make backup of LFSLazy.stats file, just in case, and delete it. If that doesn't help try doing the same with other files (SplitPredict folder, LFSLazy.pbs, LFSLazy.wr, ...)
2. Second one is the same - go to data\misc and rename your now corrupted driver (Ayoub_Maroc.ply - there will be ^'s, they are color codes) and make new one with the same name in game.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from TechEdison :See, this is the real answer to our problems.

Anyways I could agree that LFS is the best generally. I've tried a few others, and LFS is the best. The others just don't seem to treat the car on the road the same as LFS.

Yeah. But .... is there a reason for that? Or what is the reason for that? Is it because the coders of those games lack the ability to code that in? Is it a time/money issue? Or is it deliberate as part of a way of keeping the difficulty down?... All those people that I posted about trying LFS? Know how many actually bought LFS because of it? Zero. But to be fair, most weren't into racing games to begin with. But I'm wondering if this lack of feel that the other games seem to have is part of a dumbing down strategy to increase sales?
S3 licensed
I have already received my gift, but I would try to get to S3, I am glad that the theme is in force again ... Good luck to all.
S3 licensed
Thank you ...
S3 licensed
turbal engine ...
Look for some italian V12, you will hear it is better Wink
S3 licensed
you forgot about dynamic shadows and more elements of lighting combined into total image...

Actually I would in place of Scawen use simple answer: "yes, FPS will go down a lot" ... if I'm wrong, people will be happy that it is optimized well. If I'm right, they will hear it soon... Big grin Can't lose. (except there will be some moaning of people who didn't buy new computer in last 5 years, but there's no alternative any way, either the LFS is still in development and progressing toward being best simulator possible (and then it needs some HW power and it will surely not scale down over years, actually a high quality simulation will very likely eventually need higher frequency physics which will be another big step in HW consumption), or it's a toy game for low-spec PCs and then Scawen can quit his effort...
S3 licensed
it is like when you get the interior going to green when you touch a green area of the road, or the arm of the driver going through the window/roof of the LX6 ... : maybe not related to track graphics but cars ... I admit I do not know ...

A bit off topic, while I see the Aston subject raised, I was dreaming of a new corner for Aston Grand Touring (in aim to differentiate its layout a bit more than the GP one) : it would be to use the part of the last corner of Club as per the attachment ...

NB : the trucks parked in Blackwood are very sexy, I wonder if we will them move one day arond the tracks Ya right
S3 licensed
For the gear/rpm to use, on a track with long straights (car reaching almost its top speed) I am for using max power delivered by the engine at the end of the straights.
In this particular configuration (mini oval), top speed is not so interesting, so I was looking at a good compromise beetween maximum power when cornering to be able to maintain the wished speed, and no gear change (if you upshift and downshift once per straight/corner, this means 4 changes per lap, so 300 gear changes during the race to compare to ... none => none is better Big grin
And simply by speaking about data, corners are taken at 170kmph, and top speed is less than 190kmph ... so accelerations are only for 20kmph, the few hp difference by being a bit high rpm at the end is not really a problem.
How to detect changes in a .txt file?
S3 licensed
Hello everyone!

I'm currently working on a new way to store and load user data using .txt files since the current method of storing and loading data in LFSLapper is inefficient and slow.

Here's a small snippet from my source so you can understand what I've done exactly.

IF ($userName != "")
$dataDirectory "C:\LFS\Server\Insim\bin\default\Databases";
        IF (
FileExist($dataDirectory,$userDataName,".txt") == 0THEN
#Create new database file.
#Add $userName's data in the database file.
PrivMsg($userName,"creating a new database for ".$userName."...");
#Necessary internal variables.
$defUserData[1] = "ExampleVariable1:".$DefUser["ExampleVariable1"];
$defUserData[2] = "ExampleVariable2:".$DefUser["ExampleVariable2"];
$defUserData[3] = "ExampleVariable3:".$DefUser["ExampleVariable3"];
$totalData 3;
            FOR (
$Data 1$Data <= ToNum($totalData); $Data $Data 1)
$Text $defUserData[ToNum($Data)];
PrivMsg($userName,"^7Finished creating new data!");
#Read the database and set the necessary variables.
$LinesofFile ReadFile($userDataName,$dataDirectory,".txt");
$NrOfLines ToNum($LinesofFile["NumberOfLines"]);
            FOR (
$i 0$i <= $NrOfLines-$i $i 1)
$Line $LinesofFile[$i,"Line"];
$splitData SplitToArray($Line,":");
PrivMsg($userName,"^7Finished reading!");
#If database file exists, read it and set the necessary variables.
PrivMsg($userName,"^7Loading user data...");
$LinesofFile ReadFile($userDataName,$dataDirectory,".txt");
$NrOfLines ToNum($LinesofFile["NumberOfLines"]);
            FOR ( 
$i 0$i <= $NrOfLines-$i $i 1)
$Line $LinesofFile[$i,"Line"];
$splitData SplitToArray($Line,":");
PrivMsg($userName,"^7Successfully loaded all databases!");

Now what I'm wondering is, when I create a new script or a new feature for the insim, I have to create a new variable to manipulate the feature I'm trying to work with, right?

So, I'm wondering how can I make my script detect missing variable in the .txt file and add it to the .txt file so it can correctly store all variables and load them correctly.
S3 licensed
Big grin 300km is already quite huge, with very different environments. (a note when there is the sequence with Palm trees at the Porsche is looking awsome but the trees, road, ... let's say the general environment is not looking that good ... that is a subjective point of view)

I guess it is not simulation related, but anyway it looks like very sweet !
Modding in association with developers
Demo licensed
U know many of players use mods .. I mean mostly CARS now.

But its really hard to make model for such easy system of model in LFS.
Car like model is nothing more than "BOX" (3D model) on wheels. It has movable steering wheel and
working gauges. Thats all if I am right.

My question this way is if Developer have thinking about something like official program for making mods. It will for sure make more people pay for LFS this way.

Also system to mod and import maps will be great ! Imagine mods that used for example Assetto Corsa or BeamNG in LFS ... it would be perfect !
I missed different maps like Japan touges in game or some short rally tracks Smile

Peace Smile