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S3 licensed
indeed, and it will be a modern FWD with a very low rpm turbo action (max torque between 1700 and 5000rpm, almost a diesel), ESP that cannot be deactivated, huge tire width as usual (235! , modern FWD ....) ...
Clearly great for close racing if interested.
A kind of 130i to fight against would be nice Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from ymeshulin :You're right, actually. Maybe I have never seen that corner from this angle, which got me confused.

Lower banking would lower the maximum speed possible. This would create bigger separation of cars in the race, which is golden, as with the ridiculously overblown slipstream effect, current racing at Kyoto is hardly realistic or enjoyable.

It is true that it is hardly enjoyable...

... But we need bigger banking
S3 licensed
indeed they are present since a long time, but as there is a high chance the new physics may be released among the graphic update, this is clearly giving the feeling that we may see the VW coming with the upcoming release ^^
To be honest, I suppose we may face first some serious test patch sessions for Eric and Scawen's pleasure ( Ya right ) before we actually see the VWS in the official patch ...
Demo licensed
Sadly no luck Frown

I bought a all metal encoder like the following:

I received it yesterday, tried fixing the wheel today with 0 luck.

I think the light sensors are simply misaligned, but I lost hours moving them to every kind of place and never picked up any wheel movement, even broke 1 leg of the IR emitter, soldered it, its emitting again, but really no way to make it work.

I also tried the encoder wheel on every kind of position, more to the middle, more to the emitter side, more to the receiver side and even at both edges, I also tried painting the encoder metal wheel with a black permanent ink marker and still nothing Frown...

Now I'm gonna have to wait for a promotion on a new wheel and spend a full year of savings Frown.

Which should I buy, Logitech G29 or Thrustmaster T300?

Both are made to die fast as far as I know G29 still has problems with the hall sensor (just like G25 G27 with the encoder wheels), the motors wear out and get harder and harder to move very fast as they build up crap from the brushes inside, they are basically the same crap as the ones on my G25.

Thrustmaster has a way better motor since brushless which will probably last longer than the rest that will break up fast though the plstic on the motor usually also breaks leaving the good motor unusable, the haul sensor starts to get loose as Thrustmaster don't even know there are better glues on the market...

All I see is that both are still expensive and break very fast and I also still don't know why they keep using pots on the god damn pedals when there is so much more cheap and better technology that they could have used that would last 4 ever, yeah they really want is that they break so we have to keep buying expensive shitty stuff...
Last edited by guily6669, .
S3 licensed
Well, VR updates going next two months because is coming next new VR "Valve Index"...
S3 licensed
I think both videos are fine, and better than I could have come up with!

I think you should add bit about signage; on most Blackwood straights, there are both countdown markers (100, 50) and arrow signs to show which way the next turn goes.

I would imagine most people, even with the mini map, aren't sure which way to go, so prompting to look out for corner signs might help, and where there are countdown markers, these are usually placed at corners where you need to do a lot of braking.

Also, break up video a bit with some on track examples - show start lights go green, show how to put car in gear, show how to press down on gas. First corner, look at direction sign to see which way to go, and look at distance markers to give you an idea of where to brake (150 might be early for most turns, and 50 is getting late!).

Lots of people will crash, so show a crash, and how to reset to get car repaired (press button, get in gear, press gas to go).

Maybe show them screenshot of the car they'll be driving, and what its top speed is. Big maybe - let them know what the WR is for the track/car combo is, and if only they are as good as they think they are ...!!

InSim - I once did a layout where I provided option for "Pace Notes" - for example, see my YouTube video - HERE Skip first 1 min 20 secs, and turn sound down a bit.

Plus, don't know how long normal queue time may be, but maybe time your video to show at least twice during this waiting time. First time, most people may not realise what its meant for, and 2nd time gives them time to take it in.

Lastly, show some bloopers of people getting it totally wrong - let the new drivers know what the competition is like!

Good luck Thumbs up
[Solved] RegisterScheduleAction - FOREACH
S3 licensed
1. Every second the timer is supposed to execute, it only executes once on lapper start.
2. $mList - It reports as 0 entries even though I'm online.
3. Even if I remove every line except the first one ( to report the time ) it only runs once.
#. Error logs say nothing Frown

Has anyone encountered this problem before? it works for me for scheduled actions of 1 minute tho...

CatchEvent OnLapperStart()
# Some functions ... #
RegisterScheduleAction( "* * * * * * *", Second_Timer ); # Execute every second.

Sub Second_Timer() # Timer #
writeline( "RSB_Time timer " . GetLapperVar( "longtime" ) );
$mList = GetListOfPlayers();
$mListCount = arrayCount( $mList ); # Reports as 0 entries.
writeline( "RSB_Time $mList: " . $mListCount . " entries: " . $mList[0] . ", " . $mList[1] . "." );
FOREACH ( $maVar IN $mList )
writeline( "RSB_Time FOREACH" );
IF ( GetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "UserName" ) != "" ) # Not Host #
writeline( "RSB_Time Username exists" );
IF ( GetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "Delivery" ) != "" )
$distance = ToNum( trackuserdistance( GetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "Delivery" ) , $maVar["value"] ));
IF ( $distance < 5 )
SetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "DeliveryTick" , ToNum( GetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "DeliveryTick" ) + 1 ) );
$TickCount = ToNum(GetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "DeliveryTick" ));
IF ( $TickCount >= 3 )
SetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "DeliveryStatus" , "1" );
$DeliverToUserID = GetPlayerVar( GetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "Delivery" ) , "UserID" ); #Get Receiving Player UCID.
FOREACH ( $CompanyArray IN $Companies )
$OrderVar = ToString( "UserName_Order_" . $CompanyArray["value"] . "_" . $DeliverToUserID );
$OrderCompany = ToString( $CompanyArray["value"] );
IF ( GetStoredValue( $OrderVar ) != "" )
$DeliverToNickName = GetPlayerVar( GetStoredValue( "UserName_Number_" . $DeliverToUserID ) , "NickName" );
PrivMsg( $maVar["value"] , "^7You have ^2successfully delivered ^7to " . $DeliverToNickName );
Delivery_Order_Delivered( $OrderCompany , $DeliverToUserID );

Temp fix: wrote a RegisterScheduleAction for every second from 00 to 59 T_T
Last edited by alau07, .
S3 licensed
Yeah, for 300th RTFR, if there is car/combo voting/suggesting, I definitely will go then for a pure layout, rather than damn track...

... Hmmm.... HMMM... HMMM!!!!
S3 licensed
VR ... Wink
progress reports !
S3 licensed
Sorry I forgot to mention it, but it actually starts with:

[b]CatchEvent OnConnect ( $userName )[/b]
....does some stuff....
IF ( GetStoredValue( "REGISTER_COUNTER" ) == "" )
... # see my previous post for whole section of relevant code # ....
... some other stuff ...

I haven't altered anything except added those lines of code (see previous reply) to my Event OnConnect. I think those pieces of code are enough, it's just that the algorithm seems to be wrong and I'm having trouble applying the right algorithm (just can't wrap my head around it Confused ) so it only registers unique usernames. As far as error logs go it doesn't say anything's wrong (from the ERR.log file in bin/default/logs).

Also $userName is already declared in the beginning, and should not be the problem as it returns my username when registered (it basically registers me as a new user every reload Shrug )

Regarding starting with 2:
I had trouble with it starting at $i = 0 so I just moved up 1. The problem isn't where it starts but how it executes. I think the main problem might be the parameters, or the order of the IF statements...

I also manually set the stored-values "REGISTER_COUNTER" and "UserName_Number_" . $i
if I find duplicates after connecting/reloading.

CONTEXT: (If it helps...)
I need a script that runs at 5pm, everyday, that distributes the player's dividend (gives them some money from the total profit) relative to their shareholding from the companies they have partial ownership of, even when they're offline. This is where listing all usernames from storedvalue.dbs comes in:
(All in a WHILE Loop with $i = 1 and $register_counter = "REGISTER_COUNTER")
IF ( GetStoredValue( "UserName_Number_" . $i ) != "" )
IF ( GetPlayerVar( GetStoredValue( "UserName_Number_" . $i ), "NickName" ) == "" ) # Offline
# distribute dividend by set/getuserstoredvalue. #
IF ( GetPlayerVar( GetStoredValue( "UserName_Number_" . $i ), "NickName" ) != "" ) # Online
THEN # distribute dividend normally by set/getplayervar. #

If they're offline, I can send them a mail by a:

IF ( GetUserStoredValue("HAVEMAIL") == 1 ) THEN PrivMsg GetStoredValue("MAIL_" . $userName)

if they do receive dividends while offline. These investors have every right to know how much dividend they receive at 5pm, even if they come online at 6pm.
Last edited by alau07, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Regarding formula 1 going electric it has/is being discussed but apparently the earliest it would happen is around the year 2039 due to Formula E having an exclusive license until then blocking the move.

it remains a matter of money ... like if F1 would lack of ? Ya right Big grin Big grin
S3 licensed
Face -> palm oops

EDIT: ... and then there is also the poster for this race...
[Solved] Retrieve UserNames - storedvalue.dbs
S3 licensed
As the title says,
I need to distribute a large sum of money (which occurs on a regular interval) for all players (users) in my server whether they are online or offline. One of the problems is that all the users' and server data are stored in storedvalue.dbs (located in "./bin/default/Databases" ).

GetListOfPlayers() - only returns list of all players online ...
GetListOfUsersGroup - doesn't work for storedvalue.dbs ...

Is there a way to retrieve all usernames of players in storedvalue.dbs so I can #do something# with their stored data?

e.g.: (This is what I'm trying to do)
Sub < this sub >
$mList = [b]< Get List of All Players' "UserNames" from storedvalue.dbs >[/b] ;
FOREACH ( $maVar IN $mList )
IF ( <they are online, their nickname != "" > )
# Distribute moneys #
SetPlayerVar( $maVar["value"] , "<var>" , <change> );
# Rest aren't online, so distribute moneys to remaining (offline) players too #
SetUserStoredValue( $maVar["value"] , "<var>" , <change> );

Note: No, I am not asking for a full script lol, I just need a function that can draw all usernames from the current storedvalue.dbs database.
Last edited by alau07, .
Demo licensed
I tested the IR emitter a few days ago with my phone camera and its working, the receiver however I used some random pins and it measured around 4.2V if I'm remembering well, but I didnt have anyone help to block all the light and do it in complete darkness to see if the voltage would change Frown...

Anyway I ordered a new wheel encoder for 20$, it will probably take more than a month to arrive, then I will update here If I made it work...

And if it start picking up wheel movement, then I will fully disassemble the other motor, fully clean all the internals, use a very thin sandpaper like 2000 and make the brush contacts shinning like new, however I suspect the problem is the bearings and I don't know what size they are to order some new ones...

And in case the brushes are worn, does anyone know what kind of brushes suit best, can I buy like some cheap ones from from RC motors like 540 size or bigger? And whats the best ones, carbon?
S3 licensed
yep, night is indeed a great feature even if it is not the most pleasant time to race with Smile . Like rain ... it is not good at all, but it is part of races !
When done, we will be waiting for modern cars with directional lights then Big grin Petals
S3 licensed
Quote from lucaf :When you get old enough ...

... when driving in dark (night or very overcast day), and cars in opposite direction have their lights on, it can take long seconds for your eyes to adjust from having lights shining in your eyes, to being able to see reasonably well again, made worse if you wear glasses because of glare (even with anti-reflective coatings).

And in recent years, with xenon and led lights that are even brighter than normal bulbs, this problem has got much worse for me. So much so, that I won't drive long distances anymore. Especially to places I don't know my way around.

I realise that if you're on a track, this shouldn't be so much of a problem, as (hopefully) everyone is driving in same direction, and most of the glare will come from your mirrors.
Demo licensed
Quote from nikopdr :Is it the 60-slot encoder wheel? If so, they are quite affordable, here's a stainless steel one for 19€ as an example:

Yes I know that part and I already contacted a seller and that part is quite expensive...

19€ for like 10 cents worth of metal...

The problem is the 2 optic sensors got moved from their place a bit and I also don't know if they are working anymore and I need is a way to test them but don't know how to test the 2 sensors (can't test with my encoder wheel because it got all broken and warped all over the place)...

If they are good I would buy that decoder 60 hole wheel. G29 have been in a promotion for 200€ a few time ago, that 10 cent worth of metal part is like almost 1/10th of the price of the whole G29 in last promotion lool.

Sadly now the G29 is around 300€ locally so even if I can't fix my G25 I can't buy a new racing wheel for now as I don't have much money to spend on something that breaks after like 1000 hours or so Frown.

The motors are both working, just the other without the encoder is a bit harder to turn, I fully cleaned it, but didnt fix the problem, I might need to fully open it or change the bearings, but they seem hard to open and I dont see anything while searching on how to open G25/G27 motors.
Last edited by guily6669, .
S3 licensed
I'm getting mixed results ...

My code

Event OnCrossingChecker
($userName,$Flags,$Time,$Object,$UserSpeed,$CircleIndex)  # Player event

$dateracestarted GetLapperVar("dateracestarted"); #Get date and time when the race has been started.
privmsg("Race Start: ".$dateracestarted);
privmsg("Driver: ".getplayervar($userName,"NickName"));

privmsg($Object." sector split: ".$Time);
$racetime GetLapperVar("racetime"); # Elapsed racetime (in Milliseconds) after the race has been started 
privmsg("Racetime: ".(NumToMSH($racetime)));
$elapsedms GetLapperVar("elapsedms"); # Elapsed racetime (in Milliseconds) after the race has been started    
privmsg("Elapsed Milliseconds: ".(NumToMSH($elapsedms)));
$elapsedsecs GetLapperVar("elapsedsecs"); # Elapsed racetime (in Seconds) after the race has been started    
privmsg("Elapsed Seconds: ".(NumToMSH($elapsedsecs)));
$elapsedmins GetLapperVar("elapsedmins"); #Elapsed racetime (in Minutes) after the race has been started    
privmsg("Elapsed Minutes: ".(NumToMSH($elapsedmins)));  


My results

I didn't jump start, but from green light, to crossing finish line at start is over half second difference between what's recorded between sector split and racetime. And both InSim times are over 10secs on from LFS recorded time.

Nothing displayed for ms, secs, or minutes.
S3 licensed
Now that I've got it working, and am playing with InSim checkpoints ...

Would it be better rather than having to play about with changing time outputs from numbers, lapper gave you the proper, real time, without having to use NumToMSH?

Using the following event

Event OnCrossingChecker
($userName,$Flags,$Time,$Object,$UserSpeed,$CircleIndex)  # Player event
privmsg("Action: ".$Flags);
privmsg("Time: ".$Time);
privmsg("Object: ".$Object);
privmsg("CircleIndex: ".$CircleIndex);
privmsg("Speed: ".$UserSpeed." ".getplayervar($userName,"UnitSpeed"));

gives me a number such as 70210, which I then have to add code, in proper format, to change into a proper time (ie 1m 10.21s).

Not so bad for people who have some experience of lapper, but its complicated when you don't really know it, (or in my case, forget how to use it) and expect things to work without having to delve into code and change it.


Would be worth adding comment to the !myconfig line in the lfslapper.lpr file - there's nothing to say what it does, and it seems to be hard wired into lapper, as you can search for the function, and find nothing. Maybe comment such as "#function to change language, unit of speed, etc"?
S3 licensed
Yes! I still can't understand why it can't just release to LFS... So what if it's not "driveable"... There is more interesting things to do than stupid casual racing...

EDIT: What I mean about release, after tire physics, of course!
S3 licensed
Change master Power min.350Watt ..
Destroy graphic setup . Antilasing, texture, negative "pixel" And other.. pres in game "F" And check IT FPS. i play online only with F mode .. i have 250 FPS with utlraHD my tv 120"

Update drivers SOUND ... Yes Sound drive ... Integrine on MotherBoard wit chipset maeby..

Turn off vertikal synchro display ... No use resolution with p or i .. only clean resolution with 60 Hz ..
Last edited by WestlY, .
S3 licensed
Managed to find copy of track layout ...

S3 licensed
indeed it is great Smile
side note : two snapshots : South City and Fern Bay ... Next one on Kyoto ? Ya right
S3 licensed
As stated many times in this message chain it is more of a problem in demo servers. Also like Rony said, server owners are responsible how they are managed.

One way to help on this matter would be to assign a password for the server. The password could be shared in server owners forum after registering to it or on dedicated discord channel or some other meaningful way which is not too easy but not too difficult either.

This method would suit of course the best for server hosts, who have multiple servers and could keep one server without password, where racers could find the information how to get password for other servers.
Or if it would be possible to have password assigned to server and same time one joining the server can see the welcome text including information how to get access to it but cannot enter the server, then it would be possible to do for a single server hosts also.

I would do this kind of arrangement if we would still have servers running, maybe some day ... Wave
S3 licensed
I thought a lot about this. The simplest and most effective solution. I thought about the TC cruise and their effectual method. If you think a person is in violation, you can report it. With a certain number of reports, they stop access to the server for a certain amount of time. For example, if 20 people report the same spammer within a few days ... it becomes clear that the person goes online to make trouble.
Old players can see a clear difference between novice and spammer. It can also be forbidden for a player with a new profile to report.
It's just an idea, do not judge me for my thinking friends.