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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes, these graphs have not escaped my attention. The good bit is the right hand side on the licensed racers. It's a big increase over recent years, due to mods of course. And the new graphics and physics will be another good boost.

But I was really wondering if there was anything we could do, quite quickly, to boost participation, including this well organised and fun rallycross event you are running. Tyre physics and graphics update of course aren't an immediate solution.

1) allow full contact ramming
2) make an announcement on TC City Driving & RC Cruise, day, hour and minutes before the event, and during the event
3) make short races, where players have nothing to lose and can have fun
4) have weird funny configs (e.g. Burger race, bus race, 4 km drag on those "lamborginis")

... but make 4-5 races on the same car & layout, to let some people learn a bit and adjust setups.

That's what Piran Moto and GT4Tube do, and they assemble 20-30 racers.

Watch from 8:10:
Last edited by detail, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...
When that Scirocco is released, people are going to drive around in it and I can assure you, they won't be just unbelievably happy about the experience for the next several months. Most likely they'll do a few laps then wonder what all the fuss was about. It's pretty crazy really if you think about it.

It will bring ESP and electrical differential (applying brake on the spinning wheel) in LFS => just add torsen diff and we are close of having most of the classic system used on road cars ! This will then allow doing even better mods regarding the handling Wink
Of course having aswell an ecu like rallycars (those who practice(d) RBR will understand) were used to have would be interesting (not sure they are still having this technology nowadays)... Ya right
S3 licensed
i am an organizer.
i communicate our league and events on the leagues page here

the answer is perhaps to have a tool like this :
having a page wich list the races with a countdown, a beautiful posters, all informations, way to register and results

when i find this webpage, i was stunning !! all races in one page, all in attractive design !
and i instantly think about Live For Speed ! why not have a tool like this ?

but better ..
the negative i found in this page is the fact all is automated .. you register without discuss or agree a rules sheet, you came on the server, race and leave without communicate... it 's like a race self service. and no control about ping etc ...

but the idea and the design is very attractive, the information is here about what and when !

@Scawen : you asked what the way you could explore to help us fill our grids, hope you will take a look and feedback what you think about.
ps : sign for free to really seeing hat it looks like and facilities
Demo licensed
yes yes he did it and you are not interested in the reasons why he did it ...
S3 licensed
There's a bunch of space on the LFS landing screen, maybe you can create a simple News/Calendar UI there?

There's a lot of real estate, and it's the one place everyone who plays LFS visits every time they want to race. It doesn't have to include much info, just enough to direct someone to the relevant page on the system.

You could mimic sbtv calendar or the first 5-10 entries on the listing. E.g.

All times in your timezone
Next Up: 18:00 Tues 21st March - 63rd Rony's Tuesday Fun Race XL - 2022 Round 3 - XFR@KY2R [S2] [View on]
Upcoming: ...

Include a tab for the latest official news article and a link to the article online, and you're away.

For me, it's sad to see weekend participation hitting an all-time low. It's a lot of effort from a lot of people for us to be preparing for/streaming/stewarding and competing in races with tiny grids.

In the end, the more noise we make about events that are happening, the more likely it is we'll see attendance pick up until the next major LFS update. Stick a calendar on the landing screen, can't hurt.


I really like the idea above about "subscribing to events" and receiving emails to remind you. That's a good one.
Last edited by mbutcher, .
S3 licensed
Please try my KRT CR MOD, about 500hours for making this mod from scratch, from "blender" to LFS editor, i've restart the project from scratch 3 times... The mod-patch is "new"... I think like you about "christmas tree/ Wheelchair/ burger-car/..." Some mods need to be classified in FUNMODS in my opinion! But i think devs is like all of us, human and want to make LFS better! After vehicle mods, Track mods would be perfect Big grin i begin the photogrametry for implement one day a track on LFS!
@modders: Flipped LOD2 textures in several mods
S3 licensed
I noticed for several mods strange things happen at LOD2: Some textures get flipped.
I do not want to spam comments in every thread Shrug, so instead this thread.

Example, here the whole top view is mirrored:

but sometimes it is just small parts of the side or such.

Latest LFS patch has an ingame viewer that can toggle level of detail.
Other cars I remember with same problem:

There are also many cars with no LOD2 or LOD2 that is just a black or uni-colored blob.
LOD are important for the appearance of the car when it is far away.
Depending on the skin it could potentially look really ugly if the textures are flipping around.
Demo licensed
Quote from Scawen :There is no possible defence for invading a country and destroying cities.

i support that!!! but history has its own opinion on this matter ...

Quote from Scawen :There was no defence for Bush and Blair doing it in Iraq. These men should be prosecuted for war crimes.

but they are free!

Quote from Scawen :Similarly there is no excuse for Putin to do this now. He is an international war criminal too.

why not? Do you think he is worse than those you listed?

Quote from Scawen :There is no way that a sane person can see what is happening now and say that is a good thing. So either you are insane or you cannot see what is happening (brainwashed and stupid, as I mentioned before).

stop wishful thinking.
S3 licensed
Used this mod in a video I made driving round my newest layout ...

I should have stiffened front suspension though.
Demo licensed
Quote from bishtop :You mentioned Lugansk, i did not mention it once, either directly or indirectly ?

I explained why I mentioned Lugansk.

Quote from bishtop :Considering Ukraine does not have cluster bombs and Russia used them by the thousands in syria that speaks the facts.

"Ukraine does not have cluster bombs" evidence? and I never saw the Russian jet in your videos

Quote from bishtop :And a Ukrainian soldier wearing a yellow armband, yes and ? what is this video supposed to be portraying.

sorry I had to write a description of the video - March 03, Melitopol 2022 humanitarian aid from the Russian side, Ukrainian soldiers with a yellow armband are helping, the operator draws attention to the Ukrainian flag that has not been removed, that is, this is not the capture of the country, other goals ...

Quote from bishtop :Remember their is no Russian media, only the state run media which tells you Putins narrative. True?

you are so interesting, you always decide for us how we think Smile No, no one tells us how to think, understand?
S3 licensed
too neat, too green, too much contrast ... absolutely not in the Caribean spirit

on all tracks, Life for Speed developpers have done an excellent work !! balancing realism according to the country and cpu request.

trust me : keep your original files for tracks
Demo licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Для того кто носит русский флаг у тебя очень плохой русский язык. Выглядит как гугл переводчик. Если так, то лучше пиши на английском, там у тебя получается лучше) Нацысты существуют во всех странах, это не является показателем вообще ничего. Количество нацыстов в стране как правило коррелирует с количеством представителей другого\их народа\ов и мигрантов внутри страны.

пишу с ашипками каюсьSmile. при регистрации акк лфс нет пункта национальность я русский живу не в россии. ещё пока пишеш теряю половины мысли, получется малость бред, ну как есть...

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Я все еще не вижу примера нацистов во власти на Украине. Если ты не это имел в ввиду то ты сам признаешь что нацистов во власти на Уркаине нет? И ты признаешь что это был один примеров лжи Путина которая служила в качестве одного из поводов вторжения на Украину?

Ты ждешь имена фамилии и адрес?Ну так у меня их нет.С чего тогда я взял? ну так от самих Украинцев.Нет,это не мои друзья/знакомые просто я подглядываю один форум где все это обсуждается с 2004 года.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Я привел пример. Вроде это очевидно из контекста. Потому что такие движения существуют повсеместно во многих странах. Твои субьективные оценки того как эти двежения успешны мне не очень интересны. Я не знаю из каких интенций ты пишешь то что пишешь, я вижу только один правдоподобный вариант. Но меня по больешй части интересует моя страна. И что бы людям в моей стране жилось хорошо. Сейчас к сожалению это не так благодаря нашему руководству.

Ну правильно всегда было виновато рукаводство да?

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Я где то не прав? Ты против этой войны? И при этом оправдываешь эту войну? Разве это не самопротиворичво? Выскажи свою позицию напрямую.

Ты не прав по поводу что россия и путин не предпринемали ничего для урегулирования конфликта на протяжении 8 лет. Вот не надо меня обвинять в оправдывании войны!Свою позицию я уже высказал.
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Quote from Temych :
Let me remind you that there was an agreement with NATO on the non-proliferation of NATO to the east. And this NATO treaty was brazenly violated many times.

It is not a brand of personal hostility or Russophobia, but this agreement does not exist. The question was discussed several times when the Soviet Union existed. However, no such agreement has ever been signed.
On the other hand, the invasion of Ukraine and the non-respect of its territorial integrity violate several commitments signed by Russia between 1994 and 1997 ... but the truth weighs very little before the horrors of the war and its crimes.
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
[I'm asking the question here because I haven't found any recent information and I don't know if it's appropriate to create a new topic on AI]

I don't know if the current AI is still able to learn but it adapts its best times to the lap. (I have several installations of LFS on different computers and AI times are different)

Does anyone know how the LAP time of the AI is defined? And how to do it (Full race? With qualification? ...) for the AI to adapt to the player's best times?

Thank you for your answers
S3 licensed
Quote from Snoop.DriftEra :
When you justifying things happening by Ukrainian government been shootong Donetsk and Lugansk for the Last eight years - try to recall how Russia been shooting Grozny when Chechnia wanted to seperate. It's exactly the same thing. They don't let a part of their country to be seperated. And if Putin is so kind to help people seperate from opressive governmen, why didn't he let Chechnia seperate. Because all chechens wanted was "leave us alone, we have different culture, we want live as neighbours with you in our own country".

Maybe this analogy is not completely accurate, but you are absolutely right in this historical analogy. situations are very similar. But in their further progress, they differ greatly. What did Putin do in the case of the Chechens? He put a respected leader for the Chechens and poured a huge amount of money into it. In Russia, Chechnya is the most subsidized region. Thus showing that he has a good attitude towards Chechnya and its culture.
What did the Ukrainian government do in Donbass? Nothing. Military clashes between the militia and the military of Ukraine lasted for 8 years, did not change anything, the Minsk agreements did not work. But it couldn't go on forever. There must be some way out of the situation. So apparently it happened ... What I'm not happy about.

Let's make this analogy even more precise. Where Chechnya is even more similar to the Donbass. For a thought experiment, now imagine that in the event of a Chechen war, but instead of Kazakhstan and China and all of Asia, another country. let's call it Chechnya 2.0 Which has a much larger military arsenal than Russia. And there, for the most part, the same people live in Chechnya in Russia with the same culture and the same language. And in this case, I think it will be very easy to imagine the same scenario when Chechnya 2.0 invades Russia. Because what will stop them? Nothing.
I do not justify Putin. War is evil. But I can understand his actions. And why it's happening.

Quote from Snoop.DriftEra :
Now we have bad relations with Chechens, Georgians Ukrainians and the rest of civilized world while our own human rights and constitution constantly violates and prices going up.

I don't know who you represent when you say "we" but Russia and Chechnya have good relations now for the reasons I described above. For the rest, you're right. But you reproach another person for the influence of propaganda. (which may be true) But if you have an idea of Good in the form of the "civilized world" and evil in the form of Russia. Not as easy as you think. Or maybe you yourself are under the influence of propaganda. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your words.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It seems the krt cr has:

- 2 mesh configurations (named Cross and Hillclimb)
- 2 default setups (named default and Hillclimb)

1st default setup has hybrid tyres and 'Cross' configuration
2nd default setup has slick tyres and 'Hillclimb' configuration

That is, if I make a 1600 buggy, a racing version and a road version, then I somehow and where to change tires?!...
While in my head I can not figure out where I will change)
Thanks for the direction.
S3 licensed
Quote :Much bigger games and companies have no issue with it

That is not true.
The difference is maybe that most games have no official modsystem or automatic download.
Instead mods are usually hosted on external player-run websites. Such websites are much harder to shut down because anyone can create a new one or re-upload the mod to a filehosting service. But that does not make it legal. And sometimes they do get shut down.

Also when you look at the example games like BeamNG, there is always guidelines like this:

As someone who also played rFactor (which has tons of mods):
It does have the same issues with copyright. The only difference is that unlike LFS, rF does not have an automatic mod download hosted on the official website.
On websites that hosted rF mods it was not uncommon to read threads like this:

Quote :Snowrunner - for example - also has official support for vehicle mods. People modify licensed trucks from the game and release it on the official mod repository:
Players put custom wheels on them, bumpers, engines, paintjobs and attachments. Some even turn licensed vehicles into monster trucks

But from the comment section it seems they also have restrictions:
Quote :"Chevy is not allowed to be Modded/Tweaked for Console"

The case of BMW formular car with Mercedes skins is something completly different. First thing, the BMW logos are not removeable and can not be painted over with skins . Second, it is likely part of the contract that the BMW cars can be painted like any other cars.

/edit: Two guys were faster typers than me. Shrug
This could have all been avoided by asking beforehand: "Why are are some cars not in the editor?"

Similiar, when looking for 3D models on websites, why not ask the uploader where the file comes from?
Oooh, some guy named xXxTuneStreetSwagLordxXx has uploaded 20 game-quality models in one month, with no website no portfolio, no WIP pictures. He says it is all free to download. Seems legit.
Whaaaat? It was a rip from Forza?! How could I have known?
Last edited by Gutholz, .
S3 licensed
but this apply only if you make an exact replica with the logo of the brand, in this case, Amynue seems to have changed it, so ...
S3 licensed
Quote from Amynue :Already denied because "we can't permit LFS models to be used in LFS".

God what a waste of time. I worked so hard to make it perfect. Should have released it back in 2010 Taped Shut

Let's wait a few more decades, maybe they will finally release it into the game as part of the Historic Cars Pack

We can drive trashcans now, but Scirocco with physics slightly off (yet way ahead of what would be possible in other games) - unimaginable Zzzz

strange ... cannot you make it an 'R' version if proposing the exact model being sensitive ? As I do not think there would be a rule for tuning the FBM or the mrt5 for instance ...
S3 licensed
SchwitzLooking"...would replaced FBM with ..." FBM is a jewel to race !! please, do not touch at this one
S3 licensed
Online at : #1
it's sometimes "ombre portée" but it is more often the English word that is used I think.
We just have to find the most comprehensive description...
... but we are French so we never agree Big grin
S3 licensed
I agree with you, 'ombre' is more for shadow. The term "shading" is barely translated when applied to graphical things. Oterwise it would be "nuance" ... but never heard this in videogames thing Big grin
S3 licensed
Drift ACE
S3 licensed
Very good mod , i love it ,sounds, look ,and drives good ... ive seen the renault few pasts above , i do modeling and have a rolls silver shadow and a 1912renault like in the movie titanic , hit me up if you want to do these , too much models for me alone to do
S3 licensed
Thumbs up very good mod

some bugs to solve though ...