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S3 licensed
good point, seems the rain is coming ... Ya right
S3 licensed
Practice helps but only practice isn't enough if you don't make progress. You can spectate a faster driver and see what lines he takes into corners, which gears he uses, where his braking point is, ...

Also when you join a online race there are always friendly people to send you a setup if you ask them.
Cesar Sa
S3 licensed
good, thank you very much for the enlightenment! you were useful to me .. =)
So I suppose it's really worth buying a pair of VR glasses, even I have a headache for it! my CPU has more d 10 years and is already an i5, but still it will not give ... I will have to update too!

Thank you so much,
and with my best regards.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mikus1212 :Depending on your online activity you are not using s2.

If you talk about me, I do not know how to answer you ... Each of us has a favorite track, Yes I love rally, and play it with great pleasure. This does not mean I do not use my gift. I have not hidden my online status, I have nothing to hide from you. In fact, I sold my steering wheel a while ago, for obvious reasons ... Nevertheless, I am still an active player, and I will be ahead. We are witnesses to many people who have received a gift that has not been playing for months, I'm not one of them. I've been on a cruise for some time, I like the big community there and the strict rules. This is also an activity. This summer I plan to buy a steering wheel again, and I will start working on my times again. I spend half of my day in this game today, it will also and tomorrow, so it will be another day, and another day, and another day.....
Last edited by zevvvs, .
Demo licensed
As I said earlier I have the S2 license, but I want to post this acc to earn some points on servers.
I'm using the InSim DotNet library, I put it in visual studio, to create a console application, and I got it !.
I was able to connect ...
But I do not know where to put this packet, I put this void:

public byte[] OCO(byte OCOAction, byte Index, byte Identifier, byte Data)
byte[] packet = new byte[8];
packet[0] = 8;
packet[1] = (byte)PacketType.ISP_OCO;
packet[2] = 0;
packet[3] = 0;
packet[4] = OCOAction;
packet[5] = Index;
packet[6] = Identifier;
packet[7] = Data;

return packet;

But I do not know which file and where I put it.
S3 licensed
Quote from kristofferandersen :Apparently, there's a guy that wanted to sponsor two licenses.
Thanks to him.

@Itras23 and @amen3 are the lucky winners.

I've sent both of you a PM with vouchers.

EDIT: We have a third winner! Congratulations to @zevvvs!
I've sent a PM with the code.

Okay guys, enjoy the free S2's! (and for once, I didn't have to spend my own money Wink)

365 days passed with S2, I will never forget this gesture. What happened over the past year... I met many friends, made some personal records, I had a lot of nice hours in S2 ... Now I drive in the cruises, I will never stop playing this game. 365 days later I say again - Thank you!!!
S3 licensed

Sorry, that it tooks so long for the results.
But here it is.

=======TEST METHODE=======

Version of LFSLapper : Experimental V7.0.4.11
Number of GroupsID's : 1
Number of Unique ID's : 3
Number of LFSServers: 3 dedicated servers
Version of LFSServers : 0.6R

=======MY EXPERIENCES=======
When i tried to sent the message, i received an error that the database is locked.

2/20/2018 5:29:50 PM -> The database file is locked
database is locked :
2/20/2018 5:29:50 PM

Lapper Instance abort!

The database file is locked
database is locked
bij LFSDbs.DbsAccess.executeNonQuery2(String _command)
bij LFSDbs.DbsAccess.executeNonQuery(String _command)
bij LFSDbs.storedDbs.updateRow2(String key, String value)
bij LFSDbs.storedDbs.updateRow(String key, String value)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.setstoredvalue(unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.GLApp.parseBackcall(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.Parseur.getval(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, executeParsedFunction BC)
bij GLScript.GLApp.retrieveEvalVar(String funcName, TokenParse tkparse, TokenBuffer currTokenBuffer, SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakFunc, Char& breakCar)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteTokensPart(Int32 level, String funcName, SetOfVars GCAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakable, Boolean inSwitchCase, Int32 start, Int32 end)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij GLScript.GLApp.executeFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij Configurator.lexConfigurator.executeFunction(String funcName, infoPlayer pcurrInfoPlayer, String[] par)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.managePacket(BTC btc)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop()
bij LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection()
Int64 executeNonQuery2(System.String)
Closing Instance...

Dont know if this happend on your side aswell.

After restarting Lapper with all the instances, it could sent a message and its displayed in the list, as it should be i think.
So, i joined my second server and typed !chat. The list is empty.
Entered a new message and again i received the same Database lock error. Reloaded lapper again and typed !chat. The list is filled with the saved messages from the other server.

I didnt look into the errormessage yet. Will wait for your response first.

Fun part: after spamming the cmdlfs command in the console. I found a ... is kicked for flooding message.
This is obviously a bug.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
=EL 34=
S3 licensed
well... incorrect
EL_No did not give me a chance to finish the race and save the repeat. Exactly at the last episode, I can not say anything ... The simulator did not register the collision.
No longer welcome
Quote from MicroSpecV :But hey, kinda makes sense...
How can it be resolved?

No idea, it can also be a general signal reception problem, my keyboard still works when I am two rooms away in the house on the toilet. Just tested this, lol. (not really functional bcz can't see the screen but hey)... What about your situation? Big grin
S3 licensed
EDIT: Any questions which pops out, shout it!

So, did i understand it right... you can not have a broken suspension or flat tyre at the finish line, at the end of race? If you dont want any plausible penaltyes Smile ... just strategically thinking ... Uhmm
S3 licensed
I miss the Norwegian guy, haven't seen him in a while :/...

And as always - reading the small updates is lovely, Scawen!
S3 licensed
when the engine is slowing down quickly you always have a part of not burned gas ... so it is quite common to see it on cars (especially race ones) with a hot exhaust. This does not mean it is not well done. This is just physics. Note that in LFS we have cars that may use a carburetor, who knows Tongue And there it was quite impossible to avoid this phenomenom on some models ^^
On topic, it is a nice effect, but I fear it can be time consumming for ... not so much Big grin
S3 licensed
BeNoM: I'm a programmer, for me there's no difference between tweaker and mod, both are modifying original data provided by developer, and into places where the developers didn't expect it, nor promised to kept that places same in the future. Your difference is only about injection time (file at load vs memory at runtime), which is completely irrelevant from the programming point of view. Maybe it makes huge difference from the point of modders... ? ... anyway, it's the same thing in both cases.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I did check calendar, I was thinking Tuesday & Friday and 18.00 UTC... How's that? Definitely won't be every week at Tuesday but... should suffice.

Sound good to me Smile Sometimes im busy on friday nights, sometimes im not.. Atleast i dont have an early wake on saturdays Smile (if the race starts late)... Tuesday, thursday and friday has my vote Smile
S3 licensed
(bit off, but wanted to answer Smile )
Quote from lucaf :Mandula I am curious what hardware you have and what internet connection...I would love also to stream races, but not sure if it would just turn into lag festival...

To be honest, my hardware is nowhere near ideal. I'm playing on and streaming from a Lenovo IdeaPad Y500 with an i5-3210M and two GeForce GT 650M's in SLI. As you can see, the stream is stuttering from time to time, so this config isn't meant for streaming, only for light gaming like LFS (and only gaming). My internet connection is roughly 12 Mbits down and 7 Mbits up, and seems like the 7 Mbit upload is enough for streaming 1280x720. At the same time, my ping in LFS didn't go up too much either (at least by checking my ping during the race ... I'm sure it must be a bit different to race against me while I'm streaming). Hope this helps, also, go for it, it would be great to see more LFS livestreams. Smile Fire up OBS Studio, tweak it a little and you are ready to go!
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S2 licensed
I ask for unabn on City driving ..... Please I want to unban ... I am Czech .. I did not understand what you wrote to me ... now i will give horn 1
S3 licensed
... Boi.

Nice vid!
S3 licensed
Quote from Andrey 10 :Кто нибудь сделайте нормальный скин Маккуина

Я не думаю, что можно сделать кожу McQueen для одного из демо-автомобилей ...
Last edited by Aw3som3G4m3rzYT, . Reason : Wrong language/Неверный язык
S3 licensed
When entering a corner (let's say without power), the two wheels will not need to rotate at the same speed : the outside wheel is having more distance to do than the inside one.
When having an open differential, it is exactly behaving as needed, so compare to an lsd you are having less understeer : the lsd will tend to make the wheels to rotate at a less different speed, making the turn-in less easy. But it will have the advantage to help a bit on the braking zone, and what you may call understeer may be translated in more stability (this why there is a coast parameter).
When on power, the car (FWD) should not by magic turn more/have less understeer. But in the current physics (someone will correct me if I am saying bs), I think there is a common issue with tyre grip that make at least for FWD to rotate a bit too much when accelerating with a high level of power for the lsd (this is why you will see the setups to go quick in FWD using very stiff front antiroll bar and a locked differential.
On a more logic configuration, you will reduce the values of LSD to reduce the understeer, adjust the antiroll bar to give more or less grip (stiffen the rear antiroll bar to give more grip to the front for example), you can play with the dampers, the toe, the camber, the springs, caster, etc ... The best is to read (I found this : ) over internet to find out what are the purpose of all the settings available.
S3 licensed
Just watched reply WE2R clearly Mishu driver off the Day Thumbs up

Going out off fights with a early pit at lap 3 faling back to place 23 ... but cutting true traffic like a knife Smile then clear track for long time

All fighting for 3rd and nobody expected Mishu anymore.

Enjoyed the replay. So much u miss when driving
S3 licensed

Well, I have tried the Shift+A but that has no real volume controller, you just play around with different sliders, and in the end you have lost the original sound when made it less noisy.
Not the best way to adjust the volume.
The script thing I don't believe is possible ...

Nations World League Season 3 Sign-Ups
S3 licensed
To sign-up for the NWL Season 3 please provide the following information:

Quote :
Ingame Name:

The nation you are competing for will be determined by the country you entered in your personal details. However only UN-member nations will be accepted (e.g. England = United Kingdom, Greenland = Denmark, ...).

The name format for the events will use the ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 abbreviations:
XYZ IngameName
  1. Finland (FIN) - 9397 (lucaf)
  2. Latvia (LVA) - RG^Rony (Eclipsed)
  3. Latvia (LVA) - A.Laipnieks (Laipnieks)
  4. Latvia (LVA) - [STO]A.Rozītis (Zaabis)
Last edited by TFalke55, .
Nations World League Season 3 Championship Standings
S3 licensed
General point scale

The general point system is a linear point system with 40 championship points awarded to the winner and 1 championship point awarded for a 40th place finisher. So the runner-up receives 39 points, the last podium spot 38 points, a 10th place finisher 31 points and so on.

Position / Points
1 / 40
2 / 39
3 / 38
4 / 37
5 / 36
40 / 1

In events that are composites of multiple sessions each session awards points for the respective position, however multiplied by a factor, every event scores the same amount of points. For the opening round of a time trail session and a race session, the points are halved for each, for the third round with the XF GTI at Westhill National the points for each race will be split into thirds. For the rallycross round and the "Race of Champions"-style head-to-head event the final standings are taken for the points.

Points are awarded for finishing at least 75% of the (winner's) race distance.

NWL Driver's Cup points

The Driver's Cup points are scored as per the general point scale. The cup winner is the driver with the most points scored throughout the season, however the worst two results will be dropped. Not competing in a round equals scoring zero points. The usage of a national skin will be awarded with an additional bonus point.

NWL Championship points

The Nation's World League Championship is contested by the nations represented by the drivers. The best 50% of the drivers will be averaged, however when two drivers compete, both results will be averaged. To compensate the decrease in the maximum number of points with more drivers included to the average, bonus points are awarded.

Number of racers / Number of racers counted in average / bonus points
1 / 1 / 0.0
2 / 2 / 0.5
3 / 2 / 0.5
4 / 2 / 0.5
5 / 3 / 1.0
6 / 3 / 1.0
7 / 4 / 1.5
8 / 4 / 1.5
9 / 5 / 2.0
10 / 5 / 2.0

The usage of one national skin will be awarded with an additional bonus point per driver using it, if all are using it.

If this point system had been in use for Season 2, the title would still have been on the line in the final round and the title would have eventually been won by Lithuania.
Last edited by TFalke55, .
S3 licensed
I turn things ...

How would it be when demo guys can join all just for 2 months
S3 licensed
Don't think I will be able to participate in 2018 season... Darn my timezone (GMT +8)... Races at 4am + in my time, plus college in morning, don't think I can make it..

Race would have to be at at least 1700 or 1800 UTC Shrug

Pity, pumped for the season after no-practice 2nd place in SRT SO2 last week...
will even be getting wheel this month Frown