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S3 licensed
The cars are beautiful Thumbs up

I read 3000km of roads ? wow ... that is some job to do !!
Blackwood Reverse- XR GT Turbo.My best race ...
S3 licensed
It's a 1 player mode race that I quite like ...

S3 licensed
Since the subject arose ... ... is there still a way to add 32 cars?
I read in the forum that could be done before, but I never got it.
...I play only in 1 player mode ...
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.6.0
S3 licensed

Hello Lapperusers.

We are proud to present to you a new version of LFSLapper: V7.0.6.0

Many thanks to LakynVonLegendaus for helping me with updating this addon.

See the changelog below for the changes/fixes and ofcourse the new stuff.

NOTE:If you want some "LapperScript" example codes about one of the changes below. Request it in this topic.

|Changes from to |
1: New LapperFunction: CreateDirectory();
$Source = "C:\Users\Danny\Desktop";
$Name = "TestDir";

2: New LapperFunction: DeleteDirectory();
$Source = "C:\Users\Danny\Desktop";
$Name = "TestDir";

3: New LapperFunction: DirectoryExist();
$Source = "C:\Users\Danny\Desktop";
$Name = "TestDir";
IF (DirectoryExist($Source,$Name) == 1) THEN
privmsg("Directory Exist!");
privmsg("Directory does not Exist!");

#New Math Functions:
4: New lapperfunction: Cos(); #Calculate Cos
5: New lapperfunction: Sin();
6: New lapperfunction: Tan();
$cos = Cos(66);
$sin = Sin(66);

$angle = 30;
$Pi = 3.14;
$Radians = $angle * ($Pi/180);
$tan = Tan($Radians);

privMsg("Cos: " . $cos);
privMsg("Sin: " . $sin);
privMsg("Tan: " . $tan);

7: New debugoptions in LFSLapper.LPR # Will be displayed in you lapper console.
-$DisplayGetPlayerVar = 0; #Display GetPlayerVars
-$DisplaySetPlayerVar = 0; #Display SetPlayerVars
-$DisplayLapperVar = 0; #Display LapperVars
-$DisplayLapperFunction = 0; #Display LapperFunctions

8: New LapperFunction: GetLytSelection(); # Request info about objects selected in layout editor - response is seen in OnObjectInfo event with $Action 5

9: New LapperFunction: SetLytSelection(); #Place objects to clipboard or select them.
CASE "!setsel":
# X:Y:Z:Flag:Index:Heading,X:Y:Z:Flag:Index:Heading,...
$obj_L = "-244.25:-1282.62:17:1:178:0,-244.25:-1282:16.75:229:178:0";
$obj_A = "-244.25:-1281.88:16.5:33:178:-180,-244.25:-1281.56:17:9:178:0,-244.25:-1281.25:16.5:33:178:0";
$obj_PP = "-244.25:-1280.12:16.5:1:178:0,-244.25:-1279.88:17:25:178:0,-244.25:-1280.69:17:25:178:0,-244.25:-1280.94:16.5:1:178:0";
$obj_E = "-244.25:-1279.19:16.75:1:178:0,-244.25:-1278.69:17:225:178:0,-244.25:-1278.62:16.5:225:178:0,-244.25:-1278.69:17.5:245:178:0";
$obj_R = "-244.25:-1278.44:16.5:1:178:0,-244.25:-1278.19:17:25:178:-180,-244.25:-1277.88:16.5:65:178:0";

$objects = $obj_L.",".$obj_A.",".$obj_PP.",".$obj_E.",".$obj_R;
$PMOFlag = 0; # PMOFlag 0 -> clipboard selection, PMOFlag 4 -> select placed objects
1: GetListOfLayout(); will display all the layouts instead of only the layouts of the current track
2: Soundoption for globalmsg(); / privmsg();
NOTE: is compatible with older scripts.

0 = No Sound
1 = Message Sound
2 = SystemMessage Sound
3 = InvalidKey Sound
4 = ERROR Sound
5 = NUM Sound

-Possible options for globalmsg() :
-Possible options for privmsg() :

3: X and Y playervars now returns Floating values: -123.45 instead of rounded -123
4: JoinRequest(); allows now floating X and Y values. See the line above.
5: RegisterZoneAction() allows floating X and Y values.
6: Event OnObjectInfo() New way for displaying Object info. See Code Example in LFSLapper.LPR

Old: OnObjectInfo($userName,$NumO,$Action,$X,$Y,$Z,$Flags,$Type,$InDex,$Heading)
New: OnObjectInfo($userName,$NumO,$Action,$ObjectsInfo)

1: Lappercrash when a non existing folder is added in addonused.lpr Include().
2: Path of several script in addonsused.lpr were wrong.
3: PlayerVars couldnt be used in OnDisconnect Player event.
4: Japanese Charbug
5: HTTP(); A Host or other invalid player couldnt send a webrequest.
6: Connectioninfo(); Must to execute this function twice after reloading lapper to set the playervars ( language,IP)
7: Lappercrash when a $var is placed outside a sub or (Catch)event
8: NON-admins couldnt add/remove objects since the last LFS Version
9: Typo in hardcoded objectslist.
10: Event OnObjectInfo didnt displayed floating values.
11: AddObject()/RemoveObject() doesnt work when input values have 1 digit behind the comma. (XX,5 instead of XX,50)
12: GetLapperVar("RaceTime") could increase CPU usage when use it in a loop.
1: AFK/IDLE Timer playervar ( randomly stopped working)

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AfterAll14 :Also when driving in cockpit mode camera is shaking too much. That doesn't help at all to control the car given limited field of fiew. I didn't try advanced camera options yet so maybe it can be fixed.

If you do not like the default camera settings then why do you not change the settings?
If you have problems to figure out the options then just ASK, instead of wording it like a "review"...
S3 licensed
Of course it would be awsome, but doing trailers and other media stuffs are time consumming ... so it is more difficult for the few people doing LFS to do these ...
S3 licensed
Try hitting Shift+F to hide all HUD and overlays ... if that's what you mean and want to do.
PsYyCo C
Demo licensed
haha getting me so amped up for this , I LOVE IT and thank for your interests really means a lot ... Big grin

I will definitely make Those changes Requested Wink

and I was thinking of making the event a month later then the date i put on,hope its not going to discourage Racers,Just want it perfect and so that its an event never to be forgotten. Uhmm
S3 licensed
did not succeed aswell Frown . Even tried with internet exlorer, ctrl+F5 ...
S2 licensed
Quote from sti228 :Hello. I'm pretty sure lot of people who use mouse don't know about this. In this way you can set up mouse in game like a steering wheel. So after this you can use clutch for mouse. Here is files and explanation how to do all this. Hope this will help Smile

P. S. Read Readme.txt file Smile

Throttle = W
Brake = S
Clutch = C
Handbrake = Space
Shift up = Shift
Shift down = Ctrl
Headlights = L
Glance left = Q
Glance right = E
Glance back = B
Change camera = V
Horn = H

Download links:
Assetto Corsa-Mouse Control - Windows 10 by sti228
Assetto Corsa - Mouse control Clutch Ver 3 by sti228

You can find my vJoy basic script on AC forum and elsewhere but most of the time anything related to AC hates everyone that creates something for AC that is too much for common people's brain, such as programming anything, modding, etc. always thinking it's cheating and so they delete it.
With AC making mods and being on AC forum = ban for almost everyone I know that does mods, because Kunos hates modders literally, making insults in PMs as seen here in this thread reported before but also even in public threads, then going and deleting any evidence, no reasons given for forum bans, nothing, they simply kill the modding community when ever they can. Most of the issues I've seen reported for AC by others and me... yeah guess what... first they deny it so that they please their sheeple followers, then next month they start silently rolling out patches to fix the bugs LOL.

The only thing that keeps AC alive is modding as it still lacks even basic features LFS has had for ages now, such as a sensible launcher+game executables, spectating, driver swapping, online web statistics, ...
Yet, Kunos tries it's best to kill modding for AC when they can.

In the PIE, FreePIE, vJoy, PPjoy thread on AC forum you should find my explanation of all the rubbish Kunos did when it comes to native mouse and keys support implemented in AC, it's freakin' unusable thanks to their enforced helpers that you cannot disable anywhere in any GUI or file, it's hardcoded in the executables for mouse+keys input, I also suspect some or similar helpers are hardcoded for xbox/gamepad input, hence why I call AC an Arcade Corsa often because LFS didn't have any of these rubbish helpers enforced, they could be disabled/enabled as desired and able to be detected by servers to kick anyone trying to use them even.

You have to use an external mouse + keys implementation if you want to have any decent driving with mouse and keys in AC, define it as normal wheel+pedals+H-shifter in AC so that all the crappy enforced helpers get disabled, they even force some on if you don't define clutch or H-shifter, you literally have to define it all to get rid of them. I even have handbrake defined as an axis not a button just to be sure there is not some crappy helper hidden. Because once you're doing all the work to get working right you might as well do it all.

Kunos didn't want to remove or allow these hidden helpers to be toggled on/off by users and AC forum fanatics only get royally pissed off when someone shows them the bugs and issues in their favorite Arcade.

There is also probably in this very thread or elsewhere on LFS forum a script from, I believe, Skagen that you can also use as a starting point. Yeah Skagen, here is the file name if you want to search for it: It's also for FreePIE as mine and I used these existing old scripts often made for rF as a learning point to see what I need to define for FreePIE to work.

Best advice I can give to anyone about AC: If you have anything to say about AC that isn't fanatical positive mindless praise, then avoid AC forum as all that will happen is eventually one of the developers or mods will ban you and yes their fanatics and developers also monitor other popular websites related to AC such as RaceDepartment, so beware even elsewhere what you write that could somehow trip off their fanatics.

As much as I like AC for it's modding and some positive differences from LFS, the lack of features, developers/money-grabbing/am-gonna-ban-ya-all-just-because-I-can/god-syndrome and poor community is it's biggest weakness.

You know I haven't spared LFS my criticism either over the years on it's multiple forums, yet never had any issues with the devs or community. AC it's different in that regard.

I'm not too optimistic about ACC, I think it's a money grab so they can keep the machine churning. Which I understand but then why not make something worthwhile. So far it looks as a no modding GT3 only copied AC reskinned with UE graphics and probably an online server ranking, no custom servers I think. Aka $racing made in Italy.
Last edited by JackCY, .
S3 licensed
This is great how the shadows are set everywhere Thumbs up ... looks like the position of sun all around the day is to come in the future Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Side-by-side comparison for those interested:

Thank you for this link !!!

Brilliant guys !! Sounds there has been lots of works !!! It just looks so much better ... and Westhill is already wonderful ! Uh-hu
S2 licensed
After reading about dampers and studying damper dyno sheets, and years of playing LFS, I realize where the XRT (and others) has/have let me down. The dampers are too soft to dampen driver inputs, or too stiff to absorb bumps. A well-tuned damper curve gives good damping at low shaft velocities, typically caused by driver inputs or gradual inclination changes. The curve tapers to a much shallower increase of n/s/mm, usually around 10 to 30 mm/s, giving stiffness equivalent to a much lower setting on a linear damper during for high shaft velocites, which are seen when running over curbs, abrupt surface inperfections, etc.

Offroaders are familiar with them as bypass dampers (in extreme applications, multi-bypass;position-dependent, staged circuits). They are common in mountain bike dampers, seen with dual compression adjustments. This is not a gimmick; I have a Manitou Mattoc fork with an adjustable bypass on top of the compression knob. To say the difference over the Rockshox forks I've had before is night-and-day would be an understatement.


Scawen? Are LFS dampers linear?

Do I need to buy LFS again with a less abrasive name for anyone to take me seriously?
Last edited by mosquitohater93, .
Could not connect to skin server. Your skin has not been uploaded. [SOLVED]
S3 licensed
Could not connect to skin server. Your skin has not been uploaded. Wut? Uh-hu

Аfter changing the name because I think it's too long, I still can not upload the skin.
"XRT_greenbluec.jpg - uploading ..." and nothing happen. Shrug
Last edited by valiugera, .
S3 licensed
Thanks for the update ...

There's a complaint. This update is constantly coming into the loop and it continues as if there is not always the same change or addition.

1.Map insertion feature may come up. I do not speak as a layout.
2.New blank car slots can be added.
3.Servers can be played by adding their own special vehicles, adjusting the power of the engine etc. and sharing them with the users in separate packages.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...
A couple of weeks after the release of this full version, we plan to show some images of the new track updates Eric has been working on using the new graphics system which supports specular lighting and a new shadow system.

We are in the timeframe ! let the speculation begins !!! Will we have some images of a new track (Ya right) or updated old tracks ? (I would feel painful for Eric if he had to update manually hundreds of objects on 'old' tracks ... not that I think he would have 'Westhilled' the 4 remaining tracks anyway) or if we can see some Blackwood updates (there some crazy straights not available directly in the open config mode) ...
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Combo will stay until next RTFR race (scheduled for 5th june) will be set up.

... and contact Dr. Emmet Brown for renting the Delorean to get you there Wink
S3 licensed
Same here for yesterday ... weird ... not possible to do F5ing ... Wink
Drift ACE
S3 licensed
hi , i am glad of the new editor functions TY ! but the page-up/page-down for height is odd , before i didint need to leave the mouse to go push those bottons , the height was good in the right menu along with the pitch and positions x-y ... also glowing outline on parts make it difficult for placement , pressing shift every time is kind of annoying , maybe just make the part glow but not underground or behind unselected object ?

control shift to see the object , move it and rotate it dosent really work when you only want to replace its position , why cant we always see and move the selected object weather we paste new one or changing its position just like before ?
Last edited by Drift ACE, .
S3 licensed
I saw the Singapore flag Wink , far from France man !
And yes, I still run LFS time to time and now I felt ridiculous against the AI (I take slower cars than them, but anyway Big grin ) ... but it is still really a masterpiece in many ways Thumbs up . Enjoy LFS and the other sim available now ^^
S3 licensed
I think ACC is to only provide GT3 cars, so not even GT2 ...
AC is great, but is clearly disturbing me aswell on many aspects ... This is why I am still and will remain focused on LFS : developers may not be very quick to provide plenty of things compared to some other game companies, but in the end you get something at a very high quality level, speaking about how are implemented all the features. And this is priceless (and even cheaper than other simulations)
S3 licensed
Nice to see that LFS is still alive.
I plan to try it again this WE with VR and DD Wheel.
15 years of LFS right?... oO"
Hm yeah, the problem is that we've locked down the server the relay ran on. Port 47474 is open for the outside to connect to, but the relay is not allowed to make outgoing connections to random ports (the hosts). This is due to us locking traffic down upstream, on a switch and not a firewall. And the switch isn't stateful, so it's not capable of discerning between incoming and outgoing connections / traffic.
Because of that, I've moved the relay to another server with some more networking freedom. The relay is now connecting to all hosts again and you can use it if you connect [your app] to .
BUT this brings another problem ... the LFS Remote apparently was coded to connect to "" and not "". So now it's trying to connect to the wrong thing. On top of that I seem to have displaced the source code for the LFS Remote ... so now there is no way of fixing it.
Sooooo ... I guess the need for a HTML5 remote is really there now.
Unfortunately that's not a quick solution, but one that can be realised if I can find some free time (or maybe it can be a community effort? I've no problems making it an open source project ... it'll be javascript anyway, so it's open by default Smile )
Last edited by Victor, .
S3 licensed
Quote :We plan to release version 0.6S this weekend.

I am surprised S letter is chosen : upcoming test patches will be called 0.6S1, 0.6S2 ... I fear a great confusion in the mind of some people to come Na-na
S3 licensed
indeed, I was trying to figure out what to use for the first meters by checking with the force/suspension view, but ... it was madness to understand what to use as values are changing frenzy ^^