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Extended functionality of for administrators
S3 licensed

I am a big fan of the league functionalities on However there are a few improvement suggestions I came across this past weekend:
  1. Dropdown menu for car choice: Currently the car choice can only be done by the competitor via typing the cars name/abbreviation into a text field. Meanwhile the calendar already asks you for the cars used in this event. Maybe there can be a dropdown menu for the available cars a potential competitor can choose an option from, if it is a season sign-up and if all rounds uses the same cars.
  2. Export function: Depending on what type of league you are running, you are using different amounts of external software (tracker, results applications, ...). Especially some software to analyse mprs needs team definitions in endurance races to properly generate their outputs. Currently, the entries on the leagues' section need to be copied and pasted, with a good chance to make mistakes or to have outdated entry informations, especially when facing a defined deadline. A simple export function (i.e. csv-file) would improve the data transfer massively.
  3. Password sharing/Message all competitors: A similar situation appears in regards to the distribution of information to competitors, especially the distribution of the event server password. I could think of a partially automated process as we alraedy have the option to join servers by using a hyperlink. Alternatively a "message all entries" function could work for this process as well.
  4. Result archive: Currently the event passes and appears as completed event in the carlendar. Meanwhile there is already a online race results archive on To give more value to the leagues' section, linking the race dates to the results would come in handy.
best regards!
Last edited by TFalke55, .
S3 licensed
strange requests these days from people just registered asking for something available directly into the install files of LFS ... requesting emails ...
Big Eye
S3 licensed
Although if you are considering renting iRacing for longer periods of time, you can just buy LFS S3 to have it around in case you are curious, because it's total bargain compared to iRacing costs (which is total bargain compared to real world racing ... my sore back is reminding me I shouldn't do go-kart races without proper practice after 6 months of pause) Smile Wink
S3 licensed
finally, i think 45sec is a sufficient penalty, due to additional lost time in crash ..
i rule like that for the incoming enduro
thanks for your thoughts Wink

no, it's not enough ... see message below
Last edited by Tomfuel, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Botswanan Salama :...
troy, nikopdr, yorap... all of them benefit from using manual clutch to my understanding. It depends a lot on the car/track combination of course.

I was doing some testing of UFR and FZR with a manual clutch pedal => this is crazy ! Heel and toe, no left-foot braking in entrance, time lost when switching from gaz to brake, no way to be very competitive regarding the level of quicker guys. This why seeing people using this BC is clearly insane to me when you know how hard it is for those who are fast and willing to be purist !

Quote from Racon :...
PS: I know you said that point was controversial, but the auto-clutch discussion ends before it even starts when real-life paddle-shifters are auto-clutch, doesn't it?

This when you have a car with it ... our current road cars are not really fitting this !
more penalties on car reset
S3 licensed
i plan an enduro race and i use the carreset penalties, but i think car reset is not enough rude for en enduro race

only 1 car reset is allowed on the race, so drivers must try to join their pit by any possible before use it

consider the fact a car reset give you brand new tyres and repair damage, i need to give more than a Stop & Go
i consider SG + 45sec is more realist for a race

because, i do not want foxy drivers who calculate that a Stop&Go is very shorter in time than a tyres change or repair and so Carreset will be used like a rule-hacking ...

so i have that in Lapper.lpr : (V6)
Quote :Sub ApplyCarResetPenalty( $userName )
IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "LapsDone" ) > 0 )
IF( getLapperVar( "RaceLapsLeft" ) <= 1 )
cmdLFS( "/p_30 " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "UserName" ) );
cmdLFS( "/p_sg " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "UserName" ) );

and these lines in V7 :
Quote :Sub ApplyCarResetPenalty( $userName )
IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "LapsDone" ) > 0 )
IF( getLapperVar( "RaceLapsLeft" ) <= 1 )
cmdLFS( "/p_30 " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "UserName" ) );
cmdLFS( "/p_dt " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "UserName" ) );
IF( getLapperVar( "RaceLapsLeft" ) > 1 )
cmdLFS( "/p_sg " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "UserName" ) );

how to give SG + 45sec please ? Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :Lol

Now the "funny" part about this is, that the track is illegal in AC even if it was remodelled from scratch (and not extracted from LFS data files), because LFS devs allowed only blackwood to be recreated...

So this is excellent example of copyright owners breach and "ignorance" on the side of the modder?

I have difficult time to form my opinion about this, because I really like the modders hard work, and also I kinda like if somebody reproduces whole track on his own (although this looks like data extracted from LFS, which is kinda lame, but some work was put into it)...

But IMO people should pay more attention to the license terms of content, and start picking more content of authors who have more permissive license and give you liberty to do more fun stuff with it.

Because from the SW world I can actually see like some people not only don't prefer the more free licenses, but actually shit-talk the SW and push for the commercial SW with closed license.

Then again I guess it is lot more difficult for 3D artist to get actually some money from somewhere and also to release their models under some more-free license for reasonable price, I don't think you can create whole new own track for AC and put it on sale for $10 and expect enough users to buy it to cover your work-time, even if you would sell it with some kind of nice license allowing the users for further modding/exports.

I just don't see how that could work, especially now with people being pretty much ignorant about author's license and not realizing the extra value of the more permissive licenses.

(edit: this is commenting in general way, LFS is not free license either, it's very decent license in commercial world with life-time way, but it's still very limiting license like most of the closed-source SW, which makes all of the hard work of Scawen kinda wasted with regard to long term future, I find that somewhat sad, but then again, it's full right of Scawen to decide what he wants to do with his own work)
Last edited by Ped7g, .
Changes to AU1 Autocross area
S3 licensed
As existing tracks are in process of being updated, maybe also update the original AU1 Autocross area?

As has been asked for before, and maybe fairly simple to do, widen the existing AU1 car park area, so that it's at least twice as wide ...

I don't suppose its as easy as cut and paste like I did, but ...!

When trying to do scale model of a real track, the length is ok, but width is far too narrow.

Dim down the painted lines (white, yellow and red) on the light grey car park. Make them look much more worn out. This is because they're so bright they can look like the lines you can place from the AutoX editor.

Also. The track is off the cardinal points by half a degree or so - can this be fixed? It's annoyed me for years when I've been putting walls and lines down at zero or 90 deg, and they don't exactly follow the track.

And. Can track be raised to at least Z = 0.5 or 1. This is to allow partial submerging of objects, which can't be done at moment as Z zero is ground level.

Maybe join existing large car park to small car park (at bottom of image). This area is an invalid position if you want to build bridge over the fence and place pit boxes here.

Not in above image, but to right of blue tent and the 4 trucks is another small track area. It has bit of a go-kart track built. Could this be utilised too? Would be great place to site a disused, slightly crumbling, overgrown, highly banked oval. Like the Autodrom Sitges Terramar oval?
S3 licensed
I agree, 100%.
The clutch thing is just insane. For those who are saying that BC is normal, go and drive in LFS using your left foot for clutch as in a classic car, you will see why normal minded people see this as cheating (in the end, even autoclutch can be considered as cheating ...).
ABS stuff is linked to how the tires behave curently with too much grip under most circunmstances + a setting that should either make the wheels to lock a little like older cars may still have (or like modern cars where ABS is killing a bit your braking distance by being a bit too sensitive on many brands).
One note regarding hotlaps : I am quite fine with teleportation unless there is a system that automatically drive the car at the right speed on the right line. Setting the tire temperature at 1°c is maybe not realistic, but it avoids to see the guy drifitng stupidely the car at the begining => waste of time, kB and time !
Handbrake ... no word Big grin Face -> palm
Last edited by Flotch, .
S3 licensed
Quote from lucaf :Haha, you may win it yourself

I think I did. I will think so at least until 2032 ... (hopefully the new graphics for LFS will be released by then already).

Oh well, I didn't want to win this one... :/
S3 licensed
I think VOB mods are positive, you can make amazing cars for example updating BF1 already with Halo etc ...
As long as it is well used I think that would be quite interesting
S3 licensed
thanks for your fast answer Sinanju but unfortunaly, no lines as you wrote are in the racecontrol.lpr

i find line little similar :
Quote :Sub GoRCMglobal( $Admin Message,$text )
closePrivButton ("rcm_instruct&rcm_privmsginst&rcm_closeinstruct&rcm_teammsginst&rcm_queryback&rcm_priv&rcm_closercm&rcm_global");
GlobalRcm( "^1Admin: ^6" . $text );

Sub DoRCcloseinstruct( $KeyFlags,$id )
closePrivButton ("rcm_instruct&rcm_privmsginst&rcm_closeinstruct&rcm_teammsginst&rcm_queryback&rcm_priv&rcm_closercm&rcm_global");

Sub DoRCsmess1( $KeyFlags,$id )
$Host = getLapperVar( "HostName" );
closePrivButton ("rcm_queryback&rcm_instruct&rcm_closeinstruct&rcm_privmsginst&rcm_teammsginst");
openPrivButton( "rcm_smess",30,38,140,16,1,5,0, langEngine( "%{rcm_smess1}%"),$Host);

Sub DoRCsmess2( $KeyFlags,$id )
closePrivButton ("rcm_queryback&rcm_instruct&rcm_closeinstruct&rcm_privmsginst&rcm_teammsginst");
globalRcm( langEngine( "%{rcm_smess2}%" ));

do you think it's line in Bold wich is concerned for duration ? i see the "5seconds" you was talk about ...
S3 licensed
Quote from MaartenB :Would be nice if it was stated on the front page that there is no vr support (yet). By reading your sarcasm, vr is probably not gonna be here in the foreseeable future. Thanks for the info.

LFS was very early adopter of VR support and it was breaking limits in many aspects, pioneering the UI, real mirrors, etc... Calling this "no vr support" feels to me just like straight insult to the developers (who already got their flak back then, because people were like "Yo Scawen, wasting time with VR instead of tire physics, aren't ya?!", so now you come from the opposite side Big grin ).

Unfortunately LFS got to its limit of "quick returns" because its physics simulation works at 100Hz, basically the only frequency which is not friendly to VR displays. It's a known issue and Scawen is aware of that and stated he will tackle it... at some appropriate time. (this is not an easy issue to fix, basically he has to either rewrite physics engine.. something being considered also due to other reasons, not just VR... or adding interpolation layer between physics and graphics to smooth the transition between positions ... either way we are talking rather about weeks/months of work than hours/days)

While other sims added VR support too and eventually made changes to surpass LFS in some areas.

So if you are coming *now*, your perception may be skewed and think the others are ahead... but it was for long time other sims just catching up to the level of VR support in LFS.
Last edited by Ped7g, .
S3 licensed
relax ,, SIR ISAAC NEWTON revolves around its axis.
LFS needs its own original compatible ISO standard for destruction, sound and physics ...

Everything else must be provided create by the user for his safety.
update system for share setup ... create some now, some easy ,, OGIGINAL LFS Light diode model.. litle change color ... HaHaHaHa i playing in windows10 night mode(break law ?) . i love this color in lfs .. 15%night mode only + - ...

race way is hard ,, not posible full free for all ..
Last edited by WestlY, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Vilix :As you said I'm not a complete expert on LFS, but from a casual players perspective this is my opinion.

What do you mean with that? That hundreds of route variants and vehicles are required for a simulation to be good?

I like LFS as it is and how it "feels". Of course, I would also prefer some variety in terms of new routes and vehicles ... but the older you get, the more patient you will be, or you just get different priorities. :-)

I also have other racing sims like AC, PC and AM. But I hardly played them in comparison because they hadn't convinced me; because they have too high hardware requirements (which I could not always understand), they were too unstable or they had complicated / cumbersome menu navigation.

I can't judge whether mods make a sim better. I never used mods for any racing simulation. However, it can certainly keep (old) racing sims alive longer.
S3 licensed
Quote from karamurat1004 :I was waiting for the May progress report, it's been a long time, I hope we can hear new news.

Last big update of South City or Kyoto have taken at least 3 months before we can have a look ... Fern Bay is requiring maybe lots of time aswell (I would bet on more ...) due to its 'level' ... so before end of June would have been very optimistic simply based on what we have seen through progress reports ! But anyway, surprises are always welcome !
S3 licensed
Quote from kart-36 :

I'm mainly annoyed that you tried to justify and relate your blocking by accusing my driving of being unnecessary; what do you know to judge?

"You’re defending for your life whilst in 7th place with a faster car behind(...)", "If you didn’t defend in the same manor as I did 2 laps prior I would have let it slide.". "(...) just that if you want to move about etc then I’ll do the same."

That put me off because no where did I do "defending in the same manner" as you. And then now you're trying to change the topic and make me look stupid for bringing up something you apparently didn't.

Snippet of the blocking (baring in mind you already weaved right in front of my nose twice prior,)
I don't know. What does everyone else think? Lol

And I find it funny you need to actually attempt to defend yourself with "good job you did back out of the move that was never going to happen(...)". You okay mate? I was getting a slingshot out of Turn 12 and you started blocking. Do I need to remind you to only move once? Maybe if you did only move once then the move I planned into T13 would have happened. But we know how that all went.

I was just expecting a casual sorry for what was a really dumb move I would have let it slide by now. The fact that you made contact out of T11 (which in itself already gave me a shock because you had so much space inside) and then proceeded to block the hell out of me was just very irritating, plus the fact you haven't admitted your wrongdoing.

Perhaps it was because I was trying to both defend as well as not make a repeat of Westhill where I ended up back in 16th (not that it mattered, yes, I flat spotted the rear tires after spinning out on Piropo's out of control car, that's why I didn't make the no-stop work).

Whatever, let's just move on. Not that anyone likes a mid pack driver who defends hard and fair anyway.
And yes, thanks for the battle while it lasted, I enjoyed it a lot actually
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
yes, but Scawen is "making profit of it" if you bend the legal logic enough.

Let's say user X does posts excellent mod of "the car" (created by Y for game Z, not allowing usage elsewhere!). Where did X post it? At official LFS forum (!), belongs to Scawen (!). "the car" attracts new buyers of LFS and makes profit for Scawen.

I.e. the whole new official forum section is designed to attract new LFS customers (people looking for mods), trying to increase LFS profits.

Would be probably lot of fun at the trial to prove that "the car" mod did attract new customers and there was thus damage to Y happening, but you don't want to get that far if you are small independent developer (to go into the actual trial and prove there was no profit on LFS side).

Now if "the car" is posted somewhere on shady forum not connected to LFS team in any way, what can they do about it? Sadly nothing, they may be not even aware of "the car" mod existence and the bump in the licenses sold will be a mystery for them. I.e. it's not Scawen exploiting the work of Y, but the X stealing his work.

And it doesn't matter whether X does make "profit" out of it, he's doing at least damage to Y (maybe Y created the model as exclusive work for game Z and has to pay hefty penalty fine to them if the model appears in different game).

The "not for profit" sounds a bit like "abandonware" ... not a legal term.
Westhill Fore feedback input
S2 licensed

I have tried searching this topic but haven't come across any. I use a fanatec clubsport wheel and have noticed that the force feedback on bumps and track surfaces is very good in Blackwood but in Westhill I don't get any road feedback on most parts of the track (including curbs)... is this normal? I have tried beta 0.6U11 as well. Thank you.
S3 licensed
a friend team has a fully fonctionnal server in RS with
i want the same ...

RS does not want to change if i can't provide them a download link
S3 licensed
Quote from :well.. there are 3 times the amount of Brazilians comparing to the UK population. ****ed around pretty well, tripling the population since 1960. Add to the fact that english is a top ranked international language but still ignored as a language by about 75% of the world population and the LFS main website/shop is only in English.. Then I am not surprised at all. Most people simply don't know better because they aren't provided with correct information in their own language.

What surprises me is that people are surprised in 2020 while there was a lengthy discussion about it in 2016 and even much earlier where I addressed this Youtube problem already multiple times (this is just one referral; funny enough its about exactly the same crack group).

There seems to be no interest to do something about it, even a kid could do what I did with Youtube and it's not much effort at all. But eehh ye..

I guess its part of the whole LFS experience, yearly or semi yearly recurring discussions about exactly the same issues with extremely limited progress (not talking about LFS development in particular but rather the whole scene in general).

Makes Sense ... Big grin contradicting itself, virtually every foreign person i know from LFS right through to working with or alongside speaks english, reading sometimes may be a little more difficult for some but not greatly
i have no idea what is going on
S1 licensed
lfs.exe has stopped working

mostly its random ... sometimes i can play 2 Minutes and sometimes 10 minutes ...

i never had this problem before

btw this is happening only on online servers when im with bots everything is fine
S3 licensed
Quote from cuprum :Eric Scwaen too lazy

No, the others are too lazy ... to continue expanding their products.

The other sell Dlc before the simulation works properly. I only need
one car and one Track if the physics and the force feedback are great. Hundreds of cars and hundreds of tracks only obscure that the simulation from the base is not interesting enough. Uhmm
S3 licensed
"Life" for Speed

Other simulations come and go every few years. They have great graphics and sound and are even fun ...

They are perfect .... To fill the waiting time between the LFS patches ..... Nothing more Big grin
S3 licensed
Sorry for the thread rebump but I need to say what I feel.

I was a very active user since 2004 until 2009, running in leagues and that kind of stuff. But I had to leave sims for personal reasons.
Some weeks ago I came back, and I have a high-end PC so could try many other sims (very popular ones).
AC frustrated me because of the technical aspects: it's not polished and I ran into several bugs and user interface situations. And the performance was subpar even using my GeForce 1080 Ti.

And this didn't happen with LFS. It's so polished that I never had a technical problem with it. It loads fast, runs at 60fps even with my IGP (I use that one to avoid the fans noise).
Do I need to create a server? I can do it without leaving the game, in 3 clicks.
Do I have 5 minutes? No problem, since I click on the icon until I'm inside the car is a matter of 15 seconds.
And I bought the S3. Because I saw SO MANY CHANGES and updates that I felt it was a totally new game: new tracks and variants, finally two karting tracks, open maps with lots of streets and buildings, ... AMAZING.
And turns out that my son wanted to try so I bought him the S2 and I got a new wheel, just for LFS.

So yes, LFS doesn't have new cars. Who wouldn't love that?
No weather change, no day change, no new tyres physics ... but it's still the sim of my life. I didn't buy S3 because of the contents (I don't race for now in Rockingham) but as an appreciation to the content that I enjoy and didn't have to pay for.

I can't wait for the updates, Scavier, but I'll wait while racing Smile
Thanks for everything.