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S3 licensed
Hope your hand was able to recover from what ever happened among all that skinning. It's not exactly difficult, just a whole lot of an awful pile of work to do this skin... you must be really dedicated to LFS having kept doing it.

By the way people don't freak out, the design is not his.
S3 licensed
Quote from JDMx :where can i find this skin !

It won't suit the XRG anyways...
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :I expected this. Deleted...

Thank you.
S3 licensed
That was not a funny picture, please delete your post. Otherwise people will start an endless discussion about how wrong it is.
S3 licensed
I can't understand your taste really...

The whole back just looks so good, everything is kept subtle and stylish. Now the front hit my eye like a basketball on the nose. The sleepy face, out of contrast pseudo clean grille and most of all the very ugly spoiler lips all sum up in me looking like this:

S3 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :As posted, it's VERY annoying driving on the highway behind a jerk with 10 cm snow on the roof. Suddenly, it will all fall off his roof and onto your windshield.
At those speeds it can hit your windshield even if you keep 4-5 cars distance.

Don't know the speed limits you have to obey on your highways, but 4-5 car lengths in distance is just enough to drive through the city...
S3 licensed
Castrol belongs to BP, so that doesn't make sense. Otherwise there are threads for finished skins.
S3 licensed
How about you ask your "brother" since he has "done" much harder skins?
Last edited by 5tag, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :

got 50% off from logitech cause my g25 is out of warranty and not working

My G25 was malfunctioning but all they could come up with for warranty was to give me a G27... took the cash instead because I didn't want to miss the sequential shift option. Originally I also bought an insurance they offered me to make the warranty last two years longer than usual. Without this it would not have been possible to simply get the cash back.

All in all I paid 40 EUR for 1,5 years of driving a new G25... pretty nice.^^
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :A logo for a fictive company called ArFian.

Looks really bad, it reads like:



oh, and what's this? *looking closer* Ah! An 'F'... Arian F? What does that stand for?"
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Both will blow up in a few hundred miles, what some years and get a proper bike

Two stroke bikes can't be handled like four strokers... and if you blow up one, my guess is that it will mostly be your own fault.
S3 licensed
Quote from speedway :ORLY?


Of course they are seen numerous as tiny little spider babies, I was talking of full grown spiders like in the questionable picture.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :It's holy god DAJMN!

For those who don't know, it's hazelnut crocant wrapped in milk chocolate, pretty much the same as Merci crocant:
S3 licensed
I very much doubt it's not "shopped" because from what I'm used to, spiders and their likes won't do such stupid things as to come together in a huge number.
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :shame there's no light coming from the headlights. that's what LFS should look like if everyone gets their wish.

Good luck blaming JO53PHS, haven't seen him around a while here.
S3 licensed
FireMike15, Martin Deutschland and jrd.racer: Thank you. ^^
S3 licensed
Finally a fun little topic we have here again! :] Let's see if I can manage to have an entry by the end.^^
S3 licensed
Please note I do not want to harm the copyrights of Mercedes Benz or AMG, one of which probably owns the original image I used.
It's also in the attachments, just click the previews.

PS.: If you want to get this skin I used, have a look here.

Edit: I added an alternative version.
Last edited by 5tag, .
S3 licensed
Wow, what a shame it is that the new voting system will be gone again.

And by the way I don't see a video competition working out really.
S3 licensed
Quote from n3cr0x :Ive created an edit of a moving car, can i have some suggestions please, thanks
Large/Fullsized + angled/tilted

I attached some advice, hope it helps. Overall your picture does look pretty nice, just wanted to point out some details.

And *lol* @ all the passengers.^^
S3 licensed
Quote from Rudy van Buren :Its about time that u enter with a pic 5tag instead of telling people what there doing wrong

I planned to do so this round.

Quote from Taavi(EST) :lol, i have nothing to say... I never claimed i have high standards. What makes you think i have standards at all? I have other stuff to do as well, i have never concentrated all my energy on a lfs screenshot edit.

I have no idea... I just think your edits always looked good and well thought through. This now doesn't.
S3 licensed
Quote from Taavi(EST) :Thought I'd enter.

Final Entry


What's wrong with you? That edit is I believe below your own standards.
The road and background are blurred but the wheel is not. If the wheel is meant to be locked the glow doesn't make much sense (you don't likely lock up if you didn't fifty metres before). Also the rear brake should glow a tiny bit (brake bias is not 80% at the front, is it?). The way headlights illuminate the ground even behind the front end of the actual body of the car does also make no much sense. The brake lights seem too bright for me from that angle and the way sparks go through the air looks too simple.
S3 licensed
Quote from Elementary :Hello,

I doesn't own S2, so can I use required cars from CMX viewer? for contest purposes of course.

Yes you are of course allowed to do that.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Does anybody else think that this is probably the worst round since the competition started?

I'll put it that way: I won't vote at all because it would be counted a 'sabotage' vote anyways.
S3 licensed
You have to admit the biggest steps in sim racing (that means physics wise mostly) were done by Papyrus and their NASCAR titles, not to forget GPL of course!

But I guess LFS comes right after. For example look at the sound. Sound in a sim racing is important for knowing in which state the car is by any means. LFS generates sound itself in a way, other simulations used and still use samples. Driving with these synthetic sounds feels much more direct and realistic, though of course the sound generation is not perfect yet.
Also the tyre model is pretty unique. The way tyre flex is simulated and that it's even visible is a very big step in physics development I think, although it turned out the model is a bit faulty and has to be looked into now again.

You see these things aren't perfectly put into practice but the ideas generally speaking are great. And that the physics are written by only one person really is a big achievement!
So being honest you have to give huge credits. :thumb3d:

If only they would tell us something about if/how it all is progressing.