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S2 licensed
Quote from :2:14.64

That's my (Not in hotlapping) PB in BL1, but with a minute added

so your guess is: 2 min. 14 sec. 64 hundredth
Good luck with that

But I think you meant 2hours 14minutes 64 sec.
wich is the wrong format as it would be: 2h.15m.04s (as there are only 60s for 1min)

S2 licensed
All the best Dan


S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :

The funny it is the headline is a complete fail
It should be "Austrians not amused"
as it's an Austrian village in Austria
S2 licensed
Looks much better with the light background.
So light background for all
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Sure did. Refresh rate is much higher than any TFT monitor, its like 22" big, and its just generally sick!

Refreh rate or hz is not everything and big hz with an CRT is nothing special,
even my 10 year old iiyama vision master, 19" can do a max of 180hz
(that's why I bought it at that time)
Anyway have fun with your CRT.
S2 licensed

and that

S2 licensed
The Canadian Priscilla Lopes-Schliep (S/He) doesn't look much better ... schliep_hurdles081708.jpg
(It's all natural of course )

Sooner or later htey will find out the tuth
S2 licensed
Quote from JustForFunRacing :Some more...

Just take a look at those Nazi symbols

It's a stigma attached to this very old symbol because the Nazis used it too.
For me it's only a Nazi symbol if you make it or use it like one (which is of course not good).

Something interesting to read:

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :...
Main Specs
MSI FX790-GD70 Motherboard
Now, I'm definately looking at an ATi solution since my motherboard is Crossfire only...infact it has 4 GPU slots...why?...I dunno...

Because your motherboard can handle Crossfire and CrossfireX
2 Gfx cards with 16x or 4 Gfx Cards with 8x.
That's why it has 4 slots.

S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :Well, guess you earned this one at last, happy birthday !

PS: Yes, you are not 24 but 5 years, I know, but you really should not be looking at the cake...

good one
(who cares about the candles I feel a bit hungry now )
Triple 7 Racing - 5th Birthday
S2 licensed

The past of T7R

5 years ago on the 30th July of 2004 our former members Fordman and EMD startet Triple 7 Racing (T7R).
We usually don't make a fuss about birthdays but hey around 43 thousand and 829 hours is worth a news we thought.

Anyone remember LFS-Radio in 2004?
Here is cutted .mp3 recording [only ~745kb] from the day our Team was born and announced there.

You don't know our Team?
Well then maybe take a closer look at our website:
Our renewed Team History and Members site or our Trophy Cabinet will
give you a good overview about our long established Team.

The future of T7R
We still have something up one's sleeve but it's not all ready to be presented today.
All we can say is that we will organize a little anniversary event with prizes soon.
And all the other things will be announced at a later date.

Are you interested ?
We also planning to race abit more in some of the bigger leagues and would be happy to find some new drivers for these tasks.
So if you are interested in T7R, just let us know as we are always looking for mature and active, clean and/or fast drivers.
Just look into our forum if you are interested and contact us.

Last but not least
Some maybe wonder that we are still alive and keep on racing and have future plans
in a time were lots of other long established teams have closed the doors.
But those who know us a bit better know that our Team was always also based on friendship
and not only (the quick) success. That's why some of our members are with us for the whole
or almost the whole five years or former members are still connected to us
even so they are not racing LFS anymore.

Our thanks goes to our current members:
BBO, D34N0, Exodus, G.I.JOE, P1LOT, Sir. Pingo, SparkyDave, Three Jump

And all our former members who left over the years:
Ball Bearing Turbo (BBT), Basem, Bismarck, Cobuss, Cougar, Danowat, EMD,
Fordman, Gopher04, HittiS, Hoffman, Interceptor, KingSCSI, Lippy, Slogan,
Nikimere, No_One, Noemfie, Morcs, Reed, RichardDK, Seaweed, Tristancliffe, VTX

Our special thanks goes to our sponsors and partners

500 Servers where you can get the best LFS Servers and always great support

BneXt IT Solutions for the website space, traffic and server hosting

D. Pope Ltd. Electrical Contractors for supporting us with prizes for our events for providing us some reliable internal and public Teamspeak channels

Meet and greet
You can meet us on our T7R|Teamserver on every first sunday a month in the evenings
or on the LR|Race Center 1 server which is also good fun for the most of us at the moment.

Cya on the tracks,

Triple 7 Racing

Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
They have a rule about that.
Renault breached it.
The get the penalty.
Simple like that.

Don't forget that there died enough people over the last 20 years from flying wheels, so the decision is hard but ok.
I bet no one would find it strange if someone (photographer, visitor,other driver, marshall) would have died from this wheel.
S2 licensed
Good luck for the future
S2 licensed
Almost missed that vid.
Very enjoyable!
Nice work
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :...You guys should be hired by a mass gaming company and be multi zillionairs =P

Hell no, then LFS would never be finished.

Don't you know that Scawen and Eric already worked for Peter Molyneux at LionHead Studios and programmed/made gfx for the game Black&White.
Thank god they didn't do it all just for the money, else LFS wouldn't be what it is today.
S2 licensed
Quote from VoiD :Sorry for the bump

Please take a closer look at the two XFG´s starting at the back of the grid, both "driving" with the same "team-tag"....

Lean back and enjoy their oustanding performance: Abusive language, parking on track, parking in chikane, driving in reverse, intentional wrecking etc...


Thx for sharing this. 2 more for our lifetime ban list.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag : ... &feature=channel_page

That was a fun race for us, ..

I still remember that race (don't think it was that good for us )
Our driver freaked out a bit because of the stupid crashing in that turn.
(Spot him at second 21 in the vid, up right corner, nowhere to go and also touching the Merc car).

"Good" old times
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Sorry for offtopic, it all depends on L2 Cache. If my 3.2P4 L2 Cache is 4mb (wich is max for p4, i guess) and your 1.6 Core2Duo is 4mb, L2 2mb per core ... I will win. Simple.

You can't compare different CPUs just by the cache sizes. That's nonsens.
It's not that simple.
It depends on what tasks you mostly use your computer for and if you are running multiple simulataneous tasks or not
or use all cores (if you got more then one) or not or if you can perform more instructions per clock cycle as the other or not etc. etc. etc.

Quote from hazaky :
...Anyways, ontopic. As u dont know much about computers,..

Made me laugh
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Nice 1st post Paul and completely understandable reasons.
But it's still sad to see another one of the long established Teams close the doors.

S2 licensed
John5200 you can also write GP4Flo directly ( as he did the german translations (I think he still does for the website and the training lessons)
S2 licensed
You tried the search function here on the forum?

Look (lots of Error opening socket problems):

maybe that helps (he fixed it like this):

What OS you are usig (vista / xp / etc.)
What firewall ... are you using etc.
Things like that usually help others to help you faster ad better
S2 licensed
I think the commands you are looking for are standard keys in the LFS controls section since a long time
press CTRL+F7
or type in the game when you are online /w pb for your personal best
or /w wr for the world records.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Interesting how much music makes a difference.
I first watched it without sound and found it dull and boring.
8/10 for the sound