It’s been a while since the usual Xmas updates of LFS made people happy.
And even so I’m personally not totally amazed by just one new track, it’s a least something. And compared to other titles where you need to rent your cars and can’t even play it offline when not paying, it’s not that much money that you need to spend for LFS S1/S2/S3.
Mostly because of the good times and great memories and fun me and my team had in the past 11 years with LFS, we at Triple7Racing will continue to support LFS with buying S3 licenses. Even so we know that most of our competitors or Teams we had great battles with, have left LFS over the years or abolished themselves, and lots of the racers we knew and many of our team members have left or are only checking the forums here from time to time.
We at T7R also spend more time with other Sims like AC right now, but we still have hope that the LFS developing concentrates now again more on the needs of the majority of sim racers, instead of spending years with implementing niche things like oculus rift /3D support.
As the Devs have often wrote (not excatly like that but kind of): If you are bored with LFS go play something else for some time but don't blame them for slow progress or moan the whole time, etc. So that's what we do.
It's not like we at Triple7Racing have dropped LFS, as we do both simulations and do news about LFS as well. Right now we do a little bit more in Assetto Corsa, so what. We don't see this as a problem.
The Devs also gave permission to convert the Blackwood track for Assetto Corsa and always allowed these kind of threads in here.
And last but not least this is an off topic forum about Assetto Corsa so I can't see why they should have any problem with the fact that we do some racing events for AC and try to also find some drivers in here for our Monday Night Racing Events. As most people have more then just one game.
for your nice words. Yeah Three Jump (3j) and lots of the others are still onboard (Fordman,SparkyDave,P1LOT ...)
We are maybe not the loudest team anymore but probably the oldest in LFS.
Even so we are not very active in LFS at the moment (but we keep on waiting for the next big update) and we mostly race Assetto Corsa now, we would like to announce something brand new to you.
Yes, a real club, in the real world. Even so we are an international team driving LFS for more than eleven years and see ourselves as an international club, we’ve chosen the United Kingdom as our main base as we were originally founded there. And so we are very proud to tell you that we, as an online racing team, have joind the AEMC, and we are now offically a member of the Association of Eastern Motor Clubs (AEMC). The AEMC is our regional association created by the Motor Sports Association (MSA) for the purpose of co-ordinating motor sport affairs in their respective areas in the UK.
We keep on changing lots of things behind the scenes and we will keep on organizing online events for all our members like we did before and we will increase all this to another level. We will keep you updated over the next weeks and months of all the new things to come.
Team Triple7Racing
P.S.: If you don't know us or what we have done in LFS for the past 11 years you can check our Team History website. It shows lots of things we were involved in or started, like the restart of the Clean Racers Club, Real Kart meeting in the UK with the Devs, bringing LFS to the ESL UK, Masters of Endurance, LFS4FREE events and so on.
I'm still here, still waiting..
But gave up on reading here regularly the usual stuff 'cause it's for me always like: "Hmm think I read that / someone suggested that before"
Didn't raced much LFS in the last year tbh but it's always nice to race in LFS again after test driving all the other so called sims and racing games out there.
At its price point it is a direct competitor for those upgrading to triple monitor setups.
I don't hink an eyefinity setup costs atm more then 800 US$.
Mine was around 700 (Ati card + 2 extra TFTs as everyone usually have at least one TFT)
The immersion factor would be far greater than any multi monitor setup could ever give.
Till you want to block the LFS ingame chat or have to press some other keys like for driver change (hmm where is the keyboard can't see it)
Anyway that thing looks cool.
But didn't we had something like that 10 years ago.
Like where I also had the first Nvidia 3D glasses for my PC.
Looks like everything is coming back every 10 years (of course with better technik inside but I don't think it will be a mass market hit).
Looks like a lot of people never heard of LFS radio.
We just only saved the announcement from LFS-Radio on the day Triple 7 Racing started in 2004 .
I still like the commentators voice (sounds so professional to me ).
I'm running 5040x1050 everything to the max inside LFS (iirc 8xFSAA 16AF)
I'm getting between 40 and 70 FPS while in an almost full server or watching a replay (depending on the track and the race situation)
I first used SoftTH with an Nvidia 8800GT + 6800GS which also worked without much problems. (not sure about the FPS I got with these cards but I never had probs while racing)
But I wanted to decrease the power consumption, the loudness and the heat inside my gaming PC so I switched for the first time in 19 years to an ATI card.
Atm I'm using a single ATI HD 5850 (fromAsus) @5040x1050 which runs pretty well and stays cool and quiet too
You got a driver CD that comes with the camera.
Install the drivers and the software that comes with the camera (I looked into the manual and it only has drivers for Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP).
(If you don't have it: Download the drivers and so on:
Sometimes you also need to switch inside the cam's menu somewhere to "PC" (or whatever they named the mode)
In the end you need a webcam software to use a camera as a webcam, if there is nothing on the Mustek drivers/software CD/DVD then you need to download some freeware stuff.
Google is your friend. ;-)
Took me around 42 hours to play it till the end (including all the downloadable content (new character Zaed, Normandy crash site etc.).
A great story of course - Nicely told - Nice characters etc.
BUT (for me) the biggest disappointment - there is nothng to drive.
I want my Mako back
Scanning Planets gets really boring after a while and why the hell did I scanned almost 70 % of them if there are not enough things (weapons etc.) to upgrade. Still got from almost everything (Platinum, Palladium etc. 200.000) but nothing left to buy, to upgrade or to explore.
The story really got me and I wanted to know how it ends (couldn't stop playing it.) but the universe map with all these planets suggests that there would be much more (at least more little sidequests) then there really are.
At least I had lots of fun playing it and it was worth waiting for.
Hopefuly ME3 will again have something to drive in it, everything else would be sad.
Can you imagine having to buy MS Office to qualify to buy Windows7? No, neither can I, since it is not even a remotely realistic proposition!
Well you compare apples and oranges here it should be more like this:
Can you imagine buying Win95 and then a cheaper update version to WinME (without buying Win98) ? (no as this doesn't worked)
It's often like this with lots of other OS and software
except that you get also physics updates in LFS for free and some cars no matter if you buy the next stage or not.
So I don't realy understand all the fuss about it.
For me it's like when I bought S1 it was one sim
If I had to buy S2 now (man it's now a completly diff. sim with all the stuff that came over the years / and lots of that stuff even S1/Demo users got for free too).
It's def. worth double the price of S1.
I bet it will be the same when S3 comes out compared to S2.
So If you don't want S2 as it doesn't attract you don't buy it. Np - Who cares.
If later the S3 content is what you want then you can buy S3 Full
Why do lots of people expect (or want) to get a cheaper upgrade/update price from S2 to S3 if they don't own/haven't bought S2.
That doesn't make any sense.
No offence to Tommy at all, who did a great job, but Mr McKowen did a splendid middle stint to put T7R back in contention. Tommy just drove around alot.
Don't underestimate the pressure having someone 3 sec. behind you with only 7 laps to go and lots of blueflagged cars to pass in front, that not always give room when expected.
We always say "we win together and we loose together"
and everyone, even our guy on the radio/TS who tells the driver how much to refuel or the gaps of the other cars or who talks to calm down the driver when there is stress ahead, is as responsible for the result in the end as everyone else involved.
Like I said: A Team Sport.
You are right we (T7R) are giving the Tommy Østgaard from F1RST the opportunity to practice endurance racing under real conditions and to learn a bit more about the things that is also needed for such leagues (as it's not "hotlapping makes you win") In the end he will be much more prepared for his MoE entrance as that's his goal. There's also a nice knowledge transfer going on between our teams and that's a good thing too, as you always live and learn.
Last but not least:
Endurance racing is always a combination of practice, strategy and lots of other little things that need to be done to be prepared to win.
First of all it's a Team sport.
It's alwas nice to do the last stint and be on the finish photo but only the combination of all makes the race and the team effort complete.
Without the amazing passings in the 2nd hour of C. McKowen who brought the car back to P1 we wouldn't had such a comfortable lead infront and after after the last pitstop.
So they (Charles and Tommy) both won this race together under the all seeing eye of our head strategist (3j) Three Jump and under the umbrella of Triple 7 Racing.
Considering it came free with I would assume all US versions of windows (i've had XP, Vista and 7 all have this same font automatically installed), I'm only uploading what Microsoft forgot in other people's versions.
If the font would be free for all then why can you (have to) license it as a dev. or buy it? Your argument doesn't make much sense.
Here it's def. not a standard font or part of XP or part of the service packs.
What about Virtual LFS Dashboard, which uses the quartz font and redistributes that too. You gonna get on Erazotropa for making it, or me for resurrecting it? I hardly think Microsoft is gonna come after me for using a font that they gave free and that I make no money off of what so ever.
I'm not hunting anyone maybe that quartz.font is freeware?
I don't know.
I just thought it's some usefull info to tell you that it is copyrighted material
Which could be easily avoided as there are almost the same font available for free use just under dif names and it only takes a minute to find them.
I just tried to be helpful as I have my own (bad) experiences with using copyrighted font material in website projects.
Anyway do what you want ;-).