Looks like that all users who call themself muhaa spell how as haw
Have the same interests don't use much punctuation have something to do with coding exploits etc
Haw funny is that.
So many fortuities and I found many more but everyone should decide that for himself.
Ok true
as you said it "it's just a simple buffer overflow".
Then it's also no argument to make something that BIG out of it, some try here for quite some time.
If you would only read posts more attentively then you would have seen that I'm downloading .mpr file from here and from other sources.
And btw No one is going to post flames here.
I did not even talked to you in my post.
But what you don't get is, that it is not the big deal that you tried to tell the people here in the past.
You got your attention and it will be fixed. That's it.
People like you who's only interest is obviously just to get attention from the community with things like "i reported this before it was released" and the "" icon that should suggest that you know much more about it and about bigger more dangerous flaws etc. Only placed into posts to frighten people "gehn mir echt auf den Sack" (translate it yourself).
And if the thread starter would have read the forum more often then he would have known that it was already said that it will be fixed in the next patch/patches and that the Testpatch forum is only visible when there are testpatches around.
as I said some can run it without problems, other do have an unstable system soon.
Unstable means in this case i.e the games crashes for "no reason".
I experienced it myself with 2 systems, I had only problems when it was turned on but I had also other PCs and it ran fine.
So it really depends on what chipset, grafixcard, cpu you have to let it run without problems. Just google for it there are plenty of sources and post about problems with it and also bigger testing sites like "Tom's Hardware" had experienced problems with it.
So be lucky that it runs for you, but that doesn't mean it's always like this
Fast Writes should send "gfx data" directly to the gfx-card without taking the way through the Ram first.
So it brings just a very little performance boost and with some OpenGL-Games you loose performance (and it makes AMD systems in many cases unstable)
In most cases you should turn it off when you got an AMD board.
But you can try it yourself.
Some can run it without problems, other do have an unstable system soon.
The Asus M2N32-SLI deluxe and M2N-E (same soundchip ADI 1988 iirc) are well known for their problems with the onboard sound.
Some driver versions have the problem others don't.
Maybe try different versions of the sound drivers.
Great racing
(btw. 1 of the takeovers shown from his onboard looked exactly like in LFS , a bit to the left then brake earlier then pass him on the right. Who said playing sim games is a waste of time :razz
I have no idea but if we would see the car hitting/touching the other car then we wouldn't have this topic here because then it would be obvious who was hit by whom
I personaly had a crash where someone "rammed me" in a league race at full speed when I braked for a turn.
Watching the replay showed he was more then 20 meters away from me (but lagging) and never touched me but I also had damage on the back of my car (like when he hitted me) etc.
I checked my replay, his replay and the replays other players had taken but in none of the replays was he hitting me (it was just the "hit by a ghost car" effect).
If seen and experienced something like that before.
I call it "hit by a ghost car"
Because of (also little) lag LFS thinks the car (#2. in the pic who was lagging a bit) is still there.
But in reality the car was already somewhere else (#3. in the picture)
So the "Ghost" (#2.) of the real car touched you (#1) and caused the "crash".
Well tbh it's hard enough to read english and if someone doesn't really care about typos etc. it's even harder to read for non-English people like me.
But the tenor of muhaa's posts really annoys me.
- Muhaa first you wasn't sure if the "bug" 100% exists
- Then people/mods told you to contact the Devs (usually the case was closed for the public now)
- Then you were sure the "bug" existed
- Then people told you again to contact the Devs (2nd time to close this case for the public)
-Then you try to threaten people/the devs? with things like
and now in the end you
If you really want to help the community (like you said) and to not look like a cheap attention whore, like you did.
Just send the infos about it and maybe your poc, if you now got one, to the devs and that's it. (others doing it exactly this way)
There is no need to act like "I'm the mega exploit dev and if no one is listening to me right here right now I'm making everything public.