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S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :I know it isn't anything to do with LFS, but I just HAD to share this thread with you stupid it beggars belief!!

It's a TDU forum, btw!

I wonder where all these idiots come from. You can see things like that nowadays in a lot of official forums.

It's as stupid as the few guys who asked here or in the LFS shoutbox in the past for an LFS crack.illepall
S2 licensed
funny idea.

Nice vid
S2 licensed
Quote from CodieMorgan :I have nothing to do that country, but I clicked the banner just to see what the .no version looked like...

These are not official LFS websites. So there is no ".no version" you can look at or a Norwegian version of the LFS site behind it.
It's more like fansites in their own mother-language.

But you are right it's just a link to a site that has msql probs
S2 licensed

Great game
S2 licensed
Nice movie (just to short)
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :too bad you only noticed that 22 hours into the day

No he and we all knowed it for many years but Fordman was the only one who was sober enough to write now
S2 licensed
Couldn't resist to save the Earth for our Team:

S2 licensed
Just for the people who moved the interface to far to the right.
(Then the Interface button is gone)

So when you did something wrong with the X and Y coordinates of the interface then the only way to get the screen back to normal is changing the
by hand in the config

Maybe it is helpfull for some (because it took me awhile to find it )
S2 licensed
Quote from Brilwing :Blacklion has build a tool where you can fastforward x seconds, and also rewind. The rewind is simple a reload of the replay and than a fastforward.

You can find the Tool in our Forum:
(Note: the forum is german, but the Readme with an description in the zip archive is english)

or just here in the LFS forum:
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :What's wrong with you guys? The nature and way the post was written made the picture quite funny.

Totally agree.
- It's funny -

If (younger) people would think just a bit more then they would know that it can't be a real news or mod.
S2 licensed
No problems here with FF ( and at all.
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :Hmm I'm still waiting for somebody to mention Pat&Mat hehe.

I think the most people just don't know them.
Here (in Germany) they aired some episodes on TV in the early 1980ties. I also almost forgot that I know them from somewhere
S2 licensed
Pretty funny but it's just to short imo.
I really laughed about the names (especially the last driver "I brake late!!!!")
S2 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :what are you trying to tell me with that emoticon?
to me your link doesn't look trustworthy at all.
i'm sorry but i don't get your argument here.


Well that smily means for my "take a look there" or in German "Guck mal hier" it was meant to assist what you posted about how trustworthy the software is.

Those who can read see that first headline there is:
Warning: Rootkit Unhooker(RKU)
Rootkit Unhooker authors create rootkits and anti-rootkit
for detecting this rootkit at the same moment.

So it wasn't meant to download something from this site (and I never said that or recommend it) it's just to show that you can easily find things about how safe the software is or not. I thought the first headline there starting with "Warning" will be more then obvious but I didn't expected nobody would read that

I hope it's a bit clearer now
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Number 1 in internet security is the common sense to never ever download and install software from a site that looks like this (, no matter how many reassuring comments there are.

I totally agree (btw that's also my #1 in internet security )
I looks like the typical script kiddy, trojan, backdoor contaminated site where normaly the content looks like: "Be a Hacker in 5 days - The book - Download now. "
S2 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :first i'd like to know if the producer/programmer is trustworthy and reliable.
because what if this thing gets your system clean but installs itself a cloaked keylogger etc...

S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :I cannot find the highlights video on can someone post a link? or point in the right direction.

I think it's just not there. Maybe wait a few more days
S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :
Using windows vista bussiness

That's maybe the biggest problem.
The software support of the wheel was closed down by Microsoft after Win98
so we are just lucky that it works under XP (sometimes only with tricks).
I never tried it under vista. Maybe someone else can help you there.
S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :Hey I've that 9 year old version too

The software starts auto when I start my pc so no problem, wheel is always connected so also has first power (at start up), before I open LFS. 240° or 270° won't matter much indeed. I've still the box and paper printed manual and looked into it, couldn't find any infos about 240° or 270°. Weird..

Thanks again, think the problems are solved... now, practice practice practice...

Hey no problem. Now you got something usefull to do
(Maybe it can keep you away from the smapporbox (aka LFS Desktop chatterbox))
S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :Ok thanks everyone

@BBO: "the MS controller software has to work before you start LFS"
-> I've to open everytime first the standard settings screen from the MS Sidewinder and then open LFS, or what exactly do you mean with this?

I mean the Controller Software (what else ) have to run.
No you don't need to open something just let the controller software run
That thing in the picture I don't know how to say it in other words
But i think it's always running in the back so don't worry about it.

The more important part is the power of the wheel.
When I turn the power plug in after I started LFS then I got problems.
So first power to the wheel then start LFS = No problemo
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Not according to this ... nder_Force_Feedback_wheel
and many other posts i've seen recently

In the wiki it's the wheel version #2 (red wheel)
I got the first version of the wheel (9 years old now and still working:nod
(here's a pic from another thread ... tid=7744&d=1144613485 )

I tried to find out the technical specifications but didn't find any official sources/infos (except from people writing it in forums) about the wheel turn, not even in the dusted manual of the wheel but I think both versions have only 240°.
Well but you don't feel the difference when you set it to 270° or 240°.

I think I still have it on 270° because I sometimes use my DFP
S2 licensed
Quote from GianniC :Hi,

I was wondering, could anyone post here a screenshot or information concerning what settings you use for your MS Sidewinder FF in LFS-Options-Controls ?

Do you change them depending from the car you race ?

Do you use DXTweak to modify the callibration ? If so, what settings ?

Here are some screenshots from the MS controller software settings (german only) and from inside LFS.
The wheel is the MS Sidewinder FF wheel (usb)

I use these settings for all cars (sometimes I lower the Force strength from 30 to 25 for some cars)

I don't use DXTweak or other software.
I never get wonky steering or something.
The only thing I have to remember is, the MS controller software has to work before you start LFS and the wheel and must have power else the wheel doesn't really work (is not fully recognised by LFS) when you run the game

The rest is practice practice practice.
When I started racing LFS demo years ago I used a MS Sidewinder FF Joystick (don't ask me why) for half a year
after that I changed back to the wheel but it took me 2 month to get really used (and to get faster) to the wheel again.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Nothing to do with the combo..its fine. Both Dru and I competed in a very successful 36 lap race with that combo in the GFC on Sunday and there was far less trouble and lot more respectful racing.

I agree it doesn't have to do with the combo.

But about the respectful driving.Well I don't know what you mean.
Your first race was ok (and in the last lap after you made an error I didn't attacked you at all costs there because I wanted to finish the race too). So how much more respectful driving you want?

And in the 2nd race you made a mistake by yourself and then you reentered the track in T1 and almost spun the car and you was lucky to not cause a crash with the following people. Maybe also think about that when talking about not respectful racing.

(and like others said about poor driving standard).
I watched the replays now a few times and I haven't seen anyone doing the track without doing selfmade errors. If that means the standard of driving is poor then ok.

I agree there was a lot of trouble because some people just take it too serious like always or are over-optimistic in T1 or they just haven't practiced enough etc. but that's normal in LFS i think. Except if you race in some leagues

Of course the restarting was a sad thing.
I bet we'll never see something like that in a T7R event again.
We can only learn out of these situations (and we do).

All in all I think race1 was good and I also had some moments in race2.

Last but not least
A big "Thank you" to all who joined us in these races to test out the server our new partner 500servers gave to us.
I hope and I'm sure some of us will see us again in one of the upcomming events Triple7Racing is actually planning.

Last edited by BBO@BSR, .