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Quote from Thorvertonian :Just to say Jacks driving on track is by no means a representation of the team, I was also driving in this race [SR]Thor and finished 2nd and I hope everyone know's I drive safe!

You did a great job there Thor. You showed a nice overall performance and you deserved your 2nd place.
But as you said: "unfortuenately an indivuals actions are reflecting poorly on a team..."

Quote from Thorvertonian :
Jack's crashes will be looked into and if deemed necesary points shall be deducted from him!

Well he just crashed on his own and not with someone else, so I don't think points deduction is needed (and it wasn't my intention when I wrote the upper post)

Quote from Thorvertonian :
After looking at past races and discussion within the team, the decision has been made to ask Jack to leave the team

Well that's your internal business.
My intention to write something was just to give him a mental impetus or food for thought (don't know if these are the right words)

Quote from Thorvertonian :
As for the future of this event, that is upto Jack, he has the choice to take complete control as he started the league, or I will take control of all aspects...

It would be appreciated by me if you take control.

Last but not least I want to thank Jack for the idea of / starting this league because it's a nice format, with nice track and car combos.
My honest opinion
S2 licensed
I don't often feel the need to write something like that but in this case I feel I have to write something:

I'm really missing the seriousness by [SR]Jack.

Maybe you are to young or you were drunk or I don't know but your driving in the last round was the poorest performance I have ever seen since my early demo (with a lot of noobs) times.

I mean don't you practise a track for a league race?

You had around 20 bigger crashes (and with big I don't mean the countlessly little wall impacts we all had)
You entered the pits 5 Times,
You spinned the car when entering the pits and when leaving the pits 3 times.

You crashed your car deliberate into the wall after the long straight and you landed out of bounds, comming back onto the track and almost crashed with Thunderhead

Then when you spinned and got stucked at the pit entrance MHR>>tot crashed with you but it was also his fault because he had yellow flag and was to fast when entering the pits and he would have crashed anyway etc.

Then you started to have a conversation with him, offered him to nudge him around.
Then you told [SR]Thor to give him extra points and offered MHR>>tot 12 points. illepall

During that you parked your car for about 50 sec. at a save place on the track.
Then you started to talk with [SR]Missing, after that you started to drive again, flipped your car again in Lap 14 and after a few more crashes you finally told [SR]Missing that shift +S is not allowed illepall

Some of the crashes were made deliberate I think because you lost the fun in that race. But then better leave the race or think about if it is the right place for you, else you are a danger for all the other drivers.

Tbh as you/your Team started this little league/Cup you should be more careful on the track, or practise more, concentrate more on the track and the car instead of talking during the race and forcing others to block messages etc. There is no need to discuss things during a race, incidents, crashes, questions etc. can be solved after the race

The only positive thing that day was that you give fair room when you were blue flagged but the most things you did in the last round didn't give you or your Team a good Reputation. Please think about it.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :Space has always been allowed, and this was stated several times @ round 1, I personally would like to see it banned as it's more realistic, but @ blackwood it was just so easy to tip it on the chicane we decided to allow it!

but if the car makes a flip in the BL chicane then they were just to fast. It's not the curb that makes the car flip, it's the driven line+the driver+the speed. It can happen at all tracks

Quote from Thorvertonian :
Replays for both rounds are available on on the homepage

S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :What? That's news to me, I thought if you land on your roof or side thats it, I mean do you see race cars get back on the track after flipping etc, only in rally. Anyway that's why I thought so many people decided to end their race in Round 1 as they wre on their side or upside down

I remember he said "hit space" to someone in round1

I need the replay of round2.
I totally forgot to save it.
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Not possible. A computer cannot translate languages in a easy way. Words are in different orders in different languages. ...

I wouldn't say it's not possible.
It's more like no one made a public program that do it perfectly atm.

IBM announced a few days ago that the are investing $100 million in 10 new businesses one of it is:
· Real-time Translation Services: Offering advanced, real-time translation capabilities across major languages as a service for high-potential applications, industries and environments, such as healthcare, government and travel and transportation.

S2 licensed
Still in
Car : FXO
Username: BBO@bsr
Racername : T7R| BBO

I hope that it's now enough with the changes.
Why do we have now wind in the next race?
And what wind? Low? High?

Do we have wind on at any others tracks?
If so then please write it next to the tracks in the first post.
So people know what they have to train and can get used to it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :The problem with this is the league was started by [SR]Jack, but he hasn't been around, so I've set the servers up, dished out the passwords etc.....
I think the point will change and DNF will not score, however as the points have already been given for race 1, this will take effect as from now, race 2 will score like this..

I understand the problems but I don't understand the decision of giving different points for the same thing. This is completly unfair.

When you disconnected from race 1 you got points
And now when someone disconects - he will get not the same points.
Sorry but I'm really missing the logic in that decision.

What the problem with changing the given points for round1?
It takes a few minutes ok but it would be much fairer for all of us.
S2 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :yeah, but the rules before the race were out of starters, those are the points with the xtra point for finishing, I can bring a seoerate rule for people who complete a certain race distance get points, but not sure wether to put these points onto a race that has already taken place....

I think the biggest problem is there are no other rules (for us drivers to see) then the short infos in the first post.
So I wondered where the extra point came from.

In my eyes the problem with the DNF is that when you know you get points anyway and you are i.e. 7th and there is no one behind you. Then you can quit the game (you get the points anyway). Then the 6th can also quit as he will also get the points etc. And compared to others who have driven the full race distance it looks strange. I hope you get what I mean.

Quote from Thorvertonian :
I may just take away the extra point for finishing, and make it 1 point for starting a race, DNF score no points... hows that?

Sounds fair to me.
But if you change the rules then plz change it now and not after race2 or it will be unfair.
Example: When someone in the 2nd race has a disconnection because of lag and then don't get the same points like they where given to the people who disconnected in Race1 - then it's unfair and no real competition anymore.

I think you shouldn't make it all that complicated:
Give Points like in the first post
DNS without telling before the race = warning/ ban if it happens again
DNF 0 Points (or maybe 1 but to get it is as unusual as 1 point for starting in race)
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :Seeing as Jack is nowhere to be seen, I have done a update to the Storm Racing website, including a championship table

Looks graphically good
why did some get points for not finishing the race?
I've never seen that.
A DNF(did not finish) is usually 0 points worth.
S2 licensed
Looks like a lot of fun Dan.

Nice pics
S2 licensed
All the best for the rest of the negotiations and for the new dba| Team Richard.
The skins look good, hope to cya soon again on the tracks m8
S2 licensed
Quote from d6nn :well, as i won it! my first event win! im happy u know!
but i gotta give it up for BBO and Dave as they were very fast with older tires too, i had tire problems after lap but i had a gap that i could hold til the end. good event. more good drivers = great league

Congratz again for the win D6nn
I really had to fight with the lag today and again sorry to Dave for that touch - without it we would have made D6nn's race a bit more exciting
S2 licensed
Quote from anbiddulph :yes, it will go pw protected 1 hour b4 the race

I think the question was meant more like:
How do we get the password. E-mial?, PM? in this forum, or?

Then we would know where to look at

Edit: And will the starting time 20:00 UTC or not
Because the poll you created isn't finished/closed (it ends after the 1st race on 12th btw.)
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
I usually only upload hotlaps when they are needed for a league (qualifying) or when it's a WR
S2 licensed
Quote from Richard Torp :Just my words Bernd...

We in acr has our own numbers...

As you maybe know we at Triple7Racing also have internal/personal numbers on our cars. Watch out for the #101
S2 licensed
Quote from Calum :I would like to ask if possible for me to take these numbers ( for display on the cars ) ...

I don't think there are special numbers or skins (thank god) requiered for this league. So I bet you can take whatever you want

btw I hate this "every league needs a special skin/windscreen-, bonnet-banner,number, plate etc thing.
And I'm glad we don't have it here
S2 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :...
I must say, I can't imagine Blair or Bush facing death so bravely if they were ever convicted for the hundreds of thousands they have killed.

And this will never happen because when you are the leader of a real big country and then you lie to the whole world and also your allies, just to start a war against another country on a basis of fictional and constructed reasons and then you send your own troops a lot of civilians and opponents into death.

Then and only then you'll only get a death penalty of the "opponent leader" right in time before the next elections starts. And a lot of votes for your own party too.

This is how the onesided world looks today.
S2 licensed
Quote from VipeNess :hey guys. microsoft announced Vista will be out on Nov 30th 2006. The question is, you guys going to be upgrading for LFS?

Nov. 30 is the date for business customers and

January 30, 2007 for consumers.

It's pretty much time for LFS to be ready for vista and the majority (I think they are normal consumers) here in the forum, to think about it.

I for myself didn't get anything special with vista except that it's fun to install / work with a new OS. So I'll wait with a change of all my private PCs till it's cheaper
S2 licensed
:ices_rofl +1 nice one
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Yeah, but thats a test server for those two cars and it gets pretty boring pretty quick!
Why not try some different combos on the server

a bit off topic but I had to:

It's the combo of the next XFR/UFR league. Wouldn't make sense if people come to the announced test-server and couldn't train the right combo for the next round of the league.

"pretty boring pretty quick!"
Don't get me wrong but watching your stats and seeing that you just did there 38 laps with the xfr and 8 laps with the ufr and you are 4 and 1/2 seconds off from a real quick times let me think that If you think the track is boring after driving so few laps then LFS is not the right game for you. Because you only get faster by practice and practice and by practice.

I did there ~550 laps with the xfr and still feel slow sometimes and always find things to improve my laptimes a little bit etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from MoonForce :come on, what freaky laws finland would have if thats true...

THEY made an error so why do YOU should have the problems?!

I cant believe finland is that far away from justice?!

It's nothing special we have exact the same law here in germany
S2 licensed
Well you don't really need the search function for the first sticky post here in this sub-forum - You just have to read:
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :My experience from avg is that some viruses pass trough it like nothing, quite many virus infected computers had avg or antivir when my job was to fix computers.

Sure I've seen the same things (with all kinds of free or bought antivirus programms when doing the same job as you.)

But tbh in 99% of the cases it was the inability of the users (or system admins ). No OS updates, click on everything online, open every attachment, trying to get cheats or game keys over the net etc.

Anyway I'm not saying AVG is the best or 100% save (as 100% doesn't exist). It just works for me (personally)
(Edit: in combination with other things of course. Like spybot i.e.)
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Julppu :I used to use antiVir, but then it started having those updating-problems. Couldn't even load new definition files. It was clear, that they wanted to smoke freeloaders into paying customers. ...

Same here I used it over many many years (and sold it a lot of times as a reseller) But to me antiVir only makes sense when you got the full version (incl. E-mail scanner).

I tested the free AVG version some time ago. And was really surprised.
I has everything I needed. Great Update Manager, Scheduler, E-mail scanner etc. (I usually got viruses by E-mail so it was an important factor for me) .
It runs silently in the background (like an anti virus prog should) without any problems at all. And it's free
S2 licensed
Quote from CrazyICE :... and there are 2 special offers:

- 7 days testing for free
- save 15% if you change your lfs server provider

So, now a 23 slots server costs only € 17,-- per month and a 2x23 only € 29,75!

Does it mean only people who change their provider get the special 17 or 29,75 € offer?
What about new customers who didn't had a server before?