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S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Nah, that's been done before. If you want something out of the ordinary, we should get one of these:

Imagine the close racing you'd get on one of those suckers!

:ices_rofl and don't forget the special spit manoeuvers you could have with them in T1
+1 for that
S2 licensed

I dream about little things that brings more fun into strategic driving:

- Tyre change (only 1 tyre or just both in the front etc. not just all after %)
- Damage repair (on/off - I don't want to be repaired all the time)
- Short Time based racing instead of laps (I mean less then 1 hour, what about 15, 30 and 45 min. races)

- Oh and let us search the online servers in game by name , ping and by track (not only by cars)

... just dreaming
S2 licensed
Quote from Noccy :

Anyone from Iceland who can explain that? illepall

S2 licensed
Quote from JeeP :schade Deutschland alles ist vorbei, alles ist vorbei

schade Deutschland alles ist vorbei tralalal


click Horror 06 and then the big red stop button on the left
S2 licensed
Quote from Fetzo :maybe it has something to do with the bigger servers. but there is a much higher tollerance for wrecking / ruthless driving on the servers today.

no one seems to care if some idiot hates you that much, that he ruins your race ....... because he is only ruining the race of you and some others, the other 15 racers just don't care.

I totally agree.

It's been awhile since I drove and lead a race on an public S2 server and beeing wrecked by an Idiot (driving in the wrong direction). I explained i t to the others and then started a vote but no one voted.

Then he wrecked the new leader and he started a vote but none of the other drivers did something. I explained it again and told them that he is standing on the track and will do it again etc. - no reaction from the others - and then he wrecked the next leader...

Since that I mostly (99% of the time) only drive in league races or with trusted friends if they are online.

So my vote goes for a global ban-list (or something similar)
S2 licensed
Becky from your point of view or lets better say with your logic that means that Button is the biggest cheater of all times because he once had a 2nd (secret) tank in his BAR-Honda and didn't told the stewarts about it.

Do you really think the drivers build the cars or they are responsible for mysterious aerodynamic behavior of the wings?
Or the Drivers are responsible for the right petrol (once Benetton und Williams had the wrong fuel at the same time)

The Drivers usually do what they been told. If the Team says i.e. to Schumacher like they did in the silverstone race in (i think) 1998 "wait with your stop-and-go penalty till the last lap because there is a flaw in the rules and you can still win with it" Then every Driver would do so. (Btw. this penalty was cancelled by the stewarts the same day. So he had won the race anyway.)

Something else is when J. Villeneuve blocked Giancarlo Fisichella at the Nürburgring. His penalty was his 3 fast qualifying laps didn't count because he hindered Fisichella. I would call things like that "the driver tried to cheat" because this is usually caused by the driver himself. But who knows maybe he was told to do so over the pit radio. We'll never know.

Anyway have fun with F1. I do
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Same problem here:

When using it with replays offline:

AS North with RAC 5 laps and 17 laps

When the races are finished stats.exe quits with a problem and writes a 0 byte results.html file

Looks like an AS North prob or?
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
Michael Schumacher. Makes as many mistakes as the rookies, has been known to outright cheat to win a championship. This driver does not deserve respect, ....

This and most of your other statements shows that you know as much about F1 as the man in the moon.

I'm not a Ferrari or Schumacher Fan but the driver with the most F1 Records (most Champ. - Titles, most victories per season, most championship points, most poles, most race victories, most fastest laps...) doesn't derserve respect? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Ha ha I signed up on your website. What place am I on now?

388 or somthing i think

Ok tbh the best way to "move up the not really existing list" is write in our Forum and be active there and drive with us to get known by others of the Team ('cause we only invite drivers) and then if your attitude and behavior fits into our Team you'll maybe asked one day by Fordman.
That's how it usually goes
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Pretty soon, T7R drivers will have special needs such as catering deli sandwiches, toenail grooming, and endless supply of fruit punch. No wonder people join T7R, all those benefits!!! :zombie:

Hmm I like the free special fruit drink we already have
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :On place 497?! Yes I'm so so close. Sorry for the tongue. I told my brother to cut it with an ax so I wont stick tongue anymore. What place am I on right now?

EDIT: I will buy you those megapussis everyday.

:yummy: megapussis everyday

Note to myself:
Kajojek moves up 497 places for buying me nice stuff
Oh but he also moves down 497 places for don't reading my post about the "stick out tongue thing" properly
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :Nice guy in a nice team, I hope he wont hacksaw 3j's connection though. We need him in the smapzor team
Is there any official version of that waiting list? Just wanna know which place GC has :P 89621?

How could you know his waiting list number?

But with 3j we already have a smapper box guy in the Team so
I think we call GC only when we need a funny cabby
S2 licensed
Congratz on that Mercury racing. Another fast guy for you Smile
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :No, not me. Can I join your team.

Note to myself

T7R Members waiting list:
Kajojek = Funny guy but likes to stick out tongue. (dunno but think that makes him move up to place 497)

S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Are there any drivers who don't drive for T7R now?


Quote from thisnameistaken :You should start making announcements about people who aren't in the team, it would be a much bigger surprise!

Oh come on. We are only 19 atm and limited to (7+7+7+=21)
And I bet nobody has expected this surprise.

Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from KeMoT :I wrote my post while you were updating yours Fordie, sorry

Fordman couldn't wait for the news.
He was a bit faster then me updating the Triple7Website. Anyway now it's all there
S2 licensed
Nice work Misko
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Shall I phone Ariel tomorrow? ....

S2 licensed
Finally (nice work victor)
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :...
The score ermmm..... 5:1 was'nt it ?

S2 licensed
Quote from Ant :Boris

nice american football tackle :ices_rofl

cough btw who won the game?
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :@ BBO@BSR
Was that helpful? Constructive? Positive? No

Someone who was unhappy is now happier, and this makes you unhappy?

Wo said posts have to be positive and that I have to like everyone?
It's just my opinion about some of what he wrotes and answered in this thread
(maybe read all the posts in here)

For me it's like he tries to blame someone else for things he couldn't get.
He couldn't drive S1 for long that's bad luck ok but that's life.
I can't count the games I can't play online because no one else plays them or the companies shut the servers down. That's just normal and is not a special fancy by the LFS devs.

I would say:
If you don't like what you get, don't buy it and try to find something better. But I don't think you can find something better then LFS today.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Robbson :....You have targeted a hidden goal with this discussion, aren't you? Who is paying you for this?
Because now I have a motivation for buying a S2 license... I want to drive against all these word fighters here... You can fight with words but how good you are on the road?
Say goodbye to your best track times, I will beat them! :smash3d:


Wow I still got the feeling that you made yourself a lot of real big friends in the community with all your absolute fantastic "non-troll-like" arguments in this thread.

Now every 1 is happy that such a fantastic guy like you is buying an S2 license and they all can't wait to see your phenomenal driving.

We all waited for so long just for a guy like you who opend our eyes and showed us how expensive LFS is and whats wrong with us blind sheeps following scavier and their subtle marketing tricks.


S2 licensed
Quote from Robbson :
And think about this again:
.. and I paid the same price (I don't got any special offer for an aged product!) but can only drive 3 months online... Do you get my point? That's not fair to new / later users... and they will think about moving to other racing games and this should be prevented at all!


the release date of S2 alpha was:
sat, Jun. 25th, 2005 20:00

and your Join Date shows Apr 2004

So you could play S1 full for almost 14 month. That's a long time in games business if you ask me.

I bought one day the game ONI which was really nice. I only played it through all levels once (think I needed about a week) and now I wanted to play it again but it doesn't run on my 64bit machine and the developers didn't make any patches. To bad I think I paid 40 Euros for it and now its worthless. But hey that's life.

I also bought a 19" CRT monitor for almost 600 Euros. If I want to sell it now I think I will get around 110 Euros on Ebay because of TFT's. That's called progress.

Someone wrote here something really good:

"Just because nobody else plays S1 anymore doesn't mean the software suddenly doesn't work. It only means that people have moved on to something newer and more feature-filled."

And that's it.
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :...
Also, this refines one of my oldest and most mysterious therories about the origin of GianniC. lol
Now we can be quite sure that he has been a digiserv member before he, being a baaad boy and doing many evil things, was punished by tiny and thus ran away - forever! However, he made his way all the way down from the dSRC racetrack to South City, and hijacked his first cabbie.
He got into serious trouble with the police, though, but he was very lucky to meet some odd sorta gangster mafia fellas, who drove stolen cabbies, too, and who helped him to get rid of the police. That's how GC found his way into the SC Cab Company


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Mythbusters with special guest ORION