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S2 licensed
Quote from Bradracer :As people have already said, if you are not using the logo for personal gain, such as profits, like making the skins, and selling it on with the logo on, then the company cannot sue you,

This is wrong!
Check my above post.


I'm not telling people to not use logos of brands on their car skins etc.
Everyone has to decide this himself.

And like Smax said these are (depends of what) low level infractions but to make it clearer.

When you steal something in a shop and you don't get caught or sued
doesn't mean you have the right to do it or it is legal.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Thorvertonian :As long as it is for non commercial use, under EU law you can use whatever copyrighted material you wish!

It depends how you define non commercial, it isn't as simple as non profit, but hey, playing in a computer game is reasonably safe (Unless your American!)

I could really freak out when I read such stupid statements. illepall

Where do you get this completly wrong (in germany we call this dangerous superficial knowledge) Information from?

Have you ever i.e heard about / read the European Copyright Directive (EUCD)?
I bet no.

It doesn't matter how you define something. It's the copyright law that defines it for you, me and all the others.

If someone copyright i.e. the database of a website he created or a photo or whatever he created then you can't use it without his permission or till the rights are extinct. No matter if it is commercial use or not.

If you do , he can sue you after EU right. That's a fact.

Quote from Thorvertonian :
But the safest thing to do, is to ask permission...

In all cases this is the only (correct) way to stay out of trouble.
S2 licensed
Quote from bo-kristiansen :When i was going to licence S1 I wanted to call myself "EasyLee"


I thought about using
April Maijune
Rusty Nail

The main problem for me is if I use my real name I want to use it completly
but it doesn't fit with all those funky coloured tag stuff in front of it.

T7R|Bernd Weingart (is too long)
it's then more like
T7R|Bernd Weinga (is not complete)
T7R|B. Weingart (how do people call my then. B? or Hey Wineguard or? :shrug

League or not I want to show show what team I'm driving for.
So "T7R| BBO" is easy to remember easy and quick to write and use etc.

I only use the complete name if I have to (or when LFS allows me to use more letters .
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :
EDIT: so could people be sued for recreating a skin of a real life race car?

If there is copyrighted material on it or when they trademarked the complete graphical design of the car then:

It doesn't mean that will ever happen. It just means they could if they would.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :And the Band "Allianz" became the "band without a name" here.

Quite a popular word.

Yes another good example
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :im pretty sure you can't advertise a company without permision when the advertisement actually costs money and/or produces money for yourself

That's right.

And it's much more complicated here then most of you think.

It doesn't matter if you use an international copyrighted logo from a company for making money or for your hobby or whatever.

If you use it without permission, then you used it without permission.
No matter for what.

They (the companies) can sue you at any time they want for using their logo/brand/name without permission.

In Germany you usually get a cease-and-desist order/warning from an advocate and then you have to pay at least the legal fees (usually around 500 to 1500 Euros for smaller infringements).

This happens here a lot of times.

Just a small example
(I be careful now so I write I have heard):
There was a counterstrike clan who called himself "nationale allianz" and the "Allianz assurance company" sued them for using their name but alliance is just a normal word here illepall etc.

But you often get a cease-and-desist order/warning from an advocate for less then that here in Germany. illepall

So usually they don't ask you to remove their logo or whatever. They let their advocats do it here and it always costs money when they write you. Always.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :um...sorry im not lazy but 700 screenshots? im not gonna do that lol (i want to know the splits as well )

Well you didn't said that in the first post :rolleyes:
To just see just the WR and your own stats it's like 7 screenshots not more.
But maybe need some auto downloading-wr-hotlap-tool
because the WR overview doesn't show the splits.
So I guess you want all the replays or?
If so maybe Victor can make us one day an "Download all WR hotlaps at once" Button

EDIT: lol now I got it. You use the hotlap charts (Quick hotlap compare) to see the splits.

Quote from [RCG]Boosted :
and btw i know wr changes every day, but at least u have a mark, and usually the new wr's arent that far off from the old ones.

Your right - that's why I used the screenshots
S2 licensed
What about some simple screenshots.
(did it myself this way when I lived in a town where I only got dial up connection)

It takes ~30 secs to 1 minute to make screenshots of the 6 WR overviews on the LFSWorld site.
Do it once a week (or every 2 weeks) and thats it.

A self updating java app (or whatever) programm won't help you much if you lost your internet connection.
S2 licensed
The fast and the furious together in one Team

All the best for your new Team
S2 licensed
I think I heard that music before

S2 licensed
Sad to hear.
My deepest condolences.
S2 licensed
To all of you who wanted to start an LFS Radio station:

Go online - Air some music, reports, live commentaries etc.
and then let the listeners decide whats hot and whats not.

Atm it's a bit like this:
I'm better then you - No I'm better then you - No we announced it first - You took our Idea but we are better blablabla.
What a stupid childish behavior. illepall

None of you showed that he really can do right now.

So please all you Internet DJs / radio makers go online (more then a few hours) and surprise the listeners and then everyone will get the feedback they deserve.

Everything else is just boring and useless.

I wish everyone good luck and all the best. And I would love to have again another LFS Radio station (or two)
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Aquilifer :Is the pack is full of (C) music? I'm sure the music makers are really happy

I totally agree. It's copyrighted material and therefore completly illegal illepall

Usually everyone here in the forums seems to care about that people should not use cracks to use LFS illegally. The same should count for something like this.

-- LFS Forum Agreement --
2) I shall not post illegal software or post links to illegal software on this forum. Illegal software is software published without permission from the author or copyright owner.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :the hardest part would be picking the combos, and of course makig it not take up to much time (seeing as if we were doing [MG] we would need to fit to 9 people (in different time zones no less!) schedules for however many races), and i have no idea how a monster team like T7R could do it

We all just cancelled our jobs and now the timezones doesn't matter.

No tbh Timezones are a big problem (i.e often when I have go to bed our canadian drivers comes and we only say hello bye bye same with the South Africans etc.)

But you are right a big part would be picking the combos.
And don't forget the rules, then the timezones etc.
Really much work and I don't think this will happen or is possible in a short space of time.

Anyway not the poorest idea

For CSU1:
You said you don't have experience. Maybe you should start with organizing something smaller first and then you find out how much work things like that can be. Try maybe just a 4 weeks Racing Cup with 4 Races and 15 Drivers. Try to make the results and rules and think about how and where to store and show it etc. etc. It's pretty much work but then you got a feeling for things like that and afterwards you know if you like it or not.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, . Reason : forgot something
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :..
(OSB licenses are OEM licenses that come with an extra CD and extra options for pre-installing Windows on a PC)

Yes and No.

I worked as a reseller and we could buy at all of our diff. wholesalers just a single package of XP (little book+CD in a plastik bag) called OEM / OSB version in their list and we could also buy at another wholesaler i.e. packages with 3 or 5 XP versions in it. Then we got a carton with CDs (little book+CD in a plastik bag) in it and with the special XP OEM preinstalling kit from MS labeled "Microsoft OEM System builder Program". So the only difference was that you also got a the Preinstallation kit CDs with the bigger packages.

There was/is always the note bla bla "sell only with new pc" on it but it doesn't matter and it's like "only for non smokers". It's useless because we have different rights here since year 2000.

In the year 2000 MS sued a reseller for selling OEM stuff without hardware in Germany and MS lost. Since then it's legal here.
But MS reacted in the way that you can only buy here at the wholesaler i.e. Office OEM / OSB versions when you are a MS Partner (then you got a contract with them and you have to report them from time to time what version you sold to whom and with what PC and with the Number and they can come to your shop and can take a look in your data illepalletc.) I always hated it to make this reports.

As I said it might be different in other countries but it shouldn't.

btw I found some of the CDs here at home. Looks like this
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :The OEM rules are set by Microsoft. If you buy an OEM Windows version take a look at the CD... It says "Only to be sold with a new PC" on it.

A bit OFF-Topic but it's different in some countries.

In Germany it's since july 2000 like this (and so should it be in whole Europe aswell):

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) or
OSB (Microsoft calls it also OSB here = OEM for System Builder)
Doesn't mean you have to sell a new PC with OEM XP Pro (but it still says it on the package). But the rights are different here.

A reseller can sell it like a Full version but the reseller has to give the support for the product. So you can't sue MS for software problems later or have the right of support from them.

So there is no need for buying also hardware with OEM XP here. (as it was many years ago).

for the UK people:
You find also in the UK shops where you don't have to buy hardware with it. check for example this company in london

The problem with OEM is that theOEM license lives and dies with the computer it is installed onto but not the XP retail license.

Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed

Try the "Get a call from Samuel L Jackson" illepall but funny
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Sometimes. I tend to go from an MSN conversation to the meeting room where the final decision on which server is made. But it's quite rare.

What he said.
S2 licensed
I once had a similar problem but found nothing.
I think it has to do with the TV rights etc. afaik they don't stream or show full F1 races on the net.
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Got it working, I didn't know it needed to be plugged into the PS2 AND Paralell. I have a funny story though...

it's often the little things that make the difference
S2 licensed
Quote from Hoellsen :Right, and wrestling is real fighting with nothing staged.


good one
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I DID try googling for it. I found the same thing that you just linked me too. I also found a windows 98 one, didnt work, and a "Terracam" driver, that didnt work either.


Have you really tried it the way the guy wrote: "........ You have to install de V2_14 version and then update it with the other file included in the ZIP (2_51) in order for it to work in Windows XP."

btw Creative Labs support says:
"There are no new driver/software updates for the parallel WebCam models because the OS such as Windows ME/2000/XP changed the manner it access the port. Thus it do not include much parallel port support. Therefore devices which require much/large bandwidth from the parallel port will probably not function properly in these OS.

You will still be able to use the WebCam in OS such as Windows95/98 and the driver for this OS is available on the driver download page."

So if the first trick doesn't work for you, you can't use it with an OS higher then win98 Maybe that's why it costed only $10.
S2 licensed
what about trying to google for it.

You didn't said what OS you have but if it's XP check this out:

The uploader there wrote:
"I donwloaded this driver from the Creative Labs webpage. Even though it is for the USB WebCam II it also works with the Parallel one, wich I have. You have to install de V2_14 version and then update it with the other file included in the ZIP (2_51) in order for it to work in Windows XP."

Maybe that will help you
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
I bought myself a n00b because my mom made me.