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Quote from sid6.8 : ... e&id=95&Itemid=99

I only saw on your site:
LfS Serverstats
Status: Verbinden mit Server fehlgeschlagen!
Spieler: /


Rennfahrer online:
Keine Fahrer online

but now I can see it

Why not place a little screenshot in post #1
S2 licensed
Any links to websites who runs this addon?
I would like to see how it looks like when it is working.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :....
Any suggestions? - any ideas?....


there are lots of other non free progs for SDHC recovery
Ontrack Easy Recovery Data Recovery 6.12 from Ontrack

S2 licensed
Quote from J.B. :... But I do think that it's not really surprising that these kind of shootings happen now and then, while many people seem to be genuinely surprised that someone who is completely without a social life, may actually be suffering a great deal as opposed to being "just normal".

The problem is that all these infos (no social life, no friends, no GF etc) about the guy is media-hyped as usual.
Actually he was playing in a table tennis club for some years, had friends, made his high-school diploma, had an apprenticeship place etc.
So that doesn't sound completly strange to me, sounds more like he was a normal guy. Maybe he was a quiet (maybe a shy) guy but not really abnormal.

Quote from J.B. :
I've read some of the news stories now and the quotes are just as expected: "he avoided eye contact and hardly ever said anything to anyone but we didn't think he was strange", "he never had a girlfriend" (did any of the school shooters?) etc.

We will always get the same stupid things to read by the media after someting like that. Kiler-Games, Horror Videos, loner etc.

A friend of mine also had a theory. He said yesterday that 99,9% of people runnng amok had eaten bread in the last 12 hours before they did it and they also wear underwear. So there must be something wrong with bread and underwear, lets ban it.
That's exactly the same approach the media, lots of politicians and also some so called experts do.

Unfortunately there is no pill or cure or patent remedy (and I bet there will never be one) for things like that and sooner or later it will happen again like it has happend before also in the past before computer games etc.were available.

Sad but true
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Oh good god, the Scots are nearly as bad at cuisine as the Germans are!!!, I am suprised you managed 2 weeks without a heartattack!!!!

Thank God there is the English Haute Cuisine
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :You're putting words in my mouth.

No one does it.
You just wrote (sh)it some post above:
Quote from Klutch :
But if this kid got bullied to the point of being pushed over the edge, and he killed the ****s that gave him so much shit.

I say ****ing good on him, we need less trash in this world.

What else should we think when reading this.

Like someone else here wrote, people often tend to go the easy way.
If you are bullied here in school then there are a lot of things you can do.
Talk to the parents, talk to the teachers, report somebody to the police.
Then you'll maybe have another 2 or 3 months of a hard time but then the people gets thrown out of this school, have to go to another school 20km away etc..
I'm sure someone who choose this way gets a lot more back (self esteem etc.) and will never be bullied again by anyone.
That's much better then being dead afterwards and known as an emotionally disturbed killer
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Okay, so what

Its perfectly fine for some kid, to bully someone else to the point they fail grades, get beat up every day, reduce their self esteem and confidence, completely **** up there mental state?

Thats perfectly fine?

As i said. If the kid shot people who have done that to him, i say good on him.

Of course it's not right to bully someone but we got laws for all this and for living together.

What you say figuratively is:
If I don't like what you do, say or write and if it makes me depressed etc.
then I would have the right to kill you.

Think about it. That's sick.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Clearly you have no ****ing idea in the slightest what its like to never have friends, to be bullied. Every. ****ing. Day.

You stress out, you worry, your self esteem plummets, you get depressed.
its endless, it compeltely ****s with your head

you take it out on your friends and family

Yes, killing randoms isn't a good thing to do.
But if this kid got bullied to the point of being pushed over the edge, and he killed the ****s that gave him so much shit.

I say ****ing good on him, we need less trash in this world.

This is no offence but if this is meant to be a serious statement from you then you should visit a doctor and quickly get some professional help.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :...But I guess the next following weeks we will get detailed description about this person from media, and maybe the reason will be more clear.

Unfortunately I think we will hear the usual media (hype) stuff.
He was 17. How could he get the weapons and the car?
Then they blame the parents.
Then they will find out he was a solitary person and that he played lots of computer "killer" games and was surfing the net all day.

And then the unreasonable discussion about the complete ban of so called killer games will start here in Germany again
(if not plane or train or boat crashes or Afghanistan and the German troops there gets some more attention for a week or two).
S2 licensed
Latest News:
During the shootout with the police in/near a supermarket 40 km away from the school scene, next to the shooter two more pedestrians have been killed.

S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I blame paintball.

Except that it's banned in Germany.

But I still blame it.

It's not banned here.
Me and a lot of my friends played it next to "doom", "beach head" and all the other stuff when we were not old enough, we watched adult horror and action movies etc. etc. but none killed anyone in real life.
Do I have to be concerned now? I don't think so.

It's like it always was.
Individuals got individual problems and some freak out one day, others never. I blame the shooter.
S2 licensed
Latest TV news here say:

10 kids dead
1 adult(maybe teacher) dead
Spree killer fled with a car and got kiled in a shootout with the police (maybe shot himself)
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Thanks

OK, it's done and it's in a separated category now.

Looks much better.

Dunno if you can use these pics too.

Picture of the great little helper program:
LFS Skin Manager V1.0
made by spiderx back in 2003

LFS Skin Manager V1.3
made by spiderx back in 2004

We could use it to manage our skins and later to share the skins
while LFS had no automatic online skin download option.
S2 licensed
Nice idea for a site.

But you should place this:
in a special category
Maybe together with other LFS related site or stuff like the Movie Pit, the old LFS-News website or the Skinmanager etc.

Looks a bit like it was officially part of LFS or an early version atm (when it is placed between the and LFS World pics).
S2 licensed
Quote from BAMBO :Was that all ?!?

No but I'm to lazy to analyze your complete review

Quote from BAMBO :I tried to make the kind of review you would find in a magazine. I posted it here to get the opinions of people that use it on a weekly basis and to tell me if I should change or add something. And if I get somewhat of an approval, I might post it on gamer forums.

Ok then it makes sense to post it here.
Couldn't find out the reason in the first post.
So that's why I was wondering.

Quote from BAMBO :
... average gamers usually don't go to conventions so without main-stream advertisement ,magazines and TV reviews, they might never find out about LFS.
The fact that it isn't finished doesn't stops it from getting bought with money. So if you look at it from another point of view, you can say it's pretty much finished and it is just patched more frequently then other games.

What's an "average gamer"?
Does an "average gamer" want to play a hardcore sim?
Usually not, they usually play things like NFSU etc.
The "average gamers" I know tested LFS and then said "Oh no I have to practise a lot in LFS to be any good, I have no time for this, oh and it doesn't have NOS or a slow motion button ;(" and went back to TDU, NFS etc. or they moved on to a cruise server

Anyway it doesn't make your statement "LFS isn't advertised" right.
LFS was and is advertised well over the last years and teh devs and all those unseen helpers did it right the way they did.
(proven by my links, the growing racers statistics Scawen posted some days ago and many other resources.
LFS in the News for example (

It's maybe not advertised in the way you want to have it
or the way you are used to it but it is advertised enough to let the devs live from the revenues of the license sales.

I think you just didn't do enough research on that specific topic.
There are a lot of others (good and some bad) reviews (=advertisements) out there (google it) in BIG print and online magazines (after S1 and S2alpha came out).

Anyway I'm not telling you what to write and what not, I just felt I had to write my opinion on that advertising stuff.
I would have maybe written something like this
"You probably never heard of it, due to the fact it isn't advertised the usual ways or like some big (i.e. EA) companies does it: Spend hundreds of thousends of dollars to tell people how astonishing and special a game is to make the user find out afterwards it was not". LFS is different...

S2 licensed
Next to
Quote from BAMBO :...I didn't had anything better to do...

What's the meaning of it all?
For me it doesn't make much sense to post a review of LFS in the official LFS forum?

Quote from BAMBO :
...You probably never heard of it,...

People who read this forum already know about LFS or use common sense and maybe click on the above links (LFS Main Site) to find out what it is.

Quote from BAMBO :...due to the fact it isn't advertised...

I think that is completly wrong.
LFS is well advertised where it makes sense.
Keep in mind that it is an alpha version, how would you advertise it compared to other finished products?
In magazines or on TV?

There has been a lot of advertising during the last years. I remember the MPh'05 Show where one of our members did the promotion for LFS together with the Cyberseat guys and a special LFS version
(Fordman the 1st guy in the .avi video )

Or the Games Convention where 4 had an exhibition stand and GP4Flo showed the visitors how to drive LFS.
And the Ocrana guys (now SK) had a big show on the Fujitsu Siemens / AMD booth.

Or the last time the LFS devs made a special LFS version with the scirocco just for the Games Convention fair.

Or the intel racing tour in combination with the BF1 (and where the winner won a real car ) ... /deu/racingtour/index.htm

etc. etc.

So imo it's pretty well advertised in places and in combination with other things (racing seats, manufacturers of hardware or cpu like intel and amd etc.) where it makes sense.
Sure it's not advertised in the usual way (like TV or magazines) but with a lot of "free" work from many many community members.

Last but not least did you played some iRacing?
Quote from BAMBO :'s a code you usually get e-mailed by the ishop ,which is usually one of the websites that also had a mirror download
on the game's main web page, from where you bought it with your imoney

just my 2 cents (but you asked for it)
S2 licensed
sry for OT
Quote from blakehoo88 :Everyone just chill if u can't bare waiting for a new patch go pay some iRacing

Corrected the above for you
S2 licensed
Quote from ussbeethoven :Well, new track? Aston came with 0.5P, but has been updated (graphics, AS6+7 configurations) for patch S along with the BF1.

Yep, I was wrong, it was also "just" new configs
Aston came with 0.5P

So it's 3 years and 9 month since we got a complete new track.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Not to sound like a crying kid, but isn't it almost 4 years since new track?

No you're wrong:
EDIT: No I was also wrong

Last new configs 21.04.2006:
Aston configs (together with the BMW F1)

Aston came with 0.5P

So it's 3 years and 9 months since we got a complete new track

I also always thought the Miami track became South City
nevertheless I would also love to get a new track or two. It's about time
(plz not another refurbished one - as Blackwood still is Blackwood, no matter how often it was repainted and slightly changed)
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from fujiwara :Pamela Gidley from the Cherry 2000 flick.

almost 10 years after Debbie Harry
but I loved that gorgeous cherry robot too
Pamela Gidley was great (go get me a coke )

Also Melanie Griffith looked good in that movie and she had back then not these plastic surgery monster lips
(time to watch that movie again)
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Debbie Harry. 1979.

Same here. (damn I'm old )
S2 licensed
Quote from nismoCat :hmmm i use FF and no go either

you need to install a flash player for your browser
as it's a shockwave flash file (.swf)

Like this:

direkt link to the intro file (then the movie is also resizable): ...
S2 licensed
Quote from senn :it has an MRT5 in it, and the new logo, therefore, not old.

It's from december 2003 when the MRT was released as car #8 (iirc) in the christmas patch
so it's kinda old I would say
S2 licensed
Strange, maybe I looked at the wrong date (25th) but it still shows 2 races and:
22:15 [CAD] Destruction Derby 1st of 26
23:22 (FM) OvaL JuNkieS 1 9th of 10

Maybe there is something wrong with your browser cache?
Did you tried to clean it.
S2 licensed
LFSW shows 9th of 10 here