Our T7R Team never did that in any of the MoE (last year 3rd in GT2) or other Endurance races.
It depends on the setups, drivers, how tire eating the track or the car is.
How long does it take to refuel in the pits compared to drive faster laps (yes you can drive faster if you won't take 100% on board ) with a not completely filled up car.
We always calculated all that and never started with 100% in any of the endurance races we did, as it often makes no sense if you can only do stints of ~50 to 75 mintues. We made excel calculation sheets for all that (only 39 minutes to go -> only x% of fuel to put in the car at the last quick pit stop etc. etc..
I think if a team really wants to /have put a lot of effort into strategy, then filling the car up with 100% is just acting short-sightedly and def. not always the best solution. So it's not really a problem of LFs but a problem of the Teams imo.
If the race results could be parsed from the MPR with an option to also add later penalties (like +15 or +30 seconds including rearranging the final results automatically) that would be perfect.
In most of the leagues I race, have raced, manage or have managed it was usually like that, that penalties had to be given out after the race so the original race results from the MPR was fine but somehow also useless as they always have to be corrected (via excel or by hand or other third party stuff etc.). So an option to also do that would be fantastic and could save a lot of work and time for Admins.
Links to the standings (if they can't also be done on LFS World) can be placed easily into the League-News np. At least it should be possible to link to them or to show them somehow.
All in all I like the idea to also have something like that centralised on LFS World
It's nothing special.
Although bmp pixel data is stored bottom-up so the top line of the image corresponds to the bottom line of pixel data in the file
it's just the way Firefox (Edit: and Opera and maye other browsers too) is displaying .BMP files nothing more.
(also the .jpg file someone posted in this thread is just a renamed .bmp file)
You can test the same pictures in IE 7 and that browser is then loading the pictures (unseen) in the background and then displays it all at once
afaik it has nothing to do with how you save the bmp files
other than with .jpg files that you can save in "progressive" mode for websites that shows first a low res pic and then the full quality picture when fully loaded.
F1 is F1 and not LFS
Did you ever drove in an LFS league with pit stops and more then 25 drivers?
As someone else already mentioned here in this thread in F1 you have teams and 2 drivers share a pit, right.
But in normal LFS leagues (or in the leagues I usually raced over the years) you usually don't have this.
Atm everyone can pit everywhere and even if we got fixed pit places then you still have to share the pit with someone you don't know or who maybe have the same strategy in a league race etc. etc. I sometimes have driven a lap longer just to not get into trouble because of the few pit places we have to share - so it's def. a complete other precondition.
So they have some kind of psychic in the police there or why did they had to speak with him earlier?
Maybe the world press is just not reliable (as you can find articles like this everywhere):
So the authorities have to check your backgrounds before giving permissions, now let's blame them even more, they must have seen it.
I just wrote the sentence you quoted and the above as an example, that you can blame everyone if you want to, depends of how you argue.
I think it's just not fair to always and everywhere say: "the parents fault"
But they only noticed and visited him because of the videos he posted earlier, or not?
Anyway I agree with you there is no real way to find out psychopaths but if not even trained people can, how can the parents.
Do you really think that parenting can stop a disease?
Because someone who does something like that
must be emotionally and psychologically disturbed.
And not even a trained police officer noticed it how can the parents know it.
I don't think it's always that easy to say: "It's the parent's fault"
But of course if you want you can find guilty people everywhere:
What about the Gun fabricator, if the guy had no chance to buy one, he couldn't shoot someone else.
That's just an example of "It just depends of how you want to see it".
or blame the government that allows 15 year olds to buy weapons in Finland,
or the police officers who visited this guy 1 day earlier (because of the shooting videos he posted in the net before) but the officer thought he is not dangerous. etc. etc.
Funny looks like you know more about the game code itself than Scawen.
As much as I like the idea, as long as we don't have a "pit box" for every driver it doesn't make much sense.
32 driver must share 16 pit places like in Blackwood or Westhill.
What will happen if everyone is pitting at the same time?
Where will the lollipop man appear? And so on...
There are much more things to think of than you thought
For me it would be great to have at first a pit box for every driver,
then it would be nice to have the other stuff.
And I still be certain about it (see the last 2 paragraphs of this post)
( You quoted my post from page one it was all in there)
The last work we all got from Eric was released with "Patch Z" on the 2nd of July 2008.
1 Day later on the 3rd of July 2008 Scawen wrote:
About the half-baked code sentence:
For me that means Scawen can release code with a test patch that doesn't work 100% as he can fix it easily with the next (small) test patch .exe and often the game does then not even get incompatible.
But things like a new cars and tracks take way more time then a few months and have to be (almost) perfect before they can be released, as it makes no sense to force the users to download real big updates again just because there have been fixed some small graphical glitches in the model. And then the whole game will get incompatible to the version before ect.
In the end he said that there are still things on Eric's harddisk
Ok you are right Scawen could mean anything with it:
- Finish and release Westhill updates
- RB4 / UF1 / UFR interiors
As he wrote a few words about the progress and future updates of LFS before Patch Z was released ->: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=44905
Eric is still the (3D/GFX) artist of the devs. and usually do the tracks and the car modells and most of the GFX stuff. But what makes anyone think that Eric has stopped with his usual work? (Which includes also track updates and working on new cars and tracks)
So if he has not stopped being the artist of the LFS Devs team then it would be logic that he is still working on track updates, new cars and tracks as that's part of his job in the team. That's for me common sense
Your reply to my post doesn't make any sense it
seems more like you have not read my post properly.
When Scawen writes 1 day after we got the latest stuff:
(The quote I used from Scawen was from the 3rd of July.
Car interiors with patch Z came on the 2nd of July )
Then I think you don't see the difference between an example and actual info.
But I never said it's a fact that we get a new track.
I said "That makes me believe" (together with a bit common sense)
What do you think is Eric doing all day since we got that?
Does he really only do some interiors all months since Dec. 2007 when we got the FBM and the rebfurbished South City and Blackwood track.
Victor also asked someone else to work on the scirocco modell at first which implies Eric has much other things to do. That can't be just car interior updates.
Dunno where you get that from.
All I know is that Eric is doing things like that (modelling cars and tracks, gfx stuff)
He is not working exclusively as just a trackdesigner but still does all the graphical stuff.
If Victor is asking someone else to do the modelling.
Then Eric must be doing something else that eats up all of his working time apart from refurbishing the interior of some cars ( as this can't take up all of his time for such a long period).
Together with this statement from Scawen (03.07.2008) where he also talked about a track:
That makes me believe that Eric is still working on the tracks and on a new one.
Sooner or later we'll all see it
Totally agree.
The most hated sentence from him for me is:
(freely translated)
"We are now making our own pit stop (commercial break) but you wont miss anthing.."
I then always think: WTF is he talking, of course do I miss something when they come back with the live feed 3 minutes later.
If he would not have Christian Danner at his side then he would look like a complete idiot sometimes