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Quote from frokki :.... why was dawesdust_12 banned?

Look at this thread i.e.

The mods etc. have seen / read more from him then many of us, I guess.
So I'm sure they had their reasons

Quote from Scawen :If you search for his recent posts you will see it is quite clear.

S2 licensed
Well written and nice to read.

Quote from Becky Rose :Defending
...A driver who is good at holding their opposition back can keep a much faster driver behind them for a whole race....

Little annotation to the above, maybe you can add there:
"That really depends on the track, car and of course the length of the race."

I remember the 24h enduance race (Aston GP) in the Masters of Endurance league.
Where I was chased by a driver who did half a second faster lap times.
And I had almost 40 minutes left of my stint.
Then my Team told me over the radio to defend. I did.
Then they told me: "Hey Bernd you are on Game-TV"
Then, as if I had not enough pressure, someone mentioned that 6000 visitors are watching the live stream.

I think it was one of the best race situations I ever had with LFS.
Because I could defend my position for 37 long minutes, having him always at the back of my car.
Then he finally passed me after the last chicane.
But anyhow I had to pit the next lap so mission accomplished.

And after the race I also won the competition from Game-TV
I won the Fanatec Porsche Wheel for 300€
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :
Any european user willing to reply to the original question?

I'm not sure if it is helpfull as it can be totally different in Italy (or where you are). I try to make it short.

In Germany it's really easy you can send, without telling why, everything you bought online, back in the first 14 days and get your money back.

Then we have per law 2 years warranty (which is EU wide) which is different to guarantee.
Warranty is 24 month by law (in the UK only 12 month iirc). Guarantee is the free gift/ choice of the manufacturer.
But if there is no Guarantee then you always have 2 years of warranty

In the first 6 month of the warranty you can send/give something that is broken back and the shop, reseller has to proof that the product was not faulty when you bought it (which is usually impossible).

In the last 1 and a half years the customer has to proof that the product was faulty when he bought it (which is usually also impossible without spending money for an expert witness).

So if something breaks then hopefully it breaks in the first half year of the warranty and then you usually have to return it to the shop where you bought it.

Then if you bought something that did not cost 40 Euros you have to pay the sending back.
If it was more expensive (over 40 Euros) then the reseller, manufacturer has to pay the sending back.
But usually you get a guarantee card with the produkt and there you see the whole procedure. Often it's like this: Call or mail the shop where you bought it, get a DHL freeway label via post from them and then you can send it back to them or to the manufacturer if they tell you to do it.

Last but not least
Warranty is done by the shop or reseller where you bought something.
Guarantee only by the manufacturer .
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Vaguely plausible. I think that chaos theory would mean that someone (possibly an adventurous American explorer) uncovered a dormant Monster of gigantic destructive potential in May 1955, probably in a deep sea trench, 655.4 miles off the coast of Ireland.

After a brief resistance this Monster would destroy all the major populations of the world, leaving only Brighton, on the Southern English coast, where a trio of spritely teens and their dog would realise the Monster is actually just misunderstood, and wants to play. They would befriend it, but then another, truly deadly monster would awaken, and the two would fight it out in the mountains of Andorra, the good monster eventually winning. Alas, in a teary climax the good monster is mortally wounded, and the teens say a farewell as the snow begins to fall.

On their return to Brighton the teens realise that small numbers of people in isolated locations have survived, and news travels of rebuilding the worlds cities, beginning with Birmingham.

And that is what would have happened had Hitler never been born.

It's completly obvious that the world would have developed like this.

I really hope we can soon see a movie in the cinema about all this and that we'll see what really happend with the truly deadly monster.

S2 licensed
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :...but who is he to tell him what he can & can't do? Is he his personal manager or soemthing?

Yes he is
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :no Matter How Misguided, Or Over The Top His Comments Were, He Did Have A Point, And Just Because He's Point Of View Is Different, Doesn't Mean It Is Wrong, Because I Do Agree With Some Of What He Said.

It's Just A Shame He Had To Be So Insulting With It.

S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :Good, not like anyone liked him, ....., and to be honest he doesn't deserve to be in the game.

And that comes from someone who is known in this forum for his strange "2 weeks here and there team jumping" and "name faking and lying" attitude/action.

Ever heard of "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

So what do you then deserve?
S2 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Thanks, fixed. Any more typos?


I think the rest is ok
and the whole translation as such is also ok imo. -> account details (German translation typo)
S2 licensed
There is a little typo in the German translation on the website:

In the first paragraph under
"Your LFS account details"

when switching to German language:

Quote :Hier kannst Du Deine Account Details ansehen und bearbeiten. Falls Du einen Gutschein Code eingeben möchtest, gehe auf die Seite Licenz Status.

2nd last word should be:
Lizenz instead of Licenz

S2 licensed
Quote from jamvib :
Quote from bbo@bsr :congratulations! Spain
A Well Deserved Titel
After 44 Years Of Nothing

That Is A Bad Looser Or What? Sounds To Me As Sour Grapes!

Well Done Spain!

No matter what I write for some we will always be the bad Germans or what? illepall
Maybe I translate it again just for you:
"congratulations! Spain" means congratulations! Spain
" A Well Deserved Titel " means the titel was well deserved and the smiley assists the congratulations.
" After 44 Years Of Nothing" means it was time for them as they did not won a titel in the last 44 years.

We have a saying here:
"Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten"
which means something like:
"If you have no idea, just keep the cakehole shut"
S2 licensed
Congratulations! Spain
a well deserved titel
after 44 years of nothing
S2 licensed
Quote from R34king :
Can I have some serious answers please thanks

That's the only serious answer:
Quote from r4ptor :I suggest you have a word with your doctor or dentist.

S2 licensed
Quote from Pallukka :Duhh mouse is faster? i didint know that yet even tho im one of the fastest mouse drivers in lfs i think. Simply put mouse is not faster then wheel, i find it quite amazing how some people think it is.

Sure i do drive faster with mouse then 99% of lfs drivers but it has nothing to do with the fact that i drive with mouse. I used to drive lfs with wheel for like 2.5 yeas from 2002 to 2005 and some people might remeber that i wasnt exactly slow with wheel either...

wheels noobs just making excuses

What I said:
... And most of them are made by the same few people (which are "alien drivers" or just specialists in their cars)..."
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :Why did it keep saying "Misses next match" then?

The cards will be reset after the quarter finals.
So you was right, if they got 2 cards then they will miss the semi final.

The rule was changed because:
if they already have 1 yellow and they would get the second yellow in the semi finals then they would miss the final.
Which shouldn't be.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, . Reason : typo - wrote quarter instead of semi final ;)
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :
But, as some of you might have spotted, the referee pulled out and then revoked a yellow card, which is not a legal procedure. This officially means a rematch,

In German TV, the Swiss referee Urs Meier said something like:
it's only illegal to revoke the cards if the referee gave the Russian the cards for aggressive foul play
but if the referee saw the whole situation as a tactical foul
then he can revoke his decision because the side-referee said the ball was out.
And because of that it couldn't be a tactical foul as the ball was not in the game anymore.
S2 licensed
Funny, all the three teams that used a second-string side team (B-Team)
in their last group match failed to move on.

Anyway congratz Russia
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac : but we gotta agree that mouse can't be the best controller for 70 % of cars in LFS.. It's simply isn't fair and realistic...

I agree that mouse driving shouldn't be easier then driving with a wheel.
But there is absolutly no proof for your 70% statement.

(I told you to maybe check the hotlap charts)

Maybe I miscounted 1 or 2 but there are 940 possible WRs
and only ~ 117 are made by mouse drivers.

If I not calculated that completly wrong then:

That's just ~12,4% of the WR's that were made with the mouse

And most of them are made by the same few people (which are "alien drivers" or just specialists in their cars) in the same cars (XFG,UF1 and Palluka also made some in the FZ5 and XRR).

If we say that they were mostly done in the same 3 to 5 cars then that's just
15% up to 25% of the cars that are maybe easier to drive with the mouse.
That's definitively not the majority of cars in LFS.

But then all of the WRs in these cars would be made by mouse drivers which is not the fact.
So I still say it's not a big deal atm.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from nesrulz :@ ATC Quicksilver

Geladric, who is a great driver with the mouse, recieved two wheels as a present from our teammates, ...and he doesn't use it!
He's slower with the wheel and that's the reason he doesn't use it,...

Don't get me wrong but how comes that usually only XFG world records are made with mouse?

Because these people have specialized themself on this specific ("slow") car. You usually don't see these people (not all but most of them) racing online often or racing leagues. They just do their special thing and that's it.

If you check the Hotlapcharts at LFS world then you won't see mouse drivers doing WRs with the GTR cars or single seaters or with most of the other faster cars. Not even in the XFR.

They are fast, true but compared with the talent you need for it they also just have specialized themself. So this is imo not representative for telling that with mouse you're driving faster then with a wheel. It's maybe easier in the XFG, I don't know but def. not in general. I will believe it when I see that most of the WRs are made with mouse but I don't believe that will ever happen.
S2 licensed
Quote from alland44 :Pssst - Partyboy

I'm not talking about Hotlaps or 3000 laps of BLackwood - XFG pickup races.
I meant real league racing
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Steering Wheels and pedals should make you faster, if you are getting beaten by mouse users, then its not the controls that are the problem, its the driver.

I had the same thoughts.
It must be the lack of practice or the lack of talent if you got beaten by mouse user.

And I can't remember seeing a mouse driver finishing on a top position, driving in on of the "bigger leagues" or endurance leagues
(where it is also usually forbidden to use KB or Mouse) or in any other league I have driven over the last years.

So it's good that people who can't afford a wheel (or are disabled) can use it and get a taste of LFS.
But I also must say that you only get the real feel with a wheel and FF effects.

So mouse users are no big deal imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mattesa :Son of a b..... they're definitely onto something with this phaser blasting thingy.


Oh yeah a perfect match
S2 licensed
The story / the thread matches perfectly into the silly season (some call it summer)
Had a good laugh.
That's all you can do: laugh about it and forget it

Cya (real Mercs) on the tracks
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Ballack always looks horrible.

He sucks and is ridiculously overrated by the media here in Germany.

Compare him to Ribery or van der Vaart and you see how bad he really is.

I 100% agree.
He usually only looks good (sometimes) against such great football nations like:
Liechtenstein, Malta or San Marino
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I think there's some confusion. You can let whoever you want use your copy of LFS on your computer without breaking the EULA. You can even let a friend or relative race on your licence, using a different PC at your house, over LAN.

There is still confusion (maybe just for me )
but also you Mods are unsure I think
(or I don't really understand the sentence from Franky500 ... p;postcount=56#post704765
He said it's not allowed to: Allow use by multiple persons (other than those residing in the same household on a LAN).

Then I think I remember Scawen said someday something like: 1 license should be for 1 person.
but I think that was written in a different coherence.
OK found it: ... p;postcount=21#post519933

Anyway I always thought playing over LAN with others (but only with 1 license ) is ok.
And playing online with 1 license and multiple users (from the same PC / home ) was not.
But maybe I was wrong all the years.
Then sorry to the thread starter.
S2 licensed
Quote from shashdev :No, we do not go online at the same time. It is not possible (I don't think since the online would think the same people are in two different places at once!). Also, it would be less work just to change the controls then to go through every time and get all of the skins again.

All I am saying is that we should have different Driver names have their own options already pre-set for them.

That is my suggestion. BTW, I am happy at your comment since it was constructive criticism.

I didn't meant you go online together at the same time. I know that doesn't work.

What I meant was:

You have 1 license and you use it and
then your brother is driving with your license on another day or time
(that's against the LFS license agreement)
As 1 license = 1 driver
(doesn't matter if it is your brother or that you are living in the same house)

So then you run into trouble because of changing the steering input.
If you would have both a license (how it should be) then you wouldn't have any problems at all.

So in my eyes you are using LFS in a way that is not meant to be used and then you are asking for an improvement. That's strange tbh.